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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rumor Has It The Daily Times Is About To Blast The Fruitland Police Department

I am told that tomorrow’s edition of The Daily Times will contain a scandalous piece of tabloid trash by none other than Joe G. He is doing an article on the failed attempt by former Councilperson Margaret Pennewell to have the results of the agency’s year old Police Department review made public. A Judge ruled against its release and rightfully so. It is not worth the paper it was written on due to the personal agenda of certain Officers with the help of others who, by the way, are no longer employed there.

It is Pennewell’s attempt to redeem herself as she lost her re-election bid last year. I am told her motives are suspect, at best. I’m sure the Daily Times will give this a negative spin?

Let's see what tomorrow brings? My guess, Barrie Tilghman will now send in her team of Damage Control Experts to see once again just where Albero gets his information. ROTFLMAO!


Anonymous said...

well i am glad that someone is actually doing something about all the deception and all the crap happens here well all i got to say the people will be shocked how the the corruption is not only in salisbury is here too.

Ernie said...

Joe- if it was the SPD, SFD or WTP, you'd be PO'ed and have your FOIAR ready ASAP!
But since it's Fruitland, it's OK. You got a bit of a double standard going on there! The report needs to be released, and the public can decide if it's credible or not.

Anonymous said...


Ernie (Cornbrooks-?) hit the nail and you, too, on the head. What possible reason could there be to withhold the report -- BTW, what judge did that?????

Why does Fruitland get special treatment?

Anonymous said...

A F***ING MEN, I here you, i feel the pain of these officeres trying to work in a job where there is BS everyday, the chief and chiefette needs to leave dodge and let the REAL men do the job.
Go to google blog search and look up fruitland wicomico, and talk to RAlPH, he is the man with the info and jo maybe you need to learn from him, lol, sike,

Anonymous said...

A F***ING MEN, I here you, i feel the pain of these officeres trying to work in a job where there is BS everyday, the chief and chiefette needs to leave dodge and let the REAL men do the job.
Go to google blog search and look up fruitland wicomico, and talk to RAlPH, he is the man with the info and jo maybe you need to learn from him, lol, sike,

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe I see a Fruitland police car sitting on Grove St in Delmar every night!

Looks like a take home car to me.

Maybe he has meetings every night that he has to attend.

Is Fruitland wasting gas giving this officer a take home car. I bet he drives more to and from home than he does all day at work in Fruitland!

Maybe you should look into this. Oh you can't do that ITS NOT SALISBURY!

Anonymous said...

I've always found city leaders extremely helpful. Perhaps that former council member should seek a seat on another council with those of the same ideology. She would fit in quite nicely. But Debbie and Terri have enough on their hands!

joe albero said...

"Hey Joe I see a Fruitland police car sitting on Grove St in Delmar every night!
Looks like a take home car to me."

Is it the Chief or an Officer? If it's an Officer, SHUT UP. If it's the Chief, LET'S TALK MORE!

Anonymous said...

Your readers should know that Ralph is Mr. Pennewell and I don't know how he has time to blog but his nonsense comes from a certain council member and another supervisor at FPD. Jealousy is a terrible thing. Class acts - all of them. As for corruption, Blade Runner should get a life. At least chiefette doesn't make deals with drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

Is it the Chief or an Officer? If it's an Officer, SHUT UP. If it's the Chief, LET'S TALK MORE!

Whats it matter? It still 30 miles one way, thats 60 miles a day. Is he going to respond lights and sirens from Delmar to Fruitland? I think not!!!

The officer also live across state lines! Umm.....

Its like what Ernie said.. Looks like some double standards going on here!

joe albero said...

IDIOT! I have always said the LEADERS need to live in the City they are employed! Ask most any Maryland State Police Officer where they live and then where they work. GET A GRIP!

Anonymous said...

Who is the judge that kept the report secret? Don't they have the "freedom of Information" law in Fruitland yet?

Anonymous said...

I know SPD has problems, but I think FPD has many more. But it is not with the officers but the pay and benefits to attract them. I know them all and they deserve so much more than what they get. I just hate to see another city fall apart because the cant seem to find money to keep them.

Anonymous said...

Fruitland Officers are allowed to drive home patrol cars during the days that their are on shift and have to return to work the next day. The patrol cars are not to be used for personal trips with the exception of stopping for groceries on the way home or similar stops. I have also used my patrol car and stopped to check on other police officers while they were out on traffic stops to make sure they were OK. But, if you really wanted to know why the car was in front of my house - why not just walk over and ask me? I would have been more than happy to talk to you.