Once again Salisbury News delivers yet another breaking story no one else has. This one will take some digging for other News Agencies as it has a lot of twists and turns to it. Nevertheless, it will be quite interesting to see who comes up with what because I've been working on this all day and can't seem t get a straight answer anywhere.
Last Thursday evening the Maryland State Police received a 911 call from a woman claiming she had just allegedly been struck by the Somerset County Sheriff's vehicle allegedly driven by Sheriff Bobby Jones. By the time the State Police had arrived, Sheriff Bobby Jones was long gone. The claim was that she had allegedly been struck by his vehicle and the word on the street was that the Sheriff had allegedly been drinking. At this point there's been no confirmation of such as the Sheriff was not in fact at the scene when they arrived. The investigation by the Maryland State Police is ongoing and nothing has yet to be confirmed.
However, I have also been told by a reliable source that a Peace Order from the woman against Sheriff Bobby Jones has allegedly been granted. One source said, could it have happened, absolutely. Can it be proven, probably not. Somerset County States Attorney Kristy Hickman has recused herself from the case and it's my understanding that the Hartford County States Attorney is considering handling the case. (must be something there, right?)
The woman who was allegedly struck by the vehicle did go to the Hospital but I'm told she had no injuries. The Maryland State Police do have witnesses and have in fact interviewed several people, so who knows what's really going on here. I'm sure there will be even more juicy details in the near future.
SPEAKING OF THE SOMERSET COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Sheriff's Deputy JAMES TROY DURHAM was arrested Thursday night in Fruitland for a DUI. Get this, He was completely uncooperative, refused to take a breathalizer test, refused a field sobriety test and told the Fruitland Police he was a Somerset County Sheriff's Deputy. He was released that night on Citation, (which is normal) and taken home by a friend. By the next morning when the Fruitland Police contacted his Supervisor they came to learn he had been suspended 6 months ago and there's still an ongoing investigation against him. Oh, he's suspended with pay, by the way.
The Somerset County Sheriff's Department Website states the following about Deputy Durham. "Deputy Troy Durham is currently assigned as a day shift Deputy. Deputy Durham is currently assigned to court security and answers calls for service." Is he suspended, or not? Durham has been with the Sheriff's Department since 1998.
So once again the Somerset County Officials are in hot water. It's like a cancer, isn't it. It just keeps spreading around like there's no tomorrow and like Salisbury, there is no cure until you get rid of all of the cancer. More to come..........
"claiming she had just allegedly been struck by the Somerset County Sheriff's vehicle allegedly"
Okay, where is the sheriff's vehicle? Are all county sheriff's vehicles in Somerset County accounted for today?
Please refrain from using all CAPITOL letters again. They will be rejected from this point forward. While we appreciate any and all comments, people really had the capitol letters with all due respect. Thanks, Joe
Good old boys again , it's a shame
but something needs to be done with these guys. That government
county is still living in the
1920's .
Here is a big question. Since he is the subject of a exparte order under Maryland law he is not able to posses any firearms and they must be surrendered. I wonder who is going to take all of the Sheriff's guns. I've allways said that Somerset County is the armpit of the state and what happens there will never happen in other places. I'm willing to bet any amount of money that this case will go away just like the ex-wardens, Pecaroro's and many,many other high profile Somerset county cases.
If this were the average joe, we would not be talking about it. He would be arrested and it would be her word against his. Seems like the Sheriff is getting some Somerset County Special Treatment. As Usual!
Is this the same guy who has inmates work on his house. If true, maybe he can have the inmates open up an auto body shop at the jail so they can repair all of the damages the Sheriff and his deputies do when they're DUIing.
Maybe Gov. Schaefer was right about you Shore folk after all!
Oh my! cj
Joe you have blogged them.This will be all over the Daily Times now.Good Work.
Anonymous said...
