While we at Salisbury News oppose Kratovil's liberal ideas, we absolutely do not condone this kind of behavior.
At one recent event Frank's Wife and Children attended the event and stood outside and answered questions and quite frankly they deserve a ton of respect for doing so.
Imagine if Mrs. Kratovil and her Children had attended this event and saw their Father hung in effigy. This is outrageous, uncalled for and those who enjoyed it should be ashamed of themselves.
While the majority of people attending yesterdays protest were much older, (by 90%) some miscreants came to this event, (in my personal opinion) angry and even in some cases aggressive.
Kevin Lawlor came out of Kratovil's Office and addressed each and every person with respect and did his very best to answer any and all questions, rarely saying they'll get back to you on questions.
In the mean time, I spoke with many people who wanted to attend the event but as soon as they saw this display they immediately walked away and wanted nothing to do with it.
My hat is tipped to ALL of the AFP individuals who chose to walk away as they refused to partake in such ignorance and abuse. You know me Folks, I call it like I see it.
I firmly believe in any one's first amendment rights. However, there comes a time when that right is abused and IMHO this is one of them.
To The Kratovil Family, my apologies for posting this image but it had to be done and these people had to be called out for their actions.
Originally posted at 9:00 AM
I did not see any aggression yesterday at the event. Does anyone remember all the Kill Bush stickers and T0shirts? the movie about killing our President. if Kratovil cannot take the heat, leave office. conservatives are not violent and misguided and the astroturrfing ACORN people are, yet they get all the blame. i did not see anyone leave the event, but several walked up as the event went on. there were also several cars driving by honking their horns and giving a thumbs up. To those with weak stomachs, the time of playing nice and by the rules of the liberals is over. no violence, just free speech and the ability to have our voices heard and not drowned out by political correctnes or hate crime laws intended to shup up opposition speech.
Whoever made that effigy is an idiot. He's certainly not representative of my views nor is he of many others I know. I've done a lot of work on this health care issue and it's unfortunate that some will try to lump those of us with legitimate concerns about more government control over health care with this nutjob.
I hope he enjoys the attention he so desperately craves. He should realize that he certainly hurt efforts to stop Obamacare.
You can disagree with Frank Kratovil but to suggest that he should be hanged is beyond the pale. I'm appalled at this guy's actions.
anonymous 11:17, there werer at least 5 people that I know of that walked away. Perhaps you were too "in the moment" to notice but what I'm telling you right here and now is a fact. There were at least 5 AFP people that refused to partake in any of it once they saw this image.
It is time liberals got a taste of their own medicine. It is time that conservatives stop letting liberals dictate the argument and discussion as they seem to be able to use violent terms and intimidation to stop free speech. the left hated president Bush for 8 years and how many times did we have to listen to idle threats by the wacky left, code Pink and ACORN groups......
As the left is trying to kil the youngest and most elderly among us with Universal healthcare, people are upset over one man. I have seen much worse things distributed by liberal groups that no one stands up against. Why is it only when conservative groups do something out of the norm, that they are called out for it?
Sarah palin has gotten worse than this, and the MSM snickers at the hate filled comments directed at her and her family!
Anon 1117 -
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Yes, I remember the things you mention and many more besides.
The fact remains that Kratovil needs to be defeated at the ballot box. There are groups on the Shore like AFP which are helping to bring attention to the issues which will unseat Kratovil (because he's wrong on those issues). It doesn't help to hang a doll.
it doesn't help to attack conervative republicans with hate speech in the media all the time but peopel do it. ACORN shuts up peaceful demonstrators in baton Rouge and no one talks about it but Glenn Beck. they used intimidation, not peaceful means like the protest yesterday. there is a double standard, and if you allow the liberals to control how you protest and what you can say, your voice will never be heard.
Stunts like this will help get Kratovil reelected!
Attack Kratovil for Obama's sins --
that's brilliant you idiot!
This whole thing was disgusting. This isn't Iran or Zimbabwe. If you don't like a candidate, vote for the other person, but violence is not how we do things here. Since 1776, we have managed to settle disputes at the ballot box, and even suggesting that violence is in any way acceptable is totally beyond the pale and patently un-American. If you lose an election, wait your turn.
It's this kind of thinking that led Timothy McVeigh and the Holocaust Museum shooter to do what they did, and I commend Joe for calling these maniacs out.
