DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 02, 2020
A Viewer Writes: Disparate Justice in Wicomico
Good morning Joe, I've had this on my mind for some time now. How can we take a Bennett guidance counselor and give him 20 yrs in prison for consensual having sex with his 17 yr old babysitter, but not a word is being brought up about Jake's wife and all of the impropriety surrounding her. I am not a sjw but have an incredible problem with the massive amount of disproportionate justice and selective justice that's been dispensed in our area. I recall the nooses and pitchforks brought out during the charging phase for Allen Mitchell. Inversely everyone was trying to talk about how poor, misunderstood Liz was "a good person" & "her job's very stressful". If our leaders and civil servants don't dispense blind justice with the same tenacity & measurement for crimes against our youth then perhaps it's time for an actual change. We've seen what 'a new day' will get you, but how about a clean slate instead? Would love to see somebody shake the tree long enough. Who knows what would drop down....
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I'M WHITE but this is definitely WHITE PRIVILEGE hopefully the jury sees it the same way my bet the LIB DA will give her NICE PROBATION..... JOE can you post the DAs telephone # For the people so we can ALL CALL to let them k ow WE THE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING THIS CASE
Very very well said
Agree. Its still a good ole boy network around here.
She’s got white privilege and connections on her side. And I completely agree she’s going to get nothing for what she has done. I’m not buying that it was just two pills but here’s the thing, there’s a lot more ladies taking Adderall without prescriptions. They take it to lose weight and stay thin. I’m pretty certain that’s why she was harassing students for it but that doesn’t explain the sexual harassment that was going on.
What county is she being tried in ? And when
Jakes wife needs to be thrown in jail
your comparing buying 2 adderall pills to sexual abuse of a minor? get your heads out of the sand.
DAs # Please.
It was BOTH BUT some people ARE covering it up.
Not that it will help, Jamie Dykes is friends with the Days.
Haven't seen Her in Awhile !!! D-bury Favorite Celebrity !!!!
I agree there is a difference in pills vs sex. But the nurse at Crisfield got a slap on the wrist.
...and to the person who thinks this is only over 2 adderall pills, are you really that naive??? Do you think this is the first time she tried to get pills?
10:55 Yea I’m sure she only bought “2” adderall pills. Stay blind sheep🐑
Unless we were there ,I believe we should let the courts decide ,just because she is Jakes wife shouldn't matter .
Well was it white privilege or who you know or who you are related to.
Folks for one Liz's charge is not a felony like Mitchells. She was charged with a misdemeanor. Give it time. Look at eskridge. Its been over a year and still no court. Look at the scum bag at Parkside Eurie. No court yet either. This stuff takes time. Relax.
It’s privilege but not white privilege,this is privilege of political standing.
Did she not give away sexual favors to some of these minors? That fact was in the first report. She needs to get at least mandatory 20 yrs w/o parole and day for day. If she was a male that is what they would get, but our so called justice system is 2 fold. Males get slammed and females get nothing. Liberals calls that justice and not sexual discrimination.
This isn't White privilege which doesn't exist.This is democrat and MSM privilege. The same reason, Obama, Hillary , Kerry , Comey , Clapper , Brennan and a whole lot more never go to jail. The media ignores why the liberal establishment gets away with all sorts of crime.
If you think for one minute anything is going to happen to her, or if you think for one minute that Day, the city, the county and the State give a crap what you think, you have another thought coming to you.
Google it. Stop expecting everyone to give u everything in life.
Looks like a female INMATE in a Jail !!! Will fit right in !!!
Jail officers will enjoy her !!! LOL LOL
From what I understand, she was involved with more than just attempting to obtain Adderall. (I seriously doubt this was the first time she did it.) Regardless, she should absolutely not get off with a slap on the wrist. I believe a lot of what happened has already been swept under the rug. Why would a teacher have cell phone/Instagram info for students? That in it self is totally improper. Trying to buy prescription medication from anyone should be a criminal offense, but from a child? In school? By an employee of said school? Absolutely outrageous. She should be punished by the courts AND be forbidden from working with or near children!
