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Friday, December 07, 2007

Fire Chiefy's See & Gordy Ousted By One Of Their Own!

"Why would Gordy tell them to knock it off?? I have personally seen him, See, and Hoppes, the top 3 idiots in the fire department read this blog, post on this blog and encourage the troops to post negativity on this blog. David See is one of the most miserable persons that have ever existed in the Salisbury Fire Department and has the most vulgar mouth in the entire fire department. This man has cussed the volunteer firefighters so much during his career that he is one of the most hated individuals in the fire department. Under a previous administration he was on the verge of being terminated until there was an investigation into the leadership and a shake up in the fire department and he slipped out of the sight of the bullseye. And along comes Barrie Parsons Tilgman who promoted this monster and Bill Gordy. Birds of a feather!!!"

Thank You for stepping up and exposing this information. Not that anyone didn't think they are involved. It just clarifies things and proves just how bad it is within the SFD Leadership.

If you want changes Ladies & Gentlemen, throw out those donation envelopes. Barrie Tilghman refused to give the Fire Department a single raise, yet she increased your taxes by 14% in one year. RETALIATE! DO NOT give any donations to the Fire Department this year, (I'm sorry to say) and let Barrie Tilghman know as well as the leaders in the Fire Department that you're NOT going to take it any more.

A Letter To Me, The Editor

Mr. Albero, I have a request.

We all know there are some tremendously sick people continually bashing you. I truly do not agree with some of your posts or style, but you also some very good work.

For the times that you are "over the top," these people feel that THEY have to respond "over the top" as well. And they've got you beat by a mile. They are also the ones who fancy themselves as "nice" or "good Christians" or pursuing a "noble cause." Nonsense. They are none of those things.

So, my request is, since we all know that there are incredibly vulgar things said about you and your wife, and the rest of your family, would you please just keep a copy of these for when you need them, but stop posting them for now.

It detracts from your blog, it's hard for us readers to stomach, and it gives these pathetic wretches attention they don't deserve.

Let them huddle in their little hate spots and feed each other's little hate frenzies. This is not the same as people who criticize the mayor or council, or complain about the roads, or whatever. Your blog is about many subjects.

This is just a sick little cabal of people who mentally and emotionally never made it past junior high.

It's your blog, but if it were mine, I'd take my advice and give all this a rest. It's the holiday season. There is much beauty to focus on. There is also a lot of rats in the cheese going on with the city and the county. There is crime to report. Please focus on these things and leave the pathetic ones to themselves.

I, for one, do not go to the anti-Albero blogs or the watchdesk. I couldn't stomach it and life is too short.

Thank you, sir, for considering my request.

Dear Anonymous,

I couldn't agree more, honestly. When I was Posting some of these today I thought, should I be doing this? Then I thought, how could another man do this to an innocent woman who has done NOTHING to ANY one of you? I will say this, as this was the reason I went ahead and put it up.

My Wife Jennifer dedicated 5 years of her life working as a Volunteer with the Salisbury Fire Department's DIVE TEAM. Yes Folks, she was one of the BROTHERS/SISTERS. I plan on putting up a Post about this matter tomorrow but the mere fact that these Men and or Women would do this to one of their own, well, quite frankly, it just ticked me off to no end.

That being said, TO ALL OF YOU, I'm sorry I've allowed these Posts to go up. Look, I'm not perfect and I'm certainly not innocent either. However, unlike Mr. Justice For All, I would never say something like this about his Wife and or ANY of the Fire Fighters Wives.

All that being said, I will do my very best to clean things up from here on out. We're not the Catholic Church Bulletin but we don't have to be the National Enquirer either. I thank you for taking the time to bring me back down to earth and I will work much harder to tone it down.

Is Charles Jannace, (Justice For All) Back?

justice for all said...

Ho Ho Ho,
Ho Ho Ho,
Off to the bury I go,
I left my ho standing at the doe,
with her hair dangling in the breeze.
She keeps the brat,and that is that,
he clings right to her knees,
she's my slave, she don't get paid,
unless she does just as I please.
Ho Ho Ho,
Ho Ho Ho,
I am Jihad Joe,
I'm the boss you see,
I'm so cool all the ladies drool,
they fall right at my knees.
Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Hooooooo

Posted on a Anti Albero Blog.

Boy, These Salisbury Fire Fighters Are On A Roll Today!

