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Monday, November 24, 2008

Pastor Manning Demands "Long Legged Mac Daddy" Produce the Dog Gone Birth Certificate


Anonymous said...

1. it has already been proven.
2. It Has Already Been Proven.
3. Why bring this up anymore?

look it up.

Respect our New President Elect.

Unify America.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what he is saying but, I agree more with the seperation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

anon 937 Not so fast pal, Obama has never released the vault copy (the one that counts) of his birth certificate, none of his academic records and only a single page medical history. WHY???? Those with nothing to hide, HIDE NOTHING. Show the damn birth certificate already.

Anonymous said...

Amen Pastor--Produce the vault copy of the birth certificate. This matter should have been taken care of before the election.

Wymzie said...

There are no less than 1 Dozen lawsuits filed against him because it hasn't been proven.

BossHogg said...

1. it has already been proven.
2. It Has Already Been Proven.
3. Why bring this up anymore?

You are wrong, it has not been proven, which is why the question persists.

If it has already been proven why are there no less than 10 active court cases demanding evidence?

Why is Alan Keyes suing the State of California to stop them from certification of the electoral votes?

The State of California has a history for certification of presidential candidates eligibility, e.g. Eldrige Cleaver.

Nobody is suggesting any disrespect to the President Elect.

BHO is showing disrespect to the American people by refusing to provide:

1) Certified original birth certificate.

2) Admission records and academic records from Harvard.

3) Reasons for the inconsistencies on his selective service registration form.

As Pastor Manning said, If I get pulled over by the police and they ask to see my drivers license, why would I give a story about who taught me to drive, when, where and why I don't have to show it.

The people are asking that he produce the documents, to shut them up and take the Oath January 21st.

Anon 9:37 when you get pulled over by the police and asked to show your drivers license, do you argue or just hand them the license?

It is the law you know!

Anonymous said...

Dear God, will you people get over it?!!!!! The election is over, Obama is the president elect. Move on with your lives!

Anonymous said...

Please lets not forget the registration for the selective service also. This would make him ineligible for any position in the executive branch of the federal government.

Anonymous said...

He just bailed on his so called tax breaks and will let Bushs tax breaks run their course.

Anonymous said...


Wrong. There is no 'vault copy'. There is the CERTIFIED COPY FROM THE STATE OF HAWAI'I. He has released his full medical records and ALL of his academic records.

The fact that you are lying about all of this makes you look bad.

Anonymous said...


Wrong. It is not 'the law' to provide identification upon request to the police. Go look up the SC decision about it.

If you right-wing extremists don't know any facts, why do you keep commenting?

Finally, the CERTIFIED COPY FROM THE STATE OF HAWAI'I has been produced, MULTIPLE times... his academic records are of public records, as are his medical records.

You extremists are unhinged and acting ridiculously.

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:58,

You say that but as important as this is to MANY Amricans, I have never once seen Obama produce it and clear the air.

You seem so convinced that it has been produced, I disagree with you.

Get on 60 Minutes and produce the document and Obama will be able to put this to rest.

Anonymous said...


And know it to be a fact that it does not exist???

Or are you being sheep and believing everything you hear from your local watering hole?

Do you think our government would allow a president to be elected that shouldn't be there? There are people way smarter than myself or you that are in control of these things.

Common sense you can has it.

Wymzie said...

I guess Berg, and Keyes and other very intelligent men and woman across the nation are standing up and making asses of themselves to what? Make themselves look important?
I doubt it. If they are wrong they will forever be like Geraldo Rivera and his Al Capone Basement tape.
I believe that these people are concerned patriots that don't want to see the American people and the Constitution trampled.
By the way, the SC may have ruled on not having to show ID when pulled over, but I guarrantee the police will pull your butt in if you don't have it and you are the slightest bits suspicious.
And while you are quoting law, you may want to look up what the qualifications of taking the office of president are.
I agree with Joe.
If he would come forward with all the documents the issue would be dead, but his constant dancing around the legal bs only keeps the scrutiny alive.

Anonymous said...

