Her chosen one was walloped in the primary. Her $80+ million white elephant has been exposed in PooGate. It appears that the only tools left in Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman's shabby little bag of tricks are her lapdogs over at the Daily Times and her willingness to bully any member of the public who opposes the Queen of Barrieland.
In an attempt to divert attention away from PooGate, Tilghman decided to go on the attack this afternoon. Her target - mayoral candidate Jim Ireton. Claiming that Ireton had done the city wrong by committing the grave crime of stating facts - namely that Salisbury has a higher per capita crime rate than just about anywhere in Maryland -Tilghman demanded an immediate apology. I'm looking forward to seeing how accurately the Daily Times prints Tilghman's dictation in Friday's edition.
Besides attacking Ireton, Tilghman (and her Chief of Police) also showed the lack of character for which she is renowned by having members of the public barred from her dog and pony show in a public building. Claiming that only persons she deemed worthy could be admitted to her little "event", Tilghman managed to smear the credibility of both WBOC-TV and WMDT-TV. To the best of my knowledge, the Daily Times did not even bother sending a representative (unless they sneaked in a back door). Perhaps Tilghman has already emailed them tomorrow's story.
I have two problems with Tilghman's tacky charade:
G. A. Harrison publishes Delmarva Dealings and the Campaign Edge. In addition, he is a regular contributor to Salisbury News and Red Maryland.

In an attempt to divert attention away from PooGate, Tilghman decided to go on the attack this afternoon. Her target - mayoral candidate Jim Ireton. Claiming that Ireton had done the city wrong by committing the grave crime of stating facts - namely that Salisbury has a higher per capita crime rate than just about anywhere in Maryland -Tilghman demanded an immediate apology. I'm looking forward to seeing how accurately the Daily Times prints Tilghman's dictation in Friday's edition.
Besides attacking Ireton, Tilghman (and her Chief of Police) also showed the lack of character for which she is renowned by having members of the public barred from her dog and pony show in a public building. Claiming that only persons she deemed worthy could be admitted to her little "event", Tilghman managed to smear the credibility of both WBOC-TV and WMDT-TV. To the best of my knowledge, the Daily Times did not even bother sending a representative (unless they sneaked in a back door). Perhaps Tilghman has already emailed them tomorrow's story.
I have two problems with Tilghman's tacky charade:
- Barring ANY member of the public from ANY event funded with tax dollars or held in a public building (unless expressly permitted by the Maryland open meetings law) is an insult to every honest citizen and an attack on one of our most basic liberties.
- It is possible, even probable, that the representatvies of both TV stations did not know that Tilghman had barred members of the public. However, unless WBOC and WMDT wish to acquire the same reputation as the Daily Times, they would be wise to refuse to cover any Tilghman event where the public is barred. Elizabeth Harrington was reporting for WBOC today. I know that she is as honest as they come. I don't know who reported for WMDT. Unfortunately, the mere appearance of participating in what was obviously a political smear job at taxpayers' expense can cause irreparable harm to the reputations of both the reporters their employers.
G. A. Harrison publishes Delmarva Dealings and the Campaign Edge. In addition, he is a regular contributor to Salisbury News and Red Maryland.

Any taxpayer game for filing an ethics complaint on her? (Sorry, live outside your city...way outside.) i feel for you people
So what did Jim say?
Crime Speech PART ONE:
Crime Speech PART TWO:
Here’s most of the data he cited Tuesday:
We stand here today in a city that was second in 2007 only to Baltimore City among municipalities in violent crime incidents. A city second only to Baltimore City among municipalities in forcible rape incidents. When looking at acts of violent crime per resident, Salisbury is actually ahead of Baltimore City. As of 3 weeks ago, we are still seeing more Part One crimes year-to-date than we have seen in the last two years in the same time period.
What does that mean to us? Part One crimes, year-to-date for January and February: 2007, 495 and in 2008, 489 and now in 2009, 522.
That’s what he said. EVERY WORD IS TRUE. Every. Single. Word. And the per capita statistics he cited were true, too. No apologies needed.
Don't believe me? Check out the Salisbury Police Department's own webpage:
Look at Part One Crime for Jan-Feb '09 compared to Jan-Feb '08 and Jan-Feb '07. Does it look like those numbers are going down?
And here's the data comparing cities in Maryland in 2007:
The public doesn't need her meeting to know that crime is out of control. Her puppets can say what they will. Figures lie and liars figure. They will tell you a bunch of bologna figures to make you think your safe. Lets face it. You aint taking a stroll through Church St or Smith St. these days. Not if you want to live to tell about it. I cant think of any city neighborhood that I would feel safe walking through without my brothers Smith & Wesson. Just a last ditch effort from a bitter woman who has failed us.
"(unless expressly permitted by the Maryland open meetings law)"
I think you meant to say "unless expressly prohibited...."
I'm waiting for her to snap and drop the F bomb in public. She loved to use it when yelling at the fire chief about those F***ing firemen.
Amber Watson reported for WMDT. Both WMDT & WBOC reported that Jim Ireton stands behind his statements.
Barrie has some cajones asking anyone to apologize for statements they have made, and questioning the truth of those statements. She has no credibility.
This is unbelieveable even for Tilghman. I always thought she was just crooked, power hungry, and stupid. This one makes me realize she's got mental problems and is a threat to civil liberties.
9:55 has an excellent suggestion. How do we go about it?
mayor t and i use that term loosely has the EYES of a liar
Nice work GA. She should have learned by now not to even speak in public anymore.
What a HAG, saw WBOC tonight-how barren this little conference was, and worse, both reporters appeared to be embarrassed to be there as well. I hope they got hazard duty pay.
Who on earth does she think she's fooling? Even to the uninformed, it looked very odd, out of sync, and out of place for such a pronouncement.
If any had been on the fence before this, it should be an easy decision now. We can only hope the public saw through the bluff and bluster.
Am I the only one that watched Fox 21 at 5 today? That anchorwoman over there lead into Elizabeth Harringtons story calling a spade a spade. She said "Mayor Tilghman held a press conference for the sole purpose of slamming a mayoral candidate."
WBOC and WMDT need to do stories on crime in the city. They'd have to use FBI statistics. What's wrong with them?
Man, I thought that she looked bad before, but that close up of her made me cringe! Lady, (and I use that term very loosely) you need a makeover! But I guess when you wallow in hog sh!t that you look and smell like it. Oh, or was that our new WWTP?
Once again there isn't enough lip stick in the world to put on that pig.
Somebody just needs to pour some water over her so that she will melt and go away!
Kudos Fox 21
Open Meetings Law has nothing to do with a Mayorial press conference....
I might need a little clarification on the "barring' the public, if you think about it, there are alot of public buildings that the press can go to ask questions, but not the public, except during certain times. The White House is an example. The public can't just walk in the press room....
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