DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Renaming Salisbury Street To Black Lives Matter
Join us this Friday, June 19th (Juneteenth) for a ceremonial renaming of Broad Street in Salisbury to Black Lives Matter Boulevard. The public is invited to join, but we remind attendees that masks and social distancing is required. The amazing artists from We Are Limitless Studios will be inviting the public to participate in the sidewalk mural that they are creating on Broad Street! Thank you to Salisbury Arts and Entertainment District, We Are Limitless Studios, and all others that are making this event possible!
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1 – 200 of 250 Newer› Newest»Did Julia Glanz (Jake's replacement as mayor) do this?
Lake Street seems a more appropriate street.
Since Black Lives Matter is an international POLITICAL organization, doesn't this constitute taxpayer funded political activity?
Oh, that's just wrong!! Wrong!!!
are you f***'n serious!!!!!!!!!
If God had wanted men to have sex with each other he would have created "Adam & Steve"!
Come on man!! What a joke!! The Mayor is pandering to far leftist groups... all lives matter. We are All in this together ..
Wrong name. Try Anarchist Avenue.
That's racist as hell. Will be waiting it's time!!
Broad street is probably one of the least traveled streets in Salisbury, good for you Jake 😂😂😂😂😂
i guess it doesn't matter if we are offended by this. If it was for a white group the world would be in an uproar. jmo
I wasn’t offended by the sign at the cost house and it was removed. I am offended by the sign in Broad Skreet and it has been added. So this is equal treatment?
What the hell!?? NO.
They wouldn’t like my addition to their “mural”.
I’d simply tag 13/52.
The irony of it being a one way street 😂
Are there any streets named after white folks?
So what street are all the Hot Broads gonna hang out on now?
and this accomplishes what exactly?
Reverse Racism Avenue might be more appropriate.
I thought city council had to approve name changes to streets
Do you ever wonder why stores and other businesses don't open in black neighborhoods? It's because no life matters to the ghetto rats that inhabit those areas. I guess it's time to move out of Salisbury. What a joke this place has become over the last 30 or so years. Used to be a nice city.
You poor poor cry babies.Why do you hate the the mayor so much
Isn't this a black neighborhood? How insulting. It should be a street in an all white neighborhood. Why not rename the street the mayor lives on BLM blvd or dr or st? That would be more meaningful and show he is really being inclusive and sincere.
BLM is a cult, a black supremacist religion.
There is a lawsuit filed against the mayor of DC for painting their slogan on the street, and renaming the plaza across from the White House to “Black Lives Matter Plaza”. Surely someone can get an injunction?
This is pandering and I do not approve.
First the rainbows now this. I’m completely done going to Salisbury for any reason. There were a handful of restaurants and a couple of stores that I liked to go to to support. No more.
Disgusting and despicable.
Nope! Never! Unbelievable, bunch of racist people..smh. In fact, I won't spend my money at any business in this racist/liberal city. You continue stirring the racist pot looking for trouble. We will not comply or bow down to this horsesht...smh...mho
When will this stop? After everyone is unemployed and we all protest?
Good Grief.
Rainbow banners all over the city, BLM painted on streets. How about some banners with a Christian symbol on them or something other than the leftist agenda. I thought ALL were equal. I guess not. This is just more of the liberals hypocrisy.
Who ever is behind this is trying to start a civil war. I hope their house is burnt to go ground first
Just priceless!
This is racist! WHO GOT TO VOTE ON THIS ONE? Outrageous. ALL lives matter, including black lives. I "get it" that there are still racist people of ALL races. There are many black and brown people that are far more racist than any other race and they are teaching that racism to their children and grandchildren! I see it every single day in my job. This offends me! I treat ALL people the same. What bothers me so much is that there are far too many people of color who make no attempt to better themselves. Stay in school, pay attention in school, don't cause problems in school. Get your diploma. Apply for grants, scholarships, student loans etc. like so many others do and go to college or trade school! It's hard for people of all colors with no education to get good jobs, so we ALL need to do what is necessary to better ensure we CAN get decent jobs and a decent paycheck. I'm so sick of too many people (not just people of color) who choose to live on the government (translation: those of us who do work every day) and then whine and complain about white privilege. I'm not denying that there still is some racial profiling, but it's a two-way street to fix it! Jake Day or whoever made this decision to rename ANY street Black Lives Matter Blvd. is completely out of line, in my opinion.
