DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
A Viewer Writes: Local church pandering to black lives matter
Seems as though the local leaders in Salisbury and wicomico county are all either caving in or trying to cash in on the endless racial division. It seems as though Bill and Ruth Cropper of the uprising church in Hebron Maryland are the latest to run salt in the open wounds in downtown Salisbury. They are organizing a prayer vigil in support of the Black lives matter terrorist and Jake Day's LGBT community. They have the audacity to do this at the very sure where Bob Culver caved in and removed the infamous "Winder sign" and of all days July 4th. For those of us that have had the misfortune to have had dealings with this idiot Bill Cropper we know this ridiculous gesture is more about his attempt to recapture his five minutes of success and local fame. It seems as though Salisbury has no leaders left that have any backbone to find neutrality in such trying times to bring healing and people together. From Jake Day, Julie Glantz, Bob Culver, Mike Lewis and now the local Christian leaders are all on one side of the controversy bringing nothing but further turmoil and division.
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OMG, they are so terrible. Praying, how could they?
I guess they do not know that there will be no churches under the coming communist government.
Well, if they have any "White Jesus'" or stained glass windows, they better take them down or board them up, 'cause their destruction has been called for by BLM.
You, sir, have zero relationship with God or yourself.
Uh...21st Century...Plenty of religion programming on TV - TO include sending money if you feel the need.
I understand the social aspect on a Sunday, meeting/greeting/etc - but stuff that could be transpiring, any funny business with financing or turmoil/division can all be eliminated via TV. I'm sure that puts some livelihoods out of business, but.....
Just sayin....
Didn't say to whom they were praying
Voting matters. So keep voting for idiots and you get what you deserve!
That would be a bad decision there Bill. The evils of this world are pulling you right in...smh
There's an article on FB today that the leader of BLM wants to tear down all paintings, pictures, statues of a white Jesus because they are a symbol of white supremacy.
Praying for the very people that are trying to destroy our country!! Where in the Bible does it support homosexuality and murder and why on earth would they do this at the very spot these people "forced" Cannon to take down this infamous Winder sign? Classless to say the least
Time for Cropper to grow a pair and Man-up!
Sarcasm gets you nothing.
If these ANARCHIST and their supporters hate the US values then I have a message for them.
So when are you communist leaving and on what flight so we can give you a send off party.
What are they doing to panda bears?
Is he back on illegal substance??
Is Cropper clueless??? good grief!!!
Just close your eyes. It'll be over soon.
Oh and what - Black Jesus will make the MAJORITY happy?
Double standards will not work - didn't in the 20th Century - sure as hell not in the 21st.
All should read Romans 1:16 -32.
It’s a small cult .. he has some followers that are with him ... a family in mardela is in on it ... full grown kids .. keep them locked in the house for the most part .. they are brainwashed already and the parents are old ex lsd hippies and the grandfather is a known pedo. It’s the end of times
The so called Christian they act like they are. ALL PHONEY.
Now is the time to pray for our country. To bring people together, to stop the violence, to turn back to God and to make this nation great again. That is the heart of the Croppers. They have a heart for the Lord and the people of this nation.
Their holding a prayer on a national holiday for the very people that are attempting to remove every form of white history and Christianity that this nation was founded on. Where are you people coming from there main objective is to rid society of people like you Cropper and what you supposedly stand for. They want ALL resemblance of your white Jesus portrayal gone now.
Will they take down there Jesus statues ?
My question is why is it all the local white leaders mentioned Day, Glantz, Culver, Cropper, Lewis feel they have the right to speak for the black community and how if anything should be done?? You mean to tell me with ALL the black church leaders in Salisbury MD bill and Ruth Cropper feel like it's their place to fall in after glantz' BLM Broad street production? Unbelievable
White Jesus Black Jesus White Santa Black Santa they are fictional cultural icons. Jesus likely looked like a dirty bearded Woody Allen if he existed at all. Darker perhaps but just as Jewey.
Ruth Cropper and Bill Cropper are wonderful people, and human, just as everyone on here making comments and reading this. Not one of us are perfect, and the Croppers will admit that all of us (including themselves) fall short of God's almighty glory. Check yourselves before you try to break these people. They are good people. There is no doubt that they are wanting to reach people with love.
