DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 03, 2020
BREAKING NEWS: Salisbury News Exposes Upcoming Stages To Reopen Maryland
This is not good at all. Read the details. It means businesses like Seacrets will not be allowed to open. Large gatherings will not be allowed. Non resident property owners and visitors cannot travel to Ocean City legally! Stage 1 won't even start till late May, early June, IF the numbers do in fact drop for two straight weeks.
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It says under phase 1 travel restrictions will be lifted so people can travel to ocean city.....they just wont be able to do anything once they get there.
Those are actually almost word for word what the federal guidelines say. It looks like they just copy and pasted it from the notice the White House posted on their website. They have had that out for a few weeks now, but the dates were from Hogan.
Heartbreaking. When will schools reopen, you know?
Unbelievable there might not be a cure for this .Georgia on my mind
"until we have a vaccine"
Are they now forcing vaccination?
Count me out. I will happily move if I have to.
What does this mean for Ocean City Bike Week?
3:36 there is not a cure for SARS or H1N1 or HIV or the Flu or the Common Cold, your ignorance is astounding but not surprising because we have become Sheep. this will end when the people finally say enough, we need to contact our state representative and the governor
Joe - Everybody knows that there are way too many non-resident property owners and visitors in Ocean City. They have been coming in and out freely since before Easter. Why should the rest of us have to obey any laws at all when that has been going on right under our masked noses? Please ask the mayor why he refuses to allow any enforcement at all. Thank you.
Check out Agenda 2021 & Agenda 2030
This is SHIT!! Damn him anyway. He gets paid , he's not worried about any of this. He's not gonna lose his vehicle or his home. Boss Hogg Hogan doesn't have to worry about how to pay for food or anything when you have no money. Damn unemployment doesn't work. Damn him, just damn him.
This is y we need a CIVIL WAR on Democrats.
Sorry Joe I couldn't care less about a multi millionaire that charged $40 to enter his property I'm sure he is ok with $
So what ? Non successful bars will be allowed to open because they average about 10 head a day maybe. This is a good thing.
Federal guidelines say schools can open under phase 2 but we wont get stage 2 until the summer anyway.
I'm not even convinced schools will open in the fall. A middle school cafeteria looks worse than a college bar on finals week. They would have to shut down the school every time a 1 kid gets sick just to prevent an outbreak. Then again kids are low risk. It's going to be a tough call with schools.
3:48 - You bring up a good point:
Where IS the Mayor?
OC is such a unique town in a unique situation that some of the general guidelines have to be tweaked a little, some up, some down.
How in the world are you going to keep six feet away from others on the boardwalk?
They say the boardwalk is closed, but the Webcam shows differently.
We really don't know what is going on.
Love to hear from the Mayor...
The whole point of this was supposed to be to prevent the most vulnerable, but now that they are forcing Covid patients into nursing homes, what is the point of any of it?
3:48 because if they own property here they pay taxes.
Hogan has bumped his head , power has taken it's toll on us , we are sick of this ignorant man. I will not abide by his orders , it is not LAW .
So Joe first you complain about hogan not shutting down quick enough, now you're complaining about not opening back up quick enough? ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAIN.
I’m with you. This is tyranny.
Does this mean Florida residents who are snowbirds cannot return to their summer homes that are not in the resort areas?
Stage 3 - until there's a vaccine? Like hell Hogan or anyone else will force any vaccine on me! Or continue to tell me where I can go, who or how many I can associate with. Why are people not outraged over this?! This is a complete takeover of our civil liberties and freedom. This is tyranny and we must stand against it or we'll all lose everything. This virus is going to go away like other viruses. There's already been devastating damage to our entire country over this, now we can't allow these powermongering dictators to take away anymore from us. Vaccines are toxic poison and I'm absolutely certain mad scientist Bill Gates has never taken one himself or given one to his family. Do your homework on (evil) Bill Gates and vaccines.
