Gov. Martin O'Malley says he's inclined to create a cabinet-level ombudsman position to deal with the needs of Maryland's growing immigrant population, after a council he commissioned to study the issue recommended that and other new programs on Thursday.
"I don't think it's too much to ask," he said, adding that he would have to study how the state might be able to afford a staff for the new post even as he contemplates state employee furloughs and other budget cuts to close the remainder an estimated $700 million shortfall.
GO HERE to read more.
We already have LAWS that are clear and on the books. Why dont you try this,"Uphold the Law". Go to any of the major construction projects going on locally and you know what you see? Americans not there. Its time to stop this. No its way past time to stop this. You do it or eventually someone else will.
The Feds' refusal to enforce existing immigration laws have created huge problems for the States. It is amazing how Washington simply turns a deaf ear to these problems.
I would assume that this means assisting illegal immigrants. If they are here legally, they probably do not need any help. Is there no end to O'Malley and the democrats wasting money of this kind of foolishness. The politicians should spend all of their time trying to cut spending instead of coming up with new ways of wasting money and creating more programs.
People do realize, don't they, that Maryland is home to many legal immigrants? I know people seem to think that anyone with brown skin and a Latin last name is an illegal, but it just ain't so.
Too bad so many people seem to equate "immigrant" with "illegal immigrant."
With the bad ecomony, shouldn't he be cutting staff. Oh, wait, he'll just raise taxes to pay for the new position and he staff. What was I thinking.
There are so many illegal aliens here that we just dont' care about the legal immigrants. At this time, we Americans, feel like we have been invaded. We are sick about this. We have lost not only our country but our culture.
To 1:35 -- I'm sure there aren't as many illegal immigrants here are you assume. Like many, I'll bet, you see any brown skinned person speaking Spanish and think they are here illegally. That's not the case, though.
And how have we lost our country and culture? I certainly don't feel we have done that. Our culture has always been one that has been heavily influenced by our immigrants, whether they were Irish or German or Italian or (gasp!) Mexican.
Marc, rather than commenting on every post and stating your opinion, who don't you look it up on the Internet and get some hard facts. I personally think you have your head so far up your own A$$ you can't see very clearly.
the biggest difference between European immigrants and hispanic immigrants is that the Germans, Italians and other legal immigrants made sure to assimilate to American society. They learned our culture,
and language. On the other hand todays wave of mostly illegal immigrants expect us to assimilate to their culture and language.
Joe, I can guarantee I've done a lot more research on this subject than many of your readers and probably you. Read this magazine article: http://www.reason.com/news/show/134579.html. It's got a lot of great links in it that will give anyone, if they have an open mind, some truth on this issue.
To 3:26, you're simply wrong. Today's Latino immigrants follow the same assimilation pattern as European immigrants. The first generation of Italians and Germans spoke their native languages. There were a ton of German-language newspapers in Milwaukee when the Germans moved in. New York had a variety of foreign language papers at the turn of last century. And back then there were plenty of ignorant people complaining about the dirty foreigners and saying we should close the borders. They were wrong then and you are wrong now.
Marc, are you seriously trying to convince everyone here that there aren't MILLIONS of illegals here in the United States? That's my point. If that's what you believe, well, perhaps it's not even worth saying.
Illegals cost us much more than they help us. We now have press 1 for english 2 for spanish. We now have to have interperators in our court system for non english speaking people. We have illegals in our schools and have to have foreign speaking teachers. These are things that we didnt have with the first wave of immigrants. I dont think anyone is against legal immigration, because it is regulated, but in todays world we just cannot afford 12 million illegals regardless of where they come from.
Locals who work spend their money locally. Illegals who work, send their money back home. An admiral trait but is is not conducive to growing OUR economy.
OC ended up with about 600 LOCAL applicants this year for jobs normally fulfilled by foreign (but legal) workers (via their Job fair). They may also send much of their earnings home as opposed to boosting the local economies.
US students abandoned OC employment opportunities several years ago. Maybe they should try again.
..Al Herb
Press 1 for english!
Nuff Said!
I don't doubt there are millions of illegals here. All I'm saying is that they don't have the negative impact on society that many claim. Read the article I mentioned for information on why I think that.
My main point was that there are many legal immigrants in Maryland and the U.S. Many Latinos are here legally. Just because someone has brown skin and a Latin last name does not make them an illegal. I think many here see Hispanic people and automatically assume they are illegal.
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