Didn't believe what I was reading at first but they ARE organizing a prayer meeting at the spot downtown at the courthouse against all the "injustices" and "racism" directed towards blacks. How about stop picking at the scab and fanning the flames of the ongoing civil unrest?? I have to agree if someone is going to stand up do it in a neutral fashion where ALL sides can come together and voice ALL concern and opinions and form some common ground to establish a base to move forward. Sounds like old Bill Cropper I'd trying to build another foundation on sand and not rock. And for goodness sakes to ALL you whites that think you can speak for the black community give it a rest there are plenty of black pastors more than qualified to hold such an event. Have you ever given any thought as to why they haven't pursued doing this for the black community??
Ummm...that is NOT what is happening, and to suggest so is ridiculous. They are hosting a PRAYER meeting to pray for the SINS that are rampant in our country and Salisbury and the pandering that those in power are doing in support of those sins (i.e. the LGBTQ downtown push). Please have conversations with those you choose to gossip about for clarification before spreading vicious falsehoods.
Just so you know Uprising has no religions icon window or anything anywhere. Their youth pastor was" separated from employment" and last I heard at Emmanuel Wesleyan. This is no surprise to me because my child got very involved in their youth group and the first session I attended in the back ,all sex was blamed on women so there ya go. Thank brown black or white Jesus my child was offended and stopped going. All they do is blame women for problems sing for about 45 mins and pass the bucket its BS. So let them God will judge them.
In the last days many will come in my name..let him be it’s just prophesy being fulfilled
Anonymous said...
There's an article on FB today that the leader of BLM wants to tear down all paintings, pictures, statues of a white Jesus because they are a symbol of white supremacy.
June 23, 2020 at 12:58 PM
Maybe this explains it to some of you. BLM is also part of Nations of Islam, that's why they take a knee, its actually bowing and kneeling to Muhammad. They don't believe that Jesus is their Savior.
Nothing wrong with praying for anyone, anywhere. God hears.
They are specifically holding a day of prayer on a national holiday for the so called hatred and racism against blacks. Why on earth would they logistically choose such a meaningful location to the local Jake Day progressive rallying point? The local LGBT and BLM made threats to do physical damage to a ridiculous sign downtown that no one knew existed and now a supposed Christian leaders wants to hold a rally there? Hey Bill and Ruth Cropper how about going to one of the many VETERANS monuments that these very people destroyed and pray for them and their families?? If you want to be real about it all these are the people that deserve someone's prayers and help not all this continued garbage about someone being offended.
Uprising so-called church in Hebron is a contemporary, free lance church that is as close to a cult as you can find.
Keep praying and pacifying the so called black victims on all of this nationwide lunacy. It's idiots like Julia Glantz with her BLM Blvd garbage and now Cropper crying out for all the so called racism and hatred towards blacks that ARE the problem. You people have the majority of the younger black community believing they are ALL victims and have been treated unfairly. The REAL problem is all of you take for granted just how damn good you had it in this country and you won't be satisfied until some ridiculous radical change takes place. Good luck when these poor blacks come looking to take what's yours because our country went belly up. These very people your praying to God for blessings are the very one's robbing and killing people all over the country.
Prayer is what is needed In this terrible time. This is a prayer vigil for the community. Anyone who really knows the Croppers knows their heart and their intentions are good.
What the world needs now is Jesus more than ever. Prayer is always welcome and good.
Have to say I got a good laugh out of this one. It was just a couple years ago you were voicing serious disgust and anguish about how ridiculous the black athletes at University of south Carolina football program were carrying themselves and how unfair it was for them to receive 100% scholarships while your kid was hung out to dry. My how quickly you flipped the script and are a social justice warrior for the unrighteous treatment of these poor blacks.
The poor black victims in America. If they can't find racism they will damn sure create it. I'm hearing now good old "bubba" Wallace and NASCAR are eating a bunch of crow today. Most of the blacks I know are doing pretty well and don't sit around whining and crying about things they don't control, they were too busy busting their butts to make a better life for themselves and their families. Hey Bill Cropper does anyone still go to church out there in Hebron anymore? I heard your prideful arrogance pretty much single handedly destroyed it
If the Croppers want to pray for the unrest in our communities that's fine; BUT for them to 'uphold' BLM, a KNOWN Marxist organization designed to destroy America; I have issue with that. I don't understand why Salisbury is ALLOWING a street to be named Black Lives Matter BLM either. What's wrong with these people??? Do they NOT read anything...BLM, Black Lives Matter is NOT a good, decent group!!!