3:37 Quit being stupid!!!! If they force Vaccinations, it will be Country wide, like taxes, you can't move from this, you either help us fight it or you shut the hell up and sit down, and be a good slave... And YES, they will make it MANDATORY VACCINES!!!! BILL GATES, THE MEDIA, ALREADY HINTED TO THIS!!! They always hint to things right before they do it like with the Face masks... They kept saying you don't need them, then they said anything other than N95 mask won't work, now it is mandatory to have a face covering of any material!!!! Think about that!!! They kept saying nothing works for this virus but N95 mask and better, and was voluntary, but now it is mandatory and any material they said will work!!! Well the virus is 0.004 or 0.0004 microns so any mask with holes bigger than that, you will get the virus if there is a virus nearby!!!
They already said, you will need to be tested before you can go back to work, and I am sure you heard by now most tests give false positives and were tainted with the virus itself????
But hey, you all wanted socialism, and this is what it is!!!! Your told what to do, when to do it and how, and if you don't, no work for, no food for you, no money for you... Soon the tech will be in place, you see this is part of it, they are installing big devices all around the country to track you, while you all are at home not able to see them do it...
but hey what do I know, I am the only so called conspiracy theorist who has been right 100% of the time for the past 2 years!!!! But I digress!!!!
you people sure do love being a slave!!!!
It means go ride.. do you need a reason to ride or a reason to drink?
Boycott and start reopening soon. We need to survive. What are they going to do arrest all of us and let the murders out of jail???? We on the Eastern Shore are done with this!!!
3:48 Are you really that obtuse and stupid???? THEY ALL WANT IT TO SPREAD, PERIOD!!!! Just like had China banned interstitial travel but didn't, which is weird becasue they banned travel inside China but let people come and go as if they want it to spread... Or when the who basically said not enough people died yet of an "unknown virus" so they didn't issue a travail ban either, as if they wanted it to spread... Or how the CDC some how "mistakenly" let out tainted test as if they want it to spread... Think about that!!!!
And to answer your question, you don't have to follow those rules, that is all they are, rules, not law, get that??? it is just that you have corrupt retard judges and cops who will follow any order they are given, and they like to push tyranny so they ticket or lock people up, but think about that, they will lock you up for going outside and doing stuff or opening your store, but are releasing criminals from jail over the virus!!!!
Cops have discretion and they have a moral and ethical obligation to not enforce unjust laws, but they do it anyway...
LOL lets start with the fact that this post does NOT "expose" anything!!! All this information has been readily available to the public online for days. Too funny. If one has to lie already in the headline, I doubt much of the commentary is worth any more than the digital ink that was wasted on it.
Non-residents are not bringing anything here that you didn't all ready have except MONEY. There are plenty of professional locals that YES actually travel to make their living and pose the same exposure hysteria. They don't shop at Wal-Mart or Aldi or the the dollar store. They can afford not to stand in lines and expose themselves to the local ignorance and non compliance.
hope bike week is a go.looking forward to hanging out at wild bills!
Don't worry about Grandma. Just hope you can make it through the cheese line. This does not make sense. There is something else at play here.
so I can play golf but cant go to church. I'll save my mortal body but don't need to worry about my soul. piss off hogan and the communist party of maryland. I'll do what I want and you can go to hell! take your brownshirts police force with you!
Time to get off of our asses and throw this asshole out - physically, on his fat f'n ass!
Time for us Patriots to throw this shit head out on his f'n ass!
This is what must be done to destroy everything..then they will start over with a new and different rain of power. This new form of control/power will not be Constitutional friendly, but it will be for your safety.
Sorry Hogan. You are not a king. I will be opening my Ocean City business in May regardless of what he says.
Mayor Meehan better strongly oppose this if he values his position and his real estate business.
Vaccine? No one is going to want an unreliable and dangerous vaccine! Hogan is trying to kill the economy.
3:48- Quit wining and look at what Boos Hog is doing.
Atlantic City slumps beach ring a bell?
Hogan and Meehan allows non-resident property owners in OC and out of staters in MD now. Hogan what are you doing about that? Hogan and Meehan are condoning law breakers in MD now while MD citizens that are residents of the Eastern Shore are punished and our Constitutional rights are violated? Bet Hogan and his elite group will be in OC.
They say until there is a vaccine for covid-19 there will be these restrictions. What virus / disease / illness has a cure all vaccine?
Hogan is doing what the Socialist Democrats want him to do. Hogan needs to resign and give up his pension and benefits then move to Korea.
Hogan is / has destroyed Maryland.
