OK Folks, here is your opportunity to win 2 FREE Tickets to the Fernando Guerrero Fight February 6, 2009. The first person to answer this question correctly will win the 2 Tickets. Now, mind you, I have some errands to run so I won't be able to get back to the Blog for a little while. That doesn't mean you can wait. Each message has a time stamp on it and I will know for a fact who gave the right answer first. Remember, in order for you to win these tickets you must sign your FULL NAME so we can make sure your tickets can be picked up at the Will Call Window at the Civic Center. If you do not provide your full name on this comment and have an ID to match that name you will be disqualified.
OK, Ready?
I want to know the Month, Date & Year Mike Lewis was sworn in as Sheriff of Wicomico County? If by chance we have an exact tie on this, the final 2 people will have to state what time of day he was sworn in and the closest to that time will win. Look, it could happen.
Oh, if you are a friend or family member of Mike Lewis, work for the County in any capacity, you better know the answer and get it to us quick because of all people you should know this one. HA, you thought I was going to say you'd be disqualified or not eligible, didn't you. Hopefully you read this to the end because I'd bet some of you Dee, Dee, Deeee's saw the begging of this statement and figured you were out. LOL Yeah, that goes for you too Baker.
Oh, and by the way, you're welcome I chose to wait THIS TIME till after 6:30 PM to post this. You know, the people that wrote in and complained that they couldn't get home from work in time and get access to a computer, YET THEY POSTED THEIR COMMENTS AT 3:00 AND 3:30 PM! HELLOOOOO!
Retired from the Maryland State Police effective July 1st, 2006, at the age of 41, he was elected SHERIFF of Wicomico County, Maryland .
nov 7 2006
dwayne pellegrin
Dec 4, 2006
Tracy Wilkinson
September 5, 2007
Mon, 04 Dec 2006
adam c stanley
or maybe it was Mon, 03 Dec 2006
Adam Stanley
dec 4 2007 9:30 dwayne pellegrin
December 4, 2006
Teri Klaverweiden
dec 4 2006 dwayne pellegrin
December 4th, 2006
Mike Lewis was sworn in as Sheriff on 12-05-06
Linda Thomas
On your website, Tuesday Dec 4 2007, you stated that Mike Lewis was sworn in "one year ago today". Wouldn't that make him sworn in Dec 4, 2006? You said no on my previous comment.
Tracy Wilkinson
December 4th 2006
nov 6 2006
4:00 pm dec 4 2006 dwayne pellegrin
I meant dec 4 2006 4 pm this driving me nuts I want those tik
ahhh sunday 03 dec 2006
adam c stanley
DEc 6 2006
Brian Spicer
when will you announce the winners I have been on here since 4 30
nov 7 2006
12/04/06 noon
12/04/06 10 am
12/14/06 2 pm
9 am
12/04/06.....the right time for all of Wicomico
The day he joined the state police.
This is killing me Joe, The answer has been met!
Ok Joe, run your errands during the day or weekend next time, this is killing me....get back to the post and award the tix...I see the correct answer...LOL!
He was sworn in at Wi Hi on Monday December 4,2006 at 4:00pm.
This is fun for a Friday night, must be getting old!
dec 4, 2006
Tuesday Dec 4 2007
Dang..was too late to enter but MY answer is..He was brought in at a time that he was very much needed and thankfully, is still there!
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