GO HERE to read the full Daily Times article.
The Daily Times said in their article, "Ireton and Caldwell are said to buy into Campbell's alleged tirade to oust renters from residential neighborhoods. Caldwell shares Campbell's disapproval for Insley's letter."
"Are said to buy into" blah, blah, blah. WHO SAID IT?
ALLEGED TIRADE? Come on now, tell us where that one came from. Do you have ANY class left at all?
This is yet another slant by Joe Camean, (more than likely) added to the article to bash Campbell, Ireton and Caldwell. The Daily Times should be more responsible and print the actual letter and let their readers decide. So why didn't they print it? Because the chances of their readers seeing the actual letter is slim. However, many will still come to Salisbury News and see it HERE TWO DAYS AGO! Obviously we struck a nerve at the Daily Times.
The survival of the Daily Times will depend on Comegys being elected. Think about it like this Ladies & Gentlemen. Let's just say Ireton or Caldwell get elected Mayor. After the treatment they received from the Daily Times, do you think they're going to deliver them inside information? Do you think they're going to deliver them information a day in advance so they can go to print the next day when everyone else is delivering it? If Comegys loses this election, that will be it for the Daily Times. Could it be possible that the Blogs will actually be relied upon to get their messages out, knowing it won't be twisted and that their Press Releases will go out exactly as stated, (word for word) from the new Administration? Time will tell.
In the mean time, take a look at their article and then take a look at the actual letter we produced and YOU decide if this article by the Daily Times is fair and accurate. I'd say they have become more of a Blog from the old days than a respectable Newspaper worth trusting.
What a puke fest. What i really love is the very end of the article, where once again Comegys tries to steal one of Ireton's ideas witha lame "me too." Ireton came up with the idea of a landlord/tenant board to help resolve disputes, and Comegys says "me too." BS. I personally intend to print up Insley's letter and distribute it throughout the Camden area. That's what you'll get, folks, if you vote for Comegys.
Please print up Donnie Williams letter too.
That's some pretty biased use of language.
They can say "alleged" all they want.
But it's still an assassination piece.
Campbell deserves better. They've been out to get her from the very start. She's done great in spite of it.
Anon 1:15 that is exactly why they want to get rid of Debbie Campbell. She has done great in spite of them and their gestapo mentality. They fear Debbie, it's as simple as that.
The Daily Times spin machine is wobbling. They better hope their propaganda pays off because if the other candiates win it's gonna be a cold day before they get interviews, exclusive that is, they will have to continue to print last weeks news. Which wouldn't hurt, they don't seem to need a proof reader, or the proof reader is a little slow if you know what I mean. Shanie you proof reading over there for Bassetthound?
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