Imagine if you had been walking down the street with your young child and had to explain to them what a noose was - is that how you want them to learn about civics in America?
If those of you who claim your rights to free speech would only use your names, think of the impact your comments would truly have. Until then, you are anonymous people who have no backbone and are afraid of your own shadows. Very Un American, if you ask me. The next time you come to one of these protests, why don't you wear black hooded masks. Oh, that's right, you probably don't even come to such events and instead sit on the sidelines and pound your chest, (with a mask over your face. Same thing, I guess.
This stuff helps makes the republican party look like the looney fringe.
Kratovil votesd for Obama's plans. they are both part of the problem!
if one side is allowed to play outside the rules, they will always win. take a look where we are today because of that fact.
Playing by the rules the other side creates, will always ensure defeat!
As a young conservative, this was stupid and ignorant.
So let me get this straight -- those on here who (rightly) deplore when liberals used violent imagery to attack Bush are now saying it's OK to hang Kratovil in effigy? So you think it's wrong when liberals do it but not when a "conservative" (I hate to use that word to describe the moron in Joe's picture) does it? Please explain why you object in one instance but not the other. If it's wrong when liberals do it, it's wrong when conservatives do it.
Beyond the morality of it, do you really think this is an effective tactic? It certainly won't attract any liberals to your cause. It will turn away any independents who look at it as being way over the top. And thoughtful conservatives will also shy away from you. It's just stupid, pure and simple. Hanging someone in effigy does nothing to persuade people of the rightness of your ideas.
If you think it's OK for this guy to hang Kratovil in effigy or if you think it's a good protest tactic, then you're an idiot, pure and simple. Those of us who are fighting against Obama's health care plans or active in the Republican Party don't want your support. We're much better off without you.
Regarding anonymous comments:
We have jobs. We have bills. We have responsibiilties to families etc. We understand that you have provided a financially secure life for yourself and family. You have the luxury of speaking out publicly about matters. We are glad you do it! Maybe some of us wish we could do it too.
However, our employers will fire us.
If we can't comment anonymously, then, many of us can't comment at all. We don't choose to comment anonymously because it is fun. We choose to comment. Once we make the choice to comment, we understand that it must be anonymously.
Why can't you understand?
The only reason the internet blogs work so well is because they serve a purpose. Specifically, they allow regular ordinary people to make public comments wihtout fear of retaliation.
Don't you understand what Webster will do to us if he knows who we are? Don't you understand how corrupt this place has become? This isn't fun and games. This is real. Many of us have real comments to make.
Thank you for accepting our anonymous comments. Thank you for giving us a voice. And yes, thank you for being brave enough (and rich enough) to be our front person.
Is that the guy who dresses up in a unifrom for tea bag demonstrations? Looks a bit like him.
The hanging was over the top, but Kratovils votes are helping to destroy our country. In most protests, there is alwasy something someone does not agree with or like. the message cannot be lost because of that one thing. Be wary of the fact that conservatives are the only ones who police themselves and abide by any type of rules.
People who see this think "see crazies why listen to them"
Joe, alot of anon comments are not for the hanging of Kratovil, but when you vilify them for what a few did, just remember that conservatives usually Police their own and don't expect any on the left to do the same. Maybe they were refering to his political career, did anyone ask what this meant??? I don't condone it, but anger needs to be channeled productively and no one got anyone's permission to do that, who would have given it to them?
Chris Lewis, political lesson #1. NEVER use the word "BUT."
If you ever want to get anywehere in life politically, make that your #1 rule.
The conservatives at this rally certainly didn't police themselves. Everyone there should have refused to associate themselves with that guy as long as he carried that effigy. More people should have done what I know some did, which was walk away as soon as they saw it and refused to take part.
tea Bag is a sexual term and has nothing to do with the tea party.
That was Patrick Samuels. he is a very intelligent person who knows the Constitution. I am sure he was not trying to be violent, HOWEVER, I did not ask him so I am not sure what his true meaning was.
There are always better ways to get your idea across to people, many of the ideas come from hindsight after the event.
I have seen you hanging with Patrick in the past Chris. Is he a friend of yours? Is he a Libertarian?
