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Friday, May 08, 2020

Surgeon General Doubles Down: Masks Increase Virus Risk

Surgeon General Jerome Adams Tuesday doubled down on his advice against healthy people wearing face masks to protect themselves from coronavirus, saying that wearing one improperly can "actually increase your risk" of getting the disease.

"What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks," Adams told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "There was a study in 2015 looking at medical students. And medical students wearing surgical masks touch their faces on average 23 times. We know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face."

Masks also can give the wearer a "false sense of security" and can encourage people to be too close to each other, said Adams, and further, there are still mask shortages nationwide.

People who are sick should wear masks, said Adams, but acknowledged that if healthy people feel better by wearing a mask, "by all means, wear it" but they should not touch their faces.

He also insisted the general public should not wear medical-style N95 masks, because they must be fitted properly to avoid infection.

"There may be a day where we change our recommendation, particularly for areas that have large spread going on, about wearing cotton masks but again the data is not there yet," said Adams.



Anonymous said...

So why does Larry require us all to where a mask?

Fat Dumb Ass......

Anonymous said...

These statements were reported on March 31 and that article was 11 days old too.
U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams speaks to members of the press on the White House ground March 20, 2020 in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 31 March 2020 08:48 AM

Surgeon General Jerome Adams Tuesday doubled down on his advice against healthy people wearing face masks to protect themselves from coronavirus, saying that wearing one improperly can "actually increase your risk" of getting the disease.

"What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks," Adams told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "There was a study in 2015 looking at medical students. And medical students wearing surgical masks touch their faces on average 23 times. We know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face."

Anonymous said...

People out in public do not wear the stupid things correctly anyway. If mouth AND nose are not covered, why wear the damn things at all. So many noses uncovered. Plus we all know fabric masks are doing absolutely nothing to protect you and that is what majority of people have.

Anonymous said...

I would think a mask would help if you were only going to be exposed to an area for a short period of time. However the longer the exposure to a possible virus area would probably cause the mask to become saturated with the virus and make things worse.

Anonymous said...

Wearing a mask creates an illusion a complete false sense of security. It will NOT prevent anyone from getting the virus. It may help someone who has it from spreading it but not likely. It will though greatly increase your chance of getting the virus IF not worn properly and you keep touching it which I have seen people doing constantly while out and about. Also anyone who has a breathing problem, hypertension please run it by your doctor before wearing one. This is being recommended in NY since people are passing out all over the streets in NYC from wearing them too long and/or with a medical condition that makes wearing one dangerous. One woman fell and her arm hit the curb which resulted in a nasty break.

Anonymous said...

Frankly masks or no masks as far as the Virus goes, wearing the masks has improved the looks of a lot of people. I don't puke now when I see Nancy Pelosi on TV.

Anonymous said...

It's excepted convention to wear pants when you go out to cover your genitalia that no one is worried about. Now it is conventional to cover your nose and mouth that people are worried about. So what you don't like it.

Chris Aggie said...

I’m glad I looked at this site. I never realized how stupid people can be.