"I am far from a pussy and so you know i am a career firefighter with the city and am white. My wife is a african american and we have two bi-racial children. I am not pretending to be Dave Bowling. Think about the career staff.I wont sign my name. But everyone knows who i am. Joe fuck you."

So tell me MAYOR Barrie Tilghman, Chiefy See, Deputy Chiefy Gordy, HOW PROUD ARE YOU OF YOUR STAFF?

Excuse me Mr. White Man, I believe you need to have your conversation with Mr. Bowling or the other person trying to impersonate you. I have no issues with you, so drop it.

Remember those donation envelopes you're getting in the mail this month Folks. PLEASE, send it to the Salisbury Zoo this year instead.

And They Wonder Why They're Called The Tilghman Times?

Now who do all of YOU think is behind these three articles in today's Daily Times? IT'S MY PARADE!

One article was obviously about me in the Parade. So you know, I did NOT get a set of rules from anyone referencing the Parade, nor was I instructed of any minimal requirements. However, my vehicle was mildly decorated and I wore a Santa Hat too! I'll make sure next year that we DO IT UP for the Parade, I promise.

As for the Fire Department Donations, this was posted in the Delmarva Section, one page after the other. My suggestion to the Citizens of Salisbury. Throw out those donation envelopes until the Mayor appoints someone to mediate the Hostile Work Environment. We at least know we're reaching the majority of the population in the City of Salisbury. If they have a computer now, they're probably visiting SBYNEWS.COM.

Boy, this sure has been a BIG Fire Department day, hasn't it?

Another Dissatisfied Customer

"ok now you have crossed the fucking line Joe. You sorry ass son of a bitch. You really need to watch what the fuck you say out of your fucking mouth. You think you are hot shit because you got a little bit of money to sue someone. Bitch you aint shit. I am willing to bet you are a cop calling little bitch. You want to hide on the computer call people niggers. Do you know what a nigger is? It is an ignorant person. And Joe I am more than willing to be that nigger and beat your ass. Got problem come and find me. You sorry bastard. Call me a nigger and I will make sure that it will be the last time you call someone a nigger. I bet the NAACP will love this blog and My friend you better step lightly I am not afraid to come out from behind my screen name and damn sure not afraid to meet you in person"

Now do ANY of YOU find it interesting that out of nowhere I put up a Post about a local Fire Fighter getting arrested, the same guy that says the "N" Word is an ignorant person and now all of a sudden I get this message? I'll give ALL of you one guess who this person is?

I think I'll put out my Mike Lewis, (Batman) Spot Light cause there's some trouble brewing in Gotham City!

Local Fire Fighter Arrested

On Thanksgiving Day, a local Fire Fighter came to my home aggressively banging on my front door and scaring my 6 year old Grandson. Heck, most of you know the whole story. Nevertheless, I have received a multitude of e-mail messages asking if I would confirm he in fact was arrested for his activity. The document above clarifies this matter.

I would strongly recommend ANYONE who wants to visit my home confirm such BEFORE they think of coming as far too many threats on me and my Family have positioned me to defend ourselves from this point forward.

My property is and always has been posted with No Trespassing Signs, meaning, stay out. As I am confident Mr. Barrall is regretting his decision to enter my property illegally and knowingly doing so, it's a shame it had to come to this.

Update On Wards Building & Chiefy See & Gordy

Umm Joe, the old Wards Service Center building has been torn down. I guess that is no longer on the plate?

On another note, I observed a couple of "emergency" vehicles with their red lights a-flashing running through a red light on Beaglin Park Drive, turning West on Route 50. While I believe that they have the right and responsibility to circumvent traffic signals for emergency purposes, both of these vehicles switched off their emergency beacons once they had completed the turn through the intersection.

What vehicles were these? None other than a Salisbury FD "Command Unit" and another SFD sedan following.

It would appear that your observations about the goings on at the SFD are more believable with each passing day ....

The Salisbury Fire Department Is Blowing Smoke Up Your Taxes

When it comes to Fire Stations, Salisbury seems to be so far out of line it isn't funny! Do you ever wonder WHY the City would refuse a FREE building at the Center of Salisbury, offered by the Mall Owners? I believe they offered the old Wards Service Center. Nevertheless, check out these Fire Stations.

Pocomoke (done by a Salisbury Firm), redesign and construction of old Meatland Supermarket; capital campaign, HERE.