I'm talking about Joe being opposed to the effigy-tha fact that people didn't leave was not in itself condoning this particular form of protest or expression. I still had questions I wanted answered and I did not leave until I had heard the answers and some of the other questions that were answered. Many people hate Rush Limbaugh and could easily turn the dial but don't because they want to hear what he says (albeit to use against him) even though they don't condone what he says.
You are never going to meet anyone who agrees with everything you do. However, that does not mean we should not listen to their questions and ideas.
There has never been anything in this country settled with-out violence. This time isnt going to be any differant.
More of this, please. This will ensure Kratovil's reelection in 2010. The more the centrists see right-wing opposition for what it really is (HATE), the more they will vote for the party that actually wants to help. Kudos to you Joe, for distancing yourself from this nonsense.
This country is creating Lone-Wolves evryday, might be your neighbor, your boss, the man who cuts your grass, or me.
I don't normally agree with you Joe but in fairness you are right this time. This act was uncalled for.
"Be wary of the fact that conservatives are the only ones who police themselves and abide by any type of rules."
Oh man, Chris, you just made my day with that joke.
When it gets here you people wont know what to do, this will be a walk in the park.
I only know Patrick from the Tea Party. I am not sure what party he is a part of. Since I am an Independent, I do not ask many people what party they belong to, only in what they believe.
Dont half step, use the system or just go in. How many of you are prepared to die, to lay down your life for what you so believe? Our country is falling apart before our eyes and the politicians think its a joke. We will see who gets the last laugh, you can bank on it.
I did not hear any liberal policing ACORN when they tried to shut down the protest in Baton Rouge. i did not see anyone try and stop the new black panther party from intimidating voters on election day. i do not hear of many saying anything about the huff post or defending political conservatives when the media attacks them and their families on a personal level. there is a double standard, and much anger out in the public forum because of it.
This blog is getting scary. You'll definately get some attention with this type of rehtoric Joe....not sure the kind you want.
While I feel the effigy was in poor taste and over the top, I certainly hope Mr. Kratovil now understands that people are very, very, very, VERY upset over his vote on the cap and trade tax and the lie that he was "undecided" about his vote.
Equally, people are concerned about his "undecided" position on the healthcare bill. Hopefully Mr. Kratovil now gets the message that we don't want him to spend our money on this horrible legislation.
It's a sad day when such strong satatements have to be made to our representatives.
All 30 people?
I agree with you totally!
read the national polls, well over 50% of the population does not want this type of reform Obama is talking about.
Correct call at the plate, Mr. Umpire. Good for you.
2:01 I am sure you are not trying to insinuate that only 30 people are against cap and trade tax or this healthcare bill. Most of us didn't know anything about the protest yesterday. Though you effort is kinda cute...if not typical.
The fact is the unexplainable rush to get a bill passed through the house before the August break is frightening. I don't understand this crazy rush to pass it. That is not transparency. We need to know every specific to this proposal. People have issues regarding the elimination of the private insurance sector that is apparent in this bill as well a deep concern for the social security office conducting end of life consultations for our elderly. Additionally I stated, we can not afford this. (AGAIN) I forgot to mention that the bill appears to cover non-citizens as well. I don't know about everyone, but I can not take care of the entire world, nor do I desire to.
It's unfortunate that the effigy takes away from the facts of why people are so upset. I'd suggest we all focus on the bill.
Everything happens for a reason: I was going to attend the rally yesterday, but at the last moment had to baby sit my grandson instead. After seeing the display of the effigy I finally realized the old saying "Everything happens for a reason". I'm glad I wasn't a part of what happened yesterday. I dislike Rep. Kratovil's policy and voting record as much as the participants that were there, but I don't hate the man just the game. This was uncalled for, poor taste, what have you. I'm just glad his family wasn't there to see this.
I will wait to see if this guy has the stones to send an apology to Mr. Kratovil and the people of Salisbury. Also, all of you who attended and didn't tell the guy to put it away should apologize. Then we can talk.
We are not all responsible for one persons actions. I am waiting for Mr. Kratovils apology to my children for strapping them with so much debt before they are out of grade school.
I thought Obama has taught us that it does not matter who we hang around..........
Joe must have taken his smiling picture then told him it was in poor taste. What's that about???
It was a mistake, Obama makes mistakes, Democrats make mistakes-think Frank, Dodd, Biden, Pelosi, on and on, but Republicans are just wrong and demonized whenever they make a mistake I guess.
Should Patrick Henry apologize too? Oh, I forgot. He is dead.
