Campaigns should focus on issues, not intimidation
"As a business located on a frequently traveled street in Salisbury, we are often asked to put up yard sale signs for events and political campaigns. Trying to be a good neighbor, we help everyone by placing signs to inform the public.
Even though I am not a voter in Salisbury, I put up a sign for a candidate after a polite request. However, the negativity of politics as practiced in this city has been turned against us.
First, local blogs attacked us for placing a sign for someone other than their candidate. Now we have received an unsigned letter, implying it came from a former customer, attacking us for exercising our right to free speech: "I was troubled to see a Gary Comegys for mayor sign posted at your place of business. ... Even if you take yours down, I have to consider my customer relationship with your business as being tainted."
This is America. Our democracy is not well-served by this type of hatefulness. The voters of Salisbury are tired of the fight between two small groups of politically active citizens that results in all of us looking bad. In a community that can rise up and provide incredible support on short notice for sick kids and other important causes, we should not allow candidates or their supporters to use negative campaigning or launch attacks on citizens who are trying to practice free speech.
We are better than that.
These candidates need to stop their supporters from using intimidation and focus instead on the issues facing Salisbury, which are considerable in these tough economic times.
Dawn Tilghman
IMHO, Dawn is the one who is a HATER. She goes public with her feelings because some of her own Customers disagree with her choice? In America, Dawn, other people have the right to their opinion too. They even have the right to not do business with you. After this letter in today's Daily Times, my guess is you'll now have even more Customers who see your own HATRED towards those who don't agree with you and do business elsewhere.
Dawn finished her letter with: "These candidates need to stop their supporters from using intimidation and focus instead on the issues facing Salisbury, which are considerable in these tough economic times."
Perhaps you haven't read today's Daily Times Dawn? I'm sure you're still trying to pull that foot out of your mouth this morning.
I was a customer until I saw that sign. My money will go to no business that supports an idiot like Comegys. Your choice of candidates say alot about your character and beliefs. I chose not to do business with you because of your beliefs.
I get my tires at Sam's Club. They are less expensive and the rotate the tires every 3000 miles for free.
Intimidation? That is the common practice of the current administration and her candidate - Bubba. Speaking of campaign signs, I wonder why Caldwell signs keep disappearing. Yesterday I passed three on my way to work. Today, they are all gone. Now who is being childish. Are they really that threatened by a campaign sign?
Most businesses shy away from
supporting any political figure.
After-all it could cost them 50% or more of their business.
She should have understood this , it not rocket science.
I 100% agree with Dawn. Because of that alone, this comment will probably never see the light of day...but I'll continue anyway.
If you're going to call her out on writing a letter publicly--exercising HER right to free speach, then why not call the customer out on it? Sure, the customer has every right to not do business with Dawn anymore--that is the customers' right--but it could've been done quietly without bashing Dawn's business just because a sign was placed in front of her business.
Dawn even said in her letter that she's not even a voter in Salisbury, so my guess (and this is only a guess) is that she may not have a strong opinion one way or another to ANY candidate, but simply acted on a polite request since the business is located on a heavily traveled street. My guess would be that if another candidate asked her first, then chances are we'd see a different sign out in front of her business.
Dawn makes a good point though, there is so much petty crap and so much arguing back and forth between 2 sides on who's right and who's wrong that the real issues never get addressed. I look at politics like a marraige--it takes 2 working together to make a marraige work and at the same time, it takes 2 to make a marraige fail. If both sides of politics were to come to a mutual compromise, then it's going to be a win-win for all, but at the same time, if both sides continue to fight and argue over small, unimportant matters, nothing will get accomplished and everyone will suffer.
I guess it's a pipe dream to think that people (or sides) of two extremely different opinions could work together to solve problems. Until that happens, I think we're all going to suffer.
anonymous 11:16,
With all due respect, DAWN is the one who went public with the letter.
Secondly, are you freakin kidding me about both sides working together?
Do you know ANYTHING about running a business? Absolutely Not!
