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Friday, November 21, 2008

Selective Service Fraud??? It's Time to Call Your Electorate!!


Anonymous said...

If the electoral college does not vote for Obama and he is removed, there will be an uprising in this country like none of us has ever seen. I've resigned myself to the fact that we are stuck with him for at least the next 4 years. Hang on folks, it's going to be a rough ride.

mrtv said...

Only in AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

Is there anything this clown hasnt falsified? He needs to go straight to prison, I'm sick to death of the corruption! As far as an uprising... kill'em all!! Let God sort'm out!!

Anonymous said...

Damn the riots.Let them come and then we will have removal of a frigging crook.I hope the electoral college votes him out.BRING AMERICA BACK.

Anonymous said...

The question is this: Did he have dual citizenship at birth or not?

Anonymous said...

Tootsie Pop. The world may never know.

Anonymous said...

By all means, keep this kind of stuff up.

It helped us Democrats IMMENSELY in the election for you right-wing extremists to push this kind of divisive BS that has not roots in reality. It made moderates look at you and say "those guys are crazy, and Obama sounds sane". Keep up the good work, and let's get Obama re-elected in 2012!

BossHogg said...

you right-wing extremists to push this kind of divisive BS that has not roots in reality.

If there are no roots in reality, why does it require a court order from the US Supreme court to get him to produce these documents?

Why didn't the DNC "vett" BHO by requiring that his paperwork was in order before spending a billion dollars to get him elected?

The question is an honest, simple question.

I have to produce my ORIGINAL birth certificate to get a drivers license or a passport, but he can run for President without one?

You know he won the election, I am resigned to the fact he will be president and will give him the honor and respect due to the office.

But I will still question why he has not produced the required documents?

Anonymous said...


He HAS produced every single document requested of him... MULTIPLE times.

It is a bald-faced lie that he hasn't, and that's why I'm calling you guys 'right-wing extremists'. You are more paranoid than the '9/11 truth' squad.

You have your original birth certificate? Great for you! I don't. I would have to request a copy from the State. Does that mean I was born in Kenya, too?

Get over it. The guy registered with Selective Service, he was born in Hawai'i in 1961, and he was never a Muslim.

If you don't want to face the facts, and keep lying about his documents, then I will continue to laugh at you the same way that I laugh at the people who think the twin towers were taken down by controlled demolitions.

Anonymous said...


"The question is this: Did he have dual citizenship at birth or not?"

No, that is NOT the question. It has been answered over a year ago by the State of Hawai'i. He was born in Hawai'i in 1961. This has been covered by multiple media outlets, and the frivolous lawsuit to keep him from running was thrown out of court.

That is a FACT. Why do you right-wing extremists keep fighting facts? Did the gub'ment knock over the twin towers, too?


Get a grip, right-wing extremists.

Anonymous said...

One last thing, BossHogg:

There was no court order by the Supreme Court to compel Obama to produce ANY documents.

And the fact of the matter is simple: That's not something that the US Supreme Court does.

Before you reply, you need to understand the functions of your own government.

Anonymous said...

change ya right
bringing back the clintonistas
So will we be able to own guns
are they going to start up all the clinton stuff again
oh god
How did he get elected
How were people fooled
Does the attorney general forget
Mark Rich
Here we go again
and forget the Liberal Press he will get a free ride for 4 years