Here is a big question. Since he is the subject of a exparte order under Maryland law he is not able to posses any firearms and they must be surrendered. I wonder who is going to take all of the Sheriff's guns. I've allways said that Somerset County is the armpit of the state and what happens there will never happen in other places. I'm willing to bet any amount of money that this case will go away just like the ex-wardens, Pecaroro's and many,many other high profile Somerset county cases.
6:59 PM
I may be wrong, but I don't believe he is a sworn or commission officer so I don't believe he carries a gun.
um um wit dem teef he remind me o dem dare bubba's teef. is dat bubba cousin? bubba and his cousin bubba
I understand the the good ole boys/girls in Somerset County refused to issue the paperwork. I hear they had to go to the Wicomico County Commissioner to get the order and that Wicomico County Sheriff was given the order, check with your buddies there Joe. Yes he carrys a gun have seen him with it several times and he is sworn and has arrest powers
Bobby Jones is an idiot and should never be allowed to run a Sheriff's Office, he is a disgrace to law enforcement.
Is anyone suprised about this at all, I doubt it unless you live on another planet. I suppose the most shocking news is that Kristy Hickman has recused herself. For the good of the county I hope that she stays recused and doesn't bounce back at every step of the process to protect the sheriff the way that she did Warden James L. Henderson. Lets reminisce for a moment. She cleared another sheriff, Bobby Purnell, 15 minutes after he shot an unarmed man in the back. Hickman also refused to bring charges against a correctional officer that was bringing contraband into the detention center and soliciting sexual favors from the female prisoners. She is an expert at protecting her own.
When it involves one of their own, secrecy is always the name of the game.
Kristy Hickman's reputation has suffered severely from her involvement with the James L. Henderson case. She stayed actively involved even after an admitted conflict of interest in the case. She cannot be trusted to handled any case involving any county employee, especially law enforcement. James L. Henderson should be in jail today and instead he is still working for the county. Wise up Somerset.
Rumor has it that the state police did catch the Crisfield Chief of Police driving drunk. Seems that this has been sweep under the rug also. I did notice in the Somerset Hearld last week the chief had his arm around SA Kristy Hickman. It sure pays to have friends in high places.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find the sheriff and his car. If the car is damaged, charge him, if not, case closed. He has been known to drink a little from time to time.
Allow me to make a comment here referencing Kristy Hickman.
I have personally had dealings with Kristy Hickman and while she was thrown into a lousy position having to go up against me personally, we worked together and ironed out a very fair deal, even though politics were involved. I could have fought her and I'm extremely confident she would have lost. However, a mutual deal was made between the two of us that worked very nicely between all parties and it was fair on both sides.
That being said, I have heard many people talking about how crooked she is and the good old boy system down there. Not for nothing but I just don't see it. I have made calls about certain issues when I hear you guys talk about her and came to learn there was always a good reason behind the reasons why things ended up like they did.
Now I'm sure you're going to want to disagree with me and I'm even more sure you think I was snookered by someone about her. Let me assure you, I very rarely get snookered by anyone. I check the stories out and even though I've had to make OFF THE RECORD agreements in order to get the entire story, (all of which I am a man of my word and I would never break that agreement) I came to learn why and many of you would never understand.
I think Kristy is excellent at what she does and trust me Folks, if I ever found out differently, I think all of you know I'd be on her like there's no tomorrow because I just wouldn't stand for it. The same goes for Davis Ruark. If only most of you knew why they made some of the decisions they do, trust me, you would have made the exact same decisions, IF you were as smart as these two are.
Take this case for example. Come on now, Kristy immediately recused herself without even thinking twice about it. Doesn't she deserve credit for that? In this case the taxpayers will get justice. If the Sheriff did wrong, they'll nail him. If he didn't, he deserves to get off. Remember, this man serves his community in such a way, if you're so disappointed in him, get him the heck out of there and VOTE someon else in.