The fact of the matter is, you WANT people questioning not only the motives of their co council members, you want every single ounce of what if's out of the way well before you even consider taking something to a vote.
Everyone today is now questioning Developer Reimbursements, including Comegys.
While I applaud your supporting Dawn, I must say that you have no clue how to operate a fine tuned machine in business. I would rather have employees questioning and second guessing than a groupf of people who worship the ground I walked on.
Dawn just screwed her business into the ground by going public. She should have kept her mouth shut and moved on. Hopefully other business owners learn from her stupidity.
Look ive been a customer there for a while now and Dawn has always treated me and others that i know rite. The service has always been optimal. THIS IS AMERICA if she choses to support who ever then it is her choice and it has never effected how i or anybody else i know was effected
Yes she may have been a lil more expensive but i know who the money is going to and its local owned
Woof Woof Baby
Why are you going after Burnett White only, how about the country house and all the other businesses who have allowed Comegys signs???
Joe, that is a horrible thing the say. So just because I have Ireton's on my business property I should keep my mouth shut if I receive intimidating letter???? HEll NO! I'll be very Vocal & Public about it.
Joe, I'm not at all saying that people should not ask questions and seek the true motives of the people they are supporting. What I am saying is that people need to come to an informed decision based on facts and truths. Instead, people often turn to slander and that's when things get ugly.
What I AM saying is that both sides are to blame--side A starts bashing side B, side B returns fire by bashing side A, and this continues back and forth far too often. I'm simply suggesting that both side A and side B need to present the facts and truths on a matter, then let the public make an informed decision. When you start bashing sides, the facts start to become blurry.
Also, you mentioned "With all due respect, DAWN is the one who went public with the letter." I remember seeing the letter that Dawn was refering to and it was posted on your site, Dawn was simply responding to the letter.
Joe, I think you are wrong. Yes, people do question people of authority, and it is our right to do so. When we question authority, we keep their power in check. But ideally, I want a person in power who I do not have to question, Someone I can rely on and I know will do the right thing.
Next, I Agree with dawn with the fact that she shouldn't be attacked for her political views, and her business shouldn't suffer. The biggest problem with our two party system is it splits almost everyone in half. Somebody shouldn't have to vote for a candidate because of their party affiliation. They should pick the best candidate for them. Is dawn really a bad person for supporting somebody that she likes? and better yet, is dawn's business a bad business because the Owner likes a different candidate than you?
With all that being said, I know I don't have as much a say in this because I am not a city resident, but who gets voted in does matter to me because I do a lot of business in the city limits.
I am also not in favor of Comegys, but that still doesn't mean I hate Comegys supporters.
Any business would be better served to not place any signs of support for the public to see. The owner should keep their support to themselves and run the business. All this says is "BIG BUSINESS RUNS SALISBURY" The average person doesn't count, but has to bare the brunt of the bullcrap. Comegys is in bed with Insley and the slumlords, as well as big business. Its out there for all to see. Meanwhile your City has gone to hell in a handbasket and they want this to continue. Its up to you to make a difference. Put an end to this political steamroller.
Joe, here's the link to the letter YOU posted on Feb 3rd:
I don't believe that it was Dawn who went public with the letter.
anonymous 11:53,
I'm talking about Dawn going public with her letter in today's Daily Times.
The fact that she has gone to another source to fight her battle with her very own Customer and letting the world know people are choosing NOT to do business with her simply because of her political choice is her own fault.
Like I said, she should have kept her mouth shut.
You might ask yourself why are they suporting Comegys ? Its simple. Anyone can see he's a dumb as a stump and a lazy State worker. The answer is simple. They can walk all over him and get their way. He's not going to buck them, because they got him elected. Once he's in they can do whatever they want and theres no stopping them. Insley and Williams are smart guys and I acknowledge that fact. They're shrude business men, who usually get their way. They realize Ireton or Caldwell wont support their destruction of this City, so Bubba is their man. He's a figure head with no backbone and dumber than a stump.