True, it’s apples and oranges. People allow hatred to cloud their judgement
its called goggle, Jamie L. Dykes, Ad Interim State’s Attorney
Office of the State's Attorney for Wicomico County
309 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1006
Salisbury MD 21803
Phone 410-548-4880
Fax 410-860-2425
Email jdykes@wicomicocounty.org
White privilege is a myth concocted on a University campus to disparage people born to the white race without looking like a racist yourselves
White privilege ??? That’s the most racist term I’ve heard . You need to check your racism
The guidance counselor was having sex with many young girls some were freshmen and doing it in his office . He also took pictures of these young girls and was trading them on the internet. He is a predator and 20 years is a slap on the wrist and a slap in the face of every parent in the county.
If she is at home is she at least under house arrest, if not should be she is after all a drug dealer selling to teenagers underage. And why are we not hearing more on a trial, and I hope we get parent age Jurors. Jake needs to be questioned too he had to know and might have been involved up to his squirrel teeth.
Yes coercing a minor to buy/sell drugs and using private information to find a vulnerable child to prey on is just as disgusting as the sexual misconduct and should be punishable with jail and the revocation of teaching/counseling privileges
And why has no one printed anything about the talbot county public school teacher who was arrested in Dorchester County for 1st & 2nd degree assault, fire arm use, reckless endangerment and false imprisonment. He’s still being detained in Dorchester County.
She deserves to go to jail! White Privilege for sure! Sad case! May justice be served!
If you're using the racial slur 'white privilege' to shut people up, maybe you're the problem
The crimes ARE NOT in any way proportional. The harm brought by her crime is mainly to herself. The student wont have any trauma from the incident. In the GC's case, there was physical as well as psychological trauma done to the child. If the crimes were proportional (or even carried a proportional sententance) and she got off, you'd have a case for white priviledge or "GOB" networking. But the crimes are apples and oranges.
It has nothing to do with being white.
Its political
@10:18 No dear it's not white privilege is political and wealth privilege.
She will never go to trial...pbj or the charges will be dropped
She just a Normal Wicomico County Teacher !!!!
Are the Good Ole Boys actually Freemasons?
If so, it is not a Good Ole Boy network.
It is instead a Freemason Network.
Just like every other town
You can't compare sexual abuse and drug abuse. But she should get the maximum penalty for her crime just like the sexual abuser should. Both were in the school system and entrusted with people's children but abused that privilege. Its disgusting. The jury on that Crisfield nurse case should be ashamed of themselves. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they let that pitiful excuse for a woman off with barely a slap on the wrist.
She's a good lookin little broad shame she's so messed up in the head.
ISN'T she being tried in Talbot ???
I thought they got a CHANGE OF VENUE ?
No witnesses,no documents!...Acquitted!
Didn’t it take place on school property? Doesn’t that result in serious charges too?
Why do racist always got to play the race card it doesn’t exist
While there are rumors of more pill purchases, and rumors of sex with students...that's not what she was charged with. And of course she's not going to jail, she's the mayor's wife. Its not right but that's how it works. Anyone, anywhere with connections and/or money to hire a well connected attorney will get the best deal possible. Again, that's how it works. It might not be fair but that's the justice system. She's NOT going to jail at all. And based on the charges she shouldn't.
Yes, as in political privilege
Normal ?????????
And ?
It’s all they have
She is not a freemason
sexual harrassment ?
Special prosecutor...call THEM instead...
3:31 and 3:32
They postponed it from February to April but it is still listed as Wicomico County Courts. The attorney listed for the plaintiff (the state) is Wicomico States Att and the Calvert County states Att.
she should be behind bars just as all others would be.
It’s her first offense so that’s why she won’t go to jail
You know, these are serious accusations against this woman, and she should be punished if true. But some of you are just too vicious and seem to enjoy being so.
