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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DOW drops below 9000

The fears of a Recession are upon Wall Street today as Retail Sales reports show the lowest in three years.

The Dow Jones industrial dropped more than 300 points, giving back a chunk of their huge 936-point advance from Monday.

There is major fear that consumers will unlikely reach into their wallets to make purchases over the next few months.

The Bailout was CRAP, it continues to prove it was CRAP and I've been saying it for years, America is in the sh!tter economic wise.

Bush has screwed Americans into Bankruptcy while Government Officials take on an additional $140 billion in PORK just to get their way. Think about it Folks. Kratovil said it himself. I was for the Bailout but not the original language. Then when I said, OK Frank, you were for the Bailout but not the language so when they added $140 billion more PORK into it, you supported it even more. YES!

Americans have become so passive, all they're interested in is how they can make their monthly payments. Remember how so many of you laughed at Farmers who buried their money and paid cash for everything? Who's feeling STUPID now?

A DEPRESSION is upon us Ladies & Gentlemen. Oh, but our Government will never say so.


Anonymous said...

It took Bush over a year to finally admit that we're in a recession. He'll never say the word depression while he's in office. He'll blame it on whomever is the next President.

joe albero said...

That's exactly right.

There's so much more to this Presidential Election thing too.

OK, let's say Obama wins. Let's then say some piece of sh!t nut job shoots him. Were the Biden Presidential supporters smarter than we thought?

Let's say he doesn't get elected. Will their be riots on the streets around the entire Country because a Black Man didn't win?

America has become a very stupid Country for putting themselves in this position.

Yeah, go ahead and slam me as a racist, I'm not. I'm a REALIST! OPne way or the other, America is in the sh!tter no matter what happens. Bush has been a major screw up to the United States but to top that, Congress has been even worse.

The blame game will be unbelievable after this election and no matter what anyone says, we're screwed, period.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Joe, feeling a little anxious this morning? We've been telling you for years Bush was a buffoon. Now you get it? All your right wingnut radio personalities have been pushing this Bush crap for years. Now you have heartburn for eating it up? Get over it.

joe albero said...

I have NEVER been a supporter of Bush. You cannot find anything, anywhere, in which I have supported that Idiot.

It wasn't right how he was elected but now it would be right to fix yet another election to assure Congress gets the President it wants?

Yep, a revolution is probably the ONLY thing that's going to straighten out Politics in America.

Are YOU proud to be an American today? And don't just come back and say yes. Tell everyone WHY you're so proud to be an American.

This should get interesting. I'd like to see the answers to that question. As a matter of fact, I'm going to post that very question right now.

Anonymous said...

What did Bush do or not do to get the U.S. (and the world for that matter) into this position. I don't blame him for this. Blame is all around. Blame lenders and borrowers. If you have a credit card, a large mortgage, car loans, blame yourself. Credit has just dried up. Indeed, I think some liberal policies mandating certain high risk loans helped. The bailout was needed. Actually, more is probably needed to prime the american engine again. If Obama wins and raises taxes, yes, then we will have a Depression.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think you've lost it now. Talk about the blame game, what do you call what your doing in this blog. I disagree, since I believe its congress that got us in this mess, not just President Bush. Don't condemn the man or any man, until you've walked a mile in his shoes! Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with the farmers. I don't buy anything I can't pay cash. If you can't pay for it, you can't afford it. This was my fathers thinking and it has worked well for us. We don't owe anyone, anything. The only thing that should be bought on credit is your house and your car everything else should be paid for outright. When you use your credit cards you don't own anything, the CC company owns it until you pay it off. People buying groceries on credit simply amazes me.

Anonymous said...

The sell-out was the biggest hiest in AMERICAN history.

Anonymous said...

That sell-out sure did wonders for the DOW. "Water pipes are busted, get ready for the flood".

Anonymous said...

People who are against the bail out simply have no idea how bad the problem is and could get. Would you rather be in a soup line--oh yeah it could get that bad. Before you start throwing "sell out" around, do some studying up on the issue and brush up on economic policy in the late 20's and 30's. Without the bailout, history would certainly repeat itself.

Anonymous said...

"A DEPRESSION is upon us Ladies & Gentlemen."

No, I think a collapse is first, followed by hyperinflation, then followed by a new currency to replace the U.S. Dollar.

Politically, it's anyone's guess. A world war? Martial law?

A "Depression" would be optimistic.

Anonymous said...

The Globalists will crash our economy and the dollar. Then, they will roll us into either the Euro or the Amero. They formed the North American Union years ago without Congress or our permission. The Globalists are the Zionist Bankers. They have controlled this Country since the creation of the Federal Reserve. The IRS is their muscle, and we have become slaves of a global empire. Unfortunately, they are also represented in the Military Industrial Complex which Ike warned us about prior to leaving office. They love war and their banks finance both sides of most wars. They are wicked and evil. They have manufactured a fake enemy without names or country. That way they have convinced us to be afraid of everyone and every nation on the planet. We are now a war machine which is run on public debt.

Anonymous said...

We're not even in a recession yet, much less a depression. How about some responsible reporting? Or are you trying to land a job at The Daily Times?

Chimera said...

Anyone who thinks we are not headed down that path is either overly optimistic,or inhaling something.Food and fuel prices are just the beginning.I think my father-in-law summed it up best when he said he is glad he has lots of firearms and ammo.Not just to defend against looters but to shoot game for consumption.If you do not think the economy is tanking,just ask one of us "little people" who struggle every week to pay increasing expenses on a stagnant income.I just hope none of us gets sick or injured.....

Anonymous said...

About the only manufacturing jobs left in America on a large scale are manufacturing fast food. The Democrats and Reublicans sold us out years ago with NAFTA and other trade agreements. Their rich buddies could get richer if they didn't have to pay American workers a decent wage & benefits. Banking and corporate leaders are the biggest enemies of America. Putting them in jail for life is where the revolution should begin!

Jefferson saw Hamilton's poisonous tree beginning to blossom in
1820: "In our government, there is nothing left of the spirit of 76. Our government is becoming an aristocracy founded on banking institutions and monied corporations....I sincerely feel that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money, to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding is swindling on a grand scale...if we run into such huge debts, we will be taxed in our food & drink, in our necessities and our amusements." (T.Jefferson..1820)

Well, here we are, America, ruined by greedy, corrupt banks and corporations. Are we just going to let their leaders get away with treason?