DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Are Businesses Taking Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Seriously?
Having been a witness to stores being packed and parking lots looking like "Black Friday," clearly no one is taking this BS order seriously. Oh well, he got his LOOK AT MEEEE, LOOK AT MEEEE moment so he can look important. Funny, when a KID tries to tell ADULTS what to do with their lives it's no wonder people are laughing at this fool.
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All bark no bite!
Only 4 weeks too late. Not bad for a child.
That's quite the signature.
The Mayor & City Council are a joke they posture sitting down businesses they deem shouldn’t be open But they allow Rita’s ice Stand to be open. Lines of college students standing like 6” apart! And this is not an essential business business with the virus worse every day. This town and how it is run is a big fat joke—let’s make sure all this fluff gets on the National news & gets child mayor Jake removed.
Like many politicians who are aspiring to higher offices, he is trying to stay in the public eye. You will hear all of this when he runs for higher office, "I was on the front line of the COVID-19 battle!" So sad that in this national crisis, politics and partisan divides are still running the thought process of some many of our nation's "leaders". At a time when we should be coming together as in past times like the depression, world wars, 9/11, etc., they are just taking us further apart. Hopefully a result of this nightmare will be a reconsideration of our government and its leaders by the citizens.
No, no one listens to Boi mayor. He can take his toys and go home.
@6:57 college has been dismissed. Are you sure they are students?
I wish when they gave us the stats on COVID patients, that they would include number admitted to hospital for complications and number that recovered at home. I think it would ease some people's minds if they didn't assume that everyone goes to the hospital and gets put on a ventilator.
Agree 6:47 AM; perhaps he should have been a doctor.
The governor has this under control. There is no need for this punk kid Day to try to jump up and down for attention. He needs to go back and crawl under a rock.
They can't keep control of a couple of panhandlers, so how are they going to be able to enforce this. What a joke.
It seems people thinks this a joke a deadly virus it seems they don't care about their self are anybody else lives !!
If business owners are taking the Mayor and his unconstitutional and unenforceable orders seriously, they may have issues as serious as he does. Now of course if the Mayor wants to send in city workers at City expense to accomplish all the tasks and objectives outlined in the Order, with the owners’ signing a waiver authorizing same; well that may be a different story.
7:21 Does it matter?
Even his signature is pompous. I wish him very bad health.
He's got to make a decision on his precious joke folk festival soon. That will be a disaster and I think he knows he can't pull it off, but won't admit it until it's caused alot of people alot of trouble.
And cost the city alot of money.
His city employees are working one week on and one week off (with pay) so he should have plenty of people to help enforce his plans.
It only matters to help people's mental health. As it is now, someone will cough and they automatically think the worst that they are going to die. We don't need that extra stress! Those extra stats would give us some hope for survival.
Yeah, I read where that fat EMS clown, Eric Cramer, from the Ghetto’Bury Far Deeparmint gonna put on his Far Marshill hat on and issue citations and or arrest you for a misdemeanor. LMFAO
10:56AM, Ditto!!
I just got back from Walmart and the employees could care less what the customers were doing.
Unknown said...
The Mayor & City Council are a joke they posture sitting down businesses they deem shouldn’t be open But they allow Rita’s ice Stand to be open. Lines of college students standing like 6” apart! And this is not an essential business business with the virus worse every day. This town and how it is run is a big fat joke—let’s make sure all this fluff gets on the National news & gets child mayor Jake removed.
April 6, 2020 at 6:57 AM
Jake Day owns Manure Bota and Jack Heath Bar so they work for him.
Anonymous said...
Even his signature is pompous. I wish him very bad health.
April 6, 2020 at 10:56 AM
From the Ghetto'bury Independent rag.
"City Fire Marshal Eric Kramer said he will be notifying businesses of the changes that become effective Monday. Anyone violating the order will be subject to a fine or misdemeanor charges, he said."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That fat slob doesn't have the authority to issue fines and he definitely doesn't have arrest powers. He needs to go back to riding that gutbucket and imitate being a paramedic.