AKA: Terrorist Organization Blvd.
Are you crazy! Tell me this is not true.
Camden Avenue in front of SU president's house is a better location.
Nope. Not in my neighborhood, sick of having their false ideology, based on lies, in my face.
Are you kidding? They’re probably who thought up this nonsense.
To funny and I could careless
You poor poor cry babies.Why do you hate the mayor so much
Just Why??????
What happened to the taxpayer being able to vote on these types of things? If people in Salisbury voted, you would see that most voters are against this. God help us. The world is getting crazier and crazier.
So are they going to name the road by the police dept blue lives matter? Funny same initials. Since cops are being killed? I know the city counsel doesn’t support their police dept so I doubt it. 107 cops have died in 2020 looks like 35 were killed/murdered.
Take a piece of history from down town then this🤦♂️
So they tear down the Winder plaque because he was racist and put up a street sign of an admitted racist hate group typical Jake
Anonymous said...
12:39 PM - It's a good question. Will the name also be displayed overhead at 13 and Division?
Why not a bigger street, like Church or Booth? Giving it to a two block street makes it seem that BLM doesn't matter all that much.
I figured it out, maybe. the two blocks of Broad Street are visible to tens of thousands of eyes every day, but the only commercial value is to a few landlords and an all-white law office in a converted 19th century house. Slap the BLM moniker on the street and the commercial possibilities tank. Forever. Streets like Fitzwater and Lake and Cypress and Mill all have commercial value and, not so curiously, are in the backroom city fathers' and investors' long range plans as key points of gentrification and expansion of the mass housing and accompanying retail. Those places would not fare well being on BLM Boulevard.
So, Broad Street was given up as a cheap, knee-jerk sacrifice to something no one can exactly nail down, to gain points with the Friendliest City board, appeasing a small group of well meaning but somewhat hoodwinked people, all while not upsetting the profitability apple cart or the plan for downtown expansion.
#Boycott ALL BUSINESS downtown Danbury.
It has been Broad Skreet forever. Why rename it period. Broad Skreet did not have any controversy and was already there. More wasting of OPM.
Clueless, Racist, Ignorant people running this city...NO MORE for us.
This is insulting to blacks. Why not name the downtown plaza BLM plaza? No one goes on broad st.
That would be racist!!
1:31 I'm sure the Wal Mart camo-section is really going to feel the wrath of you no longer buying cargo shorts.
This is a government showing favoritism to a certain race and is illegal. If no one else files a lawsuit I will look into doing it! The DOJ has already informed a California city that they can not do the same and Salisbury, Maryland is no different!!
Yes, and then they can turn the corner on Tan lives matter and then White lives matter Street. Skinny Street can be right next to Fat Boulevard, Tall avenue can be next to Short Avenue. And instead of William Street which meets Gay street now, we can rename it Straight street. It is as though we are segregating again. So much for moving forward. Sounds like the drinking fountains for white/black people, and bus seats front and back. When does it end?
So over all this mess. Every life matters....I don't want to drive through a city that has rainbow flags and BLM all over it. Just don't need to or want to see it. Every one has their rights. I also agree with the person who commented about a Christian flag or something. Religion was taken out of everything but now they teaching about gay/lesbians and BLM in schools and all over the media. We get it....most of the world understands and has no issues with BLM or gay/lesbian. Just stop rubbing it in every ones faces and all day on the televisions. All this publicity and they still "act a fool" trying to get more attention. While I do agree every ones life matters, don't be a criminal to get your self in a situation where you could possibly die for fighting the police. They have to arm them selves and protect them selves. In crazy situations with criminals, they protect them selves and the public first. STOP DOING DUMB SH*T and you wont get in trouble or hurt!!!!
This is so very wrong and so racists. What streets are named after white people and why aren't they??? I demand some of these street names be changed to white peoples names. Salisbury was, at one time, a nice little city, but now it caters to queers and minorities. WHITE LIVES MATTER!
This name offends me, so remove it now!!!
So it's ok to have a celebration for black lives matter renaming of a street or to protest or riot but not ok to celebrate July 4th
How about we rename one of the streets to WSR?
This is ridiculous, period. Why rename a street anyway besides that include everyone if you're so inclined to rename it - like, All Lives Matter. I hate Salisbury more every day.
