In today's Daily Times, it was reported that Richard Insley Jr. (owner of multiple rental properties in Salisbury) sent a letter to all of his tenants requesting them to vote for Gary Comegys.
Link to the story: http://delmarvanow.com/article/20090211/NEWS01/902110394/1002
Jim responds:
"It is not the responsibility of the City government to regulate the relationship between renter/landlord, and be sure, the landlord is the only person who can raise your rent. When crime rates become so high that all citizens - renter, university student, senior citizen, and homeowner - are seeking relief, then the city must step in and use all available tools to curb crime. What this letter represents is a misinformation campaign from the leader of an industry and the chairman of our housing board - that does not accurately reflect my position (that was never solicited by Insley or SAPOA) and continues the brazen practice of dividing renters and homeowners in order to profit from that division.
It is important to know that I have walked high crime areas that university students live in. I have always advocated, in my work in the Neighborhood Congress, and in politics to protect those among us whose situation can be improved. I am not scared of tactics like these, I have seen them for decades.
My campaign will convince renters and homeowners that only when we work together can we begin to address the issues of blight that are raising our crime rates. It is my hope that the rental industry will bring to the table what it is that they CAN do to partner in that effort."
EDITORS NOTE: It should be known by ALL that Mr. Ireton did in fact send this exact letter to the Daily Times yesterday and they chose not to run it. They put in a Comegys fluff piece in today's paper instead. I call it, Yellow Journalism.
What! The Daily Times chose NOT to print Jim's rebuttal.
Rentals for students or for drug dealers.
Parties or ak's
It is to be regreted that the rich and powerful to often bend the acts of goverment to their own selfish purposes.
Andrew Jackson.
Well said Jim, you have my vote and I support you 110%. Let's take back Salisbury once and for all.
Help is on the way! If we can beat out the crooks
jim ireton rocks!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Ireton has no conflict of interest here, does not own any rental propery. He is the best guy for this job.
The last 10years has been a wonderful time for the Donnie Williams and Richard Insleys.That is about to change.
Yellow journalism as defined. Is journalism designed to attract readers to generate sales of newspapers.
I suggest Yellow Journalism in the case of the Daily Times is a measure of cowardice and not journalism.
Renters are not thinking if they believe the best candidate to support renters' rights would be the one recommended by the slumlords. How ridiculous!
I would prefer to call it "Black Journalism" since what that rag and its writers are doing is as dark as it can get. We aught to start a movement to do away with all the Sapoa members. Maybe send them to China, with the rest of the worlds crooks!
Bob Caldwell is also a very honorable competent man and would do a fine job of fixing this city (and these crooked slumlords). Jim Ireton is my choice, but if you're not considering voting for him, please give your vote to Caldwell. Comegys NO WAY.
Thank you, Jim Ireton, for standing up for regular people and standing up to those who want their way only for their own profit and at the expense of others' lives.
Renters take notice, this was done to help Tilghman get elected last time and she did not help you because the landlords scratched her back. Ireton will not be in debt to the landlords, you want your property fixed, your places kept in code...vote for Ireton. You want change in crime in Salisbury....vote Ireton. The city will change if he is Mayor.
The daily rag, would not report fairly if their life depended on it. They have never done it, so they would not know how. I'm sure we will get a letter from the editor stating how Tilghman/Comegys is the best for them, oh I mean the best for Salisbury.
Bob Caldwell has beat cancer -- so trash like Richard Insley ain't gonna stop him from ridding Salisbury of vermin like the slumlords who comtrol SAPOA and want to continue to control Salisbarrie after their Queen is gone. This is the end of the Tilghman-Dream Team conspiracy!
GREAAAAAAAAAAAT, Jim Ireton setting the record straight, and Joe's Blog for being the only reliable news source in the County.
I adore dark haired men...who are intelligent and really care about the community in which they live and work.
Tha landlords are desparate very early this election. We have them on the ropes already. More jabs then work the body for a while.
Letters like this are why Insley has no business being on the zoning board, it's clearly a conflict of interest.
Come on county council this zoing board is city/county and it's time to get rid of that old regime Rick Pollitt.
I'm a landlord with just a few houses, I can assure you I don't get the breaks and favors that Insley/Williams get. I get stupid citations on my houses, I can't help but wonder if money doesn't change hands somehwere.
Please put a sign for Ireton and/or Caldwell on each property you own.
What you are saying is totally true. In my neighborhood, the city cites small landlords so that it looks like they are enforcing codes, and lets the big guys go with the exact same infractions. I think Joe long ago posted a copy of a citation for an Insley property where the mayor wrote on it that the fine should be forgiven. Tnhis would be a good time to pull that chesnut back out!
9:45, Insley isn't on the city/county zoning board. Can't blame the county for him. Insley is chair of the Board of Housing Adjustments and Appeals.
9:49, it's a myth that people hate ALL landlords. Many know that SAPOA has been strong-arming the little-guy landlords for a long time, trying to squeeze them so they can pick up their property cheap.
One who knows.
Hey, did anyone else notice Gary "Me too" Comegys' comment in the DT? He's now for a landlord/tenant board! How many more great ideas is he going to steal from Jim Ireton and Debbie Campbell. The guy doesn't have an original thought in his head. He will say and do anything to get elected, then go back to his true colors.
Jim Ireton is just the change we need! Vote for Jim!
vote for old tried & true Caldwell!
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