DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 23, 2020
A Message From Mayor Jake Day
Hi, this is Mayor Jake Day, and this is an open message to the good, innocent, and diverse students, faculty and staff of Salisbury University. You are our neighbors just south of our city, and we love you, we embrace you, and we want you here. The formal process that the University and the federal authorities have to go through to investigate this latest incident of domestic terrorism, and hold accountable the reprehensible racists who attempt to stoke fear and spread hatred, is their responsibility, but we will support it in any way we can. I have faith that those in charge will handle the process professionally. What I’m concerned with is this…
Racists: You have no home here in our community. Get out. Hate: You have no home here. Get out. Misogyny, bigotry… Get out.
When you’re on the correct side of humanity, you don’t need to slink around in stairwells, too afraid of being accountable for opinions that you can’t own publicly. So, to those of you without hate in your heart – whatever your race, gender, religion, or identity; wherever you’re from, and whomever you love… This is your town, and I’ve got your back. These streets are your streets. Come see for yourself at the Pride festival or Haitian Flag Day, Carnivale, Mizzlefest or the National Folk Festival. This City, and the students who call us home, whether temporarily or for a lifetime, is united in celebration of the increasing diversity and inclusivity we see here.
So I proclaim this: In every stairwell, in every corner, in every forum, and at every opportunity, ALL are welcome here.
Remember This???
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So Jake what about your double standards ? Like letting evidence walk from the police station and still continuing to employ Duncan. Your speech is nothing more than virtue signalling. We all know that if people actually got out and voted you wouldn't be an issue to Salisbury.
Jake, pretty good chance this was a fake racism crime.
Just a liberal spouting off puke! Gotta go on about the gay pride entitled, not the other 99% that the Bible states are “normal “.
Don't get your panties all in a wad. I'll guarantee that it was a black person who did this anyway, just like the 20 times before.
Including terrorists if you read his statement completely.
How about illegal aliens are they welcome also?
I think he is the most insincere person in Salisbury. It’s like a male version of Warren. Domestic Terrorism ?? Really ?? Stoke it up enough to get national coverage and get your time on CNN. Ridiculous.
So if this was done by a gay and or minority student, what happens?
Hi, I'm Jake Day- happy to be inserting myself into a news story, once again. Make sure you SU kids re-elect meeeeeeeee.
How can you be a bigger hypocrite? Saying "Get out...Get out...Get out..." and "All are welcome" in the same speech, he is definitely on whatever his wife was. Has he been popped for a random drug screening? Maybe he should lead by example and "Get out" of public office and let someone with common sense lead this community out of the open arms acceptance of Crime, communism, greed, lust, ignorance and hate.
8:26 Spot on, more than likely will be a false flag by a liberal Democrat.
This is all done by liberals to propel the agenda. "Domestic Terrorism?" Jakelyn must be a real warrior to make this a big deal. He is the bitch who wants a Purple Heart for a paper cut.
Jake Day, you are so full of BS and Drama. That goes for the President of SU. Get a life. https://sbynews.blogspot.com/2016/05/salisbury-hate-crime-goes-national-hate.html
Then it’s called a person wanting to get a conversation started about racism. However they now realize it was started the wrong way and will take time to reflect and find a pathway forward....Then starting blaming... usually how it goes.
8:07 & 8:25 You are both correct Jake you and Duncan are the two that allow this crime to take place in Salisbury, your constant mantra of their is no #1 crime in Salisbury is pure bullshit. I have lived in this city directly across from the stupid Festival site for over 49 years and crime has never been worse since you got your first term your attention is always on the foolishness of a child. You are the worst mayor we have ever had and you never cease to keep your head out of the clouds on silly things. That will be what we will always remember about you. If your parents were real people they would tell you the same. Get your head on Improving real things streets, no more roundabouts, painted sidewalks and murials, festivals, orange bikes, blue things in the street. Get a real life with the events of your wife and yourself it is time to grown up and take responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consider this. The last several times this happened they used normal supd to investigate, when they found the culprits were of the same race they let them off the hook..scott free.
Now they have every leo dept far and wide investigating, treating this like a mass murder and su pres and jake day are feeding off the publicity. Look how the events unfolding appear coordinated and planned. I wonder if theres a certain grant available say...1 mill to keep graffiti out of the stairwells {prove you need it and apply for..}....follow the money.
This speech confuses me.
This was only an opportunity for Jake to bring attention to his agenda.