Because he is fundamentally dishonest and part of the political elitism and crookedness that is destroying this country. It’s more mistake, either. This has been part of a plan by Greater Salisbury Committee. Do you know the history? Gillis, Tilghman, Day, and other “prominent” names, The Who’s who of slumlording, and media make up GSC. At least Day’s first campaign (and likely others) was significantly Funded by a Chicago-based PAC. Now for the street naming...nothing but lip service. There will be no real changes to address systemic racial or class bias. If you want to highlight a black life that mattered, select a real hero like Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Madame CJ Walker, or even Salisbury’s Mary Pinkerton. He and the acting mayor are cunning politicians who have puppeteers with agendas we’ll-served by creating conflict and driving wedges. Remember Esbach Way...what an offensive gesture to the neighborhoods that were raped and pillaged on her watch. 12:14 and 1:29 are spot on.
1:07 Good one😂🤣
1:24 No one likes a panderer
He is hot on board any non issue or hot tidbit of trending nonsense that draws attention to himself. It truly is shameless and a shame or sham for us.
How does a tiny street turn into a boulevard? Only boobs who don't know the difference can answer that.
It's 3:30 Monday afternoon and nobody answers the phone at City of Salisbury 410-548-3110 - they all must be out painting rainbows and matters :(
What does this have to do with the article about renaming Broad Street to Black Live Matter?
He used broad St so he can look out of the office bulding and admire his lack of leadership and creativity
What a wonderful gesture.
So all the citizens have no vote on this we live in Salisbury limits and are tax payers but no vote just do what a few want the recent flags were all lives matter and now pandering to one group. Jake just when we think you can't get anymore self centered you do this. ALL LIVES DO MATTER AND IT'S TIME FOR YOUR IMPEACHMENT! So far we have had peace, no riots here but you just pulled the plug on keeping us safe. Why does everything have to be about you, this is only more attention for you and more PEE WE HERMAN PICS!
Unbelievable!! This pisses me off. Black murals, now BLM streets and anything that has history that offends BLM comes down. ALL Lives Matter. This is instigating racial division. Why didn't the tax payers have any say in this decision?
How about this idea:
Name the street, "We Only Change The Name In Hopes That It Will Make You All Feel Better And Will Not Act The Fool and Riot And Burn Our City Down Boulevard".
Maybe that's a little long.
Just go ahead and name it, "BLM".
Both names mean the same.
Where is white lives matter street gonna be
Just sayin
It’s a one way street so...
I really hope this is a joke
Dear Jake
You changed the name of a street and didn’t seek the public’s opinion but didn’t address Jerome Jackson. Whose the real racist??
Turn your head for a second and there you go!
Crime should drop like a rock because of this act of sympathy.
What a bunch of racist crybabies.
This is a ceremonial renaming, just like Pete Cooper Way, Dudley-Eshbach Way, etc.
Mailing/911 addresses stay the same.
Can you imagine a street named
Anonymous said...
Since Black Lives Matter is an international POLITICAL organization, doesn't this constitute taxpayer funded political activity?
June 15, 2020 at 12:39 PM
Yes, but Democrats are allowed to break the law, especially for blacks.
When are we going to rename a street called White Lives Matter since thousands more white people are killed by black people?
The thug Jake Day is building a "Lynching" monument for killed his white boss. But see if you murder a white person or commit a crime against one you get bonus points. Only in America!
Has anyone noticed that every commercial on TV stars a black person or a black family? Yes, it's a fact. I bet most of you haven't noticed.
And if you are really paying attention nearly half of the commercials have interracial couples in them. Talk about Liberal with white guilt!
3:55 It is a wonderful gesture if you buy into the bs that only black lives matter and not all lives 🤷♀️
Why wasn't the black community consulted about this?
You nailed it!
Anonymous said...
Come on man!! What a joke!! The Mayor is pandering to far leftist groups... all lives matter. We are All in this together ..
June 15, 2020 at 12:48 PM
All lives can't matter until black lives matter. At least that is what clowns like David Bowling will tell you. He was a volunteer fireman in Salisbury and he hates cops. Creepy isn't it?
This should be reported. Threats to burn houses? Civil War? My, your racism is profound.
2:37 People that assume... well you know the rest.