Yeah, this guy is just like Patrick Henry. Please. You all need to get a grip.
Mr. Lewis..get ahold of yourself, please-Do you REALLY want this audience to believe that "tea-bagging", as in the XXX rated tea bagging pre-dated the ritual you seem to re-enact so hilariously failingly to 'perceived GOP advantage??'
I am not going to even entertain your other "loose facts" until you can start giving me some real world answers on some fundamental baseline issues regarding your capability to even comprehend cerain facts.
My final question is-if I were to take a posed photo of you and "Mr. Henry" in costume tomorrow morning, with that effigy, can we please publish it in the public domain????
"but Republicans are just wrong and demonized whenever they make a mistake I guess."
No, it just feels that way to you because you are one of them.
Your rants have no clarity or meaning. You obviously do not know what you are talkng about. the tea parties are not tea bagging! And what does the GOP have to do with anything? I am not a Republican.
And if you pose for a photo, then of course it is set up. What is your point??
sorry, you seem like an idiot.........
can you understaaaand that???
4:59..If I were to ask you to meet me tomorrow, around 11:00 a.m. {is't there a replica cannon in front of GOB??} with the lovely 'patriots' pictured here {they just have to be in costume/and bring that new Kratovil-On-a-stick appetizer idea}, I promise you I will buy the film and a whole new bloody digital camera.
This is a genuine offer...let me know if you think a black and white film would better express our presentation...
And then after all the pictures are taken-you can call me an idiot in person..what fun we will have... :)
You seem to have some type of problem. Contrl your anger and think about what it is you ae saying before you type it.
What is it you are trying to say?
You are rambling and not making any sense.
Are you trying to threaten someone? I am not scared, or alarmed. I have no clue what you are trying to say, nor do I really care.
take whatever kind of pictures you want, make whatever statement you want to. Just leave peaceful people alone and let them have their voice as well.
I do not wear costumes and I could care less about your rants and hatred.
All I know is I would love to have my own copyright-able photos of you loving patriots {in genuine costume of course} doing the voodoo you do so well....You do want to get a message to the masses, correct???
who is dusty threatening????
This country was not built on the masses and will not be saved by the masses.
Patriotism can be portrayed in so many ways, and so many wrong ways.
Bottom line, there is freedom and there is tryanny. America is one of the only countries to ever have freedom for its people, and that freedom is almost gone.
In our history, man always wants to control man, other people, to enslave and have power. america was against this type of evil, we have always been for that feeling and urge that man has always had for freedom. and who gets in the way and stops freedom, government.
Let us gothe way of history, or stand what we have always stood for. The choice is in the minds of so many who are drinking the kol aid.
I will fight for my childrens future, will you?
geez, dusty,
you have got to be kidding.........
I must say I have just read the above posts and have absolutly no idea what Dusty Sanchez is trying to say. I think he needs some kind of mental health help.
It sound like you are either confused, or I am. I guess that means I am. Sorry, just started writing without thinking.
I'm sure you understand.
You are lost in the Internet Joe.
Would you rather approve opinions from ANON or Jim Rogers... either way... they are both not real names. You'd never know!
I think Dusty Sanchez is Jonathan Taylor... or of equal IQ... He needs to be ignored. If I met him anywhere, it would be near sheriff's deputies!
No question about it Orson.
Aww..did I get you all rattled?? I am always open for invitations like getting pictures of wackos near cannons in public places..you let me know if you change your mind.
"America is one of the only countries to have freedom for it's people."
Have you even been out of Powellville????
Hey, if you think I am crazy, please keep proving me wrong by writing like this...
Yep, just confirmed it. It is JT! Peek a Boo!
Peek-A-Boo to you too douchebag!! how did it take you so long, even for a wicked retard like yourself. :)
Are you enjoying yourself JT? We thought we'd let you play for a while and show everyone just how childish you are and mentally challened as well.
I don't know why I read thru this whole thread. That was ridiculous. Hey Joe thanks for letting anon's post, otherwise we would be voiceless, there is always waiting to say "gotcha" or "you're fired" for having a differing opinion. In my case it would be "gotcha."
I just discovered that Kratovil is having a fundraisr in Sharptown in August with Gilchrest and Ireton as speakers. $175 a couple and $100 a person.
Hows that German working for you Jt? I dont think he would like being in a cell with me.