And that won't be long
That is all subject to change soon.
I already have been. Everyone needs to step up!
I don’t own a property in OC.
But if I did, I would insist on having access to MY property. Period.
Hogan is playing politics with this. He will run in 2024, for President, as a moderate and use crap like this to appeal to the liberals.
I wont be the guinea pig I will take my chances
This is a coordinated attack on small businesses that are in large amount Trump's base.
For you Idiots; this is perfect for you...As for me and those of us who understand what this is...IT's NOT ok...Constitution and Bill of Rights...do you not understand what this is all about???
It takes a long time to restructure an economy and all of the financial instruments which have been created to loot the Treasury. So I agree with this time line. It will be very late 2020 before the new communist government is ready to be rolled out. Mr Trump will benefit tremendously because of his assistance with this process.
Time for everyone living on the shore to press our elected officials. Let the phone calls begin! Let the protests begin!
I own 43 properties in ocmd and I don’t care about renting the units. I’m rich and just want people safe. I spend most of my days fly fishing. Thank you.
Damn Obama!
The original source of this excerpt is a lengthy memo from the OC City Manager to the OC Mayor and Council for discussion purposes. It is based on Hogan’s plan, but was drawn up specifically for OC operations in the coming months. Original memo contains much more detail than is posted here.
Time to get 1000s of people to protest in front of the gov house.
All fake, hyped up crap. Last time I checked we live in America! Good luck keeping the free people quiet and at home. It won't end well if the tyranny continues.
That is a laugh.
Phone Calls?
These politicians get their marching orders at the local Blue Lodge.
Ditto for Fake Day and all of the locals.
Congress Critters are doing and saying exactly what they are told to do and say by their bosses (handlers).
This is the transition to full blown communism.
Yes, Mr Trump knows this. He is their puppet.
Time to wake up and smell the Facism.
Past...those visitors are indeed wrong, yet spending in our town. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to the almighty dollar. Again, anything is better than zero - hence the lack of enforcement.
How fair can one get up to the line without going over is the game now. Unfortunately Rickie is willing to gamble with lives.
Herd immunity works best..this seperation just makes it worse..when we do go back! panic will reset when new cases pop back up. So this is for WHAT? PROTECTION? NO I DONT BUY IT!!
However with allot of these Luciferian voices in charge we are gonna get a good dose of this kind of non sence. Most sheep have been trained now to submit easily.You see it!!
Look theres one!!!with no mask!!
Look another he is to close!
He touched me!spit on me! went to church,beach, school. WOW wow!!!.911 was bad enough. The Patriot Act WAS NOT PATRIOTIC. whats the next crisis gonna do to us? Its Scary that most of you will be knocking each other over to get that Mark!! Tell on your neighbor? All because your lying, cheating, deceptive,leaders tell you!!
If this keeps up you better be a prepper with allot of ammo. Because the governent gonna need a good slap upside the head..THIS is america not communist russia or NAZI GERMANY
April 28, 2020 at 4:36 PM moron, there is such a thing as a medical and religious exemption from vaccines and or other treatments. Even in the medical community of forced flu shots you can opt our with specific exemptions.
You can have my place in line, get two shots.
I didnt bother reading you whole stupid rant.
I promise you I will NOT be taking any vaccine!!!!! The vaccines are more dangerous than what they are supposedly protecting you from. I won't even take the regular flu vaccine so I know damn well I won't take the COVID19 one. No way! No how!!
You will not hear anything negative regarding this issue from Rickie or Lloyd. Caution yes, media commericals telling everyone to wait and eventually we will be open again....but in the meantime stay home and safe so when we do open, you can come. Happy stuff. That's all they know plus when OC does open there is no guarantee folks will come. Remember, this town was hemorrhaging mid weeks because prices were too high....hence for years the makeup to vacant rooms during the summer were weekend Events in the spring and fall until Xmas, then 6 weeks off until Valentines weekend into boat show weekend.
This has been going on for years without a sound strategic plan. The City Manager who brought sound future visions and planning ended up with circumstances of getting divorced and drinking problems that got him fired. He actually wasn't vetted properly by the prior regime with challenges in FLA. He had good ideas but didn't represent the City in a proper manner. Since then really nothing indeed of an emergency AND city salaries (govt and police force) that are very high.