I will never shop at that store again. My husband and I own 3 cars, one of which our young son drives. We'll try sam's club instead.
I see all these people defending Dawn and have to wonder why she chose to go to the daily times with her message, instead of defending her position here. My guess would be that Dawn is behind the Tilghman-Comegys smear campaign against the blogs. It looks like it backfired, if you ask me. I'll never shop there again either.
12:01, Dont do that,Sams exploits this country everyday, take you busines to another LOCAL owned company if you choose to not shop with Dawn anymore. All she did was put out a sign, Sams is a Capitalistic Corporate monopoly that couldnt care less about this country.
everyone has a right to their opinion.
but you have to live with the consequences if you express yours.
people will not shop at any location for whatever reason they want.
if someone asked you to put a kkk recruiting flyer up, and you did, im sure you would lose customers. this is an extreme example, but makes the point.
remember what happened to the dixie chicks way back when they were the first people to badmouth bush?
if you dont want to alienate anyone, dont let people put up anything that could cause a negative reaction, and stay away from politics
The last time I bought tires there I had a flat out of state. When we went to replce the tire we were told the one that went bad on us was from a different lot number. Three were the same and one was different. They said that's why the tire went bad on us. We always make sure all of our tires are from the same lot run now and had to replace all four tires. We've never returned since.
We need another candidate like Barack OBama for Salisbury, someone who is capable of rallying to bring people together. Remember his campaign. Refreshing!
OH Shuuuuuttttt up!!!!
It was ok for people to boycott Target because they wouldn't let the Salvation Army ring bells in front of their stores but it's not ok for us to ban your store because you support a guy who has raised our taxes, welcomed a loser TIF, supported the Mayor on all the WWTP spills, supported water and sewer increases, developer reimbursements in the millions, the list goes on and on. If you're that stupid to put his sign in front of your business, you're that stupid to lose whatever business goes elsewhere because of it. We'll show you what deomcracy means.
Be careful about bashing businesses with a Comegys sign until you know why it is up there. Many businesses here will allow ANY candidate's sign up, just for the asking.
Sometimes when you see just his up, it's because his people have been there and asked and the other candidates' have not been in yet, but later you'll see there's go up.
Comegys has a hell of a sign "machine" out there.
But signs don't vote. People do.
And from I've heard, people don't like him at all.
Don't make your candidates look bad by being nasty like the Tilghman-Comegys-Insley axis has been.
12:13 put down the hopium bong. Brought this country together? Are you kidding? Like how the Democrats are entirely in control and getting ready to pass the biggest government spending spree porkulus bill evah ? Like how Schumer arrogantly says that the "chattering class" American people don't really care about Pork in a bill? Like how everything is now a racial issue? Obama has cause more division of race, gender and political affiliation than George Wallace ever did. Not to mention selling us out to Syria and Iran.
12:19 That was precious, LOL.
I guess this woman expressed her dismay in the Times because, contrary to what the owner of this blog says, it is the only legitimate publication in the area.
To the person who just sent in a comment challenging my personal success in business, your comment was rejected. If you would like to send it again with your name on it, I'd be more than happy to post it.
However, you're not going to attack my personal business record without a name. Not here anyway.
I will say this however. I retired at 40 years old. I have never been fed with a silver spoon. In fact, we had always grown up flat broke. My Father nor any Family Member gifted me with ANYTHING. I have earned my success on my own and could do it time and time again.
Just look at Salisbury News. Everyone said it couldn't be done. Then they said it would never last. Go look at my new Post and you'll see just how far we've come.
Salisbury News will become the biggest news source on Delmarva and it will make millions. You can thank Barrie Tilghman for that! No, our visitors will never have to pay a penny to view each and every article either. It will remain a FREE service to all who stop by.
Sign your name and then we'll talk more.
anonymous 1:15, now that was a stupid statement. I'm confident pretty much everyone will agree with me on that.
Here's the bottom line.
Businesses have every right to support whomever.
Customers have every right to spend their money wherever.
