If apologists for Frank Kratovil want to attack Maryland Sen. Andy Harris for the company he supposedly keeps, perhaps they wouldn't mind being held to the same standard.

I'm a big believer in fairness. Since certain Kratovil shills choose to attack Harris for his (real or imagined) association with Salisbury News publisher Joe Albero, let's take a look at the behavior of some of Kratovil's cheerleaders. Read More ...

I'm a big believer in fairness. Since certain Kratovil shills choose to attack Harris for his (real or imagined) association with Salisbury News publisher Joe Albero, let's take a look at the behavior of some of Kratovil's cheerleaders. Read More ...
Who really cares what Duvall thinks anyway? Why do so many lawyers become politicians? Obama, BIden both lawyers that found out quickly that it was easier and far more lucrative to become a politician. Kratovil is a lawyer isn't he?
Wow G.A. I did not see any African Americans at Harris' fund raiser as a metter of fact there where some true caucasions
I never said that there were any African-Americans there. However, there were quite a few non-whites. The difference between people like you and I is that I don't bother to count.
Unlike Democrats we don't have a quota system for our events. People are just people.
I'd like to thank Bud the Blogger and his commenter for recognizing my biracial existence. Did they also recognize that both halves of my blood line are AMERICAN? I'll go where I want, support who I choose, from whatever party I choose. I am not registered republican or democrat for a reason. I won't be obligated to cast my vote based on party affiliation. I'll never be tagged a follower of anything, unlike many, there is no ring in my nose.
BTW, there were far more than 20 people at the event and many non whites but ALL were Americans.
Bud is one of the biggest pieces of sh!t the blogosphere has ever seen.
Duvall is a tie with Bud and was fired for being such a racist.
Anything for attention. Here's one thing I can guarantee you. Bud would NEVER be man enough to make such a statement in your presence. By the way Bud, she'd kick your ass and you'd go home crying to mommy.
Holding Kratovil responsible for what those ratheads say is no better than those who attack Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen for what Joe's COMMENTERS say.
For crying out loud, can people get away from this idiotic "guilt by association" thing? It's one thing to talk about McCain and the Keating Five or Barrie Tilghman and SAPOA where there are definable links between office and influence, but this every-Tom-Dick-and-Harry-said
guilt by association is the dumbest bunch of crap I've ever heard.
Feel free to knock Duvall and Bud all you want, but neither is a official representative of Kratovil's campaign. Both are just loud-mouths exercising their American right to freedom of speech.
why was it posted in the first place. Joe you are above this
This post was put up by GA, not Joe. I've seen Joe get blamed for a lot of things his contributors put up. It might be a good idea to read to the end of the post to see who's name is listed as the poster.
I bet that Puss Bud the Booger and the other Anti-Albero Bloggers wouldn't call that individual a has been deputy sheriff to his face. I saw him and he looks like he could handle his own.
And You Go Donna!
Anon 9:47 pm, Joe didn't post this and I am glad it was posted.
It goes to show you what kind of closet racists from the liberal side are lurking out there.
Speaking of racist, that old man Duvall has lost his mind. Why would he call a Republican a RINO when he himself is supporting Kratovil.
See what happens to you when you become old and washed up. Why don't they just put him out in the pasture to graze with bubba.
Anon 1950 -
Next time, read before you comment:
"Just because a few staunch Kratovil hacks are bigots, does this make Frank Kratovil a racist? ABSOLUTELY NOT! There in lies my point.
"Even a staunch Harris partisan such as myself doesn’t hold Frank Kratovil responsible for a few morons who flack for him and also behave as if a Saturday night cross burning is a regular social event. Logic also dictates that Harris is not responsible for the actions of Joe Albero (or me) than the man in the moon."
What an irresponsible title and post.
Especially considering the comments thrown about around this place, G.A.
One comes to mind:
"Michelle Obama is a purebred with papers".
Bigoted trash.
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