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Sunday, March 15, 2020
A Viewer Writes......Barnes and Bias is not Noble (3-12-2020)
Barnes and Bias is not Noble
Joe, my wife and I stopped into Barnes & Noble Saturday evening and I was enraged to see no less than 23 anti-President Trump books placed in the best sellers and new book showcase at the front of the store. There were 2 books that could have been classified Pro Trump . I confronted a man at the counter and told them they had sunk to a new low and this is ridiculous bias against our president in which he responded “Good and ran away to the back of the store) . I was there at least 20 more minutes and he never returned. I also noticed extreme bias for Obama and separate sections for Trevor Noah and Oprah Winfrey and of course none of president Trumps books were anywhere to be found nor any prominent authors with conservative views. Barnes and Noble should be boycotted by all Trump supporters until they at least make an effort to be fair . The Bias is extreme and sickening!
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It’s called the free market. Libs read books, conservatives watch Fox.
Since most media is now online and you can download books on a Kindle, I am surprised they are still in business.
I was there a few weeks ago to get a children's book for a baby shower, and for a Saturday there were very few people there. I saw a few at Starbucks and a few parents came in for a book reading at the children's section, but saw no one purchasing any books or magazines.
I also saw many many liberal publications, but the conservation ones like Michael Savage or Bill O'Reilly were somewhere off to the side, they were on the New York Times best seller list!
Most of the books were over Thirty dollars for the Hardbacks.
Not much of a bargain when you download it on a Kindle for half the price or much less!
Barns do not house nobles, only horses and cows.
What do you expect. Barnes and noble is mecca to the SJW's. Those weird Sjw's don't buy the books they go in grab a book and sit on the floor to read. Stop spending money at these bias businesses and eventually they will go away.
I have boycotted Barnes & Noble for the past 6 months or so ever since they automatically billed by credit card another year's membership fee, with no notice to me until I received my bill! I called the credit card company, who got the B&N manager on the same line, who told me that the automatic billing is in the fine print when you take out a membership. I have been a member off and on for years and never had been automatically billed before. Apparently they added that little bit of trivia without bringing it to the attention of the customer! It made me so mad that I stayed out of there for Christmas purchases for all my grandchildren and ever since. Very offensive practice!
That does it. I am through with Barnes & Noble. You can get books lots cheaper elsewhere anyway. I will never darken their doorway again.
April 16, 2018: 12:18 PM ET: Every top New York Times best-seller this year has been about Trump.
Things haven't changed much in two years.
It's about sales, not nobility.
Boycott? I didn't know it was still open.
Barnes and Noble has always been that way.
The owner hides his money in the Cayman Islands and gives millions to the alphabet people.
Put the pro Trump books over the anti Trump books. I do it all the time.
Move on my friend, their nothing but a bunch of geek librarian wannabes anyway.
Thanks for taking the time. I especially like the homage to Obama. I would have never believed it to be that ridiculous without seeing it. Good job!
Oh they’re definitely biased or at least their staff is. I usually pick up a couple of those books (especially the one by Michelle Obama) and place them in the mental health section🤷♀️
They display what sells. 2:37pm explained it perfectly.
I have shopped there for years. I will never return.
lol liberals cant read
Liberals swear their billions come from sell of books not corruption - right. How many people in Salisbury pay their book prices. Also I believe this is an Eastern Shore issue. Trump haters
The fact that any of this surprises the author of the post indicates how frequently he sets foot in a book store.
Have seen many, if not all, of the latest best selling conservative (pro-Trump) books at Walmart, and they cost much less there.
Screw over-rated over-priced liberal Barnes & Noble. Hope they soon go out of business.
That is an untrue ignorant statement.
Had that happen to me also and I was very upsetting.
Take off the tin foil hat.
Stores put out books that people will buy. If people were buying Trump books.. those would be out in front.
This is super simple. It's basic capitalism.
Stop letting poisonous partisanship cloud your better judgement.
8:51, you are full of it. Liberal employees place the books where they want, who do you think you are kidding. Books are cheaper anywhere else so people, don't darken their doors for any reason and they will go away.
For trump books try Sam’s Club.
No the power of suggestion sells books. When you put it out front along with the other trash you sell it gets more attention. Suggestive selling is a large part of marketing. I will not do business with any public store that takes part in sided politics. Although you may be right 8:51. Those that sit in mom's basement reading books all day probably do gravitate towards the left. Those that work hard all week probably go towards books by the right. Stores like Dicks, Target, and Barnes do not get my hard earned money.
I see the one book front and center titled Becoming Michelle Obama. Is that some what of an admission? You know like I was Michael now I am Michelle.
Did you just assume the author's gender?!?
Thanks for showing the bias at Barnes & Noble. From now on, I'll spend my money elsewhere.
“Enraged...... confronted......sickening”.
Dude....it’s a book store. Chill out and have a scone.
I was appalled Barnes & Noble children's table I found the left books only!! I added story of Hitler. I wanted to purchase a best seller about Trump and it was very very difficult to find my experience at Barnes & Noble was disgust and disappointment!
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