You asked where is the mayor? You really don't want to know.
No he doesnt bitter Mr. EBT.
Let us know ur business so we have entertainment to enjoy!
Bitter boy John
OC City Hall needs to hear you. Unfortunately weekly mic nite on Tuesdays is postponed, but email works nicely. That is not shut off...might want to courtesy copy newspaper tv and our Congress representatives (state and Federal). Why not?
This Chinese Coronavirus and Governor Hogan are destroying careers, families and businesses. Self employed.
So HOGan is saying professional sports in Maryland will not be played with fans in the stands until a cure is found. Good luck with that fata$$!!
What a joke!
This global pandemic was planned....it's intended to destroy the world economy and force us into the "Global New World Government". The evil global elite will require mass vaccination for everyone which will come with an implanted tracking device. This implant will lead to total dominance and control over mankind. Does the "mark of the beast" ring a bell? Resist!
Relax. Sit around and do nothing.
Spot on!
5:16 take a xanax and chill.
Put a fork in it. It's done. 2020 is over for OC.
Most likely until Memorial Day 2021.
Meanwhile, all the people that worked for something in the neighborhood of minimum wage, are cleaning up!
Most are getting about 60 to 70% raises with the CARES act.
They ain't complainin'!
Ok, here's the new plan: Memorial day will now be in August, Independence Day is now September 15th, Labor day will be on Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is now on the 3rd day of Chanukah, Christmas will be canceled due to its evil right wing "Christian" leanings, and Bike Week will be on the same date as "Boxing day" in Canada. WHAT??......lol Look Ma, now I's smart like da Guvna! What a clown show....just saying
Oh but you are SO CONCERNED. Where was your outrage when they canceled the folk festival hmmmmm? You all are so mad about large gatherings being canceled but you all also danced a jig over the folk announcement. Hypocrites.
I'm not taking their freakin vaccine. This virus has so many symptoms they still don't even know what is going on it.
I already have a compromised immune system from another man-made disease. Chronic Lyme disease which has really damaged my body in the past 13 years and I will not be taking their vaccine.
Oc bike week ...I'll be there ! No on a bike ,but I need that drink and jams !! ..NOW .. government needs me to play I Spy ??? I'm in ! I'm the BEST AT THAT !
What? Only worth 3 ✔️✔️✔️ Have some more ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Where you going to move to? Mexico?
4:36 missed your name or just conspiracy theorist
😂 What’s your business? I’ll wait
Sounds good to me.
That is a great song indeed!
So many back roads here. Get on your bike, enjoy the Sun in your face and the sound of the pipes. Isn't that why we ride? Or is it to play dress up, look at a chrome bolt-on everyone else has and drink a beer?
Right! They have made enough from the peons. I have zero sympathy for them.
Everyone they are letting intermingle right now is exactly the experiment.
Everyone I know is working. Who are all the people around here that are screaming get back to work? We were noticed down like in the city, the roads have been packed and stay packed.
2 words. Martial Law.
They do have a point. What is good for one is good for the other. That is the balance of life.
Too much COFFEE indeed.
And if their are not any fans, life will still go on!
Will you go? Or will you sit and type on the computer that someone needs to do this?
Yes. Everyone call and demand they open everything back up so the alcoholics can get their drinks. That is what matters anyway.
Oh I wanna see how fast Covid spreads in your "business ".
Keyboard Warriors, it is time to band together and compose a semi-nasty poorly written email!
The funny thing is ... I pray to God and talk to him and can do it at home or wherever I go. I don't have to give money to do it either. Does that make my belief in the Lord any less? No it doesn't. Until this passes, keep people safe, pray whenever you want.
Yes because in all that is going on, whew that is what matters. Please get this person a beer.
Martial Law.
-Wayne king
Good stuff (not really) going on - which maybe will provide lessons learned going forward to be better prepared
Or maybe not.
11:41...You Must drink the "cool aid" You have no choice. Dont make us send the Brownshirts!...You MUST COMPLY!
Is it OK if I worship you?
You are like a god to be admired.
I just got in from needing to go to the grocery store.