Anyhow, unless you have evidence against Kristy, you're just stirring the pot. I can clearly see there are issues down there but the reality of it is that it's not much different from Salisbury. Start going to the polls and vote some new blood into these seats and make a difference. The good old boys are only as good and the voters that are afraid to vote against them. Act like a strong community and vote every one of them out and vote some new people in. It's that simple.
anonymous 11:34, that's a complete lie. As you said though, RUMOR. Well, that rumor is completely false. I did make a ton of calls today and dug in deep on this story. I can assure you, the State Police are not covering anything up. Like I just said earlier, Kristy recused herself immediately. How the heck can she be hiding something when she makes such a move? Stop being stupid and let these guys get to the bottom of this situation. Oh, remember, IF the Chief left the scene and IF he had been drinking, there's absolutely no way he can be charged. Remember the Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy that had the hit and run, went home and called the Department two or three hours later? He got off any DUI charges because they couldn't prove he had been drinking too much BEFORE the accident. He went home, claimed he started drinking then and the game is over. The Sheriff there can do the same thing. So will anything happen to him, probably not. That's IF anything really happened in the first place. The State Police will let everyone know once their investigation is over. However, like I said, more than likely since he wasn't there when the State Police arrived, nothing can be done about it.
Can't argue with that, don't re-elect anybody. If they are honest when you elect them, it doesn't take them long to change. Logan Widdowson was an exception, he was always honest, fair, and nonpolitical. To bad his health failed. The problem in Somerset is that they are all democrats and they stick togeather. May some respectible republican's will run next election.
With all due respect Joe, what you just said doesn't make any sense. It's called hit and run and it happens everyday. If you can just leave and the police can't do any thing about it I suggest that everyone just leave the scene if they are ever involved in a hit and run.
I served on a jury once where the defendant was involved in an accident and left the scene. When the cops went to his house he was drunk. He used the same excuse, that he got drunk after he got home. We the Jury found him guilty.
Why is it that all the Law Enforcement, EMT's, And Firefighters who break the law are able to get away with it? For one Cops are able to hide behind the badge since they are better than us civilians they can travel at high rates of speed up and down the highway heck even kill some poor soul out for a drive. Also the Paramedic with Pittsville FD His Cert ran out hmmmm who's checking things out? apparently not doing the right things to keep on top of that yeah granted he was a paramedic at one time when it expired he should have went to the right people to let them know but he didn't what would have happened if someone died in his arms? Another one that i felt was funny was the Sby Firefighter who was impersanating a police officer WOW thats a serious crime for the ordinary person like you or me but like i said before its because of the uniform they get away with everything..... Some of them even just get suspension with pay WTF i dont understand if us ordinary people did the things they do we would be burried under the prison but instead they get a nice old fashioned slap on the wrist!!!!!!!
Also the Law enforcement personnel who get arrested for DUI-DWI good job look at the example you set for your dept. you are supposed to uphold the law but what do you do like i said earlier in this you abuse the power you have nice job trying to enforce the law but hard to do when one of your own breaks the law....................
While I don't personally recommend that, look at it this way. The WCSD that recently did it, his Brother was a cop too and had done almost the exact same thing a few years earlier and he got off from the charges too. His brother did it recently and he got off. There's something in the law that states if no one is around and you do in fact call it in and report it, they Police can come to your location and take a report. Now, if you wait a few hours and start drinking then, well, what can they say? Again, I'm paraphrasing and I don't recommend this to anyone but it seems to me, (in the law enforcement field anyway) like it tends to work.
I just wanted to be the lone voice out here defending,or attempting to defend Bobby-he and his department has personally been very good to my family in the past in our dealings with him and we are NOT "movers & shakers" or good ole boys.I hope he didnt commit this crime but if he did he should be punished-BUT he is not a bad person,not by along shot.