1:47 Great idea :)
cause he wont come out of the closet
So glad I left Salisbury years ago. Saw the handwriting on the wall. My condolences to the residents who can’t afford to move.
They are going to wish they didn't invite a civil war TICK TOCK.
Hope nobody destroy it.
Good Lord it's true. Salisbury is run by a bunch of idiots.
All of them. Walston Switch comes to mind...
Exactly not a darn thing
Then put it on your house or garage
Carroll St.
I'm so sick of this one sided bullsh*t. All lives matter and to name a street after one racial group or another is wrong. Let's remove 1 sign downtown because it offends people, but change a street name to something that offends others. SMDH Bias much? What do you think this is going to solve? Do you really think that changing a street name and taking down a marker sign is going to fix the tensions that divide us? You people in charge of Salisbury are a bunch of idiots.
Really?? Since when I missed that memo. I guess the KKK is a cult and terrorist
Take another route or do not go. It's not hard to do
If you dont believe that your racist, please go back and re-read the statement you wrote. How misinformed you are. There are many blacks who have multiple college degrees and do all the right things that are held back from advancing in society because of people like you who think so narrow minded and stupid.
Airport Rd
Thank you. I wish I could move.
Elmer Davis Loop
Junteenth how special 🤮🤮 so you have his special mural across the highway then the NAACP local chapter at Chipman community center and now this. Wow Jake Day look at you aren't you special.
Elmer Davis Loop
Re-name that to WHITE LIVES MATTER !!!!
The city white people are trying so hard to prove to all they are not racists is what this is all about. Yessssss why wasn't anyone in the black community consulted about this!!! I know for a fact that didn't happen because I have spoken to some and all are concerned. We don't want white people making decisions for us just so they can prove a point! Everyone I spoke to doesn't like this idea. We would rather have a street named after a famous black person!
Speaking of apple cart, I was headed North on Mill Street with my horse and cart. Darned if the axle didn’t break off the cart. Lucky my horse didn’t break a leg. That area hasn’t been fit for a car in sixty year or more.
They should do the letters in rainbow colors
Could be the new city logo
But but I thought no one is above the law.
Ha Ha. Great observation
Oh the lawsuit is already pending.
How about we rename w main st skid row.
Not war between races, it's war of communism/socialism versus the USA. I'm kinda leaning towards USA as the winner, because the liberals can't figure out which bathroom to use, and have crying closets.😂
That writer is no doubt referring to the rainbow flag
How stupid are you?
You attempted a sentence with 6 words and incorrectly used or misspelled 3 of them.
If you really treated everyone the same why are you offended?
No threat 5:18, just wishful thinking
City can’t fix a street, just rename them.
I couldn't care less
7:27 I love it!
You just solved it yourself. The last sentence tells why the white folk had to name it b l m whatever that is.
Mr. Pete Cooper was a well respected community man deserving of a ceremonial sign. I would vote for a building to be name Mr. Pete. Why would anything be named for Janet two names?
Because they can't read
Radical left agendas and shaming. White liberals and gangs are the worst thing for black Americans.
Gee another unemployed grammar teacher. STFU ALREADY. You sound like our magnificent Mayor. Privileged.
no one 'hates' the mayor. He is to be pitied for being a nothing except a liar. he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. he claims to be so inclusive then why didn't he buy a home in a black neighborhood? where his children can go to school with mostly minority children. His children will never play with black children in the park in the minority areas unless it's for a photo op. That is what being inclusive means.
This location just happens to be beside 2222 EBT Avenue.
Go ahead name it BLM. It's jinx bad luck words that has violence and death attached to it. Nothing good will come out of this.
How does this fix or make anything right?! Just a waste of money to replace the signs. Nothing changes. So many people are being used. If only they knew what was really going on. Sad.
Why is it my son got turned away from his top three universities choices because he is white while his black and mexican friends were accepted and given scholarship money when they all had lower scores and grades. Is that white privilege?
I've noticed. You're not alone.
I used to.
Julia Glantz is not in charge Jake is still here he will never deploy he us just trying to dodge anything that will come up on his estranged wife, he is afraid he might be included in any questioning. They haven’t lived together for years, his hands are not clean & he knows that. Wake up people the roosters are crowing!
Just about every road around here is named after white people or indians
The kkk IS a cult a are terrorist.
So we had to take a sign down for Confederate General John Winder but they rename a street to BLM Blvd. Really!?!?!
