Aria DiMezzo, a transgender, ‘Satanic anarchist’ has won the GOP nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County New Hampshire.
Incredibly, Republican voters where she was elected paid so little attention to the unopposed candidate that they voted for her in spite of her “F*** the police!” slogan—a slogan that sounds more like something you’d hear at a Joe Biden – Kamala Harris rally.
I can’t imagine they’re happy about this,’ Aria DiMezzo told Inside Sources when asked about the reaction from Republicans.
She won despite the fact that she received no support from the county or state GOP.

Incredibly, Republican voters where she was elected paid so little attention to the unopposed candidate that they voted for her in spite of her “F*** the police!” slogan—a slogan that sounds more like something you’d hear at a Joe Biden – Kamala Harris rally.
I can’t imagine they’re happy about this,’ Aria DiMezzo told Inside Sources when asked about the reaction from Republicans.
She won despite the fact that she received no support from the county or state GOP.

I have been stating that all Democrats need to be voted out of office. I amend that statement. All buy one need to be voted out of office.
It's a poster child for the new dumbocrat party.
Thats got to be voter fraud....or the whole county has lost their minds
Is that Rich, come on stop.
Well than there now. Wouldn’t that look sweet in uniform. I’ll say it again, you can’t make this chit up.
Bring back medieval torture and public beheading. Please.
I'd hit that in the bar after a few beers
Thought New Hampshirians had more sense than that.
Republicans are quietly accepting. Democrats wipe it in everybody's face.
It’s the only republican in the race. Kinda like how Jake day became mayor.
Isn't that Ryan Reynolds?
2 am last call, yup
At least this luciferian his honest unlike the Democratic Party who hide their dedication to lucifer.
I did nt know there are republicans in new hampshire. Guess not cause that confused soul sure aint!
Well she looks like something sent for that never got there!!
And I thought California was nutso.
I once knew a transsexual Satanist. They are more common than you think & quite magical.
The newly elected GOP candidate for sheriff has a point…
Jake Day in drag
Typical down ticket Republican.
Hey Geniuses.
This person was on the REPUBLICAN GOP TICKET. Which means, people who were voting did so strictly on party lines, and without knowing anything about who they were voting into the most powerful police position in their district.
These fools get what they deserve. She has a statement in the article, and she is not wrong, you should read it:
So you’re mad. I get it. I promise you: I get it. You feel betrayed. You may even be wondering how the party that you so believed in could do something like this. But, odds are, you’re blaming me. Most people are probably angry at me, and blaming me for all this. That’s silly. I was always upfront about who I am. The good man in Rindge who looked into me found out everything he needed to know with a simple Google search. There it was, plain as day:
Anarchist. Shemale. Tranny. Libertarian. “f@#k the police.” Free Talk Live. Bitcoin. Reformed Satanic Church. Black Lives Matter.
It’s all there. None of it is a secret. I couldn’t possibly have been more upfront about who I am, or my position on things. Did none of you pay attention to the election two years ago, when I criticized Eli Rivera for not going far enough with his sanctuary policy? Did none of you remember the six foot tall tranny who ran for sheriff and then city council?
You could have easily looked at a sample ballot prior to the election, and you could have simply looked up the candidates in a search engine. By doing so, you, like the good citizen in Rindge, would probably have been appalled, and probably wouldn’t have voted for me. I wouldn’t have begrudged you for that. I was, after all, rather upfront about it. I went into it expecting that I would lose the primary to a write-in candidate, because I didn’t think that so many voters were just… completely and totally oblivious about who they are voting for.
Because the fact is that you didn’t bother. You trusted the system. You trusted the establishment. You trusted the party. You felt safe. You were sure that there must be some mechanisms in place to prevent from occurring exactly what just occurred. Your anger is misplaced if you direct it at me. Please listen. Your anger is with the system that has lied to you. Your anger is with the system that convinced you to believe in it, trust in it, and have faith in it, when it is completely and utterly broken.
More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county. That’s a level of recklessness of which any decent human being should be ashamed.
And I’m not the only one. A friend of mine–who I won’t name because I haven’t asked his permission to, even though I doubt he would care–had a similar result. He did absolutely no campaigning. I am his friend, and I was only barely aware that he was running. Yet this person who did no campaigning, has no political connections, and, to my knowledge, has never been to a single Republican meeting, and didn’t just win his race–he placed first in his race, where there were several other options. Maybe 20 Republican voters in all of Cheshire County knew who this guy was. Yet he won–and he won by taking first place in his race.
Really, whose fault is all this? You don’t know anything about the people you’re voting for. You’re just blindly voting for them because you trust in the party, you trust in the system. Well, the party is broken, and the system is broken. It’s all broken.
You all wanted it, now you all got it!!!! And sitting there not doing anything about it or not saying anything, makes you complicit and if your complicit, you want it, you beg for it and now you all got it!!!!
Yep end of the world is coming quick get on your knees and start praying our ancestors would all be turning over in their graves.
This goes for democrats attention for who your voting for. A GOP luciferian and democrat luciferian all work for the same boss.
Puke, puke and puke! Such a beautiful state but so full of crazy airhead democrats. Pretty is as pretty does.
2020, in a nutshell
The Quran has the solution.
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