Bill and Ruth Cropper of the uprising church in Hebron
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is a FAKE CHURCH and FAKE Christians. Anyone that attends that fake church needs a frontal lobotomy!
Anonymous said...
The poor black victims in America. If they can't find racism they will damn sure create it. I'm hearing now good old "bubba" Wallace and NASCAR are eating a bunch of crow today. Most of the blacks I know are doing pretty well and don't sit around whining and crying about things they don't control, they were too busy busting their butts to make a better life for themselves and their families. Hey Bill Cropper does anyone still go to church out there in Hebron anymore? I heard your prideful arrogance pretty much single handedly destroyed it
June 23, 2020 at 9:55 PM
I'm hearing now good old "bubba" Wallace and NASCAR are eating a bunch of crow today.
You can bet that Jussie Wallace and NASCAR were behind this stunt as a deflection on banning the Battle Flags from the NASCAR Races.
Is this the same Bill Cropper that fanagled his way into West Salisbury Little League and Bennett High School baseball so that his son could play??
Anonymous said...
Time for Cropper to grow a pair and Man-up!
June 23, 2020 at 1:06 PM
I see what you did there... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a failure that was.
Anonymous said...
There's an article on FB today that the leader of BLM wants to tear down all paintings, pictures, statues of a white Jesus because they are a symbol of white supremacy.
June 23, 2020 at 12:58 PM
That was the Bi-racial racist Shaun King. I'm pretty sure that he isn't a leader in the BLM movement. But we really need to kick his a$$.
Anonymous said...
The poor black victims in America. If they can't find racism they will damn sure create it. I'm hearing now good old "bubba" Wallace and NASCAR are eating a bunch of crow today. Most of the blacks I know are doing pretty well and don't sit around whining and crying about things they don't control, they were too busy busting their butts to make a better life for themselves and their families. Hey Bill Cropper does anyone still go to church out there in Hebron anymore? I heard your prideful arrogance pretty much single handedly destroyed it
June 23, 2020 at 9:55 PM
He has always been arrogant hasn't he.
I remember coaching baseball at the Salvation Army and Bill Cropper was a coach on another team. He would come out there wearing his Jesus sandals and cuss the kids out on his team. Then I heard he was a "preacher." How in the world can someone as mean and arrogant be a preacher??
Wrong.. It's United Methodist.
Hey Cropper's why don't you go to Washington DC and pray for our police officers being attacked or pray over the WWII memorial that was vandalized. Here's an even better one why don't you go to Atlanta and pray with the poor blacks that are roming the streets with assault rifles pulling whites out of cars beating them or go to Baltimore and pray with the brothers about the hundreds of black on black murders. Either way Bill and Ruth Cropper I don't care but you need to step back and excuse yourselves from even pretending to know or have concerns about racism in this country. You like the rest of the idiots downtown are a prime example of White privilege and stick your noses in things they don't belong for your five minutes of feel good social media attention.
United Methodist. That means they completely disregard the word of God by approving of homosexuality.....so not a real church.
That church indoctrinates young minds with brainwashing that leads them to support the likes of BLM and other organizations with commie ideals.
Salisbury will be like the good mayor that said CHOP was just a love fest. She stood by that statement until the festival spread love at her very own doorsteps. All of a sudden the lovers were bad people and shall be gone. Well when the sixties roll back down the plaza (commonly know as main Skreet in the sixties), it will change their view also.
