DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Mayor Jake Day
Publishers Notes: I think they meant "the year you've had" being the drug deal with your wife. The public would also like to know where you DONATED your new additional income as you guaranteed the public you would be donating ALL of the additional money beyond the old salary. After all Jake, that's how you conned the public and council into increasing your salary.
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You see the way Jake is condescending to the writer. He treats his wife that way 100 times worse. He calls her the most vulgar names one can image. Even in front of his little girls. He threw her on the ground by the throat threatened to kill her in front of the children.
But Jake Day is doing great things for Salisbury. At least that is what someone told me who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend.
Elections are rigged here. No one knows what the ACTUAL tally of the election was. The money that was donated to him were all the same jerks that have Jake in their back pocket. Like slum lords.
Gosh he is so cringe.
He is so rude, and lacks professionalism and maturity.
It is obvious in his response.
He still spewing that 86% lie, 2,000+ people and he thinks thats a win?
I moved out of the city limits and never looked back.
Best decision
Truly spoken from the F-ing idiot he is. Grow up punk boy. You represent my city. Anybody who is "well versed" in anything would not act like you.
What a smart-ass SOB! These are the words of a narcissistic self-glorifying hypocrite who only cares about his own ego. What decent Mayor would respond to concerned citizens in such an arrogant manner? How is the spread of this virus going to stop with people from highly infected areas being allowed to come here? It's not! Total "confirmed" cases up to 76 today just in Wicomico alone. Wonder how many of those cases may have been brought in from those other states? Those of us who are staying imprisoned in our homes being responsible are sick of these selfish people who don't give a damn about others. If anybody deserves to get coronavirus it's Jake Day; bet that would change his arrogant ignorant tune.
Jake Day has "nothing" to gloat and brag about. He has destroyed this city of Salisbury.
What jakey boy does is classic Alinsky tactics. Attack and demean the person who dares to challenge his actions. The little "emporer has no clothes". He really is a horrible person.
OMG! Salisbury elected a fourth grader to be mayor? I am so glad I don't live in that rat nest of a town. I won't even admit or tell anyone I was born and raised there.
His parents created this monster. Have in to every whim. He is a nobody. UMD, Carnegie Melon, Oxford and made a part time Mayors job into a full time job. Makes 25,000 a year. Never home with his family. When he is, he seriously abuses his wife in front of those little girls. He is no a man. He lives off his parents. He can’t function without their money.
I’m not from DaBury
Is this a woman transitioning to a man?
This is what the citizens of salisbury voted for. Glad they have to put up with this pip squeak sob
What is most revealing is that "his city", on the brink of disaster, already half impoverished, illness and death rising, and he thinks it is time for a parade.
231-Wouldn't Jake have to have a set of balls to begin with, in order to transition to something without one?
Mr and Mrs Randy Day
While you are at home tonight please go look in the mirror and ask yourselves wtf you were thinking raising such a narcissist pos.
Jacob day is a scub bag! Ask anyone....
who in the hell in their right mind gave him chair over a task force? did he appoint himself into that position? i can name so many more people that are more qualified and with a better attitude. Jake youre an ass!
I had lunch next to Jake Day a couple years ago. He was there to speak with a local Restaurateur about the benefits of local establishments. While he acted like a spoiled child, someone was smart enough for him to have a lady to conduct the interview. He sat there with his arms crossed, slouched in his chair while the proprietor was offering food to have during the interview. He would not raise an eyebrow until the owner said it was on the house, to which he ordered the crab cake, the most expensive lunch item. He noticeably acted like a little baby, but seemed to think he was straight from a gangster movie. It was the saddest site to see, I could not believe this was the mayor, and I told the owner he should offer all the children crayons if they are misbehaving, or acting like babies while dining there, looking directly at Jake. He looks like Burt from Sesame Street, and acts like Sesame Street's target audience. He has mastered the adult tantrum, having submissive parents his whole life. His friends have been well compensated to back him up. Beware of his toothy grin, it has no more sincerity than a door to door vacuum salesman. He is full of sh!t.
if you have direct knowledge of this
you need to call Pikeville State Police ( HAND GUN PERMIT SECTION)
and tell the MSP of this
They will pull Jake Days handgun permit
Jake Carey's a gun with Conceal Carry Permit
turn the heat up on this clown
Liberals are rooting for the virus while they cry that Trump caused it.
The more Americans that get infected the more they get to slam Trump. Don't fall for their B.S. The virus is bad and is killing people. That is making the liberals shake with joy. Remember it was the DEMS that said to never let a good crisis go to waste. They are using covid 19 as a political tool. Time to wake up my fellow Americans
Anonymous said...
Elections are rigged here. No one knows what the ACTUAL tally of the election was. The money that was donated to him were all the same jerks that have Jake in their back pocket. Like slum lords.
April 15, 2020 at 1:03 PM
"Like slum lords" ... yes, like John Cannon
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