Lets face it Booby has a drinking problem. he rides around with booze on his braeth all the time. The State wont touch him. He is a good ole boy from way back. As for the female trooper that was removed she was done in by her own. Not Bobby. The First Sgt. that ran his boating and auction business while on duty. The D/ Sgt. that employees illegals at her farm in Dorchester and some cry baby lazy C.I.D. Troopers. So dont blame Bobby. He pulled his Deputies out of that sink hole a while back. I think that female trooper has hired some big city lawyers and the last has not been heard yet. Mean while back at the good ole boy ranch. I am personally writing a letter to the Attorney Generals Office about the whole ball of wax. The dept. Of Justice as well. Mississippi burning all over again lol. I just cant wrap my brain around what the thinking is down there. Hypocrites and lunatics. Enough said. i wonder why R. Scott davis did not recluse himself. He is right out of the ole somerset pea patch. There are a couple of people that have some splainin to do yall know whata mean. Wicomico County Commisioner had to issue the paper work what does that tell you. Lets see if little "E" can clean up the dung heap he is the right one for it. I have faith in him. Bobby good luck. To you spineless jellyfish and you know who your are it is a god darn wonder you can stand without a vertabrae in you. Joe i know you like Kristy Kreme but she is as worthless as tits on a boar hog. She is the matiarch of slummerset.
Was Davis Ruark criticized this much when he ran afoul? Frank White? I guess if Bobby Jones was your buddy, you'd be screaming that the man made a mistake. Speak with a forked tongue much?
Joe, Good luck in you finding out anything in Somerset County.Kristy Hickman was tutored by Logan Widdowson[A person that passed a stopped school bus and killed a young man]Got off scot free. A deputy sheriff takes a loaded pistol home,places it under the drivers seat of his car.Leaves car parked in driveway of his home.Pistol is stolen from vehicle and to date its unaccounted for.Deputy still working.Nothing done.
I am from Somerset County and have personally seen the Sheriff drunk in public on many occasions. It seems it is acceptable in Somerset County. Same goes for Kristy Hickman. She may be good at what she does but she too is known for hanging out in local bars with her male cop friends getting drunk. Anyone who works in the public eye as these two should not be conducting their behavior in public like this. If they want to get smashed, do it at home.
Okay Joe let's get things straight for the people. First Bobby Jones is the subject of a Peace Order not a Protective Order. There's a difference. No surrender of firearms on a Peace Order. The States Attorney almost has to recluse herself in these kind of issues. It's done like that everywhere not just in Somerset Co. Also I don't think there's much to this case. That's why the local MSP Barrack hasn't charged in this case. I think we have a case of a woman seeing dollar signs. Also there's an underlying story here. Captain M. Koerner of MSP is interested in running for Sheriff and has been using his current job to take smears and jabs at the Sheriff every chance he gets. I think that is wrong as well. Especially since he was a very large part of that female Lt's problem down there. He should have gotten canned with her. He knew what was going on and was a big manipulater. So there's a lot more to all this than meets the eye.
It's a funny thing the Sheriffs vehicle had no damage. I think we have a gold digger here. Sheriff Jones is a fine man and has given his life to Somerset Co. Give him a break.
What about Hickman's windshield getting bashed in by a cop's wife?????
I heard Dep. Durham from Somerset Co. has been suspended since September on an excessive force complaint. Sounds to me like he's got anger issues. But I'm sure the Sheriffs Office down there is like every other police dept. it's a personnel issue and they cannot discuss it. Don't pay attention to a website. They won't change information when depuites are suspended, suspensions are temporary. This case will run it's course and I'm sure we'll know what happens when it's permanent.
For the record, Kristy Hickman is not known to hang out in bars with her cop friends getting drunk. I'd like to see her pursue these false allegations and take you down for slandering her reputation. That is the most made up post I have ever read. You should be ashamed for allowing it.
Ill drink with him.
9:34, Probably explains why Jim Henderson got off scott free, he was a regular at Spike's Pub in PA. It's a fact that the day the State Police executed a search and seizure warrant at the Detention center, Hickman and Henderson were out in Western Maryland togeather attending a conferance. At that time Henderson was under criminal investigation and Hickman was well aware of it. So much for ethics.
Her picture has certainly been in the paper attending a bunch of fireman and chamber of commerce events with alcohol on the table. Her picture with the cops arm around her is also very unprofessional. What does the Hubby think of all of this?