Who cares where the signs are, the important thing comes down March 3 and April 7. GO VOTE!!!
I know if I owned a local business and had a campaign sign out front, I'd remove it immediately. Don't these business owners have mouths to feed and commitments to their employees. Loyalty is one thing but staying afloat in such a horrific economy is more important. Just my two cents.
Political signs have no place in front of a business. It is a no win situation for the business. Put them up at your home for the people you vote for where you live.
I concur with the last two comments.....she should have quietly taken down the signs.Is it really worth fighting for to support a candidiate you cannot even vote for ?
like others i have followed this story from day 1, and it was not Dawn who started this , but when you have people saying the are not going to shop there anymore because of a sign in the yard i feel she has the right to defend herself, Dawn takes care of all my tires on all my trucks at my business as well as my personal cars and does an outstanding job, just like Dawn i do not vote in Salisbury and if i did i would not vote for another good ole boy and i would not put signs in my company yard, but this is a free country or it was!! and we should not promote boycotting a business for doing so, and Joe your readers are guilty of this and its wrong and you know it.
I have gone to Dawn for my tires for years, and other work. I trust them so much I leave a blank check and they do what they gota.
I have never been ripped off.
In fact I Just got new tires for my Hummer(now you may know who I am). I priced them at Sams and Dawn was $12.00 cheaper with everthing including the warranty. Plus my Money stays in Maryland and doesn't go to Arkansas to the Waltons.
There is nothing new about this--people have always chosen to leave businesses if they advertise for a particular political candidate they don't agree with. A smart business owner does not put up a political sign unless they are willing to deal with the consequences. Personally, I also do not go to businesses (such as Outten Brothers) that are over the top on their religious beliefs! More power to them for their religious beliefs, I just think it has no place in business and therefore will not go there.
I think it is disingenuous for the owner of the business to insinuate that simply because she can't vote, that proves that she has no vested interest in the politics of Salisbury. by operating a business in the city, she has EVERY REASON to care about how the city is run. If a candidate is going to be more favorable to the operation of her business, then of course she will want that politician to win. By displaying the Sign of only one of politicians and not the others, she of course sends the message that she supports the one displayed, polite request or not. unless she also allows the others to display their signs as well, we can all assume that she DOES support only the one. Putting the signs up helps get a candidate elected after all, or else why would candidates do it?
and furthermore, I live in Fruitland. I don't own a business in Salisbury (or anywhere for that matter) but I AM unemployed, so I want Salisbury's economy to improve so that I may have a chance at a job. At least I make my arguments and reasons for supporting one candidate known. I don't think Comegys is the one to do it.
2:32 I know who and what you are, shall I continue...
I agree with anon 1:15
My goodness,has this gotten out of hand. I really don't pay attention to where signs are posted or placed, business or private home. I respect the fact that each of us has our own opinion and what counts is what happens on election day. We are talking about someones livelyhood here, Dawn's and the people who work for her. She also supports the local economy, so avoiding her business is just wrong. Same is true if this was to happen to other business owners for the same reasons.
Crazy Louie's Pawn Shop
124 South Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21804
Has a Comegy's sign up also.
Has everybody forgotten about all of the Comegys supporters that she will gain as new customers???
Yeah...I know...stupid...those 3 already buy tires there.
let em take there money elsewhere maybe they should use it for daycare for themselves. i use burnett white and always will.
I agree. A business should not put up political signs, since they would be better placed at their homes. With one exception, perhaps this Dawn lives out of town or even out of county. If she lives in town, take the sign down and put up at your home, case solved. Besides, just what is Gary to you?
WHEW! I just read all of them... no one asked.
Dawn Tilghman...
Barrie Tilghman...
Her family used to own rental property also.
Careful Joe - don't want to piss off Mike Lewis. Dawn is a close relative of one of Mikey's favorites - Robin Roberts.
I think it's wrong for a blog, newspaper or some other media source to terrorize a business this way. It's uncalled for, and most importanly, isn't news.