Do you people ACTUALLY REALIZE you are putting your trust in the likes of: DAY, HEATH, BODA, JACKSON, DUNCAN, LEWIS, etc.?? Good luck with that dumbasses
Does his spouse have to stay home or does she have her dope delivered? Well she's married to a dope so I guess she's exempt!
They aren’t college students. They are “youths.”
Anonymous said...
Do you people ACTUALLY REALIZE you are putting your trust in the likes of: DAY, HEATH, BODA, JACKSON, DUNCAN, LEWIS, etc.?? Good luck with that dumbasses
April 6, 2020 at 3:32 PM
So what have you done about it, Dumbass??
Jake Day, some of us want to know why you allowed John Tull to hire his own son for the fire department? As the fire chief that is very unethical.
Letter To The Editor
Dear Editor,
Don't know if you are aware of this or not but nepotism is real in the Salisbury Fire Department. Did you know that Fire Chief John Tull hired his own son for a paid firemen's job? No shame in his game.
Deputy Chief Darrin Scott hired his son and his grandbaby daddy.
Former Fire Chief Rick Hoppes hired his nephew. Not sure if he hired any offspring. Maybe someone can confirm?
This is disgusting and unethical. Shame on you John Tull and Jake Day!
Hey Jake day, go have some chips and a juice box and shut the f*** Up.
Hey Mayor, please provide a detailed list of nonessential products and equipment. I suppose you could include some nonessential food products also, just so I do not make a mistake in keeping the public from having access. Thank you pal, much appreciated.
He's a clown car circling the drownabout counterclockwise in the bike lane!
What’s really going on here is as follows:
Selling food stamps platters out of their in house stores that are illegal and exposed to viruses.
Workers in scrubs so hi they can’t use a credit card buying snacks and blunts on their way to work.
Drug dealers wearing n9 masks, obviously they are essential and the scrubbed workers are protecting them for a kickback- hey works for politicians!
Customers who are buying things that are not essential and abusing the store employees who are enforcing policies and the covid orders.
Employees being exposed to people who are obviously very sick but they still go shopping and are not allowed to refuse service or entrance to the store.
People bringing their kids and whole families to go shopping.
Littering our whole area with wipes, masks and gloves!!!! Ewwww really?? Your protect yourself but can’t throw them away in a trash receptacles??
But the people who do follow the order and respect our workers who have no choice but to be exposed are there just few and far between these days because they are staying home like you should unless it completely necessary to get an essential item or medical help or you work the essential jobs like me.
9:08AM: 4/6/20...Hopefully this will help you: Nonessential is a very fluid definition because depending on the circumstances a nonessential item could in fact become essential. Therefore, have the consumer explain their circumstances and the need for the item(s) in order to make a determination as to whether they qualify for the essential definition. Once this Is obtained, forward to the Mayor’s office to await approval.
This process is sure to meet the approval of the Mayor and the logistics have probably already been established. LOL!
Maybe Jake should make a tough talk video and tell the virus to get out...like the racist graffiti scratching domestic terrorist at SU.
Why is this such a subject of tear down for Jake? Uh. Isn't making a public announcement kinda part of his job? All of these comments are making a mountain out of a...a nothing. Insanity.
so tell us oh genius Jake boi mare, what is essential? what may not be essential to you may be for the rest of us. Toys not essential to you? Well it may not be until your daughter faces a birthday and you can't go shop anywhere else to get it. A washer not essential to you? Not until yours goes up and you can't wash your dirty drawers. Coloring books and crayons not essential to you? Well many use it for mental health. Seeds not essential to you? Now is planting season and its mental stress reliever to many, Other gardening tools, not essential to you? Well don't have letters sent out when the grass is up to ones ass. New clothes not essential to you? Well many now because of jackasses like you and Hoagie are sitting around the house doing nothing but getting fat and lazy and may need those new drawers and jeans. What you may not to be essential may be essential to others so shut the F up and go eat your old bay cheese curls.
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