Who says the sheriff's car had no damage, I haven't seen that anywhere, did I miss something?
Right or wrong, be careful with what you believe and pass judgement on without knowing the full story. This is only the beginning of the bad press you'll hear about the sheriff and/or his department. The fuel will be fired in the upcoming months, mostly by individual(s) who plan on running in the next election. As far as Ms. Hickman goes, of course she's going to excuse herself and tippy-toe around anything that involves the Sheriff and/or his department. She's well aware that too many people know of her "extra curricular" activities and travel agendas with one of their own!
Look at you anonymous 11:52, why don't you use your name? My name is here, I'm not afraid to say it as I see it. You may not even agree with what I say and that's cool. However, you make statements about Kristy and hide behind anonymous, so why should anyone believe a word YOU say?
Is she Billys wife?
If you want to broaden the subject to include Somerset employees in the spotlight and their social life...I've had the opportunity to attend several events (fire department banquets, etc) where your newly named county administrator, the head of 911, as well as other county commissioners were, and they have all arrived to the event by themselves (so you know they didn't bring a designated driver), participated in "cocktail hour", downed a few, and then got in their cars and drove home. Now you explain to me what the message is there? How stupid can they really be?
The comment made by 9:14 is flawed. Logan was driving a fire engine trying to get to a fire in order to save lives. Every emergency vehicle driver breaks the law every day. They probably shouldn't, but they do. they pass on the right, run red lights, speed and are frequently involved in accidents. That is exactly what it was, an accident. No comparison at all to what others mentioned on this site have done. Logan was also volunteering in order to help his community, not running around drinking and partying like our elected officials are doing today.
I certainly hope that Jack Willing decides to run for States Attorney again. It's unfortunate that he lost the last election. If the people are fed up with the Obama's, Kratovil's, Reid's, Pelosi's, etc then vote republican for a change. Oh yea, let's not forget all the great decisions that our democratic commissioners have made. Obama is right about one thing and that is, it's time for change.
Joe, you know what this means. If true, you'll see Al Wedster run for Sheriff in Somerset because he knows his days are numbered.
Think quickly, judge slowly....
Jones had allready announced that he would not be running for re-election. There will be a job opening in Somerset. Republicans need not apply.
I was at the Crisfield Chamber of Commerce banquet, which most of you were not. Not one of our county or elected officials there had more than one drink. These guys are not going to get drunk in front of the people that they are trying to impress. Just because they have their picture in the paper with other officials doesn't mean anything more than they happened to be standing next to the person when the photographer walked by. Anyone who makes these slanderous accusations should sign their name. Kristy Hickman is a fine prosecutor who has a track record of locking up drug dealers. She didn't get the judgeship because the criminal defense attorneys in Wicomico and Worcester County blackballed her. Why? Because she was tough on their criminal clients. Well, I for one, say GOOD! Let's be tough on criminals. Sounds to me like she's doing a good job. That's what we want our prosecutors to do, lock up criminals, not cut deals.
You are absolutely correct 12pm. Most of the commissioners and appointed officials that attend these functions drink and then drive home. They probably feel confident that they will not be prosecuted if caught in the wrong. Why do they have so many banquets anyway. The organizations ask for donations all the time and then they have a big party and squander the money. Don't ask me for money anymore, Obama will look out for you.
I agree 12:43, lock up criminals. That includes law enforcement officers, Wardens, elected, and appointed officials that break the law. Unfortunately Hickman does not go after that type of crime and the record proves it if you research it. You must have been rather bored at the banquet if all you could do is watch the public officials and note how many drinks they had. For some reason, I don't believe you.