I will continue to deal with Dawn. Would it be an issue if she had a Bob Caldwell sign out front? I'd like to know.
And I'm signing my name.
Rob Thomas
BigEastFireDog said...
Look ive been a customer there for a while now and Dawn has always treated me and others that i know rite. The service has always been optimal. THIS IS AMERICA if she choses to support who ever then it is her choice and it has never effected how i or anybody else i know was effected
Yes she may have been a lil more expensive but i know who the money is going to and its local owned
Woof Woof Baby
11:33 AM
Woof Woof Redneck, you don't even live in the city so get lost. You are nothing but a redneck volunteer FARMIN so your opinion doesn't matter. DIRTBALL!!!
Joseph M Zimmer cosntruction had a Comegys sign up also.
Anonymous said...
Political signs have no place in front of a business. It is a no win situation for the business. Put them up at your home for the people you vote for where you live.
1:39 PM
I respectully disagree with that statement. This is supposedly a free country and business owners have a right to support which political candidate they desire. With that being said if they choose to support a certain candidate then they choose to suffer the consequences. Like my mother said "you make your bed, you lie in it."
This business owner chose to place a Bubba Comegys sign in front of her business because she supports this candidate along with her boyfriend Brad Bellaccio, the director of the Chamber of Commerce. Now this individual has no business pushing the political agenda of any business associated with the Chamber or SAPOA.
Dawn Tilghman claims she was doing the neighborly thing to do because she is always asked to put up yard sale signs for events and political signs, but I don't remember ever seeing a yard sale sign on her business property. I do remember seeing a Bubba Comegys and a Don Ewalt Sign on her property less than two years ago when they ran for City Council. I don't remember seeing a Terry Cohen, Debbie Cambell, or Tim Spies sign on her property. What is wrong with that picture. Is there a Bob Caldwell or a Jim Ireton sign on her property? Ms. Tilghman know exactly what she is doing because of the location she placed the sign. She placed it on her property, but yet far enough away from the front door to show her support for bubba. However she placed it far enough away from the front door so that some loyal customers may not notice it and be offended.
Ms. Tilghman you have been busted. I hope you have to file for Bankruptcy just like you are allowing this city to do with your support for Comegys.
Signage Police said...
Crazy Louie's Pawn Shop
124 South Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21804
Has a Comegy's sign up also.
3:38 PM
I saw a Bubba fo Mare sign in front of Brew River this morning. I remember seeing where Frank Hanna wrote a nice check to Bubba's campaign two years ago.
I will never eat at that crime infested Roach Coach again!
blutojthetotmom said...
I concur with the last two comments.....she should have quietly taken down the signs.Is it really worth fighting for to support a candidiate you cannot even vote for ?
1:50 PM
She might not be able to vote for Bubba, but she can benifit from some lucrative tax deals as a business owner in the city. She may already have some benifits as a business owner, has anyone confirmed that? Is she in an enterprise zone?
I refuse to purchase anything from Bubba-White Tire Company.
I just priced 4 tires for my vehicle and the cost was $1,000 however Sam's Club won't install them because they are the size originally installed on the vehicle. Can someone recommend a good local owned tire shop do send my business to.
Former customer and Friend of Dawn Tilghman's.
Rob Thomas Sais....
"I think it's wrong for a blog, newspaper or some other media source to terrorize a business this way. It's uncalled for, and most importanly, isn't news."
TERRORIZE? WTF is your real name anyway, Mike Dunn? You sound just like a wet pants liberal. Dawn put her business on the line the minute she expressed her challenging opinion about the "blogs" in the Daily Times.
She chose to go public and throw punches and I simply disagreed. Like I said, Dawn needed to keep her mouth shut and walk away but instead she opened that trap and threw stones. Well Mrs. Businesswoman, the stones have been thrown back and obviously thousands upon thousands of people have seen what you're all about. You support tax increases and punishing taxpayers in a City you can't even vote in. Of course Gary Comegys wants every business person to post his signs, they can't vote., So you business people in the City continute to screw the tyaxpayers because you're such Idiots.
