DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Is Building A Tent City For The Homeless At Lake Street Park, (Coronavirus)
On Friday the Mayor of Salisbury will announce and open a Caronavirus Tent City for the Homeless. Temporary fencing will ultimately quarantine these human beings yet one thing I can assure each ad every one of you, they are NOT following protocol.
One of the images shows a cleaning company working on the bath/restroom building. Believe it or not, there is not enough distance between urinals and toilets to assure there's social distancing now required at 13 feet apart. Even the people working there are not wearing masks and as you can see they are shoulder to shoulder once again.
You also have to wonder, will they only accept homeless that are willing to give up private information so Police Chief Duncan can do a background check?
Also, Taxpayers will be subjected to providing TWO meals a day in order to quarantine these people. Will they all be subjected to remaining within this fenced in area until the City decides all is clear?
There are many unanswered questions and certainly it will become a pandemic area because they are not properly disinfecting and maintaining even minimal standards to keep this virus encapsulated just to this immediate area. I'll add, ALL food must be served with disposable products and served by hazmat type uniforms. ANYONE not following these strict guidelines will contract the coronavirus.
More to come...
UPDATE: The City is using hotel money to put up these tents instead of rooms. AMAZING how the City chose to put this right in the middle of the African American community. Wait till you hear about the 4 to 6 people who recently died at PRMC, all of which are from the African American community. This tent city will remain until the coronavirus pandemic is over. I was just told they'll let the homeless out of this tent city every day but they must all return by 5 PM every day. Very Stupid.
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I know you do not allow profanity on the message boards, so I will censor it, but there is only one thing that can be said:
Don’t you think Governor Hogans office should be notified. Jake thinks this stuff up staying in his office till 10:30 at night. Doesn’t meet the proper protocol but Jake doesn’t care.
Folks wise up here! Jake Day could care less about Salisbury. He is hoping this is a stepping stone to something else.
He abuses is wife and little girls. It’s so sad! I know it for a fact. This is the truth!
This tent city for the homeless is just another fluff game to try to make him look good like everything else he has done it is another flop. You need to enforce the corona virus policy adopted by this President, and Country Wide Governors unlike yourself who actually do care, you will kill everyone in Salisbury & Wicomico County If you continue on this track. It's not about how you look on the news or pics, get your own wife's trial on the docket and stay in doors with a gag over your mouth that would be an improvement.
WTH!! I can assure you this tent city is here to stay just like his idol Gavin Newsome in California has done.
Every day that goes by Jake day and Julie Glantz prove their incompetence and immaturity
This is very unacceptable.
I would rather my taxes go to homeless than criminals and gold trips personally. Sure, we could point out everything that they are missing the mark on but at least they are doing something to help
To keep them contained they will have to move the methadone clinic down there. Another way to keep them contained is to park some unlocked cars down there for them to rummage through.
Tent cities were only a matter of time. This plague isn’t going away until it kills millions in the US.
Blacks are hurt worse by the shutdown than any other group that’s why Democrats like Day want it to continue as long as possible
These people will become the distributors of the virus by being grouped then allowed to roam about all day.
Are the shelters full? or are they making them leave because of the COVID-19 social distance rule ?
I sure hope they don't get another 37 degree night like last night, too cold for a tent poor souls.
Looks more like the beginnings of an internment camp.
I heard Mary Ashonte is now on top of this as well as the alleged 4 to 6 African American deaths recently at PRMC. My BIGGEST problem with this tent city is as follows. All it will take is ONE positive coronavirus case within and they will ALL be forced to quarantine within. It is a major scam. They all have to have background checks and you and I both know no one is going to be willing to go through that process and then get suckered into living in a tiny tent. How will they police social distancing as well? What are they going to do, taser them to get them apart? All this feel good BS at the African American community expense.
I can not believe this tent city is being erected near a residential neighborhood. Why can’t it be located out of sight and out of kind at the airport? Andy Harris just announced an $18,000,000 grant to the SBY airport for Coronavirus preparations.
Wow, this is right snack in the middle of residents' neighborhood! Now that's an intelligent idea! (NOT). The residents living in this community should be in an uproar. Apparently Jake Day has taken their rights away.
Give the homeless a free tent to sleep in, but then allow them to roam free during the day to come in contact with the public. Makes sense.. NOT.
