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Monday, March 24, 2008

What Is Important for the Salisbury City Council?

The Daily Times management seems to have a tough time getting reporter Greg Latshaw to carry water for Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman so they have reverted to one of the oldest tricks in the book - only print news that isn't going to offend one of their masters. Why else would we be treated to yet another piece about Salisbury's attempts to regulate adult businesses.

How many articles has the Daily Times run about Tilghman and her "council leadership" attempting to regulate dirty bookstores? Yet, if you think back to last year's city council campaign the same management refused to print anything about then candidate Gary Comegys being cited for contempt of court or failing to pay child support. Why? The stated reason was that "it was old news". Well, I've got some news for the management of the the Daily Times - until legislation is finally adopted, regulation of "adult businesses" will be old news.

Why would the Daily Times continue to run the same piece over and over? The answer is fairly simple. The city council is meeting tonight. IF the paper didn't continue to run the same tired story over and over they might be forced to actually print some news.

An example from tonight's agenda is the administration's proposed (yeah I know it's in the bag) budget amendment. Oddly enough, this item seems to be missing from the briefing book. Yet, we already know that one item (appropriating more funds for last year's audit) is highly controversial. Why? Because on February 10th, DIS chief Pam Oland stated multiple times that the city would not have to pay one more nickel for the audit than what had already been appropriated.

Of course, the public shouldn't get in too much of a twist over being mislead by the the Tilghman administration. Like the sun rising in the east, or the change of seasons, being told something from Barrie Tilghman's administration that winds up being untrue is something that can be counted on.

What other surprises are in store for us tonight? Perhaps Tilghman's "council leadership" of Louise Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields will finally allow some steps to be taken to correct the gross financial mismanagement of Salisbury?


cross posted in Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

There is a reason it is called the TILGHMAN TIMES.

Let Barrie continue to control the media. The more time she spends in damage control the less time she has doing further damage to the city.

Greg Bassetts tenure will end next spring when Barrie is thrown out of office.

Anonymous said...


I believe that it will take 4 votes to pass the budget amendment -- according to the Attorney General:

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if they get the dynamic duo to cave in to their demands. Stay tuned folks. Show up at the council meeting and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Most of the itme when I view the Daily Times on line giant advertisements for Hovanian Homes or Ruark homes blare from the page--and you wonder who owns the paper?

Anonymous said...

Hell, this rag called the DT changed from an evening newspaper worth reading to a morning paper full of crap, just to please the new kid on the block - Boscov's at the then new mall. It has gone downhill ever since, so I quit taking the rag! I suggest everyone does the same. I agree GA, we can bet that Pam Oland will find a way to work around her statement of "no additional cost for this years audit". I too want to see them pass this on four votes yes (maybe somehow the mayor will be allowed to vote this time).
Should be a very interesting meeting tonight!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Hovnanian was coming to do the old mall over but has decided to bail out. I guess they forgot to cancel their annoying pop-up ad on the DT website.

Anonymous said...

I have spoken with quite a few people recently that may be afraid to speak out against the city. One lady told me her husband worked for the city and she is very much unhappy at the direction this administration is going.

I can't blame some of those people, they are in fear of their jobs, losing their homes. Those of you who feel the same way, just need to make sure to get registered to vote and do so.