8:26 is right. Watch how quickly this goes away once they figure out who did it. Did you see what it said? The message didn't make any sense to me because the handwriting was so poor.
You can call it domestic terrorism, but a domestic terrorist won't be found, just some dumb tween with personal problems.
Still trying to pad his resume to get himself the golden ticket in higher office. Cannot wait to get OuttaDaBury.
If they don't trot out a white kid in handcuffs within two weeks, you'll know then that it was a hoax. Seriously, what white kid these days is stupid enough to be openly racist, let alone write something on a wall?
They are treating it this big because there is likely something much bigger going on that they don’t want attention.
EVERY prior incident was a hoax! I would bet Jake Day himself has "knowledge" of who dunnit
Just wait until the Police evidence room story is fully fleshed out. I don't see how letting internal theft go on for years will end well for Duncan and her hug a thug squad. The mismanagement in the private sector would be quickly met with a swift firing. I bet she and others will be allowed to retire early before the shtf.
Using all those big important key liberal words.
Got them all in.
What a hoot.
9:44, I have a very reliable source that has informed me there allegedly was an officer/s involved in that theft. I'll add, they are going way back, (years) to see just what may be missing but I can tell you this Ladies & Gentlemen, this is going to cost taxpayers a HUGE amount of money as it will be totally necessary to bring in all OUTSIDE investigators, prosecutors and auditors. This could take years.
Outside prosecutors definitely, Jamie has a double set of standards depending on who you are
SU does not need the FBI to help in their investigation the City Police do! A prosecutor was fired on Monday...
You can bet it was done by blacks. Just like the Jussie Smollett case.
8:10 Bingo! Funny he said nothing about the last incident at SU. You know the one that was done by blacks. The one that got swept under the rugs🤔 Be willing to bet it was a “person of color” that did this. Jakey you should remember the boy who cried wolf story🙄
SU memo: Racism...when it doesn’t exist we’ll make it up. Dear Jake, I want another video out when you find out it was a black that did this.
Not an original thought coming out of his mouth. Just regurgitated liberal lingo that everyone is sick of hearing.
The FBI ?Jake Day?These guys need to concentrate on getting their own house in order not interject themselves into some back water graffiti case. This doesn't pass the smell test.
Really jakey? The FBI investigating what is probably just someone trying to stir the pot of racism and not a hate crime. Salisbury, as well as you get more ridiculous every day.
I know for a fact that it was an African American female that did it and it’s not the first time. This is an attempt to diminish every white student at Salisbury University enough is enough
This is the response the racists and/or cowards want. Shut down, stop life and make bold proclamations about the evil forces. Simply acknowledge the event, begin the cleanup, question why there isn't surveillance recordings of this and go along with life. Sure, an investigation and ultimately someone needs to be arrested. The over-reaction is incredible and exactly what the bullies or bad people want. There is no place for this behavior and we all agree. Seems the Mayor's message was self indulgent and not much help. It does throw a veil over all others who are not of color and had nothing to do with this. I believe the proper thing to do is, wait for the truth and then, address the situation as needed. Just my thoughts.
10:00 am is right, the FBI needs to check into what has happened at the Police dept and leave the graffiti bandit alone
I'm an outsider and read Day's message. What gives with your Mayor. I think this is all about taking unwanted attention from his wife's criminal case.
Well, turn the scumbag in to the police not the administration.
This moron really is an embarrassment to the 99% of the citizens of Salisbury. He's reminds me of a squirrel jumping from tree to tree.
Not a word from Jake day with the steady rising crime rate worried about a few words said on a bathroom wall what a clown.....druggies ..GET OUT sorry wife you got to go lol
Ohhh yeah when is that court date I want to go and take notes.
I would bet my life on Jake Day's cronies have a hand in this!! This is right up James yamakawa(sp??) and Jake Day's other race baiting progressive buddy Dan O'Hare alley
I think Jake Day is very cute
he wears his pants tight
Day along with Democrats have their priorities mixed up.
ALL ARE WELCOME..........Therein lies the problem.
Would the snowflakes cancel classes if a conservative with a MAGA hat was beat up on campus or call in the FBI? Give me a break....
No, it will turn out to be a black female who is starved for attention and racism.
Need to rename the building the Jussie Smollett Center For African American Studies.
I saw this as a retweet by some idiots from Channel 47. This is so fake and funny how Jake rushed to put on a shirt, tie and jacket to make this youtube video to look important.