It is a very complicated issue.
At least they are doing something.
I guess if they didn't destroy their camps they wouldn't need to do this.
1:47..just a hunch, but how would the homeless get out there, and to travel on foot, where would they go during the times they are required to remain out of their tents. Also, Lake Street Playground area has restrooms and shower facilities already in place.
"4 to 6 people"....
well which is it, oh smartest of them all?
This is not helping. They are not following protocol. These people will get sick, journey out until 5 and spread their germs and go back and infect others. Soon it'll be considered racist. Jake is a narcissist who isn't even intelligent.
No snacks.
Lunch and Dinner
The issue is, if you build it they will come. This is worse then the homeless being here or there. What happens when the city is out of money. Business don't have the money to pay for all of this extra mess.
So many issues with this. Where to begin.
Hope it's one person per tent returning to same tent daily.
How do you sanitize a tent.
Who is going to get hazard pay to clean the bathrooms.
I could go on and on.
I would not be surprised if everyone camping there gets sick.
Transport them to the airport in a van or bus exclusively used for that purpose. The driver (and possibly a guard) can be dresses in hazmat suits). The prisoners (oh, I mean homeless) can’t leave the compound beyond the fence. What about the former drill academy located near the airport? Homeless could also be housed at that location.
2:19 - You say "At least they are doing something"? What don't you understand about "Residential neighborhood?", and "This is NOT social distancing"? It only takes one of them to get coronavirus, then they all get it, then they all spread it everywhere they go. This tent city at a playground surrounded by people's homes is a stupid idea. Who wants this at their backyard?
What the!
Tent city with bus service and carry out man I’m moving in!
I would rather see them there and quarantined than sprawled out in front of the vacant stores, with all their belongings and booze bottles, near the acme on it 13b. They were camped out by the front of m&t bank so I stopped using the atms in that shipping center.
Did they TEST them.
The Joseph house policy right now is, if you leave you can't come back in. So they are probably seeing alot of them on the street with no place to go. Just another mess from all this is all.
Constructing a hotspot; that's brilliant!
Jake's Internment Camp.
Weather is ready to turn; next he'll be adding A/C.
Kids are out of school until....whenever, but there goes the play space in the neighborhood.
There is no upside to this set of actions.
I hope the Homeless don't fall for this. They and we are better off with them doing what they are doing until they have a REAL solution.
Day should have put the tents on the Downtown Plaza. Nothing going on there and most places are closed for the virus that way Day could make sure they are okay each night. Salisbury will look like California streets before long. Stupid putting this on a neighborhood playground and in a residential area.
I pray that someone that utilizes this ridiculousness Sue's the city into bankruptcy
I applied for cleaning job
Pays $10.50 hour
And working people can’t go camping.....smh !
The old detention center at the airport would be a better place.
So Jake day is creating a homeless camp on city of salisbury property?? Get ready for the lawsuits to bite the city in the ass. Why is it these progressive liberals think bankrupting a city/country is a challenge??
Someone needs to send this to Candace Owens.
This is going to go over about as good as a turd in the punch bowl. The homeless population in Salisbury isn't going to give up their drugs and alcohol to be in a homeless camp by 5:00. Just more social media garbage. Jake just feels so left out down here in slumsbury that he created his own drama to feel/look important
Ok, this for all you moron's praising Jake and saying at least "he is doing something."
Why didn't Jake put this in his neighborhood? He as a park close to where he lives so why didn't he put it up there? Why did it have to be in a black neighborhood?
Anonymous said...
Tent cities were only a matter of time. This plague isn’t going away until it kills millions in the US.
April 15, 2020 at 1:13 PM
Oh really?? Please elaborate! Who the Fk said this was a plague?? YOU and no one else. Go blow Jake Day again!
Anonymous said...
Don’t you think Governor Hogans office should be notified. Jake thinks this stuff up staying in his office till 10:30 at night. Doesn’t meet the proper protocol but Jake doesn’t care.
Folks wise up here! Jake Day could care less about Salisbury. He is hoping this is a stepping stone to something else.
He abuses is wife and little girls. It’s so sad! I know it for a fact. This is the truth!
