In our upside down world in which we live it would seem that the Republicans would want to vote NO on FISA and the Democrats YES. However, quite the opposite is happening and the ACLU is all over it!
As most of you know I am extremely right winged so much so I cannot call myself a Republican but must call myself a Libertarian.
However as Ann Coulter calls him and I think I will follow in her footsteps B. Hussein Obama has stepped from the ranks of the Left and has voted with those on the Right to pass the FISA Bill.
The ACLU says it represents “an unprecedented extension of governmental surveillance over Americans.”
B. Hussein Obama, sounding on Friday a lot like Bush, said: “Given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay.”
Here’s what Bush said the same day as Obama: The bill “allows our intelligence professionals to quickly and effectively monitor the plans of terrorists abroad, while protecting the liberties of Americans here at home.”
But it doesn’t protect our liberties, and Obama ought to know that.
Leading Dems are wondering if he has even read the bill! And if he has read it and still approves then it is an even bigger problem!
This bill permits minimal oversight by the Courts, The FISA Court only reviews general procedures for targeting and minimizing the use of information that is collected. The court may not know who, what, or where will actually be tapped, thereby undercutting any meaningful for the court and violating the Fourth Amendment.”
What’s more, in the incredibly rare instances where the FISA Court denies a warrant to the President, under the new bill the President can go ahead and do the wiretapping anyway while the appeals process continues, a process that the ACLU says can take two months.
So Why is B. Hussein Obama breaking ranks with his party and supporting this bill?
If you are supporting him you need to look into these issues and ask yourself if this is a liberty you want to just throw away. The other thing you need to ask yourself is ... What else will he break ranks on?
My next article is going to be in the form of a question...
Do you know the difference between a NeoCon and a NeoLib?
Do you want to know why Obama is supporting this bill. President Bush has had private meetings with both Obama and Clinton about the serious threat we face from muslim terroists. You need to get your head out of the sand and wake up these people want to detroy our way of life!
Just a word of advice for the future-the word is spelled renege or reneged. Your current spelling (given the subject of the post) may lead to someone "Keepin' it real" on you.
You are right wing Wymzie? Could have fooled me!
Freedom is not free, and to give up our Liberty in the name of Security means we are too stupid to have the Liberty we have in the first place.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe they hate us because we keep messing with them?
We put in the Shaw of Iran to keep his people in order. After he was shot and killed the Ayhatola took over to show just how nasty they are. So then WE set up Saddam Hussein to keep them in check. Saddam was at war with them for years all with OUR support. So when Saddam decided he wanted the oil in Kuwait we got pissed and went to war with him.
If you have been paying attention to the MSM you will see that not only are our troop in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, but now we are talking about striking Iran!
Whether you like it or not this is a HOLY War. The war that has gone on for centuries that started after GOD told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations when he and his wife had already started taking their Geritol. Abraham's wife Sarah's handmaiden named Hagar pretended to be Sarah and slept with him. She became pregnant, and after the baby was born Sarah brought the baby to him and said it was his baby. Abraham rejected both Hagar and her son Ishmael and sent them out of the camp into the dessert.
Shortly thereafter Sarah gave birth to Isaac. The same child God told him to sacrifice to him when he was older and because of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his only son God said that he and his children would be blessed forever more. Ishmael, cursed forevermore.
This is where it all began. These two brothers went their separate ways. These two groups of people have been fighting for the last 4000 years.
We have absolutely no horse in this race and we should not even be over there involved in it.
If the government truly cared about our security, then all visa's from these countries would be revoked, and the students and workers would be sent home. We would bring home our troops to protect our borders, not theirs.
If it not for our foreign policy there would be no threat from Muslim terrorists. We are the ones who have chosen sides in the Middle East by funding the state of Israel and allowing them to have nukes, but saying that no on else in the region is competent enough to have them. Their ought with us is because of this. If we did not choose sides and therefore send hundreds of millions to Israel each and every years since 1948 we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. They hate Israel, and now they hate us for our support of Israel.
I tried a couple of different spellings on it and my spellcheck kept showing words that had nothing to do with it. I'll change it...thanks for the correction!
Certainly B.Hussein Obama would support the Fisa legislation.
His obvious destine for this Country and the principles it was founded on are demonstrated by his unwillingness to show any patriotism. A Presidential want-a-be who refuses to Honor the flag of the United States is not deserving of our votes.
"Whenever the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, all non-uniform persons should stand at attention facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts."
Wymzie, you are exactly right about the begining christian/muslim conflicts. I think they do hate us because we keep sticking our nose where it doesnt belong. I know we want their oil and all but seriously!!
Good job with the change-it may be subtle wording but your previous spelling was similar to the punch line in a hateful local joke involving a shift change at a local employer. I know that was just an honest mistake-just wanted to let you know why people might be extrasensitive of it.If you ever get into trouble with spelling-Google the word as you think it is spelled;even if you are incorrect, if you are in the ballpark it will give you the prompt "did you mean so and so". then it will not only guide you to the proper spelling, but usually an online dictionary link (and even a thesaurus).
As you may have read me mention before, I have a 94 year old grandfather who is quite with it.
He told me that our oil companies went to the Middle East in the 1940's and taught these people how to drill for the black gold. At that point they didn't even know what it was or what one would do with it.
Esso & Phillips& BP worked out such sweetheart deals with these people that we ended up building their entire infrastructure for our benefit, and the benefit of these companies.
We need to get our noses out of this ridiculous imperialist foreign policy and come back home. We are a republic not an Empire, and if we don't hurry up and stop this crap we are going to be history!
Oh god; now that you are spelling things right I am able to actually digest the content. Although lovable, the 94 yo man's opinion is about as valuable in these current times as a third nut thrust upon my lower torso. OMG-please stop!!!!
look at obama is his freaking arm broke
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