7:06 are they really estranged?
And why do you say that?
712 - does that upset you?
Do something about it then. Oh, maybe you can't.
Then go out and make something of your life - THEN do something about it. Oh, maybe you don't want to.
Fine - therein lies the ongoing challenge/bitch sessions.
Bitches will always bitch.
7:06 I agree with you.
The Black Lives Matter movement is a sham. Everybody knows black people don't care about each other. They rob, assault, rape and murder each other on a daily basis. Instead of helping each other they stand and film it while laughing and yelling worldstar. They get all angry when a cop kills one of them but if that person was beaten to death by another black they would film and laugh. The ghetto trash blacks give a bad name to honest black people.
7:35 That’s your only come back? 🤣😂
If Jake and his council are so politically correct where are all the black people on the Salisbury City Council, where are all the black people in the Government Building Offices, and Barbara Duncan how many black officers do you have on the SPD. How come there are not as many black voters in Salisbury as their are whites. Jake you and all of your low life friends and low life supporters do not do as you say you do the opposite and pander for photo and news space. FAKE JAKE AND FAKE DUNCAN.
Three questions for you Jake where's the wife? not in your house. When is Elizabeth's trial date? Give us the date of your so called deployment, hope it's better than the deployment during the 1st Festival remember that lie?
" Anonymous said...
The kkk IS a cult a are terrorist.
June 16, 2020 at 7:13 AM"
No such thing as the KKK anymore. Keep Up! Maybe a few real true racists are around talking crap on the internet but that is it. A handful. We see it here with the SU incident. Can't find any racists so they have to make up racial crimes. The terrorists are BLM. Anyone who associates with them will be forever cursed. The street will be cursed. Anyone wanna guess when the first black on black murder will happen there? Sooner then later you can bet. BLM is synonymous with death and destruction. Latest is that little black girl in FL missing for days and now her body has turned up. A black man is in custody. I would like to strangle him myself. While I didn't like her protesting she was helpless. Didn't look like she weighed a 100 lbs. You can not march with the devil and BLM is from the devil.
9:28 you can look up the date of any court appearances on case search.
That should make everything better. Tourism should sky rocket and peace all over. BTW, where will "Joe Albero" Blvd. be? Get it on the list for the next vote. Oh wait...no vote needed? Even better.
Who watches TV anymore?
I really like this idea to rename the street. These are the changes we like to see. But still this isn’t enough we have to stay focus & not settle. There are still a lot of changes to be made in the city of Salisbury!
Blacks Lives Matter. I will definitely be out there to support this!
This is just causing more division between races and is ridiculous
6:08 You first cupcake 😉
This is nothing more than creating more division--fueling the fire..So will ANTIFA and KKK also be awarded a street?.How about Farrakhan Avenue,Al Sharpton Blvd.? Where does this CRAP end????
A uniform comes off, your skin doesn't.
They do know that it is a racist statement, right? To hold one race over all others? We can march and demand it be removed because it IS racist.
You are aware that Wheeler want even from Salisbury and the spot where the plaque was is right near the site of one of the last lynchings in Maryland. The plaque was installed by the sons of the confederacy during the civil rights movement. Also, Wheeler was a terrible human who was responsible for torturing POWs and making them love in some of the most inhumane conditions. Definitely not a guy who deserves any kind of recognition.
Literally WHITE Richardson Rd
You put it up and I will take it down, this is my town, Born here work here , Don't want street name changed, ALL Lives matter.
Looks like the white power movement is alive and well in Salisbury. Just checking in to review all the racists posts - Not going to try and teach you otherwise - you all have heart rot! Not curable.
No one goes on the Downtown Plaza any more either.
White power ( the new NAAWP, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WHITE PEOPLE) now need to be loud and proud. Omg blacks would riot if we had this but it's ok for them. Whites need to take back our city.
10:34 If you think only black lives matter you’re the racist. All lives matter. To say otherwise is flat out racist.
Wow renaming a street sign makes you guys this upset? Imagine what you will be doing when more things start to change this is just the beginning 🖤. Come out on Friday & see the reveal of the BLM painting . It’s very nice
There were no problems in Salisbury...THIS is going to start trouble.
This is so out of control. All LIVES MATTER. BLM is an organization that has nothing to do with a street sign. This is extremely racist. No thanks, I think I'll pass on the ceremony...bet that sign gets torn down pretty quick.
