Click on image to enlarge. It should be noted here. The application for a Enterprise Zone must be for commercial space, NOT residential. This application clearly shows they didn't know that and were trying to get away with 15 new condos, NOT commercial space. SNAGGED!
David Moore filled out these applications on his own, in his own handwriting and then signed them. Being a lawyer, there's not even an assumption he knows what he's doing, he does!
That being said, John Pick knows his job very well by now and the mere fact that they started complaining last night in the Council Meeting that they had very short notice to be there, (11 hours, so they claimed) that would be enough for any one of you, RIGHT?
Well, here's the twist Ladies & Gentlemen! The idea that Mr. Moore was so arrogant and rude towards Debbie Campbell was only one small point. The other is, the Council has never taken these applications lightly and each and every time they have done so they insisted the applicant be present. Mr. Moore seems to be high,y irritated that he only had 11 hours notice. BS! Mr. Moore is pissed off because Salisbury News posted this information just before the Council Meeting, Pick and Barrie picked up on it, they immediately called More, Pick even announced he expected him later in the meeting and More was NOT at all happy about having to be there because it should have been a DUNN Deal!
All that being said, now YOU have the evidence I did last night and you tell me what YOU think. Actually, YOU tell Mr. Moore what you think because I can assure you, Moore, Tilghman and Pick are living on this Blog today wanting to see what the Court of Public Opinion has to say about this BS Artist!
Like I said on PAC 14 last night, an elevator and sprinkler system do not qualify him for a commercial Enterprise Zone. He must PROVE that he spent the alleged $200,000.00 downstairs and guess what, I'm not letting go of this one. I'm sick of attorneys bullsh!tting the public and watching the Mayor and Pick just go, Duh, OK! These are OUR tax dollars giving off these incentives and you better NOT lie along the way.
David Moore lives on Pine Bluff Road and there is no FOR SALE or evidence of rental there either.
If its sleazy,unethical and immoral you know that David Moore is involved. He is an arrogant egotistical scumbag. Remember the Spedden girl that killed herself in the police car? She was his secretary that he was having an affair with. Another guy whose wife he was seeing blew his brains out. And like so many of the Salisbury social elite rumors of cocaine abuse. Not to mention all of the troube his kid has gotten into. What a fine upstanding lawyer, representing all of those drug criminals.
Who are you kidding!!! These people don't have to abide by the laws, they are all in cohoots together with the mayor and her tribe and pretty much get away with what they want!!
This stinks in a BIG way. This should not even be considered in the first place. Wilber, as usual will keep quiet long enough for this to go to court so he may have more billable hours.
This is just great. Another lawyer lie! Is that anything new? Why and how do they get away with things like this? Just like the attorney handling the Tony Tank Village con artist (s). Thank goodness my attorney is truthful and factual. Thanks Joe for bringing this to the attention of all the hardworking citizens of Salisbury - where we pay taxes dearly.
I'm tired of all the deception, insider deals, and smug relationship between developers, slumlords, and this administration. Go ahead and approve this, Mayor Tilghman, and it will show up in the next election, guaranteed. Also, I have my eye on that despicable effort by "Captain Investments" to build rental units in a residental neighborhood. Is it too much to ask for a LITTLE integrity? Help out the citizens for once, Mayor Tilghman! Really, it will help you sleep at night to know that you are helping out the little guy. It isn't too late to change, you know. Stand up to these wealthy guys, and help out families.
A Salisbury voter
Your not going to change a thing as long as those 3 goons are on the council, their bought and paid for! NOBODY could be so ignorant to nievly abandon ALL aspects of decision making. They know exactly what their doing. They've got their hand in the cookie jar too. If you think theres no behind the scenes deal for them....your more of a fool than they are!
I remember Mr.Moore starting practicing law in Salis.I respected his demeanor during those years.However I guess greed and the almighty dollar change people.
White collar crime at its finest!!