SU isn't even in City limits and no connection to Jake and his Ghetto. He did this video hoping it would be seen on National news to make him look important. He was hoping to get thousands of retweets from it. Poor Jakey Poo only got 16 likes and 8 retweets. His butt buddy Jared Schablein retweeted for himself and the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus making up 2 of those retweets which were actually 1.
JoeAlbero said...
9:44, I have a very reliable source that has informed me there allegedly was an officer/s involved in that theft. I'll add, they are going way back, (years) to see just what may be missing but I can tell you this Ladies & Gentlemen, this is going to cost taxpayers a HUGE amount of money as it will be totally necessary to bring in all OUTSIDE investigators, prosecutors and auditors. This could take years.
February 20, 2020 at 9:55 AM
I'm told that investigation will cost the Wicomico County taxpayers from $300,000 to $1,000,000 the first year. That's right, the Wicomico County taxpayers, not the City of Salisbury taxpayers. And Just think, Jake Day wants his own Liquor Control Board and a Tax Differential from the County. You people are idiots for re-electing Jake Day, Jack Heath and Manure Bota!
He's trying to show off. What there really is no room for are teachers who solicit prescription drugs from students
Has anyone noticed that Jake Day has his nose in everything but yet no one notices how he screws up everything? Someone needs to give this guy an ole Eastern Shore Arse Whoopin!
What a dope.
Anonymous said...
So Jake what about your double standards ? Like letting evidence walk from the police station and still continuing to employ Duncan. Your speech is nothing more than virtue signalling. We all know that if people actually got out and voted you wouldn't be an issue to Salisbury.
February 20, 2020 at 8:07 AM
Jake Day needs to worry about the corruption in his Salisbury Police Department and the tainted evidence room. That Corruption is going to cost Wicomico County taxpayers millions of dollars. It's time for the FBI to take over that investigation.
Anonymous said...
Just a liberal spouting off puke! Gotta go on about the gay pride entitled, not the other 99% that the Bible states are “normal “.
February 20, 2020 at 8:13 AM
He is such a Liberal Fruitcake. Anyone that proudly promotes gay pride and murdering blacks obviously has mental problems. It is not normal to think a man on man sex is ok. It is not normal to memorialize a murdering black thug with a monument at the taxpayer's expense. Jake Day, you are a mental midget!
Anonymous said...
I think he is the most insincere person in Salisbury. It’s like a male version of Warren. Domestic Terrorism ?? Really ?? Stoke it up enough to get national coverage and get your time on CNN. Ridiculous.
February 20, 2020 at 8:25 AM
That is exactly what that Homo is doing. He is hoping his little video is going to make him look important so he can get recognized by his favorite station the Communist News Network.
Guess what Jakey Boi, it failed!! Your video failed you Goober. Your video was a major FLOP!!
Anonymous said...
Hi, I'm Jake Day- happy to be inserting myself into a news story, once again. Make sure you SU kids re-elect meeeeeeeee.
February 20, 2020 at 8:37 AM
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! He is always sticking his nose in something that he shouldn't!
Anonymous said...
So if this was done by a gay and or minority student, what happens?
February 20, 2020 at 8:26 AM
You know it's an African American when they refuse to talk about it or show a picture of their suspect.
Did Jake get his big ears and crooked teeth fixrd for TV?LOLOLOL
When you elect a pussy you get these types of results and statements , this guy is a disgrace to humanity . I have a special reason for disliking him and it is his military background , I was an infantry soldier 1966-1968 , this guy wouldn't make a pimple on my a$$ .
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Right! loser leftists dems! But thankfully another LIE from you exposes how inept you all really are. Do us all a favor and STFU we believe nothing you all say anymore its all lies..thats your platform now and its built on sand.
Apply this little message to your wife and your cover up of her crime. I notice you don't give updates on her crimes or even your own--follow your own words hypocrite.
It is all a joke. Just like the fights kids agree to stage in the schools. They know they can disrupt the entire order of things with these pranks and distract everyone from the no good they are really up to.
When only 2000 people out of 30 K plus show up to vote you end up with a Jake Day
April 9, Courtroom 2 here in the county.
10:41 Bingo! It’s on you Salisbury residents.
Hey mayor limpy. Do you consider it deomestic terrorism when people of color start shooting into crowds of innocent people becase they saw some one they had a problem with? I doubt it. You are a pathetic and weak individual.
I hope whites don't RIOT IN FRONT of the mayor's office and SU ?????????
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