DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 07, 2020
Where Are Their Masks, Chief Barbara Duncan & Mayor Jake Day Have No Masks On!!!
Is it "racist" of me to call the Mayor and Chief of Police out for violating NO SOCIAL DISTANCING and not wearing a mask in a crowd of more than 10 people? You see Folks, it is evidence like this that pisses off the Boy Mayor when I produce hard evidence. That Idiot Mayor is the one publishing his own crap because he's an Idiot. While a City Employee just died of the Coronavirus and the City refused to pay for his funeral these Idiots are out there just asking for trouble and setting a very poor example. I know, I know, I'm a "racist", right?
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If the city pays for one active employee's funeral they should pay for them all, regardless of the cause of death.
He's following Trump's lead! Isn't that what we want?
Have you noticed most protesters nationwide do not wear masks? And nothing has been said. Go onto govt property or voting poll place where few are around and they tell us we have to wear a mask. Go figure.
No your not the racist Jake & Barbara are the racists they just use people for what the media coverage is all about. They used the Corona Virus for their own purpose shutting down businesses they saw as not necessary but remember they allowed Rita's Ice to be open and no distancing, they allowed bars open till they finally realized that might be wrong, they did the Easter parade with no distancing remember those pictures, now they have a support party downtown to honor a Blackman that was killed in Minnesota wrongly yes. But where is the support for their own city employee's family to die of the virus. Where is the support for the store owners on Main Street that lost business for 3 yrs. because they never finished Main Street. In 2016 Jake ran for office talking of revitalizing downtown and the historic stores-now 2020 it's demolish the downtown historical stores and not a damn for the employees or store owners. Two festivals 2 people died drowned in the Wicomico River because the fence around Riverwalk had to be taken down. Even worse is the constant jumping into declare support for the Black citizens of Salisbury but why not all citizens of Salisbury, you know the tax payers. Answers transparency escape Jake Day, Barbara Duncan and the Salisbury City Council. You are the worst Salisbury has ever had worst Mayor ever and worst Chief of Police, that is your legacy. Can your so called deployment start soon enough what's the date can you share that?
He knows the Coronavirus isn’t dangerous to 99.7% of the population. More virtue signaling. He needs to fix what’s going on in his own home before he can lead others.
white privilege dont have to wear one
I’m so confused on social distancing and mask now. 7 more days will be very telling if we don’t see a massive spike.
You're not a racist for publishing your opinion. I watched on the news Jerkin Jake give a hug to a protester with no mask on. Think he might say he might say he has the Covid 19 now so he can'tbe deployed. I look at his FB but never comment because he'd probably block me. I saw the comments about your blog on there and people were saying if you look at SYSB News blog, you're a racist. So all the people on Jakes FB who read your blog are Racist also. Keep up the good work Joe and keeping people up to date.
Of course you are racist, silly man. Anytime you present facts that the left can not dispute, they immediately fall back to labeling-racist or any of the other go to “-ists” or“-isms” they keep handy. It sure beats rational discussion.
Smallsbury is a clown car of stupid stuck in the ghetto gutter.
At this point it is actually funny to watch his theatrics.
Wait until the poverty rises, the foreclosures start and the businesses pack up and leave.
When is he leaving? Cannot be soon enough. AND I hope he does not use government time on social media. He needs to go silent while deployed.
The Presidents rhetoric and his example has made name calling very popular. True or not we use to be slightly more civilized and expressed our distaste or distrust for someone to the point just short of name calling and made our point. Not out of any respect for the subject but our own personal dignity and a forgotten thing called public manners.
This picture says it all. Caroline O'Hare came from Los Angeles via New York with her big punk ass drag queen husband Dan. They were spewing this garbage since they moved back here. Caroline and Dan O'Hare are prime examples of the people leaving the socialist agenda they helped create not being able to handle the reprocussions of the over taxing and decay of day to day life. This is what happens when the masses leave the very areas they helped destroy, they bring the garbage with them
So he paid for the funeral of the cop that killed himself but threw Randy Jarman's wife under the bus? Why is that Jake didn't Mister Jarman participate in your LGBT agenda so he wasn't qualified? So many failures and you still keep trying to hold on to a position of authority and relevance
Black people of Salisbury stop letting this child mayor use you for his public personna. Barbara Duncan you should be embarrassed with your track record as chief of police
More like political or power privilege. The everyday white folk have to wear masks.
All I can say is good luck Salisbury when all this comes back and bites you in the ass. This is your five minutes of social media fame but those in the bigger democratic cities showed your true colors and people have realized they can't put trust in your lies and deceit. People have witnessed first hand that we are expendable to you and it's up to us to defend our rights and freedoms. It's truly a shame how you've desecrated the memory of George Floyd attempting to further your socialist garbage. I would expect to see a lot of butt hurt Democrats come November but hey you're used to that lately.
Maybe they will get the flu????
We can only 🙏 they BOTH catch it.
He leads no one.
Yep yep
🌈🌈🌈 Cough cough.
All I can say to you Jake Day is from your track record of one failure after the next you'd better keep sucking up to this crowd and the LGBT because you are an outcast in all other circles. You are a f'ing joke
I look at Salisbury News blog daily, so what ?
Children at play.
No internal notification to staff yet they did notify us of a death of a former employee due to COVID and a Suicide of another former police officer.
Lmao guys...guys...guys!!! These masks are super hard to breathe in. I imagine the rapid breathing associated with adderall consumption be difficult for one to control!!
Funerals should not be paid with public money. Ever
Halloween everyday...wear a freakin mask!
" Anonymous said...
He's following Trump's lead! Isn't that what we want?
June 5, 2020 at 1:56 PMJ"
Day is not the President. Day is standing practically shoulder to should with people he has no idea who they associate with. The President's inner circle is tested daily. When the President holds a press conference anyone who is not his inner circle are well over 6ft away from him. THINK before you comment.
If you've a problem with it. Get off your butt and from behind your key board. Get you Ar-15 and go do something about it.
That's why I dumped Trump.
You all are lots of mouth and no action.
Because they are special! You didn't know that?
People seem to think masks are a "law". They're not. It's a recommendation. It may also be a requirement from store owners, but don't mistake wearing masks as some law.
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