Hey Cropper's I remember your same "calling" to run to Haiti's rescue after the earthquake and Bill the rockstar pastor on television doing a goods drive to send over. While you're downtown praying for the blacks that are supposedly being discriminated against and suppressed why don't you ask Julia Glantz and BLM and LGBT hoodrats to ask Jake Day's father why those very Haitian refugees you were so adamant about saving are treated so terribly at the Salisbury processing plant. Ask them how Randy Day uses and abuses those very people during a worldwide pandemic. Those very people that are given minimum wages and benefits causing the whole families to work there further devastating the black family. Ask Jake Day's representatives why they allow this century old suppression and then allow John Cannon to sit back on the wicomico county council looking out for his fleecing these very same black immigrants with defunct rental housing. Hey Cropper's if you're really worried about the racism and discrimination of the black community why don't you just go right to the biggest source of the problem and cut the head off, that is if your motives are genuine and you're doing this prayer stunt to the black community in Salisbury. Hey Cropper's how about finishing up one thing before you bite off another social injustice project
I think they are doing harm in continuing to push a narrative that is simply not supported by facts. This will only create more of a divide and add fuel to what is already an unfounded runaway train that has no clear cut resolution. I think if he wanted to pray for a divided nation that's fine. I can't help but wonder how out of touch you have to be with your congregation to think this was something that they would support. I doubt he consulted with the deacons or whatever the other leadership of the church is called.
I do think it is important to clarify whether or not this is connected to the actual blm organization. While I think it is a terrible decision to align with blm agenda either way, being connected to a Marxist organization like blm is an even bigger problem. Anyone know if this is connected to blm like the author suggest?
@6:08 I don't think that outright labeled this a BLM prayer vigil. In saying that they definitely labeled it a day of prayer for "racism and mistreatment of the black community". This comes right after the three BLM protests and BLM boulevard ceremony. They've also chosen to hold it at the very spot that BLM and LGBT community threatened county executive Culver with property damage if he didn't cave into their demands and the mayor declaring it a major victory in their movement. I'm not going to ASSUME their alignment with BLM/LGBT terrorist but they damn sure will take credit for the good old pastors siding with their causes of so called discrimination and racism. BLM and LGBT are eating this up as another victory and forcing a local church to compromise their beliefs to pacify the masses. It's definitely a poor choice and quite frankly in no way needed in today's social climate. If you want to do something like this do it at your church or the city park or maybe just maybe get some of the black church leaders involved?? To do it at the site of the forced removal of the "Winder civil war memorial" can only be taken as show of support and prayer for the Jake Day progressive movement downtown.
I agree with you. Pretty disgusting and nothing more than short sighted appeasement & virtue signaling.
Checked out the uprising church Facebook and have to say it's a pretty obvious "attempt" to emulate the BLM banner and logo. Their new church logo and #prayer matters are done in the same white letters with black border. I did notice one of their initial posts that SPECIFICALLY designated this prayer vigil towards the ongoing lunacy that has taken place downtown and so called discrimination and travesties towards salisbury BLM and LGBT community has been removed and from their page and lists it as a generic prayer directed towards racism and divisiveness. In my opinion I would have to agree with the author PANDERING at it's best
" what is the answer to years of injustice to African American people", time for the church to gather in prayer for all the atrocities committed by our forefathers". These are two quotes from the ridiculous pastors. You people on here trying to defend bill and Ruth Cropper are definitely under some sort of cult like spell if you don't consider this caving and pandering to BLM
I don't understand why a church would feel compelled to organize a prayer vigil to pray for whites to accept responsibility for past travesties. I/WE didn't have anything to do with these actions . I would say we should be thankful that our forefathers had the wherewithal and determination to form this great nation. We didn't make blacks sell slaves to come to America. Why are you people not all in an uproar about the slave trade that still exists today in some middle east countries? We all both blacks and whites, multi millionaire athletes and people working barely getting by have become modern day slaves. I think it's absolutely disgusting for a church to even consider such an event and didn't Jesus already die for ALL sin both by our forefathers and us?? Your ridiculous grandstanding is a blatant attack and disrespect to what you supposedly stand for and direct contradiction
My concern is by asking today's white America to accept responsibility for these so called atrocities by our forefathers aren't you in essence discriminating against this group of people? Where does the Bible say it's okay to pray to shame and guilt a race for past practices? You people are frickin nuts and way out of line by doing this in gods name
Those of us that don't agree with this ridiculous type of religious outreach are now labeled as racist and/or emotionally unstable!! How about there are a few of us left that you can't just walk all over and we don't mind calling you out on your BS
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