WTH?It was distasteful but it did not piss me off nearly as much as it did some people.Kratovil,like many other politicians,is extremely out of touch with the reality of "regular people".
What are you going to do when you run into a Real Mad-Man? Jt? You better back-up son.
If you show up to protest the Kratovil fundraiser, can you make sure no nutjobs will hang Kratovil or Gilchrest in effigy? Those of us on the small government side already have a hard enough time trying to persuade folks of our message without idiots like Patrick fouling things up.
I still can't believe anyone thought it would be a good idea to march to Kratovil's office with that moron.
I think you are fresh out of Gaurdian Angels son. Maybe you need to re-consider, its good for a man to do that. It builds carachter. I think you need to travel that road.
Put it back up top Joe, Ill take it over 120, thats what its all about right?
If that's where you want to take it, go for it, I don't care.
If it is an event I do, it will be done by the book and clean. Nothing offensvie to upset anyone as it would ruin my opportunity. I did not put on the protest yesterday.
The objective is different if I put on a protest since I am trying to run against him.
Its been a rough day, there have been things to accept, hard things. Things that are real to the ones I love and are responsible for. This guy doesnt want any of me, right now. But no, its a trap and he wont learn and Ill be wasting my time. Thanks.
You been talkin to me so long, your souls showin, thanks for that to.
Joe if you can due better run for office
If shot hit the fan, this guy would have life window of thirteen second. Can you all be in such denial? Its not about HATE. Its about survival now. I hope you all are right about God.
With all due respect, save your money. You cannot get elected at that level right now. How about a smaller goal, like city or county council? Personally, my politics are dramatically different from yours and I would not vote for you, but I would respect you for sure for having the guts to run! Just my opinion on that.
The guy is over 40 years old, so I would not call him a "misguided youth!" Misguided, for sure!
someone needs to run, win or lose, we need real peopel running. i do not trust any politician or any party! Someone has to take the first step.
Can anyone win without money?
maybe, with creativity and the grasroots movement behind them.
Fools, some of the most peacful men had to be violent sometime, they didnt ask for it & they didnt want it. It takes a brave man to risk it all in the name of righteousness. Patriots are not KILLERS.
If your willing to do things you never wanted to do. Are you? When we transend words, were in a world of shit. Sometimes you need to pretend that it was just a bad dream. You know like you dont remember if it happened or not. Just a couple bad dreams, I quess. You people are not ready.(9:23).
Bad taste
I think that many of you have to understand that today's economy combined with a Congress and President that are creating deficits for the next two generations (at last count every child born in the next year will owe $14,000.00)are affecting everyone differently.The effigy of Kratovil is one person's attempt to exercise his First Amendment rights. Remember, the Supreme Court said that burning the American flag is the same exercise. You don't have to agree with either, but try to have some understanding. Thank God this country still lets anybody protest in their own way!! BTW Anon 11:45, read your history! In the late 1700's tarring and feathering was an acceptable practice for disliked politicians, ballot box or no.
this is a big deal! IF he were a black man it would have been considered a hate crime. it shouldnt be taken lightly.
The man knows his history and was just trying to get his point across that at one time people were hung for treason. I agree with him. What the politicians are doing IS treasonous. They have sold us out. The problem is that the taxpayers are the ones getting hung out to dry.
These two parties have their own agendas, and don't care for the people. Independents unite, time has come!!! We need people for the people.
Heck remember football games where people hung the ref in effigy? Maybe a capitolist will come up with a Kratovil or Obama doll with velcro limbs you can rip off. This is in fun people!
Kratovil voted for the stimulous AND cap and trade tax, which is outragious for a fiscally conservative democrat. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like this but he is so bad I suppose it takes an outragious act to get him and the country to take notice of just unhappy people are with him. Otherwise, no one would be talking about a freshman congressman.
The dummy only illustrates how high feelings are running on this issue. Many feel Kratovil betrayed our trust by voting for the onerous Cap and Trade Bill and by supporting the prejudicial Obamacare Bill. I say prejudicial because it discriminates against the old and the infirm. As a 69 year old man I find this Bill deplorable. And that is what we should be focusing on. Not some kid’s dummy.