Joe first let me say I am a loyal reader of your news and I have found it to be very truthful and and well spoken, I have been a county employee for 17 years and respect Bobby Jones but Friday most of the top county employeess knew what happen as far as his car you will need to look in all county buildings from what I overheard it has disappeared and he has another one I really thought he would come forward but the county fathers don't want that and neither does Bobby I would love to see an federal investigation I would leave my mane but I need my job and if they knew I spoke out I would banned fron Somerset County Thanks
Bobby Jones is a good man. i am sure whom ever made the 911 call is just looking for some $$$. If the sheriff is such a bad person how come he has been the sheriff for such a long time. Everyone who has somthing negitive to say about the sheriff needs to get a life! if you don't like your county officials then move out of the county. leave somerset county alone and find someone else to gossip about.
Joe let me tell you something...Thank you for the article..But I am soooo tired of all the BS that has been goin on with Bobby THE DRUNK Jone over the years...But everyone in Somerset County complains about him but continue to vote him in office time after time..So I tell the people of Somerset to SHUT UP...I still cant believe no Trooper hasn't had the guts to stop Drunk Jones and lock him up IN his patrol car DUI..I can say this because I have know Jones for years and his is a drunk...Ask anyone who knows him and many will tell you where is watering hole is and have witnessed him leaving stumbling into his patrol car driving off...Joe you may need to do some stakeouts on these water holes and call about a drunk on the road..Heck..why not we just call the A.G.'s Office and get them to make an unannounced visit down there...
Are you kidding 12:53. I believe a few of the Elks members that were there would disagree with you. I'm also amazed that you say the officials are there to impress people. If that were the case, maybe they shouldn't drink at all. And finally, I guess the cheif just happened to have his arm around the SA when the photographer walked by. If that is the case, why?
It's called the power of the incumbency. I really don't know, but he has probably never had another democrat run against him. Since Somerset is overwelmingly democratic, a republican could never win. And the drama continues on and on. The same mentallity applies to the commissioners, if you are a democrat you are going to get reelected no matter what.
Hey Joe I hope you consider your sources on the Bobby Jones issue. I know for a fact that he has three problem child depuites and one of them is suspended so there is no doubt they will do whatever and say whatever right now for a little, no alot of revenge. Not to mention a Md State Trooper, Captain, who is going to run for Sheriff so I'm sure he is frothing at the mouth right now. All I'm saying is I don't believe a whole lot that's written on your site. I hope everybody keeps an open mind. Also I know for a fact that Bobby Jones is driving the same vehicle. There is no cover up or switching of vehicles.
Call Bobby Jones what you want and yes maybe he does drink too much but that doesn't change the fact that he has done a wonderful job for the citizens of Somerset Co. over the years. Maybe that's why he gets reelected every term. Just call his office with a problem and you'll see. He and his staff will bend over backwards to help you out. As far as this nonsense that is being written. Just maybe nothing really happened. Could this be individuals trying to get money out of Somerset Co? I just think that there's more to this story than we'll ever know. Is it really any of our business? Joe, Booby Jones can't call you and discuss this matter. Give me a break. Think about it. That would be foolish. Anyway half of these comments are probably from disgruntled employees. You know one just got arrested for DUI. Let's be rational about this whole situation. And Joe I have alot of inside information about the Sheriffs Office and it's not all bad like your led to believe!
Everybody remember that you can get a peace order, protective order or whatever you want to call it like a piece of candy. Judges and Commissioners will issue them at will just to keep from getting sued. Not only that anyone can say that another person is doing whatever to them. Don't put much weight into those facts.
And Joe I'll just bet that your new breaking information on Sheriff Jones that is coming out is coming from the disgruntled deputy that is the boyfrined of Kristy Hickman, the States Attorney. Oh yeah. I can tell you lots!!!! And it ain't Eastern Shore gossip neither. Bobby Jones is not crooked.
anonymous 7:38, you're wrong.
If this so called woman was hit by a car,then where are her injuries? Like you just said, she had none. Did this really happen? I doubt it. There is somthing fishy about this all. Please! Next, for the trooper who says he is going to run for sheriff maybe this is somthing he thought of because he needs some votes! Everybody who has ever tried to run againest the sheriff has lost! look at the REAL picture!
