“I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Let Up”: Governor Hogan Discusses Violent Crime Crisis on WBAL
“If you want to talk about a life and death matter, it’s doing something about the people that are actually getting shot and killed on the streets of Baltimore.”
“If you want to talk about a life and death matter, it’s doing something about the people that are actually getting shot and killed on the streets of Baltimore.”

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Hogan appeared live on WBAL’s “The C4 Show” to discuss the need to pass his legislation to address the violent crime crisis in Baltimore City. Here are excerpts from his interview:
“I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to let up...I’m as frustrated as anyone else because I have been trying to do something for five years but I’m not getting a whole lot of support and not getting a lot of folks that are actually focused on the real problem.”
“A headline in today's Sun says it's a matter of life and death if we don't pass this $33 billion increase in spending on schools. Well, you know, we can talk about what we're going to do with schools over the next 10 years. We have some of the best and the most highly funded schools in America. We obviously all want to see improvements in our schools, but if you want to talk about a life and death matter, it’s doing something about the people that are actually getting shot and killed on the streets of Baltimore. We have a tough crime package that we submitted to the legislature that nearly everyone in the city supports, everyone in the state supports, which we can talk about. Instead, for 42 days, the legislature has ignored that legislation. Just since they've been in session, 38 more people have been killed and 59 more people have been shot while they've done nothing about crime.”
“I'm going to keep hammering this, not because I want to disagree or have a fight with them, but because I want to stop people from being killed in the city. We have more people murdered in Baltimore City, we have 600,000 people, than in New York City with 8,600,000 people. We’re the murder capital of America. I mean, it's crazy.”
“We have a bill to toughen penalties for those who intimidate witnesses, because one of the problems is people will see a shooting in broad daylight but they're afraid, understandably so...they're afraid of retribution. And people are being intimidated. So we have a bill that toughens penalties for those who intimidate witnesses, 91% support statewide...There's not a soul in Baltimore City who is against this witness intimidation bill. And yet, not a single city leader has come out in favor of it, not a single city legislator has signed onto our bill, and the legislature has done nothing for 42 days.”
Hogan might want to ask the US Military to stop importing heroin from Afghanistan
That would help
Anything in the bill to allow law abiding citizens the right to carry. Or just more feel good useless legislation
The bottom line is there will always be killings in Baltimore and cities like Baltimore. Lets face it any major city controlled by democrats suffer this epidemic. Black on Black violence is the number one killer of Black men. Democrats in the U.S. began the hype on police killings of Black men. Well where murder and guns are part of the landscape the police will be involved using deadly force at a higher rate. Stop blaming the police or politicians for the acts of your children. Raise them in manner to stay off the streets killing one another for the color of a rag or a corner to sling dope. T.V. and Rap glorified this violence. What was the agenda of Hollywood in this glorification of Black death. It is the Democrats party line throw money at it and it will go away. Well how is that working for you. The Dems want gun control. Mexico has the toughest gun control as with most of South America. Mexico had over 60 thousand murders in the last ten years. Funny you never hear about the Bloods and the Crips any longer do we believe they are gone. No they grown by the thousands in the last year. It is politically incorrect to talk about Black gangs in America because of the Democrat population and liberal media controlling news. I am angry at the thousands of White men that died fighting for freedom in the Civil War that get zero respect of a culture they died for. Time to clean up your people and the issues that throwing money at it will not help. Time for America to be the country all races can be proud of. Time to put up or shut up politicians are getting rich while we buy into rhetoric the media spouts and thousands of young Black men die living the thug life. Teach our children to love God and Country the rest will take care of its self.
Yes 11:25 just more feel good useless legislation
I don’t abide by unconstitutional Statutory Laws, how about you?
I don’t need permission to carry a weapon, how about you?