Continually attacking this person and/or her spouse does NOT make any of you a better person. Quite the opposite. Everyone has the right to be outraged, as many rightfully are.
However, please show some restraint and if possible, a little bit of class and decorum. Just like demoncrats with this impeachment hoax, it just makes you look worse, and WRONG.
A variety of charges were made by members of the public when this case broke. So far the charges actually made by law enforcement are fewer and perhaps lesser. But they served to get her arrested and out of the school. A change of venue and placing the case in the hands of prosecutors from a different county appears to have been done.
It may take some time for the other threads of the case to be investigated; if they prove out she can be charged for those offenses, too. The initial allegations were certainly as serious as the Mitchell case, but the actual charges to date are less serious, although they should lead to loss of teaching license in addition to any court penalties.
Time will tell. Let's hope actual justice is done.
You can’t fix crazy..but..,you CAN have great sex with it.
D-bury pimps are looking for her !!!! LOL
Anonymous said...
She’s got white privilege and connections on her side. And I completely agree she’s going to get nothing for what she has done. I’m not buying that it was just two pills but here’s the thing, there’s a lot more ladies taking Adderall without prescriptions. They take it to lose weight and stay thin. I’m pretty certain that’s why she was harassing students for it but that doesn’t explain the sexual harassment that was going on.
February 1, 2020 at 10:30 AM
I don't define giving young boys "Blow Jobs" as sexual harassment. That is pure unadulterated sexual contact with a minor.
Anonymous said...
Not that it will help, Jamie Dykes is friends with the Days.
February 1, 2020 at 11:09 AM
And she supported and endorsed him for Mare during the city election and so did Little Boi Mike Lewis whose boys were in charge of investigating the sexual abuse of a minor charge which everyone at Bennett High School knows what happened, and so do many parents.
Mike and Jamie were both all over FB and Social Media supporting and endorsing Fake Jake Day for Mare of Salisbury over the Republican Wayne King. As Republicans in high positions, you two cooked your goose for any upcoming elections. This endorsement and this case will follow you and haunt your future political endeavors forever. #NeverForget
Being White privilege is a hoax And a racial slur probably not that
The term “white privilege “ is a dog whistle for left wing racists
Correct. It is privilege but not white privilege. All about who you know
So if someone rapes a kid and it's there first time caught NO JAIL ?
Others wouldn’t be on a first offense.
From the desk of Jamie Dykes...
Allen Mitchell sentenced to twenty years for sexual abuse of a minor. State's Attorney Jamie L. Dykes said, “Those who garner the trust of the community, then betray that trust by seducing our children do immeasurable harm to their victims and their victims’ families. We will only put an end to these abuses of power by revealing it for what is and holding violators accountable. In the words of a valiant and amazing young woman giving her victim impact statement today, speaking to Mitchell, ‘You ruined your own life, I simply brought light to the evil that consumed this community.’”
Let's see if the same level of scrutiny is used on the Day's
10:35, that's exactly what this is. Sex with a underage minor is statuary rape regardless if there was consent. I hope Dykes and Lewis do the right thing here. Those students need to be protected from sexual predators and its getting worse in the schools all the time. Look how many that have been arrested over the last 5 years alone in Wicomico county schools. It has to stop!
D-bury's Favorite Dartboard !!!
That exactly what those teenage boys are thinking.
Those teenage boys loved every moment. They’re heroes in the eyes of their buddies.
If her last name wasn’t Day, would this be getting this type of attention?
Liz is not a White privileged young lady. She comes from a middle class family and she has worked hard to make a life for herself and family. She met the wrong person JACOB DAY who used her for his own political aspirations. He is and egotistical schmuck trying to climb the political ladder. This idiot thinks he is going to be governor. Plays army on weekends and is going away to serve not because he believes it’s a good cause, but so he can future is career.
Here is the real issue he is abusive to his wife behind closed doors. He has no regard for her as a human being. In public he plays the role like all is well.
Was there sex ? So far only gossip
If Liz needs a place to hang out, she can’t hang with me.
