DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Arrogant P.O.S. Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Responds To Yet Another Taxpayer On His Breaking The Law
Some husband is one day going to run into this SOB and treat him like the pig that he is. 1st Responders don't have the luxury of wearing masks and gloves, Idiot mayor? Is your staff wearing masks and gloves while they work part time in the GOB building while they're being paid full time? I guess you must be a tough guy soldier, right Jake? I mean, look at how you treat WOMEN. I'm starting to believe the rumors you're light in the loafers.
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Daaamn Jake, you just got knocked the fk out!
He truly is an arrogant a-hole!
Thousands of people came out and waved?
The delusions of grandeur run deep in Day.
Bubble Head Jake still doesn't get it there were not thousands that came out to see a parade that wasn't even advertised, and we have never had Easter Parades that is OC MD's thing. Salisbury has Thanksgiving Parades and then you might see a few hundred not thousands. The only thousands Jake can address is the bees in his head that are buzzing too loud!!!!!!!!!!
I see Melania's anti-cyber bullying campaign is paying off!
Yes, it's true that first responders don't always have the luxury of social distancing. However, in this case it was completely reckless and unnecessary. Two totally different circumstances and to try and use that argument to justify the actions is idiotic.
Jake day is an arrogant ass. Knowing his family roots, surprises me that he is that self absorbed. Jake you know your creator and you need to check in with Him. Would He want you to be as obnoxious as you are? Would that be pleasing to Him?
He is so unprofessional. Someone in his position and with all his schooling should know how to respond without showing how childish he is. What he should say is thank you for your concerns. I will take them in consideration. He actually responds like he is a two year old. The parade was a terrible idea. He should akowledge that alot of people thought it was a bad idea. I heard it and thought something terrible had happened in town and said a prayer. Little did I know the truth. It was a waste of money and a risk of lives that is not what you need right now. I'm guessing he has spent our rainy day fund long ago so we need to tighten spending. Most people sitting in their house and some with no money coming in probably did not enjoy the fluff. He thinks he is perfect and everything he does is perfect. That makes him very dangerous.
Wow...he is full of himself, arrogant, and condescending. He didn't defend his wife, although she's guilty, but he certainly doesn't have her back as you would expect from a spouse. He needs to be knocked off his high horse, nobody's above the law and it's just a matter of time before Jake Day get his just desserts. We will all sit back and love watching that shit show
He better hope he doesn't run into me.
9:38 Are you defending Jakey??
I actually feel bad for his wife. Can you imagine what she has to deal with?
9:38 Some people can't be reached, asswipe
Lisa states that she hope next time some one that cares will be elected into office. "nah, it'll still be me.." There it is folks. What a complete ass! Yeah, he's totally gay, not that there's anything wrong with it, but don't abuse your wife because of it. His goose is cooked. His first job in politics, and he carries more baggage than US AIR.
He and Dunn are rump rangers! FACT
9:38 Ahhh nice try on trying to spin it like Jake is being bullied. Jakey is the epitome of a bully. Ask his wife. Why don’t you try to educate yourself like Melania? How many languages do you speak besides dumbass?😉
This is the quote directly from the Governor, “This is a deadly public health crisis—we are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home, we are directing them to do so,” said Governor Hogan. “No Maryland resident should be leaving their home unless it is for an essential job or for an essential reason such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention, or for other necessary purposes.”
I can't speak for the Governor but I somehow think he would not consider an Easter Parade with a photo OP an essential reason to break his "STAY AT HOME ORDER" Please note that this does not say
It is a stay at home suggestion, it says ORDER. There is no defense of this parade. The Mayor was just plain wrong!!
And yes I am mad. The mayor's ignorance and the setting of a bad example is putting myself and my family at risk.
My wife is a true hero putting her fears aside going into work each day to treat COVID positive patients and worried about the stress of possibly bringing this virus home to her children.
The mayor has shown he cares more about himself and his ego then about the health and welfare of the first responders he is responsible for as well as the staff at PRMC!!
As a prior Military Officer he should know better than anyone you lead by example!!!
Family Man?? Why weren't you home with your wife and kids on Easter?? F'ing punk!!
Sadly a lot of Women love guys with that attitude. They are edgy, they do not want a nice guy.
Who cares what his sexual orientation is. Being arrogant and not caring about the whole community is what we care about.
Now we have a better idea why the COVID cases in Wicomico jumped up ~20 (between Sat and Tues)- Thanks Jake!
