State officials say they've checked and confirmed the birth records
HONOLULU - State officials in Hawaii on Monday said they have once again checked and confirmed that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen, and therefore meets a key constitutional requirement for being president.
Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said she hoped to end lingering rumors about Obama's birthplace.
"I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen," she said in a brief statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."
GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.
Are all you people happy now or is this the new "Conspiracy Theory" of the day?
BS, all I can say is BS. He's a fake, always has been, always will be.
Common sense would dictate that if the birth certificate existed, Obama himself would release it. It doesn't exist and Obama is not the President unless he produces a birth certificate. Why would he not produce it if in fact he was born in Hawaii?
Common sense would dictate that if he wasn't a leagally born citizen then he would have be disqualified from running as President and he would have been impeached by now...stop crying over spilled milk. What's done is done so wipe your eyes. I don't agree with everything he has done but it would be worse to do nothing at all. The economy is even showing small signs of improvement
I really feel sorry for you people. You will grasp at anything to get this man out of office. Sore losers every last one of you. You just can stand that the majority of Americans put their trust in Obama. Instead of accepting the inevitable and trying to work within the system, you stomp your feet and throw tantrums like two year olds.
Haha. Yeah maybe he did get just over half of the voters fooled...
But wait... oh ohhh... Now fewer than half approve of him. Even with all the good press. People are seeing BO for who he really is.
He has done nothing to help our country. All he has accomplished is to take away freedom and grow govenrment.
The economy still sucks. The auto industry still sucks. Housing still sucks. Unemployment still sucks. And they are all still getting worse.
Now lets see who can post up first and blame it on Bush... I don't approve of Bush either but that excuse is worn out don't you think?
Republicans need wingnuts.
Maybe if y'all stopped wearing those gaudy T-shirts with his big mug on it,LOL.Those things are hideous-when in History have we ever worn T-shirts with the Presidents image on it???
"I" would like to see the paperwork on this Kenyan Jackall.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I hear these individuals say they have seen Obama's birth certificate but they will not make it public. That proves it is all talk talk talk. Also why is his college records sealed? His grant applications will prove he is either legally an American born citizen or forgein born because it has to be on the applications. That would also prove if he obtained money for college legally or illegaly? That way he will have to proof to substanuate his American born status or not. Con Man playing the Chicago gangster game. Prove me wrong because I am from Missouri,the show me state.
well lets see do u really think someone is going to fight against him??? I think all anyone has as proof is what Joe put on here last week..lmao... doesnt matter we all r screwed anyways.
The Birthers are killing the GOP. Laughing all the way to the polls 2010 & 2012. Obama is playing you like a fiddle.
I believe he was born in Hawaii but i also believe that his name was Barry Dunham not Barack Hussein Obama-- there is something on the original that he does not want anyone to see, that is obvious. Birth certificate aside, you Democrats explain why his complete medical record, his passport, his records from Occidental College are sealed and why Obama spent nearly a million dollars to keep his original BC sealed.
Still talking about this Joe?? Geeez
He was the elected President. I doubt the final verdict was decided just now... lol
Give it a rest.
Anon 3:09
We'll never give it a rest until he shows it!
What is he afraid of the"truth'?With the shadow government,the Bilderberg Group backing him there is a fat chance we will ever find out.We are fighting a powerful ,evil group.They too make fun of anyone that is not one of their elitist group.They and the robber bankers have ruined this country.
anyone could be a natural born citizen if the price is right!!!!
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