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Thursday, September 28, 2006

HERE IT IS FOLKS! The MP3 Audio Version of the 9-11-06 City Council Meeting


Just click on the link above and enjoy. Be prepared to get really ticked off and also get a trash can to throw up in once you hear Randy Taylor!

Sorry it took so long to get out to everyone.

By the way Barrie, Mike & Gary, every time you lie, every time you cheat, we will be on you from here on out proving to the world just how crooked you are. You will forever regret you ever screwed with me and others from the very beginning. Technology is a wonderful thing!


Good Evening Mr. Executive........

Ahhhhhh, Mr. Executive, eh.....

Yeah, I could really be liking this respect of authority......

Hmmmmm, will my new Office come with a view? What will my Secretary look like?

Could Charles be the new "Wizard of Oz" and make the Witch and Flying Monkeys go away?

The Randy Taylor Custom Downtown Parking Space

OK, see that Handicap Parking Space? That's the Randy Taylor parking space where he tells everyone it's not really a Handicap Spot, it's his personal spot and neighbors had been believing it. Until today, that is.

Today I watched Randy actually parking in a metered space because the word was out that I was on top of it and he's no longer breaking the law.

I travel through the City a few times a day and I'm going to continue to keep tabs on this parking space and take pictures of the white Suburban Randy drives and if it's in this spot I'm going to call the Police until we get the facts ironed out here. Just because you're a FOB doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage of a Handicap Parking Space. End of story.

More Candidates Than "Young Professionals" In Attendance.

This photo may appear as if there are quite a few people in attendance but in reality, most of the people you see are candidates and or friends of candidates.

Below, (center) is my wife, who walked in and they asked, are you a young professional? No. Are you under 36 years old? No. Then Mike Lewis walked in, came right over to Jennifer and shook her hand saying hello and they said, oh go ahead and just go in.

The guy in the bottom right hand corner clapping his hands, another friend who just walked in and because he walked in at the same time we did, they let him through.

All in all there were about 15 Young Professionals attending this event. Similar to other events, most of the people there are candidates and or their friends and there is a VERY serious problem with public participation and the Chamber of Commerce discouraged the Public's right to attend.

Now I also hear we're having issues with PACE and their not putting Charles Jannace on the agenda to speak. Wait till the lawsuits come out on that one!

The Chamber Of Commerce Discriminated Last Night

It should be clearly noted that the Chamber of Commerce discriminated against several people attempting to enter last nights Forum. Brad Bellacicco was standing at the front door flat out telling people that Joe Albero advertised their Forum as open to the public and he was wrong. That was lie number one. Brad, everyone you tried to defame me with last night was a friend of mine and they all showed up at Break Time Billiards later to express how they'll never have anything to do with the Chamber ever again.

You see Brad, it was posted in an artice in The Daily Times yesterday. You then contacted Mr. Jim Biggs and begged him to please ask me to ask others not to atend because you didn't think you had enough food. So like a gentleman I went ahead and posted an article asking people not to attend and then you tell people at the door it was my fault!

Oh Brad, Brad, Brad, Brad, Brad, you just don't respect the power of the Blog Sites, do you? In due time Brad, in due time.

City Taxpayers Get The Shaft Again!

Last Monday night the City Council once again gave yet another free ride to the Delaware Elevator Company. However, this time the price tag went from the $90,000.00 range all the way up to $150,800.00 to repair the elevator in the Parking Garage.

I have stated this in the past. I have researched brand new elevators that include the shaft and everything new and they cost somewhere around $140,000.00 brand new. To repair an elevator for $150,000.00 is just unbelievable but you people just sit back and watch these fools line their pockets right in front of your face.

Oh, let's top this whole story off with, there were 13 bids sent out to 13 different companies. Guess how many returned their bid? ONE! That's right, Delaware Elevator! Nobody else seemed to be remotely interested in bidding the job! Why did the City have to solicit companies for this job, rather than simply advertising it? Could it be that Delaware Elevator had the heads up as to the job not being as bad as it was written? Nevertheless, I smell another rat and I've never been wrong yet!

If You Haven't Seen Today's Daily Times, GO OUT AND BUY A COPY!

The Daily Times have done it! Two incredible stories, (front page news) of Charles Jannace spanking Ron Alessi and Rick Pollott. The facts and numbers don't lie Folks, get the paper or read it on line.