BLM is a racist group. But to say ALL LIVES MATTER is racist to BLM. They want us to bow down but they don't want to rise up and become equal
What a freaking JOKE!!
BLM has absolutely nothing to do with Black equality. It's a Racist group the same as the KKK
When are they going to be naming a street in honor of Confederate Lives?
What bouts lake skreet?
" Anonymous said...
Wow renaming a street sign makes you guys this upset? Imagine what you will be doing when more things start to change this is just the beginning 🖤. Come out on Friday & see the reveal of the BLM painting . It’s very nice
June 17, 2020 at 6:09 PM"
Doesn't upset me at all. What does upset me is what racists you people are. You didn't just sent the local black community to the back of the bus you didn't allow them on the bus when this decision was made. Racism at it's highers level It was made only to antagonize and for no other reason. Don't worry we have your number. Always did. I look forward to many streets named after black notables And if you are going to name really rename and not this asinine "ceremoniously " naming which is really pathetic. Just another way to pi## up the local blacks legs and tell them it's raining. Your racism is so apparent.
BLM - terrorist organization
Exactly 11:43 Lake St. but local racists like the lesbian Glanz didn't even bother to ask the black community. She has put herself in charge of making decisions for them And her goal was to cause division That's how many lesbians roll. They hate their own wasted horrid lives so they have to make drama. It's gives her some kind of perverse pleasure. She is a sick disgusting person who needs mental help.
LOL Coming at the end of the same week they hired another white in the Day administration. The Day admin is as white as a KKK rally
No black speakers except for the artist.
No black pastor to give a blessing.
No black person to even unveil the sign.
It's pandering for sure but natives here really remember how things were when the blacks went to clap board schools in their out housed communities with no municipal water or plumbing outside the city limits where they still are. The white and entitled are lying to themselves if they think they are not racists and there has not been a history of racism here. It would be one thing if they were rich plantation owners but much of the racism her is whites that are not far better off then blacks themselves. Competing for the same clerk minimum wage jobs with no benefits and thinking their trashy failures are superior to those of blacks.
Not so much pandering but an out and out attempt to cause racial tension is what Day, Glanz and the rest of the white wokes are up to and it was entirely a decision by THEM and not the black community on what street to rename. YES this is RACISM at it's highest level
Now many want Lake renamed MLK blvd. I don't agree. Should be named after Billy Gene Jackson since his park is down there. Other streets off of Lake could also be renamed in honor of or in memory of local blacks withing the community. No one will ever forget MLK but many have already forgotten local black's contributions to the community. And the city needs to stop with this ridiculous "ceremoniously" renaming. That is an insult at it's highest level to blacks and another sign of the systemic racism that is rampant withing the highest level of the government of Salisbury It shows they think so little of blacks that they can't be bothered to do something permanent and substantial
The city of Salisbury is stirring the pot. The more you stir it the more it stinks. So, what can the citizens of the city of Salisbury do? The next city election do a major house cleaning.
It’s not an official name change. It’s a ceremonious naming. Just like the other “renamed” streets in town.
So what's the big deal? Since we insist on color coding people, for sure Black lives do matter, and we should continue to color code the rest of streets lest we appear racist.
We practiced impeccable social distancing for the event, just over three miles of it.
Do you know that blacks have applied? Why would a black want to work for a police department knowing his peers hate police? Did that ever cross your mental capacity? Many more suggestions but you should get my drift.
F a BLK street, a waste of money and its a damn shame in 2020 you have to put it on a st sign to advertise it. Nothing more but throwing crumbs to appease and a piss poor way to appease me Show me our lives matter by applying local laws which protect me from being pulled over for driving while black in my nice car I pay for honestly or common sense laws. I don't want your pity or crumbs just fairness and equal opportunity. Wake up black people they are making a mockery of what we truly fighting for and pulling some bs public relations safety scam.
I was told BLM Is being run by HAMMAS.
Antifa and BLM are terrorist groups , they need special attention , 38 special that is.
BLM. Blacks Love Murdering. They kill more of their own than police.
1:43 That's on the mayor. The mayor could tell the PD to not be using the officers as revenue collectors.
I want to know WHERE is the White Lives Matter Street going to be !!!!
now that would be racist
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