"I have been an avid reader of your blog for the past several years now. As a law-enforcement professional and active member of our community I would like to put
my two cents in with regards to the incident at Break Time.
First, the subject that was detained at Break Time left the scene of an armed robbery that occured near the Chesapeake Inn at that date/time. He was observed entering a white Salisbury Taxi near the scene of the crime and was later transported to Break Time.
Unfortunately, he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and was later released. The majority of the Salisbury Police Department is comprised of hard-working, professional individuals. I'm not sure where you obtained your information in regards to this incident but I can say with %100.00 accuracy that your information is incorrect."
As I respect and appreciate the message I have received, it is important for others to know I have two sources for this story who were present when it happened. The only portion of this message that I will strongly disagree with is my information being 100% incorrect. Other than that, we now have a two sided story/information and I appreciate that VERY much.
I'll add, like any business, we cannot be 100% accurate all the time and or do everything perfectly all the time. Being a Police Officer and being in the public eye is truly one of those businesses in which you walk a very fine line, hence so many criminals getting off for technicalities, respectfully. It must be extremely frustrating to have to work the long hours these Officers do, only to be dragged into Court many times on their own time and in the end watch a criminal walk for such said technicalities!
What must be understood here is the Citizens saw one thing while the Police were attempting to do another. Perhaps this could be explained better in the future to a business like Break Time so they can better inform their PAYING Customers what just happened and why it's still safe and OK to visit that business. IMO, actions like what happened there that evening without question scares the women Customers and drives them away from coming back and that's not fair on Break Time. Just food for thought.
Perhaps the title should say, Theirs, Yours & Mine? LMAO!
The difference the way i see it, is that you posted it in a very negative manor. There were two sides to the incident at the gas station on nanticoke road, yet it was not posted negatively. The store clerk saw something completely different than the officer. But he was a hero, just doing his job!
I firmly disagree with you. The power of your suggestion is out of line. A story was told and now we have another side of that story. I never said the Salisbury Police were incorrectly doing their job. It was told through the eyes of two Customers who saw it live. Again, now we have the other side.
Would you rather I ignore the "other side?" If I could get the SPD side on a regular basis without recourse from their leader things would be much better. However, that doesn't seem possible, even though I have made that attempt to work with the Chief and now he claims I was trying to physically assault him by confronting him. GET A GRIP!
I am honored this representative went out of his/her way to express the "other side" and so should you.
Oh i definately am...I have been giving you the other side since this originally posted and am greatful that you put it up.
It sucks you cant get the info the way you can from the WCSO, I totally agree with you. I dont for one minute think that YOU are suggesting the officers were out of line. I dont think it reflects YOUR opinion at all. You know many officers on a personal level that could have had that info for you before you made any postings! Oh well its done and over with....thank you for posting the other side! Maybe it will help people such as concerned citizen to understand what really happened.
"You know many officers on a personal level that could have had that info for you before you made any postings!"
Allow me to repeat myself. I have not, nor ever have in the past, relied on ANY Officers in the SPD for information.
Even though the Chiefy would like to believe that as such, it's not at all true.
As for confirming information, this individual seeked me out and that I truly respect and appreciate. Allow me to explain why. Things aren't always what they seem and it's only fair the other side be told.
As an example. Just how many different versions have you guys heard of the Officer who had a problem after leaving the Gym not that long ago? I have heard at least 4 different sides to that story from Police Officers alone and trust me, I have NO CLUE which one to truly believe?
Nevertheless, I will not, nor have I ever relied on any SPD Officer to give me the scoop. Now Chiefy, start scratching your head and think of all the damage you've caused within that Department simply because you were so paranoid! Perhaps I should be lighter on the Chief and address that question to who I feel is probably the real cause of all that, Barrie Tilghman?
Nevertheless, thank you for filling us all in.
Anonymous 11:45. Hero my ass a reject ever since he was in O.C.!
anonymous 12;22that story DOES NOT help me understand what happened. were you there????? if not then you are the one who needs to find out what happened. because you dont understand... again were you there? i was there and i know what happened and i saw how they handled the situation. IMO IT WAS HANDLED WRONG. period. you get your facts together and you witneses and ill get mine together and lets have a coffee and find out exactly what happened. joe will you join us as mediator? ill want for you response. haha have a good thanksgiving and lets all give it a rest till friday. then we can try to fix the problems in our city and local police and fire dept. thanks again for hearing all sides. and happy thanksgiving,oh by the way how many of you are spending thanksgiving helping other people for the holiday? the man who owns breaktime will be spending his holiday serving free food at the moose lodge tomarrow with his terminally ill wife by his side. thats a good citizen.
anonymous 12:22 i dont need to understand what happened. i was there. were you there? i dont care what the story is it was handled wrong.. again i repeat were you there? everyone should give it a rest till friday and have a good thanksgiving. how many of you folks are helping the needy on this holiday? the man who ownes breaktime is spending his holiday serving free food at the moose lodge on snow hill rd, with his terminally ill wife at his side. thats a good man. and i havent heard him complain about what it did to his crowd that nite. well, have a great thanksgiving all.including spd and sfd talk to you all friday.
Concerned. Would a more experienced officer handled it any different? That would be a big YES.
But, did the officers act within thier limits? Good question. I hope it is investigated properly.
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