Publishers Notes: I have been asked by the original author to remove his official statement, so I simply re wrote it without his name attached. The point is the point and I firmly agree with his statement.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 07, 2020
Maryland Governor Hogan Refuses To Let Bars & Restaurants To Open Indoors
Publishers Notes: I have been asked by the original author to remove his official statement, so I simply re wrote it without his name attached. The point is the point and I firmly agree with his statement.
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Delaware better get ready!!!! Harpoon Hanna's is smiling!!
They think it hurts Trump. They don't care about you and me AT ALL!
Joe, please delete this. This is my Facebook page. I am private so I am not sure how you got this screenshot. I do not want my name out there like that . I appreciate it!!!
This is my post on my Facebook. I am not sure how you got this screenshot as we are not Facebook friends. Please delete. (Sorry if this comment came through twice)
Like it has been said before,its all a hoax.if it was that bad walmart,home depot and the grocery stores would be hotspots.time to get back to living!
Stop being an idiot. So you want hogan to shut down the bridge or you want him to open up? First you scream he is an idiot for not shutting down the bay bridge now he is an idiot for not opening everything up. Learn how to live without money for a few months. Change your business model evolve or die. Take your good ole boy system and your old mommy daddy money and
Looks like I'll be going to Delaware - it's real close ya know.
How does hogan feel about letting the rioters social distancing?
He needs to be personally sued.
Come on folks
This is much larger than who plays the character of POTUS. Wake up. Our way of life is under attack. Wake up please. Stop voting.
GOOD! The drink is Satan's water! Booze has ruined many a person and family, now is the time to repent and clean up those wicked ways.
6:58- Stupid idea. You vote to fight the power. Move to Russia if you think your vote doesn't count. If we didn't vote, Hillary would be in office, and we'd all be wearing grey pantsuits.
Hitler will not release his unconstitutional control of the people. Hogan is encouraging socialism
Not the first time this has happened. I had Facebook comments stolen, my name taken off of them and they were copied on here by #anonymous".
Since it looks like you have it set to only friends, it looks like you have really crappy friends.
Sorry Cupcake.
Social media gets out to everyone.
Don't like it, don't use it.
Cranky pants in da house!
Did Larry get another haircut again? He looks like he has a tan and manicure too! 3 of the 1st businesses back to work.
Tanning Booth (dangerous to ones health)
Nail Salons
Never in my life have I seen such craziness.
Move to north north u POS.
How much longer are we going to tolerate abuse at the benefit of the riots?
we need to show the Governor we mean business. I know Worcester county has told the businesses, IF you violate the governors rule they will pull your liquor license. Does this sound like socialism? State control and you cannot
exercise your rights. so go out and destroy state property and it is ok?
Sad The good must suffer for political correctness.
Hungry Hogan will change his theme
when the Antifa start their chit here
and get wasted by gun owners
those little shots will be toasted
Hogan has been a big disappointment to everyone. There was such hope for this Republican only to find him turning toward the left. Such a shame. I don't want him coming to the Shore ever again. Let him stay with all the Democrats on the other side of the bridge.
This should cement the idea I proposed three weeks ago. We all got taken in by a turncoat bastard in Annapolis who claimed to be a Republican. Hoggan is part of a Dumbocrat plan to kill the economy so Trump would look bad on election day. Since Hoggan has joined forces with Cuomo he's holding the people of Md. hostage and attempting to make us a part of the plan. We have to be masked and distance while in Bethesda, Md. yesterday a group of probably 3000 protesters un-masked and shoulder to shoulder wandered free and unencumbered circulated and Hoggan's paper tigers( Jerry Jones and Prince George cops) nowhere to be found.
I love it. This should show you the Eastern Shore Senator and delegation is absolutely worthless. They've all got their respective heads in a hole between Hoggans legs. They are absolutely inert and where are they after all the campaign promises? They are all a group of geldings who if wanting to be re-elected should be ran off the Shore. Remember we elected them to 'represent us' and I ask the business community how much they've got after their money is gone to these representatives.
When you go to the polls again remember all the help you were promised never came. Well I know the answer, you are all standing with your pants down and the thousands of bucks you all spent is gone and not well justified in any respect.
One time, shame on you, Two times shame on me. Look and listen before you vote.
F$%k it, just have a Riot! Everybodys doing it! It seems to be the cure for Carona virus, and it appatently, the more ya burn & loot the more "victim" status ya earn! Hey, if yer lucky, ya may even get Hollyweird to spring ya with some bail money!
Anonymous said...
Stop being an idiot. So you want hogan to shut down the bridge or you want him to open up? First you scream he is an idiot for not shutting down the bay bridge now he is an idiot for not opening everything up. Learn how to live without money for a few months. Change your business model evolve or die. Take your good ole boy system and your old mommy daddy money and
June 3, 2020 at 5:46 PM
"First you scream he is an idiot for not shutting down the bay bridge now he is an idiot for not opening everything up."
You do know there is a difference in shutting down the bay bridge and opening everything up don't you?? Sounds to me that you are the real idiot!
Anonymous said...
Come on folks
This is much larger than who plays the character of POTUS. Wake up. Our way of life is under attack. Wake up please. Stop voting.
June 3, 2020 at 6:58 PM
Stop voting?? Are you really that stupid or do you just play stupid on blogs?
Anonymous said...
Joe, please delete this. This is my Facebook page. I am private so I am not sure how you got this screenshot. I do not want my name out there like that . I appreciate it!!!
June 3, 2020 at 5:25 PM
ROTFLMFAO!! You do know that everything you post on the internet is there forever. LMAO... You should do a better job of vetting your "friends."
Ted Elder, you are my County Commissioner. Why TF are you allowing Hogan to do this to Worcester County. You Clowns need a wake-up call. I promise you I will spend every dollar I have to get Virgil Shockley to beat you in 2 years. You either get on here and denounce Dick Tater Hogan or Virgil Shockley will replace you.
Defy Harry Logan and open anyhow.
Hillary is best friends with the Donald.
Slick Willie is best friends with Megadeath (Georgie H Bush).
Both political parties are run by the richest people in the world. It is 2 sided if the same coin.
Stop voting
This will continue like this for a while. Watching Hogan's press conference the theme was "dig me." He wants to be a US Senator. Half of his speech was a slam on Trump-got to get that Democrat vote. Preaching shut down , meanwhile thousands protest, no social distancing, no only 50 people in on place at time. This is a joke.
Hey Girdle-tree: Does your vote count when the the election boards through the ballots in the trash and not count them???? With voter fraud and dead people voting, does your vote still count???
Shut the F up you obtuse moron!!! Clearly your vote doesn't count and I guess when the election people through yours in the dumpster, I guess that means they counted it 3 times?
If you saw the "control" or non-implementation of guidelines at some Ocean City outside bars you would d do the same thing. It is the wild wild west at some outside bars.
I will say that Seacrets and Ropewalk did a great job this weekend. I will not name the ones who did not do so well
Hogan Party Pooper !!!! Let the Girls Loose !!!!
My wife and I along with some friends are going to Delaware for a bite to eat on Sunday. To hell with hogan.
Open your business and tell Hogan to kiss your backside. The people will stand with you. I believe he will be gone, come the next election. We did not hire him to run our lives, he was hired to run the state, FOR US.
@June 3, 2020 at 5:25 PM. Wow, what the hell are you afraid of? Being a coward solves nothing. If you have something to say it, or keep your mouth shut.
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