7:18 I couldn't agree with you more!
Hey Joe,
I totally get your whole hippie "Let's uncover the man!" by telling people the real truth, but maybe if you wrote a little more professionally with less "Oh, that's right, I know everything" attitude, you would convert more people to your side of the story. Keep this in mind when you decide to write a story about the crookedness of residents from your neck of the woods. It's definitely not just Somerset County.
I really cant believe some of you really think Bobby Jones has been a good sheriff...He has been a good DRUNK..Yes he is good at that...As for anyone doing anything about him or any county commissioner drunk driving home..IT's Not Gonna Happen..The good old boy system is good in Somerset County...And to find full time deputies working aroudn the clock on the road actually doing something...haha..Time for the Ag's Office to come on down and interview the deputies..(Wait that will be a dog and pony show)...I would hope someone finally comes in and cleans up the whole dysfunctional bunch of losers...(Except for a few good workers I feel sorry for)...
I challenge any Law Enforcement Officer with any Balls to stop Bobby Jones and pop him for DUI..Its easy..But it wont happen..The Challenge is on**
Joe: I have no comment on KH...this is about Drunk Jones and you my friend are on the right track..Not a witch hunt..You are on the right track and YOU need to expose everything about how messed up the Somerset Co. Sheriff's Office is..Go For It**
Dont worry about the MSP guys in P/A the boss there has a real close relationship with a certain Judge. All the cops know this and it is not a male judge. So the plot thickens. Henderson and Kristy Kreme were pretty tight also.
As for the female trooper it is far from over. If she was smart she would throw some butts under the bus. When you are not in you are not in. She was obviously tired of this same type of crap and get set up. Thats right by her own not Bobby Jones. There is a huge integrity issue there.
I for one will see that justice is served all the way around. If the investgation of what actually transpired was leaked to the press some people would crap their brown pants.
This case might end up in front a jury that has no ties to the command staff. Hmmm lets see where it goes.
As for Jones I hope it all works out if you are innocent some people will be eating a large slice of humble pie. If he is guilty he needs to step down, unlike another one who liked the drink a little too much. Some of his staff is following in the same path I hear they need to clean house also. Something stinks.
I'll believe a charge when I see it. Don't forget the AG's office investigated the Princess Anne Police Chief Pecararo's handling of funds. The money was mis-spent in various ways, but was he ever charged. The answer is no. I know the AG was also was aware of the notorious detention center warden situation as well. Were any charges brought in that case? Absolutely not. Let's not forget folks that when any of these people get caught in the wrong, it is a bad reflection on all of them. With that in mind, they will go to all lenghts to protect each other. It's good that this is being looked at from afar, that is the only hope for justice in this case.
You must not hang out at the Washington Hotel. I have seen it with my own eyes. I often wondered what her husband thought of it.
I agree with you 12:22. How could 10:47 possible know what others think of Kristy Hickman. They can express their own opinion but that's all it is. Everyone that I have conversation with agrees with most of the negative posts on this site about her reputation.
Somerset needs a clean sweep. As long as the present Sheriff, commissioners, dog catcher, and States Attorney remain on the county payroll there will be problems of this nature. When one gets caught in the wrong, all of there reputations will be questioned and brought out into the public. That is legitimate because they protect each other. Get used to it or get another job.
Does anyone know more about the story about the troopers wife busting in her windshield? I guess this was something that was swept under the rug too.
The silence is now deafening.The cover ups have started. The planning and conspiracies have began. It's a shame that the public, the very ones that pay these jerks salaries are always kept in the dark. If it were not for Joe, we wouldn't know anything. There is never any need to keep this type of activity secret except for the fact they try to protect themselfs and their miserable reputations.
you people really need to read more!!!!!!!
Durham might have gotten off on his DUI but the point remains he is a scumbag, a drunk AND more than likely he was drunk driving, it just was not proven in court. OJ got off too..... someday the law, real cops, not Durham, will catch up with this guy....
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