It's more rampead than gun tote'n crackheads doin home invasions!
It's so easy to see, those 3.
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap!
What was up with that Moore anyway? He's an attorney? What a jerk--too jumpy and edgey. He knew he had been nailed by Miss Debbie; as always, she had the facts on her side. Moore, on the other hand, had nuttin'. Pick and Barrie--what hacks.
This is why attorneys get a bad reputation. It makes it really difficult for the few honest attorneys out there.
Great investigative work Joe. The council jaws even dropped when you got up to speak! Not one of the mayors minions had one thought they could use to defend this leach on the taxpayer's wallets. Too bad Latshaw left early, of course we know he wouldn't have made mention of it, if he did it would have been on the edit floor.
When will that big, new and empty condo on Riverside Drive ask for their tax waiver??? I hear that they are parking cars from auto dealerships there to make it look like the units are selling out fast.
Joe, what is the date on that deed? Is Riverrat saying Moore might be claiming two residences as a primary home???
3-11-08 was the date of the application.
If we only had what we read in the DT to keep us informed we'd be in BIG TROUBLE! thanks for the hard work you and your "staff" do....
Yes Joe. Thanks so much for keeping us abreast of the REAL news of Salisbury. The Daily Times just called my home to want me to extend my subsciption. They have to be kidding!
David Moore lives on Pine Bluff Road, he is a liar if he says otherwise. T.J.Maloney is helping Captain Investments with their third attempt to screw the neighborhood of Somerset Ave, and Pinehurst purely for spite on Mitchell Davids part, because the neighbors have had the audacity to oppose his ridiculous pipestem into a backyard to make a building lot. Who in the heck is going to buy a house stuck back in a landlocked
backyard? The current market is FLOODED with homes for sale! There are dozens of houses in these neighborhoods alone!! The logical assumption is he is planning on making ANOTHER illegal student rental, with the help of yes another SAPOA lawyer.
Ditto to 10:41.
Thanks, Joe, and illigitimi non carborundum.
Vox Poluli
This Mare and her flying monkeys must go. They are getting so blatant with their misguided mischief that they don't even try to hide it anymore. It just gets sicker every week. Thank God for the only two who are looking out for us.
farm boy
Good job Debbie and Joe. Go get this guy and don't fold to his wants. But then I now you won't, its the administration and her minions that will give this dishonest attorney whatever he wants. So, we don't have much of a cance against this system, do we?
But come next April we can get our revenge!
A. Goetz
I'll bet none of you know that the propery in reference dosent even comply with historical society's guidlines. Those large windows arent supposed to be there. they (Iott-LJ is on the board) "overlooked" it until construction was halfway complete.
Must have had a hard life--even with all that money, he hasn't aged well.
From what I understand Moore is building one huge huge house near in another county and planning on moving there when it is finished in a month or so.
The lights are on in David Moore's house on PineBluff tonight; upstairs right window is his bedroom; it's after midnite--do you know where your attorney is.
And once more the connection to Rod Flowers is through Ginnie Malone, David Moore's exclusive listing agent.
Is the Clerk's Office seeking to collect or clarify the principal residence election by Mr. Moore? It either saved him recording tax or got him a lower interest rate assuming he financed it.
Mr. Moore is known as honest Dave. This barrster is hot to trot. He is the crooks' best friend and the envy of every loose woman in the city. We have a few dead bodies left behind when love affairs don't work out as planned. Poor ole Mr. Moore who is more afraid of Joe and Debbie than Satin himself. Dave thought it was a done deal but he forgot one thing. It ain't over til the fat lady sings and that's when the music came out of Debbie and Joe's mouths. Oh well, life goes on in sin city.
I have passed this man many times on the street, in stores and restaurants and he would NOT even acknowledge me with a hello, etc etc. Not even a smile! Guess he is so much more important than anyone else!
I was never impressed with him and the way he acted towards women!
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