Arrogant narcissist
First responders don't have a choice about putting themselves in harm's way in truly dire situations. I am so sorry they were put in a position of considerable personal risk for absolutely no benefit to our community's safety. They deserve better.
Someone please tell me in what other city in America does the Mayor get into social media battles with citizens. You really can not make this stuff up. How in the world does he get away with this. It is really unbelievable. He is the biggest freaking cry baby idiot!
Someone please tell me in what other city in America does the Mayor get into social media battles with citizens. You really can not make this stuff up. How in the world does he get away with this. It is really unbelievable. He is the biggest freaking cry baby idiot 🤡.
The crack about his wife was below the belt and not germane to the issue of this unlawful gathering. However, all the other things I agree with you.
I would be on drugs also if he was my husband! Do you blame her for being on drugs, except you never take medication from a child...NEVER!!
Knowing his family roots...I'm not surprised.
Only 2 fluently. Which I'm guessing is more than you lol. Sounds like I really triggered a lot of you boomers
Some one need to let the government know. He thanks he above the law
The reason I added that about his wife was because he came off with smart alec who cares kind of answers from the beginning but I feel like I can't trust someone who doesn't care about the lives of their citizens and has a wife that would buy drugs from students she teaches (charges still pending so we don't know the outcome of the case as of yet) so it is kind of a valid point to bring up. I'm starting to think all government officials should need random drug testing just like we have to have done at our jobs.
I was not bullying him, I was stating a simple fact...so much for social distancing is what I said then he acted like a jerk. The reason I said so much for social distancing was because he was on a news video talking about the extreme importance of it then in the midst of the pandemic he has these people taking photos together, organizing a parade together, neighbors coming outside etc.no masks, not 6 feet apart etc.
Thank you, gay or not gay, regardless of color, sexual orientation etc. the point was he laughed about what I said and said people will vote for him anyway. Our elected officials should have morals and do what's right to protect us.
Well said, anonymous at 11:53, the crack about the wife was unnecessary
Social media battles with citizens....Sounds like Trump tweeting.
Jake should have let those people spend their Holiday weekend with their families instead of having them put themselves in this situation. I blame Jake and babs. How arrogant he is, i can see him demanding them to show up so that he could have his look at me day. Once again he had to be center of attention. And babs is just as bad as he is, she to put them out there more then they needed to be. and they every one should have followed the safe distance guidelines. Hell that parade should not have happened all together. All other things have been canceled as should this have been. Jake you are not above the law, as you think you are. You are no leader, You should be practicing some responsibility. However you are an arrogant ass. One day the Karma biotch will have her day with you. your day is coming and the biotch is going to hit you straight on. Every dog has his day and i Hope we are all around to see it.
I'm all for the drug testing of every government official. 100%
I do believe there were thousands waving at the parade of clowns, waving their middle fingers.
I will speak for my son who is a firefighter and took part in the parade. It was ALL VOLUNTEER the Mayor did NOT force ANYONE to partake in the parade it was not a mandated. My daughter has special needs and we enjoyed the parade. We are way off routine and she has been really struggling with everything going on. She doesn’t understand why she can’t got to school or why her aunt and uncle couldn’t come to our house for Easter or why she can’t have a birthday party next week with her friends and family so the parade gave her something to be excited about. I understand everyone’s concerns about the social distancing this is a very scary time but again those men and women in that picture WERE NOT FORCED TO STAND IN THE PHOTO. I don’t agree with how Jake responded he could have been more professional with his comments and only made 1 comment. But also a nerve was struck about his wife. Not going to get into Thoughts feelings and opinions about his wife but none of us not one of us know the actual true story behind it all who knows she may been trying to help another student it’s still against the law either way you cut it but that is life again there are many different scenarios that people have playing out in their heads but his wife had nothing to do with the parade. It’s not about his wife !!! they were trying to do something for the city to keep the spirit of Easter alive and to take the cities mind off of this pandemic even if it was for five minutes five minutes can make the world a difference for one child and that one child that I am speaking upon is my daughter and it made my son feel honored To be able to See everybody waving and I having smiles on their faces he said that was the best Easter gift for him.
but true.
1:02 What languages dumb and dumber??🙄
6:32 You did the right thing. The only ones that see a problem with what you said are the ones without a lick of common sense🤷♀️
11:53 But it was true. I don’t see the problem unless you can’t deal in facts🤷♀️
Jake Day is abusive so chew on that for a while!