Driving about 30 blocks on Coastal Highway I noticed no less than a dozen out-of-state tags - mostly from Delaware.
During that drive, the guy on the radio says "How fast Maryland gets to Phase One will be determined by how the residents follow the guidelines."
What the hell?
We residents in OC are at the mercy of vacationers and (mostly) 2nd home owners.
We (OC) really should have done what OBX did weeks ago: Ban all non-residents, period.
2:00pm, I HOPE you're joking!!! What you just said, is SO inhumane, insensitive, IGNORANT, and SELF SERVING! I no longer live there THANK GOD, but I grew up in OC, and lived 40 years there, and your comment is DISCUSTING! YOU, said you're at the mercy of the visitors, yet you evade the FACT that without the "visitors" hard earned tax dollars, your "self annointed kingdom" would be a SAND BAR! Who are YOU to decide WHO is allowed in YOUR town? What if YOU had loved ones that didn't live there, but needed a place to stay? Would YOU turn your back on them?? Hint, there's only 1 correct answer. I'm sure YOU, being the Self appointed one who decides who's granted entrance to YOUR domain, doesn't feel the CONSTITUTION has any bearing on it, BUT there is a interstate commerce and travel clause, as well as the Supreme Court ruling on "Ex Parte Milligan" section 71 states: Neither the legislative nor any executive or legislative officer may disregard any provisions of the Constitution in cases of emergency". Going off YOUR theory, YOU in turn should NOT be able to leav YOUR sand bar under ANY circumstances! Fortunatly, even though YOU have NO regard for anyone's constitutional rights, there are MANY of us that will still fight and STAND UP FOR YOURS!!! Tonight, when you lay your massaginistic head down to sleep, maybe YOU should ask GOD to help you find peace in your tangled heart....I encourage EVERY "Non OC citezen" to think of this person's thoughts of YOU next time you wanna enjoy the beach, and realize YOU'RE NOT WELCOME, and possibly choose a different, more welcoming resort to have fun. This is NOT the OC I so loved as a child.
You must admire 3:47. He will stand up for your constitutional rights.
If a visitor happens to give him the virus and he sadly passes away, it'll look real good on his tombstone:
"He Stood Up For Your Constitutional Rights"
What a shame :( People will not be able to get drunk and stupid OR spread Corona, not to mention gonorrhea, syphilis, crabs, HIV, and herpes. Truly a sad day for the eastern shore indeed.
Well, you can't have it both ways. Either you want drunk idiots killing people in DUI's and tearing the place apart, spreading a deadly virus or not. What's more important.
I'm sure multi-millionaire Leighton Moore will survive. Many people have requested a gallon of hand sanitizer from him, including essential businesses, and never got a reply. So, I'm not so broken up.
Brilliant statement
Hello 7:49, Oh no, you're SO WRONG about ME...Unlike you, I do not fear death, I EMBRACE life! Unlike you, I'm LIVING LIFE, I'm not just waiting around to die. However and wherever I die, I will die with dignity! Though I dont do tombstones, IF I did. Mine would say, here lies a man that never let fear and panic rule the day, and embraced life. But the most important thing MINE would say is Here lies a man that STOOD for SOMETHING! So go back and assume the fetal position and enjoy your domain King NOTHING
People who aren't allowed to use their properties should refuse to pay their property taxes.
For some, golf is church.
This is what you asked for! You pushed this as much as anyone. Enjoy your economy, and your mandates to wear MD masks only for the next year.
Martial. Law.
This was taken from a memo from the Ocean City manager ONLY to be taken into consideration by the Mayor and Council. This is CONFIRMED AND the Mayor stated this on the radio this morning as well. This is not their plan.
Maryland's Plan > Pay No Unemployment , starve & kill off as many as
possible , & keep ALL that federal $$$$ that was for us !!!!
That 1200.00 was tax free & the 600.00 should be too , since it is Not
Maryland's $$$ , since it came from the Federal Govt & it is Not right
that Maryland Taxes the 600.00 with Md's tax !!!!
Md is thus Taxing you on Federal $$$ & their 167.00 state $$$ on the
Unemployment !!! By the way WHO came up with 167.00 , that won't
even buy Groceries, let alone pay Bills !!! Md should Pay us 1200.00 too !!!
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