Pittsville (done by a Salisbury firm), HERE.

PG's New Station 26, District Heights, HERE. Oh, By The Way, do take note of all the BLACK Fire Fighters in the photos provided. Many Fire Fighters claim that BLACK people don't typically join Fire Departments. LIARS!

Bowie has put 3 Million so far into the new (not replacement) Station going in at Northwood Drive near the Health Center. The rest of the funding is to come from the County's FY09 Budget.

More to come.......

WCSO Press Release

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department offers the following information.

Possession of Counterfeit CDS with Intent to Distribute.


Suspect Juan Ojeda Chang, H/M 55YOA, Salisbury, Maryland.


On 12-6-07 a member of the Sheriff's Office Aggressive Criminal Enforcement Unit, (A.C.E.) stopped a 2005 Suzuki sedan for speeding. The Deputy developed cause to search the vehicle and subsequently discovered 24 grams of suspected cocaine, secreted under the drivers seat. The amount was indicative of an intent to distribute. The operator was arrested and transported to the Wicomico County Central Booking Unit for processing.

WCSO Keepin It Real!

So Nation, How Much Did YOUR Fire Station Cost?

Click on images to enlarge.
Even though the City only paid around $300,000.00 for the land, (which is also questionable as to who owned it in the LLC) the new Station in Salisbury is costing us around $10,000,000.00! Yep, little old Salisbury Maryland is trying to out do ANY other Fire Station in the entire United States and then they're throwing sheet metal on the exterior and trying to impress upon the Taxpayers here that this is the going rate to build a Fire Station.

I'll come back later with the total square footage of Salisbury's but I can assure you, it's much smaller than some of the high price tagged Fire Stations you're seeing above. Again, this in NO WAY reflects the Fire Men & Women. This is solely based on the Mayor, Gary Comegys, Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy.

This magazine is called FIRE CHIEF MAGAZINE and is delivered to Chief Seamore, (AKA See) every month. Don't think for a minute that See & Gordy are clueless to this information as they saw it before I did.

How do all of you feel about your $10,000,000.00 Fire Station Now?

More to come.......

No Daily Times AGAIN Today!

There's no question The Daily Times is in trouble. It's almost an every other day problem with the Paper Delivery. Did YOU get your paper today?

Sheriff Samuel Adams Graham

Sheriff Samuel Adams Graham
Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department
End of Watch: Sunday, December 8, 1968
Age: 62
Tour of Duty: 11 Years

At approximately 2200 hours on December 8, 1968 Sheriff Graham and Deputy
Albert Kelly were shot and killed by an inmate at the county jail. The inmate
had obtained a handgun which was smuggled into the jail to him, which was
concealed in a box of candy. As Deputy Kelly placed the inmates into cells the
suspect grabbed him and pulled him against the bars. After forcing Deputy Kelly
to open the cell door the suspect shot and killed him.

Sheriff Graham, who lived in an apartment in the jail, was alerted to the
escape and came to investigate. As he did he was also shot and killed by the
suspect. The suspect fled to Dover Delaware where he was apprehended. The
suspect was sentenced to two life terms in jail.


Remember Going Nuts Cafe? They're Back!

"You are the biggest asshole to ever exist. HOW DARE YOU. Don't you have anything better to talk about than your childish grudges, just because someone said something that hurt your feelings. GET OVER IT. HOW GODDAMN DENSE! There are people that have been working there since the establishment opened. And since you have "been in the business" I'm guessing you know what it's like to have your restaurant bombarded by "tourists" only looking to use the restroom. I'm guessing you actually have had your own goddamn restaurant on the same strip as Going Nuts, haven't you? Because then you would know... since you've OBVIOUSLY been in the business. I don't expect you to approve this, cause you have obviously only approved the comments that support YOUR opinion. HOW BIASED of you, and how SHALLOW of you. THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO COMPLAIN. AND I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO VOICE MY OPINION AS WELL. How does it not make sense? Yes, their location is a bit inconvenient, but there is NOT a "nicer" restaurant on that strip and everyone knows it. WHY DON'T YOU STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE COMPLAINING YOU GODDAMN HYPOCRITE."

WELL, You can count on my not ever coming through their doors ever again, LOL. Thanks for sharing that with over 60,000 people a day. Enjoy the newly founded business. I'm Joe Albero and I approve this message.