(Read on..)
I stayed in touch with other people who saw the bears during the summer and into the fall hunting season. All six bears continued to thrive. As time for hibernation approached, I found still more folks who had seen them, and everything remained OK. I stayed away from the bears as I was concerned that they might become habituated to me, or to people in general, as approachable friends. This could be dangerous for both man and animal.
After Halloween I received no further reports and could only hope the bears survived until they hibernated.
This spring, before the snow disappeared, all six bears came out of their den and wandered the same familiar territory they trekked in the spring of 2007.
I saw them before mid-April and dreamed nightly of taking another family portrait, an improbable second once-in-a-lifetime photograph
On April 25, 2008 I achieved my dream...

When something as magical as this happens between man and animal, Native Americans say, 'We have walked together in the shadow of a rainbow.'
And so it is with humility and great pleasure that I share these photos with you..
Sincerely, Tom Sears
Incredible story, thanks for sharing it with us here on Delmarva, Joe. The closest we get to natures creatures here is the discarded deer carcasses littering the sides of our back roads left by lazy and inconsiderate hunters.
And don't forget the empty deer corn bags left to litter the woods and roadside.One word decribes "INCONSIDERATE".
Nice warm and fuzzy . Thanks
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