DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 10, 2020
BREAKING NEWS: Ocean City To Reopen Beaches, Boardwalk, Inlet Saturday
A new emergency declaration by Mayor Rick Meehan sets Saturday, May 9 as the re-opening date for the beach, beach access points, Boardwalk and Inlet parking lot. The decision was made after tonight’s Mayor and Council meeting, which was conducted on Zoom and not announced during the public session. Social distancing expectations included in declaration. Full details tomorrow online.
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Wrong choice. Foucci is on CNN now 905pm and said when u see things coming down and control you can pull back and open. DO IT TOO FAST and then a rebound will happen.
Well RICKIE get ready for an onslaught of visitors coming your way...yet really with nothing open to handle them. Supplies don't exist...food...employees. PA NJ DE VA DC....here they come.
We will see ya on the TV.
Bad idea City FAIL
stop being a sheep 9:09............BAAAAA BAAAAA You have been lied to. You can't stay in a bubble for ever...If you don't want to go out then don't...Don't tell the rest of us that we can't. Its our body our choice remember or does that only apply when you want to murder innocent babies.
CNN... that says all you need to know...💩
This is crazy and stupid !
OMG...from Steve's Dispatch too. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting indeed.
I don't have to wait 4 more days until TGIF....I've already started.
Interesting INDEED!
Horrible idea all over money. Im sure all those greedy boardwalk buisness owners begged and pleaded with the mayor to reopen just to put their employees back in harms way for the almighty dollar!
Thank you.
And then enters you who begs the government to issue tyrannical unconstitutional laws. I bet you are the type that want to take the seasonal peoples money but now think they have no business here in the properties they own and are paying for.
For the love of freedom you do realize if you’re that scared you have the CHOICE to stay home and wear your mask however long you’d like. But as for the rest of us that work for a living and understand every job is essential- we need to open back up. The entire country. The entire world. Freedom
Does not end where your fear begins.
The problem is with you, you rely on fake news for your information. Try educating yourself a bit and maybe you wouldn’t be scared of a virus.
How does a Mayor override the Governor? This is a really bad idea. I know it will make some people happy, but it is going to upset many as well.
Great about time.
Really happy to see this!! Glad to see Ocean City has the balls to open up and not be dictated to from across the bridge!!The way I see it, people can still self quarantine if they feel the need! No One is making you go out!! People can also go out and live a normal life and take the chance of getting sick if they want. At least it's our choice and not the freaken government making it for us!! Dictating our every move! Last I heard we were a free country, unfortunately the government decided to see what socialism would be like, now they know, they can stop the world in less then a week!! We should NEVER let the government play politics with our life!! WE MAKE OUR OWN CHOICES!!
Mr. Meehan - At least your hypocrisy (on this issue) is over. About a month ago, you went on 98.1 on the morning show and said we are doing everything we can to keep Ocean City safe. The truth is, you did absolutely nothing. Free and unfettered passage in and out of OC by residents of almost every state in the union was the rule. Everybody knew there was no enforcement of the governor's stay-at-home order, and no one self-quarantined at all. The Food Lion looked like a United Nations convention every night, half the plates in the perking lot were out-of-state, and every employee there was scared to death, some saying they had never seen most of these people before. Sure, you placed an officer at the west end of both bridges at night, but it was all for show. Every day I drive to West O (essential employee) at varying times around noon, doing 37-38 in the middle lane, and get passed on both sides constantly by (you guessed it) out-of-state drivers and others with obvious ties to other parts of MD. There are police cars everywhere but any stops? No, haven't seen one.
Opening the beach, boardwalk, and inlet parking lot is a big risk and I hope it turns out well for everyone, even you, but you lied to us and you didn't do a damn thing to keep us safe in the interim.
He succumbed to the pressure. Just say no
9:09. Your first problem is believing Fauci. Your second problem is watching CNN. No wonder you’re falling for the fake fear mongering.
Open it.
Excellent news. We flattened the curve. We cannot stop this virus as too many people have it. We will all be exposed. Time to open everything back up.
A rebound is not a bad thing. Not a large percentage of the population gets hospitalized, and even less die. The hospitals have plenty of space now. if we slow the spread down this summer and it rebounds in the fall we will have COVID-19 patients AND influenza patients at the hospital at the same time. That would be
They cancelled the training of the new life guards in May. They may want to go ahead and add that back in.
Finally some progress is being made! We can’t stay home forever, nor can we let our businesses go under. Listening to the “experts” will get
you locked down until a vaccine comes out. How many times has the Weather Channel predicted our demise? Category 5! Category 4! Oops...it turned out to sea.
Mayor Meehan has taken a reasonable, informed first step. Take the necessary precautions and we can all look forward to the restaurants, shops and hotels reopening soon!
I'm told the shops on the boardwalk won't be open.
Probably because they haven’t had time to hire anyone as the European kids probably won’t be allowed in the states this year.
"Anonymous said...
How does a Mayor override the Governor? This is a really bad idea. I know it will make some people happy, but it is going to upset many as well.