April 15, 2020 at 12:17 PM
Oh, good idea. Since you brought it up you can notify the Governor's office!!
Anonymous said...
Every day that goes by Jake day and Julie Glantz prove their incompetence and immaturity
April 15, 2020 at 12:47 PM
Jake Day was elected and Julia *Glanz was not but I get your point. Neither one of them should be allowed to screw up as much as they have been.
This isn't all Jake Day's doing because Bob Culver is in on this as well and Bob has County staff working on it.
Anonymous said...
I would rather my taxes go to homeless than criminals and gold trips personally. Sure, we could point out everything that they are missing the mark on but at least they are doing something to help
April 15, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Well that didn't take long for a Jake Day lover to chime in.
What makes you think that these homeless people aren't criminals? In case you didn't know it, nearly all homeless people walking the streets have a criminal record or multiple contacts with the police. They don't have food so they are begging and stealing to survive.
Change my mind!
No one has commented on that police car being there. Did anyone think it was occupied by police officers? Heck no, it's nothing but a decoy police car.
Anonymous said...
Blacks are hurt worse by the shutdown than any other group that’s why Democrats like Day want it to continue as long as possible
April 15, 2020 at 1:15 PM
Can you prove your statement about blacks because it sounds like typical fluff to me.
Anonymous said...
Are the shelters full? or are they making them leave because of the COVID-19 social distance rule ?
I sure hope they don't get another 37 degree night like last night, too cold for a tent poor souls.
April 15, 2020 at 1:28 PM
"poor souls?"
I've got an idea. Why don't you open your home up to these poor souls!!
Anonymous said...
I can not believe this tent city is being erected near a residential neighborhood. Why can’t it be located out of sight and out of kind at the airport? Andy Harris just announced an $18,000,000 grant to the SBY airport for Coronavirus preparations.
April 15, 2020 at 1:47 PM
It's a ghetto, not a residential airport.
JoeAlbero said...
I heard Mary Ashonte is now on top of this as well as the alleged 4 to 6 African American deaths recently at PRMC. My BIGGEST problem with this tent city is as follows. All it will take is ONE positive coronavirus case within and they will ALL be forced to quarantine within. It is a major scam. They all have to have background checks and you and I both know no one is going to be willing to go through that process and then get suckered into living in a tiny tent. How will they police social distancing as well? What are they going to do, taser them to get them apart? All this feel good BS at the African American community expense.
April 15, 2020 at 1:39 PM
Mary *Ashanti
Anonymous said...
Wow, this is right snack in the middle of residents' neighborhood! Now that's an intelligent idea! (NOT). The residents living in this community should be in an uproar. Apparently Jake Day has taken their rights away.
Give the homeless a free tent to sleep in, but then allow them to roam free during the day to come in contact with the public. Makes sense.. NOT.
April 15, 2020 at 2:02 PM
I guess you don't know much about that area, do you?
Ok Im just gonna say if they did not have this they would be roaming all over the city . This is funded thru federal COVID funds . Tents are spaced appropriately and there will be supervision. So would you rather tax payer money go to health care and exposing others or here? Homeless situation here needs to be addressed . No fan of the Mayor but it really isn't his project. This is a crisis and with motels evicting people and families and shelters not taking anyone this IS the best solution as well as resources. So come on now it could be worse. This is a crisis it has to be dealt with and this is the most workable solution. There are more factors that are in play here including the municipality, county, state and federal so maybe inquire a tad before coming to a conclusion. If you look at funding nothing is coming to Wicomico because of our population so we have to do what we can. Go out with the city or the county for a day and see what we see and tell these people we can do nothing.
Everyone says we want to help the homeless but no one wants it in their back yard Put your money where your mouth is its gotta go somewhere.
so they are making the homeless prisoners, while letting thousands of prisoners as in convicted felons out across the country. More lunacy from the Loonie left.