Well Legacy Larry, these 8 years youve been in control and things have steadily gotten worse. Murder records being set while you and your administration spend weeks making sure law abiding citizens are stripped of due process rights under YOUR red flag garbage..that stops bloodymore deaths how? MILLIONS of dollars in AID to help bloodymore ALL disappear under your watch. Thousand and thousands of MD citizens call and email you to stop punishing us and get after the criminals. You hide quietly while MGA put chains and restrictions and strip civil rights from good citizens with BAD gun laws rather than discuss laws to make the killings stop. You bode your time, 8 years, exactly the way you wanted. You wait till the last cpl months to raise your voice and shout at everyone else. No one is listening. Your own capitol police right in front of your house violate the law on several citizens yet YOU still remain silent.
Hogan dosent even give a rats patoota about those that voted for him let alone the thugs killing each other, he just now realized its HIS legacy.
Spend some time sitting in these MGA hearings and youll see why nothing real gets done.
Learn how to fight with your hands.
If things are so bad in Baltimore why does he want to make Maryland a sanctuary state--he talks out of both mouths. We do not need to be a sanctuary state or Salisbury as a city get it the people do not want it. If you want crime to get down in Baltimore quit letting repeat offenders out of jail, quit making it easier and easier in your courts, and taking away rights of police officers and making their jobs harder and criticizing everything they try to do. He is just like Jake he likes attention but won't change things for the better--absolutely the worst Governor we have ever had. Jake the worst Mayor Salisbury has ever had, he can't even control his wife or himself. Impeach them both and fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont bring those hands to a gun fight
The caveman always has a say. Fight with your hands he says. What world do you live in? We been shooting each other for over a century. We went to the moon 50 years ago.
What was it like growing up never fearing for your life? That rear ender you almost got into had you scared to death huh lol.
So the cops shouldn't carry guns either huh? They can use there fist? If not they soft snowflakes huh?
How many times you break your knuckles fighting? My guess is none.
No thanks, my kids in danger the last thing im using is my fist.
Hogan isn’t a perfect governor but it seems people have forgotten the eight years of the former idiot Martin Owemalley. Each year he raised taxes and ‘fees’ .Over 40 new tax and fee increases and all He did was whine how broke Maryland was.
He was addicted to spending the taxpayers money. Hogan has eliminated or reduced many of those increases without raising taxes since taking office.
Get rid of Maryland Justice Reinvestment Act... that would be a great start...
Hogan steals money from the State Employee Retirement Fund just like O'Malley did and nothing paid back into the fund and no interest. That is the only way ROGUE HOGAN has been quit on taxes. The Kirwan plan will raise taxes that Hogan supports.
Hogan doing nothing about the Killings in Baltimore but takes or put restrictions on law abiding MD citizens gun owners. That is Hogan's Democrat way.
Did you and me go to the moon?
Who is "We"?
Are you certain anyone went to the moon?
How did they survive the Van Allen Radiation Belt?
Really funny.
Yes, I'm on the floor, but I'm trying not to roll around.
Implement stop and frisk.
124, do you remember "Spendening"
6:53 How do know there is a Van Allen Radiation Belt
National Guard in Baltimore is the answer. Lock and Load!
Jingaling jingaling
Northwest Woodsman: All the policies, laws, and intervention programs have no effect when the problem comes from the culture and those who make up that culture. I am fortunate to reside in a racially homogeneous society on an island in the northwest. We have virtually no violent crime and I sometimes wonder if I’m dreaming. Face it, four hundred years is insignificant in the process of genetic development and I wonder how many years it will take to mutate savage behavior to a more civilized one. Ten thousand? A million? Either way, we will never see it. Face it, only drastic measures will result in positive changes.
Obviously Hogan hasn't tapped into the Salisbury news of Jake Day's wife and Jake's connection trying sinking your teeth into that one and clean your own swamps not just trying to get 15 minutes of media attention to your self. The swamp needs cleaning and it begins with you.
Northwest Woodsman: The comment by 11:40 is one of the best I have ever read. I totally agree with that comment.
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