Boys probably Blackmailed her for sex & she said NO !!!
Anonymous said...
Unless we were there ,I believe we should let the courts decide ,just because she is Jakes wife shouldn't matter .
February 1, 2020 at 11:30 AM
It amazes me how many of these idiots are so quick to defend and protect this child molestor, Liz!!
How come you MORON's weren't so quick to defend Judge Kavanaugh or President Trump when they came under attack??? You worthless Pieces of $hits !!
Plays army on weekends and is going away to serve not because he believes it’s a good cause, but so he can future is career.
Here is the real issue he is abusive to his wife behind closed doors. He has no regard for her as a human being. In public he plays the role like all is well.
February 2, 2020 at 3:46 PM
I absolutely hate those who use military service as a stepping stone in politics. They aren't serving their country, they are serving themselves.
Thanks Joe for NOT sweeping this crap under the rug
I can assure Jamie is no friend of Days.
Really? Can i proposition your children for drugs while under the guise of authority.
Its called mixed messages and its what confuses children when morality is put to the test.
Defending this with Moral relativity is as disgusting as the act itself.
We will probably never know the full extent of what Liz Day did but that doesn't make what that guidance counselor did. He was wrong and as far as I'm concerned he's lucky it was only 20 years!
Boys wanted a 3some with her , she says no, they turn her in !!!
If true they could be charged with sexual extortion... do you have names ???
I am not sure this is a case of "white privilege" rather than good 'ol boys political privilege. For years Mike Lewis and the Salisbury City Police have looked the other way when the mayor is drunk driving, ends up in ditches, etc. This is not exclusive to this mayor either.
I have been directly ordered to look the other way when the previous mayor ended up in a ditch, drunk.
This is nothing new.
Lewis needs to be investigated
he is very dirty and should be in jail himself
hell, I'll lock Lewis in his cell
She looks good in a Thong !!!
Jacob Day is mean spirited self serving individual. He has an alcohol problem. Frequents the local bars when the opportunity arises. He is abusive to his wife regularly. Jacob Day you will never be governor. Honestly who would vote for someone from Salisbury.
Jacob Day is mean spirited self serving individual. He has an alcohol problem. Frequents the local bars when the opportunity arises. He is abusive to his wife regularly. Jacob Day you will never be governor. Honestly who would vote for someone from Salisbury.
Antone that does not believe there is White privilege in a court room is a total idiot. I worked in the courts for over thirty years. I can tell you here on the shore the dis-parody in sentencing has and still is evident. Just look at at the major growing operation the Harrison boys had in Worcester County. They did not do a day in jail. They walked rich white boys with huge political connections. We all know what would have happened if they had been Black. They would be doing major time. Remember Judges are politically appointed. This occurs in every court room in America. It is not so much a white and black thing but lets face it money talks and by enlarge whites have more money period . Yes I am white and a hard core Republican but I have seen it over and over again. The great Mike Lewis was famous in his mind for all the drug arrest he made. The fact is 95% of the people he arrested were black. I know of dozens of white drug dealers as does he trust me they never get touched. The law of the land should be color blind. The rich should fall under the same guide lines set by the court but these judges continually operate outside the guide lines. There should be an outside prosecutor handling this case it is a major conflict of interest for any local politicians to be involved. In Somerset county a white police officer was charged by a black police officer for D.U.I. The white officer was not only acquitted the red neck judge that heard the case chastised the black officer for doing his job. You can believe if the roles were reversed a cop would have been fired and lost his job. So all you people wearing the rose colored glasses need to pay more attention to what is actually occurring in our Judicial system. She will not do a Day in court no pun intended. Another major case was the Aiden Andrews case. This child was starved and beaten over a period of time. The child died a horrific death. The black boyfriend is doing life. The child's white mother did not do a day in jail. This is just a few of the cases that come to my mind. The hypocrisy of justice in America is sickening. I will not even go into the bullshit the Democrats have gotten away with trying to impeach the best president we have had in 20 years. True hypocrisy.
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