May 4, 2020 at 9:35 PM"
The Governor only had control over state parks and all of them are open except Assateague and Sandy Point. Most of the county parks in the state are open as well. To those who may be upset to hell with them. It's none of their business something they best not ever forget. If they don't like it then they need to stay home.
Not scared at all...just can't keep moving the starting line about something no one can predict. Yet u can. Think reg folks will be here this weekend? Reg folks sure as hell wasn't at Leightons St Patties weekend.
What is the rush? Becuz we have been shut in. Guess it's easy not being in charge...better yet not in position of responsibility. It tells and FOX NEWS doesn't lie.
It's the end of the world, and we know it, its the end of the world and we know it, it's the end of the world and we know it, and I feel fine! Awwwww, NOooooo, the outsiders are coming! Arrgggg....they're gonna gonna contaminate our beach. Hey, ya worked hard and saved, so you could retire in OC. That's admirable, but ya knew ig was a tourist destination. IF ya wanted to live on Singer Island Island or have your OWN private Island, well maybe ya shoulda worked a little harder!
This is due to the law suit against Lockdown Larry that was posted on this page earlier. I'm guessing there is some validity to it and the town of Ocean City is concerned they could be next. A apparently you do need to follow the Constitution.
The almighty dollar that feeds their families? You ignorant fool
What in the heck is you point exactly. That you think because you are considered essential by some government official that you are righteous? And instead of having consideration for the people that aren’t working and able to provide for their families right now you are in fear of them because of a virus?
All you did was throw a tantrum and you sounded like you think you’re better than others. Even over a license plate. DID IT OCCUR TO YOU THAT THE MVA HAS BEEN CLOSED AND MAYBE THOSE PEOPLE DO LIVE HERE? no. You don’t consider anyone but yourself.
I bet you’re the type that wears a face mask alone in their car and outside. You may want to inhale more oxygen.
Then make your choice of not going. Just because they're opening it up doesn't mean you have to go. It's not fair that people are out of work because a few are vulnerable. This has proven to be, so far, no worse even less so, than the regular Flu. We'll never build immunity to it if we're all stuck inside. Make the decision that works for you and yours and let others decide for themselves. You're opinion, is just that, yours. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just yours, so make choices that suit you.
10:24 PM... I sure hope all of the these daytrippers don't infect your family or friends. Unfortunately they probably will!
Here a thought YOU STAY INSIDE. There fixed it.
You has the dumb. That didn’t even make sense. Who is regular folks? Why are you bringing up all these fake news stations. Freedom is freedom no matter how you feel about it
First Meehan did not have the final say on this trust me he got permission from the Governor. Secondly and trust me again thousands of people are going to show up on Saturday!! I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT. Crowd control will be impossible and you don’t have to wear a mask WTF Please as someone just finishing a shift on the front line just stay away this weekend this is not about civil liberties just please please use common sense. This is going to wipe out all the work and sacrifice we have made for the last month and half! Be safe everyone!! Please!!!
So if you pay under the table like many you can reopen your business if it was successful to begin with. Many who had failing business to begin with will use this as a excuse as to why they failed. 1,100 to stay home for a failing business or they get that plus cash tips. pretty simple what's going on!
Anonymous said...
Wrong choice. Foucci is on CNN now 905pm and said when u see things coming down and control you can pull back and open. DO IT TOO FAST and then a rebound will happen.
Well RICKIE get ready for an onslaught of visitors coming your way...yet really with nothing open to handle them. Supplies don't exist...food...employees. PA NJ DE VA DC....here they come.
We will see ya on the TV.
Bad idea City FAIL
May 4, 2020 at 9:09 PM
Bahahahahahaha! You F'n Libtard! Go find your safe space.
Anonymous said...
This is crazy and stupid !
May 4, 2020 at 9:25 PM
Why? Because you are scared or because you are a state employee and getting paid to stay home?
Anonymous said...
Horrible idea all over money. Im sure all those greedy boardwalk buisness owners begged and pleaded with the mayor to reopen just to put their employees back in harms way for the almighty dollar!
May 4, 2020 at 9:31 PM
Another dumb Lemming who isn't intelligent enough to think for themselves.
People are arguing with me that Lockdown Larry chimed in and said that this is for Ocean City residents only after the Mayor said EVERYONE!
Bad idea. Just don't understand why people don't get it. Money over life. Very sad. Your neighbors,co workers,friends and family are getting sick and dying
The businesses won't be open apparently.. hotels still closed...
No override..the governor didn't close our beach.
Gonna look at the OC boardwalk cam on Saturday afternoon. I bet the boardwalk will be so packed. A holes to elbows... wear your facial covering and social distance...
Thank you Mayor. I agree with your decision 100% We have waited long enough. The fact is all these out-of-towners were coming anyway and we need them to come. Everybody keep social distancing and wear a mask. Simple fix.