Day is not leader, he's a charlatan that, unlike yourself, Joe, needs his ego stroked daily. This tent city is more about Day being able to say "Hey, look at me and what I'm doing" If they had simply used the money and placed the same subjects in hotel/motel rooms it wouldn't be as visible or newsworthy. After watching Day for some time now, he's more like a social director on a cruise ship then he is a legitimate leader. A music festival here, a new bike lane there, a tent city here, spending millions to bring locals back into a dead zone isn't very meaty stuff. What he should do is hire someone to be his P.R. person. Maybe they'd be able to convince him to stop monitoring Facebook and other social media sites throughout the day and doing battle with people that disagree with him an idea, or would have convinced him to hold off on making that video banishing all bigots, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and other liberally applied liberal labels when that graffiti was recently found at the university. I understand it turns out the suspect is a minority, and one with some standing in the community at that. When can we expect Day to produce and release his follow up video condemning minorities for perpetrating such hoaxes? I'd say the most dangerous place in Salisbury to be is between a camera and Jake Day. He's a funny guy.
The grass seems to be cut here in tent city.I went downtown today to pay a bill and the grass around main government building is knee high.
It is taxpayers money - it's just how you look at it. My question, why now? Didn't this virus hit America back in December. Hence, coronvirous 19. Isn't Day a lot late in taking necessary safety action because he was too busy planning the Easter parade.
Because he doesn't want them downtown to trash up the place, but it's ok for them to go trash up a public playground. Considering the majority of homeless are in some way mentally ill that seems like a bad idea of putting mentally ill tramps where your children should be getting much needed breaks and exercise from this quarantine. Let your true colors show Jake.
April 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM
It is illegal for motels or anyone for that matter to be evicting anyone. Take your jake a$$ kissing whining elsewhere.
Wow I knew Salisbury was going down the shitter but now we have our own skid row .....sweet!!!!
What about poplar hill pre release facility? What about the juvenile detention center near airport? What about the Salvation Army center on lake street? This is not well thought out
You'll see LOTS of 2 things there.. "City Cab" coming to pick them up and haul them to the methadone clinic on Newton Str. and cops to control the daily brawls that will erupt. Oh
and who is providing laundry services for bed bug/dirt filled bedding/clothes and hygiene products? Will children be housed there,and will spot lights be erected so bad things at night won't happen? So many questions...
You put this quarantine(homeless housing) in a black community, near a school, and not once did you decide to put in a upscale ad le neighborhood. This is disrespectful on all levels. Let's see how this turns out! Oh! put one in a dominate white community then it will be FAIR..
The workers are installing additional nozzles in the showers.
Put them in a dominant white neighborhood, why did you pick a black community. This speaks volumes!
Seem like he s trying to hurt the neighborhood too. Most of those homeless get disability checks. Why he didn't use the empty lot by the civic center. In neighborhood around homes and a church. Disgusting
Well put them at your neighborhood playground and see if ur neighbors ok it.
So does winter park place and it's more isolated. And i still dnt like the idea
The National Guard is going to serve meals to people in the Lake Street Tent City... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Aren't the existing resources for the homeless in Salisbury enough?! A couple of years ago,I read about a program that Salisbury created called Housing First. Participants were to receive $1300 each month for a year for housing AND caseworkers were assigned to make sure that participants get to scheduled appointments. There's also Federal programs like Section 8. I know there are more programs, but I'm so disgusted by this city and I feel a concerted effort on my part to make a proper argument with well worded information is just wasted energy at this time of night.
It's also a complete waste of time to contact Day's office. However, I will make contact with Governor Hogan's office later today AND I suggest that each of you do so because this text city is in violation of his COVID19 orders.
You have to laugh at the people on here defending the "African American Community" while you all are the same group of people who were posting yesterday that it was okay for white folks to say the "n" word. Get a grip! Pick a side! Better yet- keep your 1954 comments to yourself!
Contact numbers:
MD Department of Health
Wicomico COVID hotline
410-341-4600 option "0"
Call these numbers to voice concerns about the "Lake Street Tent City"
If you have not been to an area of our country that has an established tent city, they are a blight on the community and they do not go away. Some communities have to frequently bulldoze these sites.
The National Guard is going to serve meals to people in the Lake Street Tent City... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Aren't the existing resources for the homeless in Salisbury enough?! A couple of years ago,I read about a program that Salisbury created called Housing First. Participants were to receive $1300 each month for a year for housing AND caseworkers were assigned to make sure that participants get to scheduled appointments. There's also Federal programs like Section 8. I know there are more programs, but I'm so disgusted by this city and I feel a concerted effort on my part to make a proper argument with well worded information is just wasted energy at this time of night.
