PUBLISHERS NOTES: It should be known that I have in fact contacted the County Executive months ago referencing this matter asking that he consider such a proposal. I'm glad to see and even help in any way with this goal.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 23, 2020
A Comment Worthy Of A Post: Wicomico County for 2nd Amendment Sanctuary
Joe, This is not a comment for this thread just wanted to see if you knew about this or could shine a light on it on your page. but this is located on Facebook as a group called "Wicomico County for 2A Sanctuary". Its building with membership pretty fast. There is another one called Eastern shore for 2A Sanctuary as well. it has grown by 1.5k members in less than 48 hours. They need help putting out their message.
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There is documentation from some groups from VA who want to help push 2A Sanctuary here in MD and all over the US... IT is a starting point to get the ball rolling for legislation on how to get a 2A Sanctuary in our area!!! But it still needs to be voted on so, unless you can get the votes it will go no where...
It would be nice to see Marylanders get their fundamental 2nd Amendment rights back! The state government has been infringing upon your rights for many years. Just try getting a concealed carry permit in the state of MD. How about 30 round magazines? What part of "Shall not be Infringed" don't they understand?
HAA HAA HAA HAA, your funny. Yeah, we’ve seen what just happened to Virginia’s fundamental 2nd Amendment rights. The majority of Democrats, who the majority of Virginia voters put into office, just squashed every Virginian’s fundamental 2nd Amendment tights just like squishing a big under their shoes.
I am not on Facebook so how can I find out more very interested
I'm in the 'same boat' as 11:08. Would love to have alternative contact options.
It would be nice to see our local elected officals stand up for its citizens since the ones accorss the bridge on the state level wont. You can join this group by searching for it and joining. Anyone that can offer assistance is encouraged to join.
Now just to see what culver and council do about it. I would venture to say very little as they have been invited and wont join lol. There is already 3 counties with in the state that are already, Hardford, Cecil and Carrol counties. Through the rumor mill Caroline County maybe working out the details. It would be nice to see everyone from both sides of the aisle help and stand up for this. Its not a Democrat or a Republican thing. It's our right and way of life thing.
What do you need a 30 round magazine for?
1108 + 1137....dosent look like much as right now just people joining. Hopefully there'll be future updates soon. Some discussion on secession.
I know there are templates on VCDL web site {virginia citizens defense league} The first hurdle would be getting it before the co council and approved, but would make a clear line between commies and patriots. No positive info on the co ex , so theres that.
There is MDS {maryland shooters} web site were there are always updates on whats happening with national and state legislative issues.
MSI {maryland shall issue} site with an experienced professional team that fight for us dailey against these unconstitutional laws coming form the MGA, please consider joining and support.
For those with a mindset like was a tremendous help in VA and will be for a long time. 1- it helped wake those 4 dems that helped vote some major Bills down. 2- It awaken the entire state of VA to democrats corruption, the importance of voting, the importance of doing something. 3-it unified hundreds of thousands of people. 5-it set precedence and will likely carry huge weight in courts for the very near future. 6- likely cause many to register and vote as republican. Just a few reasons...
To 12:48; when 29 isn't enough. That's why.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What do you need a 30 round magazine for?
February 17, 2020 at 12:48 PM
Why do you need to kill innocent babies before their born? Why do you keel allowing "Illegals" in our country that are gang and terrorists for?
I need a 30 round mag in case I find dirt on Hellary, or we become friends.
1248pm...30 is the stand round capacity, thats what is available and in stock. There are 60 and 100 available and can be configured together although heavy. High cap is a term they use to brainwash the masses, same with assault rifle, the term used by communist marxist to brainwash.. AR stands for Armorlite Rifle {the company that made them}
IF our country was ever invaded, our a terrorist erupts in your think he will limit himself to 7-10 rounds like you want to do to us?
Why am I not allowed the standard? Why am I not allowed to own or possess the most popular, most sold A merican R ifle in all of history?
Nothing is an assault weapon until its been used in an assault and then it will be in the evidence locker.
Is the fork and spoon the assault weapon of the obese?
1:01, Thank you,I'll go to those sites in support. 11:37
12:48 why do you even ask; as it's none of your business...REMEMBER, We the People have every right to have what WE want; not what YOU think we should have. Read the 2nd. Amendment for yourself. I don't just use my guns for hunting. lol
Boy you're about to see Mike Lewis eat crow
Salisbury/wicomico county your city/county is already prepared for this. Just take a ride down Merritt Mill Rd and beaglin park Dr. The housing is available for them. Why would you idiots WANT this in your backyard? Man Jake Day is way way out there and you all support his lunacy
No one wants this garbage here. Just look at all the problems in Western Maryland. Mike Lewis will retire and either move South or run for Annapolis position
more shots... the 2 Nd amendment isn’t about hunting or self defense it’s for taking back your government when they turn tyrannical. Throughout history we know mass murder is always preceded by gun confiscation
@2:50 it's idiots like you that make it so hard for the rest of us 2nd amendment supporters. You wouldn't have the stones to take someone's life
I grew up in a home with and I now have guns. Very ordinary practical guns very much like the tools I own. I have never felt the need for them to leave my wooded parcel of property or felt so paranoid or threatened that I felt the need to carry one off of my property on my being for any personal protection. The Government will not be coming after you with Bullets they have already perfected far more sublime means of your dismissal. You may entertain nostalgic and heroic notions of the Sunshine Patriot or Minute Man but there will be no more shots heard around the world just the baaing of sheep that brought the wrong weapon to the Glory less fight.
So you all really think your guns are going to be any match for drones? If the government wanted to wipe you all out, it would be no problem. You and your guns are no match and will never be any match for what the government can throw at you.
Let’s hear about how the Democrats are going to take criminals guns away.
Here is an idea:
Stop asking the evil government for permission that you claim to have as a right!
So no reason to fight, right?
You are a tool for the elite
You better check the news 1101
4:37 Gman,
While the Government is busy violating rights, who’s going to protect the Governments wifey, kiddies and elderly parents?
4:25 & 4:37, The Vietnamese and Afghans and others disagree with your 'thinking'.
Anonymous said...
I am not on Facebook so how can I find out more very interested
February 17, 2020 at 11:08 AM
Get on Facebook.... DUH!!
Anonymous said...
What do you need a 30 round magazine for?
February 17, 2020 at 12:48 PM
What are you afraid of?
Anonymous said...
Boy you're about to see Mike Lewis eat crow
February 17, 2020 at 2:54 PM
Please elaborate.
Anonymous said...
So you all really think your guns are going to be any match for drones? If the government wanted to wipe you all out, it would be no problem. You and your guns are no match and will never be any match for what the government can throw at you.
February 17, 2020 at 4:37 PM
Yep, I'm a pretty good shot and I can shoot them out of the air with no problem.
If you live next door they are going to take you out too
Pretty sure it still says The Bill of Rights, not the Bill of needs
Boom, you get it
Buy more ammo
Dangit, you get it too
Ok, I'll keep mine,,,you get rid of yours
I will not register
With my ware pistol..short short
I have lots of questions about who was doing this, who was in positions of oversight, and all the turmoil and dishonesty that the citizens of Salisbury have endured.
The very last thing we need is to become either or both we do not need to become a sanctuary for anyone we have enough problems with Hogan and Day!!!!!
Because it's my right that's why
Many of us don't. So I'll be prepared👌
You wont cause they dont know how to so they want to step on mr law abiding citizens toes...
What's a drone gonna do with its plastic wings
At 12:48 p.m., it's not about need, it is about right.
Read the story Fool it's for the 2nd Amendment.
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