You tell me now Dawn, why the heck should ANY taxpayer in the City of Salisbury ever support your business from this point forward. You don't suppprt this community. You use it and abuse it.
So Rob, what say you know big fella? I'll bet you have no response to that.
Sorry for the spelling errors. Keyboard keeps sticking.
I have ehard many stories, many pre-blogs, of intimidation tactics used against people who display signs at ther homes or businesses. We shouldn't forget that this is a democracy and everyone has a right to display a sign. Having said that, consumers also have the right to choose where they shop. My neighbors and I have all sorts of campaign signs in our yards for the candidates that we support. After the election we will still be friends. It is probably also inappropriate for Gary to have his signs on property that benefitted form his P&Z decisions. That's just my observation. It doesn't look right. Just like my refusal to buy Exxon gasoline, I will not buy tires from teh establishment listed here, but that is my right.
Stop trying to tear do a reputable business owner. This campaign is no threatening business. A am thankful that Ms Tilghman sent the letter to the times. Is this campaign about candidates, or who put a sign where
Hay Anon 9:05 Put up or shut up sign the name idiot
Chicken S***
What a rip off . She went public!
So did we. If you have a nail in your tire she will sell you a new one. Guess they don't fix tires anymore. She ripped of my 82 year-old neighbor!
Anonymous said...
Stop trying to tear do a reputable business owner. This campaign is no threatening business. A am thankful that Ms Tilghman sent the letter to the times. Is this campaign about candidates, or who put a sign where
11:19 PM
What an illiterate moron!
I bet you voted for Obama to. Guess what looks like your boys $789 Billion stimulus package just passed and it sounds like the ordinary tax payers are getting very little to nothing as a tax break.
Duped again by a liberal Democrat.
Here's your Kool Aid!!!
It is your right to support and/or display a candidate. For every action there is a reaction. I'm glad businesses display who they support, so I can decide whether I want to patronize them or not. In the Burnett-White situation, Dawn claims she was just being neighborly by allowing Comegy to place his sign there. ANYONE who supports or allows or assist a candidate such as the likes of comegy's, is simply allowing and supporting further destruction of our city. Complacency or lack of knowledge because she cant vote here....is no excuse to allow it to continue. Businesses and people that support Tighlman/Comegy's are the real terrorist, tearing down our city with their silent support.I'm glad she spoke up, now we know just what kind of "I dont give a hoot" business they really are!
Thank you Joe and SBYNEWS.
Joe in response to your 10:07 post. First you use foul language, next you question if its the guys real name. You have got to stop attacking people. To give your opinion is excellent, but please stop you attacking. It is not becoming of a man who says he is self made and worked hard. Stay above the fray, don't attack personally.
My name is Frank Mathews
Let's clear a few things up here. First, no Dawn Tilghman is not related to Barrie Tilghman. Second, she does live in the county. Third, her family is still in the rental business. Fourth, though Dawn may not live in Salisbury, most of her family does and cares what happens to Salisbury as does Dawn. But slandering, yelling, name calling and basically trying to ruin the reputation of a hard working gal and a business that has been in Salisbury for over 65 years and has been handed down from father to daughter over a little sign is absurd and is just what got Salisbury in the shape it's in now. Salisbury needs strong leadership to turn it around and bring this community together. And honestly, I don't see any candidate that has stepped up to the plate as of yet, that in my opinion, has what it takes. But, everyone has the right to express their opinion and not be hung from the highest tree because of it. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone including everyone on this blog and those who own businesses and those who don't.
Dawn has a reputation of putting her foot in her mouth, either with customers or her own employees. Ive been there and listened to her cuss out customers for no reason, and then throw them out of her shop. She got a letter from a "former customer" now she went public to save face. Ive been by her shop numerous times throughout the years and never have noticed any kind of yard sale sign or any other sign in front of her business. Shes on damage control right now trying to save her own a$$......
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