You guys keep saying that he hasn't produced the documents, but HE HAS!!!!For goodness sakes, even Bill O'Reilly has said this is nonsense, that he has seen the docs and they are real. You won't be satisfied unless you, personally, get to hold the documents, but even then you'll just say it was a fake. Give us all a break. The lawsuits are such a silly argument. Do you have any idea how many people sue the president every year for crazy stuff? It happens every single day in this country. Bush was sued. Reagan was sued. Clinton was sued. Joe has been sued. Come on, it is seriously time to move on and focus on what is actually going on in the world.

Wymzie said...

Are you speaking into the mirror?

The local watering hole?
If only the MSM would cover this!
You have to dig for this stuff, 60 minutes hasn't addressed it.

Anonymous said...

Right, Wymzie. You somehow have access to a truth that investigative reporters all over the world do not. Or maybe, possibly, you are letting your anti-Obama nuttiness continue even after the election. Here's a very simple question: don't you think Hillary Clinton looked into all of this? If there was even an iota of substance to this nensense, the Clinton team would have used it. There is no truth to this craziness. None. Go out and hug a puppy or something.

BossHogg said...

Wrong. It is not 'the law' to provide identification upon request to the police. Go look up the SC decision about it.

If you do not produce your drivers license when pulled over by a law enforcement officer, they can and will take you to jail.

If you right-wing extremists don't know any facts, why do you keep commenting?

Next time you get pulled over for a traffic violation just yell at the cop (like you are at me) that he is a right wing extremist and you don't have to show him a f**king thing. After you get out of jail talk to me about not knowing any facts

I have never claimed any wrongdoing on the part of President Elect Obamah, nor that there is a conspiracy.

I keep getting slammed for asking a simple question that has yet top be answered.

Anonymous said...

yes you are unintelligent. Because even after I said you should look it up. You didn't! It is available.

USE GOOGLE! I just googled it and the first thing that came up was a copy of his birth certificate.

BossHogg said...

If there was even an iota of substance to this nensense, the Clinton team would have used it...

FYI Phil Berg, former PA Attorney General, is a DEMOCRAT who was working on behalf of the CLINTON campaign, when he filed the suits.

The entire birth certificate issue was brought to light by the DEMOCRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Boss Hogg,

And the suit was . . . dismissed!
You people need to get a life.

Wymzie said...

The certificate that Obama's people posted on his site is exactly the one in question.
His college records have not been released either, and now his selective service form is in question.
Fact Check is owned by the Annenberg remember them?
That is the board that Obama shared a seat on with Bill Ayers.
Don't tell me I don't do any researching.

Anonymous said...

WTF are his academic and health records? NOONE has seen them no matter how much you Obamabots whine about it. And the "so called" Certificate of live birth posted on "fight the Smears" was deemed a forgery. Answer this you Obamabots why didn't Your chosen one and his wife and kids attend the funeral for his "beloved" grandmother? He did a quick visit before she died (not certain when THAT was either) What was he really after? I am so sick of you saying "just get over it" Well NFW pal, do you tell the Jews to "just get over Auschwitz?" You know, the place that Obama's Uncle help liberate?

Anonymous said...

Google is owned by Obama supporters like George Soros, much information is routinely scrubbed that is detrimental to Obama. While you protest our country is becoming Socialist.

tedh said...


Anonymous said...

You do realize that this so called "Pastor" is a crook? Right?

Anonymous said...

If the full records have been released please provide us with a web address where we might go to view official copies and put this discussion to rest.

Anonymous said...

Let's clear this up once and for all.

Obama's birth certificate is being held safely in a vault next to Elvis' house in the Tennessee mountains, where Bigfoot stands guard. The Loch Ness Monster lives in the king's enormous guitar-shaped swimming pool, next to the pool house, where Jimmy Hoffa likes to crash when coming by to visit "OJ's real killers."

You people are all crackheads.

Wymzie said...