The people that walked away are as bad as the misguided young man. By walking away from the demonstration they threw out the baby with the bath water. Instead of focusing on the matter at hand, they quit and walked out in a huff. So the Youngman made a mistake. Did that entitled them to exhibit churlish behavior?? I beg to differ, but that sanctimonious behavior from the adults was no better than that of the young man. He was exercising his right of free speech in the manner he felt appropriate. They got upset with his approach. That is a reason to quit??? Hardly, there were bigger fish to fry this day
You can tell it like it is but this was a case of dumb and dumber…..
Tony Passaro
Bel Air Md.
Some very opinionated posts on this topic. Things are heating up politically with the way things are going in this country. What is going to happen if we actually hit 20% unemployment before cap and trade hits and before all of the punishing legislation bills our government is poroposing. We may see a situation much worse than the depresion and this government may prolong it much longer than it did in the 30's.
So according to JT a tea party is tea bagging. Well Dusty means dirty... so JT go look up in the urban dictionary what dirty sanchez means. Oh BTW wipe that mustache off.
It has always amazed me that all these people can and will stand up when the issue is on a national level yet don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to their own corrupt local politicians.
Why? I'll tell you why. You don't know the meaning of "No Guts, No Glory", thats why.
Keep fighting things you can't really control while things in your own backyard go to hell.
I wasnt there nor would I be unless maybe Kratovil was there, of course he'll never be so long as he hears of a demonstration. As for the effigy, those people have a right to express their opinion and anger, just like YOU do. While some may think it childish or even extreme...If public hangings were still practiced.....you wouldnt have a totally corrupt congress and 99% of ALL politicians would be doing their job, truly representing the majority!
This guy does not know his history. He dresses up and thinks that means he knows history. It isn't that easy. If he really knew his history, he would know the disgraceful history of lynching in this area.
These people protesting are now qualified to be President of the United States.
I am the President of the College Republicans at Salisbury University and I can not say how angry I am too see such an immature act. I have meet Mr. Kratovil and his wife and they do not deserve this. This is also part of the reason why when independent voters go to vote they vote democrat, grow the hell up guys and act your age.
This idiot has just made the national news for this--way to go! It makes me happy to know that this is going to backfire, big time.
this Independent will not vote democrat, I am no where near that stupid. the polls are also showing most Independents do not like Obama's policies. the tide is turning, because of Obama himself.
Nothing goes sweeter then morning coffee and conservative denial.
Conservative are the peaceful group, almost hippie like in their peaceful ways. It's us violent liberals who:
Fire bombed churches
Lynched black men
Assassinated MLK
Assassinated RFK
Assassinate abortion doctors
Kill Philadelphia police
Torture people
Beat and kill mexicans
Beat ad kill gays
Drag black men behind our pickups
Kill civil rights workers
Bombed a Federal Building
Are members of: skin heads, biker gangs, violent rednecks in general, and well armed militias
And last but not least, us liberals own tons and tons of guns.
Seriously, the far right is a hell of a lot scarier then the far left, and that isn't an opinion, it's a fact backed by history, mountains of evidence, and DHS reports.
I can't think of one notoriously violent act the left has committed. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but I am drawing a blank.
So save the "we are persecuted" non-sense for another post because this one makes my point.
Conservatives believe in freedoms. We try to ensure the freedoms America has been blessed to have. We do not go after people violently at all. We let people live. Who is it trying to jam their beliefs onto everyone in this country? Who is trying to legislate morality on us?
The kool-aid you are drinking is enormous.......
Oh yeah? Then why is this "conservative" holding an effigy of a congressman? Who is trying to legislate morality on us? Are you serious?
"Conservatives believe in freedoms. We try to ensure the freedoms America has been blessed to have. We do not go after people violently at all. We let people live. Who is it trying to jam their beliefs onto everyone in this country? Who is trying to legislate morality on us?"
Is that a joke, and well disguised satire ?
Legislating morality is a corner stone of the conservative party. Gay marriage, god, certain sex acts, inter-racial marriage, swearing, nudity, abortion, euthanasia, abstinence, adultery, video game violence, clothing, speech, song lyrics, breast feeding, tobacco, drugs, lapel pin usage, the ten commandments, and alcohol are just a few morality issues conservatives have tried to push on the rest of us.
And if you look hard, what they are really trying to legislate is anything that offends white christian males. No outrage over torture, slavery, or unprovoked wars. Publicly call a basketball team nappy headed, no biggie, point out southern republicans are ruining a party, and look out, 'Rush will layith the hammer downith'.
