DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 27, 2020
March 26 call/email to Wicomico school families and staff:
Good evening, Wicomico school families and staff. This is Donna Hanlin, Superintendent of Schools, with an update. By now, you are probably already aware that the state extended the closure of Maryland Public Schools through April 24th as part of addressing the public health crisis of coronavirus, COVID-19. But while school buildings continue to be closed, instruction will resume next week. Flexibility and understanding are going to be key words as we work together to ensure that students are engaged in meaningful instruction moving forward. It’s also important to note that weekday distribution of meal bundles for children will continue for now at numerous school and community locations. Please check our website for exact locations in the community.
There are many questions that need to be answered with this extended closure of our schools. One question is about the calendar and whether or not the days missed these last two weeks will be waived. That question has not yet been answered. We are awaiting that decision from leaders at the state level and will announce that decision as soon as we know.
In the meanwhile, I encourage you to take care of two tasks before this week is over to support your student. First, if you have not already done so, please complete the student access to technology survey using the link emailed by the school or schools in which you have students. And second, students in grades 1-12 and their parents should check Family Portal to see where the student’s grades stand for the 3rd term.
Effective Monday, March 30th, all of our staff will be working again, even though they will be doing so from remote locations. The focus throughout next week will be on teachers and students working together to quickly wrap up work for the 3rd marking term. Students will have the chance to complete previous assignments as needed to finish the term with the best grade that they can earn. Our students will have the chance to improve their grade if they wish, but no student will see their grade fall from where it was on March 13th, when classes were suspended. Again, check the Family Portal for the status of 3rd-term grades.
Instruction for the 4th marking term will begin on Monday, April 6th. The structure of instruction will look different from anything any of us has probably ever experienced, but we are committed to ensuring that key standards and essential skills are being delivered for every student. We will initially target the core content areas of math and reading in elementary school, and math, English Language Arts or English, science and social studies for middle and high school. Instructional resources that we have been working hard to create these past two weeks will be available online and in printed form beginning with the week of April 6th, and for every week thereafter during this extended closure.
Teachers, you can expect to hear from your principals before the week is over about your role in the continuity of learning. Parents and guardians can expect to continue to hear from principals and will begin to hear from your student’s teachers next week about how to access both online and hard copy learning materials.
I know you have many questions that we have not yet addressed. Please know that we are focused first and foremost on resuming instruction for our students. Answers about other aspects of our school system and instruction are in the works and will be coming soon. Please stay home if you can, keep social distancing, and be part of helping all of us get safely through this difficult time. Thank you.
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So they will probably be off until the school year starts again on September 8th. I'll bet the teachers and administrators will still be getting paid while the rest of us are unemployed.
I think the misery should be spread evenly.
They got their tax increase and I am certain those property tax bills will soon be coming in the mail!!!
Should be interesting to see how people will be able to pay it this year when so many of us are now unemployed!
I'm sure Donna will still be getting her fat check on the gravy train with biscuit wheels!
I am willing to bet that this extended closure of public schools will reveal that no lasting or long term damage was done to the students. People will be amazed to see just how little value there is in the standard public school curriculum once students get beyond basic reading and math.
Yes, give these kids something to do....parents letting many roam the streets, not all, but many. They all have cell phones and want to talk on them during school anyway so now they can put them to good use!!!
Blahaahaahaahaa, Yeah, sure. Blahaahaahaahaa.
Simply stated; we had no continuity of operations plan (COOP), we have no clue what to do so, lets makes some dumb stuff up on the fly.
We have a teacher shortage, please apply!
Well said 5:10!!!
if I wanted to be a teacher
I'd apply to the local jails
these punks in public school will eventually go to prison
A point was made today that why not just pass the kids anyway. That's what they do on a normal school year. Pass them to get them out of the way. I don't think much is lost here.
Maybe you can help them before they go to jail
What a Bimbo!
John Palmer, Gene Malone, Ann Suthowski and Tonya Laird Lewis we are going to do everything in our power to make sure you clowns are not re-elected!! You made a stupid mistake reappointing this dumb bimbo. What is sad is that RINO Palmer told me she is doing great things for the schools. Sounds like what the RINO's say about Jake Day but then again John Palmer, Republican Central Committee member said the same thing about Jake Day when he endorsed and supported him.
That has to be the most idiotic statement in the history of mankind.
Our teachers don’t want to be away. They will spend countless hours and resources preparing lessons for an environment none of us have ever really done.
How about you jump off this equality train and try to start helping to figure out how you can actually help society and not just be another boil on the butt of humanity?
Life isn’t always fair- get over it. I assume you have complained about it your whole life- and ended up getting pampered because of it. Pick your job wisely (if you can get one) maybe it will be one where the sacrifice pays off once in a while.
And no...I’m not a teacher.
After analyzing your statement 510, except for history, you are probably correct
If only there were an internet infrastructure to enable increased on-line learning.
Think of it. No more classless bums fighting like pigs in the lunchroom to be posted on FB. No more school shootings. No more armed guards or police presence. No more multi-million dollar buildings and facilities.
All the youth would need is self-discipline and motivation to succeed.
Sorry, I wasted your time.
Dear readers,
It will be interesting to see how quickly both common core and the testing mandates die off. Please believe me that any teacher worth their salt would be happy to not deal with each of the poorly though out and planned assessments and curricula. I am hopeful that if nothing else, a bit of sanity will return to America’s public schools, and the the long liberal push is replaced with a conservative agenda.
Kind regards,
It is embarrassing as an adult to read these comments.it takes the parents as well as the teachers to teach our children what the need to make it in this world !!If we as parents make our kids leave those phones at home or not have guns around our children wouldn’t. Be able to put anything on FB at school and no shootings would happen.. If your child acts up in school and they call the parent half of them will come in and cuss the teacher and not punish the child then get mad because your child gotta stay home with you ! Instead of the whole I can’t work I’m unemployed go find a job that is working .Or better yet file unemployment and home school your child !I am not a teacher but I was raised in a time were it takes a village to raise children .its not like that anymore .now it’s all complaining ,finger pointing and placing blame and no one is recognizing there piece in all this madness!! I hope all remain well and in the best of health!
Hi Donna!, F' school. It's the last thing anyone needs to worry about. 90% of what you are teaching is indoctrination propaganda, lies, half-truths, and BS. The 10% you actually do teach that is worth anything is math and English. We can cover those ourselves in the interim. Thanks! Have a great day.
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