Phil Berg is not, and neither is Alan Keyes!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:28
Sorry, but you just missed the whole point! You too can have access to the truth, BUT YOU MUST SEEK IT OUT! It is not on the MSM, and you will have to put forth an effort. Wymzie is working for the truth. If you don't wish to discover the truth, that is fine. Really it is. I will not criticize you. However, please don't simply criticize others who are trying to expose the truth - which is being hidden from the public. Listen, read, and pay attention. Things are not as they appear. There are many secrets about our government and the people who control us through the MSM. Give truth a chance.

Anonymous said...


Did you go off your meds?

Anonymous said...


The question has been answered... MULTIPLE TIMES. If you keep bringing up this birth certificate thing then you are in one of two groups:

1.) Idiots who can't read
2.) Right-wing extremists who can't let go of the election.

You decide which group you're in.

As for showing ID: No, you are not required to show ID if asked when no crime has been committed. If, however, you have committed a crime and are being detained by the police, then, yes, you have to provide your ID. Like I said before: go look up the SC decision on this. I'm not doing your homework for you anymore.


You talk about the Annenberg Foundation owning You DO realize that Bill Annenberg was a close friend of Ronald Reagan and big contributor to his campaigns, right? So, no, your little attempt to discredit FactCheck is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...


"Deemed a forgery" by WHOM? The STATE OF HAWAII backs up the claim that Obama was born there in 1961.

What the HELL is wrong with you people?

Anonymous said...

I think I figured out where all these people got the idea that all these records have been produced. THE DAILY KOS enough said

Anonymous said...

youall need a anti obama 12 step group

Anonymous said...

youall need a anti obama 12 step group

BossHogg said...

You do realize that this so called "Pastor" is a crook? Right?

Anyone who questions the "Black Messiah" is a crackpot or a crook in your book.

Hitler was elected the same way and kept in power by people who refused to question anything.

You sound like a good German who really did not like Judens much anyways.

Wymzie said...

I'm not trying to discredit the Annenberg Foundation. That is not the point.
You are correct the Annenberg's were friends of the Reagan's and when it began it was altruistically right wing, however, what right wing foundation on the face of the earth is still right wing one generation after it's founder drops dead?
Left Wing Liberals flock to non-profit troughs faster than you can bury a person. WALTER Annenberg is rolling in his grave knowing that Ayers and Obama sat on the board of his foundation.
Liberals smell free money like vampires smell blood! Please!
The point is the foundations principles have been slanted just as Obama and Ayers were trying to slant the public perception by joining such an organization.
Since they sat on the board, do you think that they have friends that may be influential over the corporations that they own?
Please don't be so naive, it is insulting to every American who has gone before you.
If you haven't learned anything in life you should have learned that historically democracies don't last much more than 200 years. Why? Because our leaders figure out that they can vote themselves more money, and our people become complacent and believe that they have our best interests at heart.
Wake up and smell the rotting flesh of our democracy.

Anonymous said...

No Boss,

This guy is actually a felon with a criminal record.

As for the German/Hitler reference, there is a saying "If oyu are that worried, you might as well be an atheist".

Anonymous said...


1.) The DailyKos is great website for news and information. If any of you can go on there right now, and find a recommended diary or front page article that has been deemed inaccurate, then contact me and give me your information and I'll send you 10 dollars.

2.) For a group of individuals who slam the press a lot, you sure do put a lot of stock into right-wing propagandists like Rush and Fox News.

Anonymous said...


If can't be trusted, and neither can snopes, or ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN...

...why don't you tell me a media source than can be trusted? I'm really interested to here what kind of propaganda source that you think can be trusted.

Wymzie said...

I don't think that any media source including this one is absolutely trust worthy.

If you have been reading this blog and my posts for a while you will see that I have stated many times that I am a news junkie. I read many different websites, from the Daily Kos to InfoWars, to TexasDarlin, to the ACLU, London Times, BBC, LA Times, and Fox.

I read and listen to many many sources, looking for the truth.
All sources have an agenda, and all sourcers slant towards that agenda.
I want to know the truth, and I will never rely on one persons version to get it.

Anonymous said...


You say you're looking for the 'truth', but believe that Obama wasn't born in the US, while the State of Hawai'i has certified that he has. Plus there are multiple sources for this information.

So, what part of that truth are you having trouble dealing with?