It's also a complete waste of time to contact Day's office. However, I will make contact with Governor Hogan's office later today AND I suggest that each of you do so because this text city is in violation of his COVID19 orders.
April 17, 2020 at 2:21 AM
First of all its not 1300 a month and there are so many funds available not enough to go around and not enough partnerships with landlords willing to take them.
Section 8 has waiting list to get on.
How is this a violation when tents are spaced the proper distance apart?
April 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM
It is illegal for motels or anyone for that matter to be evicting anyone. Take your jake a$$ kissing whining elsewhere.
April 15, 2020 at 10:21 PM
Actually motels and hotels are exempt for the executive order so ummmm..before you call people names gets your facts right.
How many tents disappeared overnight???
all state and federal campgrounds are shut down because the government has deemed it too unsafe to have people camping in their own RV`s in campsites that are spaced 30 to 50 apart, so why is a tent city of homeless people jammed into a city park deemed to be ok?
It`s these kind of mixed messages that are causing a lot of people to not take the virus very seriously. When the local, state and federal governments can`t seem to agree on what`s safe or unsafe,then naturally people are going to start questioning whether the government covid-19 mandates are actually necessary.
Why would anyone leave the tent City to better them self? Where are the skills to help them improve? If you are not careful, that tent City is going to be real full real fast.
I am 2:20. Are you suggesting using all 3 places? 6 of 1, half dozen of the other
Why not send them to the Civic Center to stay? Nothing going on and security in place. Nice and warm on these cold nights. Maybe they can get a grant for it.
April 17, 2020 at 9:43 PM ACTUALLY - you are wrong
If you are renting a hotel room long term, you are considered a tenant and they have to go thru the courts to get you evicted. And evictions have been halted thru the court system.
ALSO - an officer can not evict you from a hotel during a serious medical emergency - which has been declared.
Maybe educate yourself a bit, on the law before commenting?
Anonymous said...
Why not send them to the Civic Center to stay? Nothing going on and security in place. Nice and warm on these cold nights. Maybe they can get a grant for it.
April 19, 2020 at 12:49 PM
That would be a good idea except the Civic Center is the secondary location for Government to relocate to in an emergency so they cant also the I would think the county liability and paying staff to supervise electric etc it would break the budget. Maybe the empty schools would be better they have kitchens and showers I bet it is in their budget.
How about jails? Seems that prisoners are being let out. What better place, everything that is needed is provided, and as taxpayers it is all still being paid for.
Day is a racist. Look @ the city. They annex white people in and leave the folks out. Day spends all that money fixing up downtown for his white business people and the folks side of town is sh-t. We need a strong AA leader that doesn't play Tom.
Tent city is set up in a black neighborhood for the same reason that West Main St. and Fitzwater St. and W. Isabella St. across the tracks is undriveable. Those streets never get paved because they are not in the pretty people's elite neighborhoods. Throw some asphalt here, sling some gravel or filler of some kind there and patch the pot holes a little when they get big enough to swallow a car, that's what the west side gets. Doesn't the city realize that the pretty people have to travel through those areas on their way to their cushy offices? I guess the right ones don't have to, or there would be some streets across the tracks fixed real quick.
The mayor is so unorganized. Listen to his 5 pm rant. Says need food...then says only one working refrigerator...don't bring food...says bring food...then tells lady no way to cook...she needs to cook and bring it...then says they need hot breakfasts...then says there are 18 men there and 7 national guard cooks..darn almost 1 Cook for every 2 people there...what a great staffing ratio...then says they need mental help professionals....didn't they think of that when planning it...on Facebook says they need coffee cups...but he says holt paper has supply chain taken care of. Think he needs to better prepare his lying script c or his 5 pm show a little better...thought he had a good pio for City...as a city employee we want to go back to work..the gob is closed to public...our offices are separate..just because Julia glanz wants to stay home and be paid..not all of us do. I want to earn my check and come to work safely.
So what is your Christian, humane solution ?
How many of those tents will be stolen? How many druggies and drug dealers will go there? How many gang members will be hanging out there? How much will it cost to send employees there to clean the place up. Those living there damn sure will not keep it clean. It will look like a dump when they get done with it. Waste of money. Just watch and see how much of a disaster this is going to be.
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