No, idiot. I have friends who are sick with the virus and one is in the hospital very sick.
oh, and the beaches wer not closed. only the seawalls were closed last saturday. every regular bech access was open. its all a sham on TV to get people to stay away a little bit. beach was pretty busy saturday with people and surfers.
did you see John Fager on 47, Pleading his case to open up? He and Moore are about to lose it. Trust me, they are the ones who will tell Meehan what to do.
303am...its not money over life...its FREEDOM over tyrannical control. ANd bet your sweet cheeks, if they can open public areas then businesses can open as well. Youll see the law suites being filled everywhere will revert to the constitution!
Why can’t some of the shops open up on the boardwalk? They are all takeaways right? Aren’t they allowed?
I say go for it
Let people work.
Stay home like hiding kool aid drinking cowards
Gonna be 51 and windy on Saturday...be curious to see how bad people are itching to get outside.
May 4, 2020 at 9:43 PM said:
"Free and unfettered passage in and out of OC by residents of almost every state in the union was the rule. Everybody knew there was no enforcement of the governor's stay-at-home order, and no one self-quarantined at all. The Food Lion looked like a United Nations convention every night".
So, I guess you just made the case for reopening. If the Wuhan Virus was really that bad, Atlantic General Hospital should have been swamped, right?
No one is making you go. Stay home, Snowflake!
Joe say it ain't so. Why bother going to the boardwalk if you can't get Thrasher fries or Dolle's popcorn.
We as people need to use common sense. People from ny and nj a
Are all ready here. We dont need more people on the delmarva giving us their germs. Yes we want to get back to work but need to go by this with some sense.
Well done - how long will it be before OC is innundated and AGH/PRMC become over run with cases. This is going to become a mess, and anyone going to OC in the next three weeks will regret it. I'll wait and watch the numbers rise.
its FREEDOM over tyrannical control. Really 707am?
WE live in a socialist communist state/nation?
Guess what PALLY - if we did, you/I would not be conversing anymore AND you would be told what to do, like it or die.
So stop with the fear mongering, this stuff will soon pass and you can again run around with your tank top Hootin/Hollerin.
Waited long enough? What are you talking about it’s only the first week of May?
Exactly! I can dump a pile of play sand in my back yard and sit on it. Wow the beach is so exciting!
Northwest Woodsman: I still say follow the money and the politics. This whole pandemic policy is a test to see just how much control they can force upon us. All those who are vehemently opposed to opening businesses are either benefiting financially or politically and are afraid that if isolated re-openings are successful the result will be a torrent of re-openings around the country and the plans to destroy our economy as a means of ruining President Trump’s chances for re-election will be spoiled. We will see very soon. Thanks to ocean city for doing the right thing. With regard to all the snowflakes and fake news, just huddle in your safe place with your mask on gloves on and leave the rest of us alone.
Awwww and you really racked your brain to think that one up. You'll get em next time Big guy.
Opposed to Fox says it and that is all you need to know?
*Yaw* Nah.
SOoooo, are "their" germs different than YOUR germs? Maybe YOU should go climb back under your BANKY so we dont get YOUR germs.....whew....yer a special kinda stupid
OC now stands for Obtaining Coronavirus. Have at it, covidiots!!
Clearly you are not paying attention. The indoctrination is thick with you.
Exactly 100% right! And the sheeple are being conditioned to think the ones that ARE fighting for freedoms re being selfish. So be it.
That was straight outta the operation mockingbird playbook. Stop fear mongering. You seriously think they care about your health? Why weren’t they acting this way last year about the flu? Killed more people. I’ll wait for your answer. Use critical thinking.
Don't think I can add any more - just - let's get back to work and rebuild our country and our lives.
So what do all you doomsdayers have to say now? Told You So! I watched live web cams all over the boardwalk and beach yesterday and today and both the boardwalk and the beach were empty most of the time. . There were periods where minutes went by before anyone was seen on some of the downtown cameras yesterday.
Just like I say. It was idiotic moronic and imbecilic to had thought people were going to flock to OC all because the mayor is allowing people on the boardwalk and beach. Also there is zero chance for this virus to spread in that environment anyway. You people really really really need to not only use just a little bit of sense but to get your information from legitimate sources and not some other imbecile posting what amounts to a low IQ opinion on social media.
Social Distancing Excluded !!! All on TV NO masks either !! Just
asking for it !!! Spread the Virus !!! Even to kids !!!!
Tooo Early & WRONG !!!
Down there today for 5min. Line for Thrashers was at least 100yards long. People milling about everywhere. Noped out of there quickly.
Hey 2:51...IF you're saying, that covidiots is how your gonna address us, then use a CAPITAL "C" as then COVIDIOT would be our proper PROPER name....just saying
Lawyers will be Loving it !!! You can bet !!!
Maryland > Putting Money $$$$ over Lives !!! Trump should STOP IT !!!
The line at Thrashers stayed 150’long all day Sunday.
Send that Video to Trump !!! This crap will STOP !!!
NO Way Ocean City will get away with ALL these people being there !!!
They grip in Florida about too many at the beach & O.C is No better !!!
All were quick to condem the Spring Breakers in Florida a month ago !!!
Same thing O.C is doing !!!!
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