Oh and I think a few abortion doctors would disagree with your claim of non-violence, not to mention gays, blacks, mexicans, and the folks who were in the OKC Federal Building when a non-violent conservative blew it to pieces.
Without morality legislation all you have left is a party that believes cutting taxes fixes all the Nation's ailments and war, definitely a non-violent act.
You and I might not be violent, but to claim your party isn't, and doesn't have a history of using violence to shape policy (aka terrorism) is either stupidity or dishonesty.
2:43pm-Liberals have 50 million aborted babies to answer for, that is not non-violence...the pot calling the kettle black I'd say.
How about the war on poverty, millions on welfare because of liberal democrats making promises they never keep.
Read a little, learn a lot.
To ScottW714, are you drawing a blank on LBJ escalating the Vietnam War after Kennedy's death ??? JFK was drawing down troop levels when he was killed. Johnson reversed this to enrich himself and his cronies who were invested in arms industries. Or partial birth abortions that liberals love to support?? One thing to add to your list--- busting you in your chops, F----- loser.
Bad taste perhaps, but I support his/her right to free speech. Make no mistake this is indeed an expression of speech.
I am from Easton and one of those "liberals" whom the other Anonymous so detests. My family has lived on the Eastern Shore since the 1600s and trust me, I don't have horns nor do I (or any other progressive I know) do ANY of the things you've noted. Nor do we attend meetings of our representatives and try to shut down discussion and dialogue by yelling and carrying on. Wherever have you gotten such ridiculous notions from? Sorry, but it's your side that has resorted to those kinds of tactics during this debate.
Freedom of speech is not just for one side of the political spectrum, you know. Nor does it provide justification for disrespectful behavior. Everyone should have a chance to CIVILLY speak his/her mind, ask questions, and be able to hear the answers. That is true democracy--not carrying on like a bunch of misbehaving children.
Do you really believe this kind of what you call "free speech" is acceptable behavior? If so, all I can say is I feel sorry for you--no matter how you try to rationalize and excuse it. Classless is classless and inconsideration for others is inconsideration for others--especially for someone who considers him/herself a Christian!
Interesting how this hung in effigy brings cries about the "the Congressman's children", is in bad taste, is Verboten etc etc etc but the never ending merciless attacks on Sarah Palin AND her CHILDREN is "OK"?
Libbies can you say "Hypocrites"? How about "brain-dead"? lol
Nik, are you familiar w/ the expression "two wrongs never made a right?" This "libbie" never said a word about Sarah Palin or her children and is not happy others have berated her children. It is also not a justification in the form of "well, you did it first." That's just more childishness.
These issues can never be resolved if people don't act like grown ups and respect each other's right to express their concerns and have their questions answered.
Politics is a dirty game I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy as I see it--attacking a candidate's children/ad hominem attacks/smears seems to be de rigueur (especially with regard to Sarah Palin) but now any and all attacks back across the isle are immediately flagged "outside the pale of decency".
If more Liberals were like you and didn't INSTANTLY respond to a Conservative's questions/concerns with BITTER HATRED, ad hominem attacks/smears etc a dialogue might be possible. The problem (as I see it) is the Far Left (and Far Right to be fair) agenda driven Ideologues who are completely unable to DISCUSS differences--their mindset is ALWAYS it's "us against them" in battle-- they have to argue/fight/discredit the other guy with dirt they've found. Recent example: What's the latest rumor with Sarah Palin? She's getting a divorce? I wonder where that rumor came from....
I'm actually not a fan of Sarah Palin but attacking her children was heinous and the woman deserves to be treated with dignity. Attack a candidate's position perhaps but devolving into ad hominem attacks/smears/politically driven ILLEGAL use of State assets to "investigate" people who DARE ask questions (Joe the Plumber etc) and especially attacking a candidate's family should ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY be out of bounds for ALL parties concerned....
"Nik, are you familiar w/ the expression "two wrongs never made a right?" This "libbie" never said a word about Sarah Palin or her children and is not happy others have berated her children. It is also not a justification in the form of "well, you did it first." That's just more childishness.
These issues can never be resolved if people don't act like grown ups and respect each other's right to express their concerns and have their questions answered."
I got an email from Kratovil saying he did NOT vote in favor of the bill because he did not think it was sustainable economically.
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