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Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I just received a nice letter from the HCEA (Harford County Education Association).

In this polite, well written, appeal I am informed that the HCEA has just formed a "New Teacher Store".

The purpose of This "New Teacher Store" is to supply "New Teachers" with school know - poster paints, poster board, rubber bands, 12 inch rulers, staplers and etc. so that they can teach our children. Seems that teachers are finding it necessary to purchase these items out of their own personal funds. The letter goes on to ask local businesses to donate dollars to the "New Teachers Store" so that new teachers do not get frustrated and quit..

This truly amazes me. While the well heeled Councilman Mr. Dion Guthrie strives mightily to push, promote and insist on $87,000 Astro Turf Fields so our kids do not get muddy when playing ball (is this a campaign to eliminate washing machines???), our teachers go wanting and find it necessary to supply School Supplies out of their own pockets.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?? From reading this I conclude that the Education priorities in Harford County are way off base.

First: You would think that the HCEA, a powerful well funded union, could pony up the necessary supplies. Instead they beg them from the overtaxed local businesses that are already forced to support a bloated (with frivolous, ill thought out spending) school budgets.

Second: You would think that the local school boards would include these supplies in their budgets. I ask you, "How many rubber bands and etc. can you buy with the funds, $87,000.00, for just one Astro Turf field Mr. Dion Guthrie???". You make many so appeals for increased capital spending yet nary a rubber band in sight.

Third: Instead of refurbishing the Bel Air school for $15, 000,000.00, the School Board and Mr. Dion Guthrie, insist on building a new school for $85,000,000.00. Instead of building "Temporary Class Rooms" for around $10,000,000.00 to reduce potential over crowding, the School Board and Mr. Dion Guthrie insist on building new $85,000.000.00 schools. Harford County is groaning under a Capita Budget of millions and millions of dollars adding MILLIONS AND MILLIONS to our tax burden, YET, OUR TEACHERS MUST BUY SCHOOL SUPPLIES OUT OF PERSONAL FUNDS.

My humble observations:

Mr. Dion Guthrie's priorities are misguided. He would rather build new schools and cover ball fields with Astro turf, AND INCREASE OUR TAXES, while our teachers pay for school supplies out of their own pockets.

Our School Board would rather increase their Capital Budgets, increasing OUR TAXES, while our teachers are forced to pay for school supplies.

I could be polite and say "That there are many egregious errors in judgment affecting our Education Budget" or I could say it in plain English "THERE ARE TOO MANY STUPID PEOPLE MAKING DECISIONS ABOUT OUR TAX DOLLARS." Come election day, use the power of the people and throw the stupid fools out of office before they spend us into the "Poor House"..


Tony Passaro
Bel Air Tea Party Coalition


Anonymous said...

Your blog is the Salisbury News, yet you include something going on in Harford County. Have we run out of legitimate issues in Salisbury and Wicomico County? Other than to fill up some space, I don't understand the relevance.

joealbero said...

LMAO! I guess you'll never get it, so why waste my time.

Anonymous said...

Most teachers in this country buy school suppies for their kids.

They have been doing this for decades now.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid. I guess Mr. Passaro has nothing else to talk about...I work with athletics, and an 87,000 turf field would be a dream come true. Also, if he had done his research, he'd know that it would actually SAVE money. People freak out when they see the price tag on turf fields, but while they may cost more to put in, they are MUCH lower in maintenance costs. There is no need for irrigation, no "replanting", no wear and tear on the field. There is a reason why so many professional organizations have gone to turf, it's not just a fad.

While I appreciate what you are doing Mr. Passaro, please do your research first.

Anonymous said...

TO: Harford County Teachers

If you think it's bad there, spend some time in Wicomico -- they could not do "maintenance of effort" here this year and it's the "portable classroom" capital of the world.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher & I think it is so funny that people still do not get that we pay for a lot of classroom supplies & more. I have found myself spending more money on my school kids than I do for my own family. This is the reality of teaching. I am not complaining because I love my job & kids. I spend my personal money because I not only want to, but need to in order to preserve a relationship with the kids, but also to provide an adequate education. I just wish people that are not in the education field could realize how much time & money we teachers put into our schools & kids. We do not work 8:00am - 3:00pm, the reality is 6:00am - 10:00pm & we could actually deduct at least $500.00 per school year from our salary in just classroom supplies. And for those who think we get the whole summer off, well we have training during the summer & we do really need the break to rejuvenate and get ready for the upcoming school year. If you work with kids 180 days & write lesson plans every weekend and so much more you would understand too. Again, I am not complaining just stating the facts. I love my job & I live by 1 rule.... "Never choose a career based on the amount of money you can make, choose a career that makes you happy & want to get up every morning & go to". Thank you teachers for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Not that it really helps all that much, but teachers do get to deduct $250 from there taxes.

Anonymous said...

"This is stupid. I guess Mr. Passaro has nothing else to talk about...I work with athletics, and an 87,000 turf field would be a dream come true. Also, if he had done his research, he'd know that it would actually SAVE money. People freak out when they see the price tag on turf fields, but while they may cost more to put in, they are MUCH lower in maintenance costs. There is no need for irrigation, no "replanting", no wear and tear on the field. There is a reason why so many professional organizations have gone to turf, it's not just a fad.

While I appreciate what you are doing Mr. Passaro, please do your research first."

First, you work "IN" athletics. Big deal. Thank goodness you don't teach "DEM" English.

Now, the no need for irrigation is crap! We don't need irrigation period. When it rains, it gets water. That's how our High School worked it. It was good enough for get the idea.

I can't see why someone like yourself "coach" can't get off his fat a$$ and run a Scott's Spreader around the field a few times during the season to spread some seed. There's your cost savings there.

As far as "professionals have gone to this" well, that's private entities spending their own money. Sorry man, but the kids are not professionals. Plain old green grass will work fine for them.

If YOU would like to spend your onw $87,000.00 on turf, go for it. But you have obviously never had to run your own business or meet a years worth of payroll out of your own pocket. Otherwise you would not be running off at the mouth.

Know what you're talking about before your spout off. You may look like a fool with your mouth shut...but then you take away all doubt as soon as your open it!