I didn't even know about this parade I thought everyone was in quarantine so I wouldn't have went anyway especially when noone had a mask or gloves this may have set us back for more weeks.im a senior citizen with a compromised illness yes it makes me mad I've been obeying Hogans orders I haven't left my home in 2 months so why is it ok for a Easter parade that no one gets to enjoy .people getting locked up and fined for this.is it double standards.people who are supposed to serve and protect were out there breaking a order from our governor.im tired of not seeing my family but I'm doing what I'm told to do so I dont get sick or I dont get anyone else sick.
Contact the Governors office and register a complaint.
Looks like Mare Jakey Boi got B!tch slapped. How does that feel you pompous little PU$$Y!
She knocked the Jordan Gilmore jitty outta his mouf...
Anonymous said...
Bubble Head Jake still doesn't get it there were not thousands that came out to see a parade that wasn't even advertised, and we have never had Easter Parades that is OC MD's thing. Salisbury has Thanksgiving Parades and then you might see a few hundred not thousands. The only thousands Jake can address is the bees in his head that are buzzing too loud!!!!!!!!!!
April 15, 2020 at 9:29 AM
Ummm... Ocean City doesn't have an Easter Parade, they have a St. Patty's Day Parade. The only Easter Parades are done by Fruitland and Hebron and they both were canceled.
And another thing, Salisbury doesn't have a Thanksgiving Day Parade, it's a Christmas Parade done by the Jaycees. Any more dumb comments? You sound just as stupid as Jakey Boi.
Anonymous said...
Jake day is an arrogant ass. Knowing his family roots, surprises me that he is that self absorbed. Jake you know your creator and you need to check in with Him. Would He want you to be as obnoxious as you are? Would that be pleasing to Him?
April 15, 2020 at 9:39 AM
What's your point? WTH are you trying to say? Daddy Randy sees this Bullshit Jake does every day and supports this idiot. Proves that the DNA is corrupt.
Anonymous said...
Yes, it's true that first responders don't always have the luxury of social distancing. However, in this case it was completely reckless and unnecessary. Two totally different circumstances and to try and use that argument to justify the actions is idiotic.
April 15, 2020 at 9:38 AM
That is correct but they are always wearing the appropriate protective gear.
Barb Duncan and John Tull must have some very low self-esteem to stoop that low and kiss Jake's ass just to get the job as "Chief." Bunch of damn losers.
Anonymous said...
I see Melania's anti-cyber bullying campaign is paying off!
April 15, 2020 at 9:38 AM
Awww.. What Progressive Socialist wrote this?
Anonymous said...
Wow...he is full of himself, arrogant, and condescending. He didn't defend his wife, although she's guilty, but he certainly doesn't have her back as you would expect from a spouse. He needs to be knocked off his high horse, nobody's above the law and it's just a matter of time before Jake Day get his just desserts. We will all sit back and love watching that shit show
April 15, 2020 at 9:46 AM
Why would he defend his wife... He knows she blew those young boys for their Adderal and he kissed her when she came home. She was probably getting the drugs from her.
What I would like to know is who put the laughing emoji on that womans comment about Jakes criminal wife. Something tells me it was Jake because he does the same $hit on Nextdoor comments.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
He is so unprofessional. Someone in his position and with all his schooling should know how to respond without showing how childish he is. What he should say is thank you for your concerns. I will take them in consideration. He actually responds like he is a two year old. The parade was a terrible idea. He should akowledge that alot of people thought it was a bad idea. I heard it and thought something terrible had happened in town and said a prayer. Little did I know the truth. It was a waste of money and a risk of lives that is not what you need right now. I'm guessing he has spent our rainy day fund long ago so we need to tighten spending. Most people sitting in their house and some with no money coming in probably did not enjoy the fluff. He thinks he is perfect and everything he does is perfect. That makes him very dangerous.
April 15, 2020 at 9:42 AM
I agree with most of your comments but I don't know what you mean about all his schooling. He only has a bachelor's degree and attended a couple of seminars that mean nothing.
Anonymous said...
9:38 Are you defending Jakey??
April 15, 2020 at 9:55 AM
Yes, 9:38am #1 is definitely defending Jake and his stupid actions. Typical Socialist mentality.
Jake is an unprofessional somebody. I wanna know did he delete the comments and did he block her like he does everyone who disagrees with him?
There's something wrong with it when you pretend you aren't gay and trick someone into marrying you, then neglect and abuse them as an outlet for your issues.
I'm a teacher and totally agree. It would get rid of some of my subpar coworkers for sure. Though it would create an even larger teacher shortage, but that's a whole other issue.
Jakes a douche bag for sure but that comment about his his was pretty ignorant IMHO she could’ve still made her point without getting into the pig sty with Jake
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