DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 16, 2020
A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-10-20
Joe, are you following the disaster at SPD? A corporal already previously demoted for multiple violations was caught in an affair with his subordinate whose husband works there. 2 other officers are under investigation for assault. And the big one they are freaking over is the property department supposedly has a bunch of missing items that could jeopardize criminal cases. This is a complete failure of organizational leadership. Barb can no longer blame one officer at a time. This is Barb, Kolb, Meienschein, Kaiser being inept and comfortable for years while not doing their jobs. Jake is on the hook for allowing it. Watch them spin and blame rather than own and apologize. They are hiding this trainwreck.
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Democrats all.
Jake Day doesn’t care. He’s too busy drinking at bar with co workers and downtown workers or monitoring his wife’s drug problem or relationships with students at her school
Because of all of da'bury's f'ed up flaws. We stay away at ALL cost !!!
Good ole boys still running Salisbury politics.
Who in their right mind would want to be a law enforcement officer???
Not to mention all of the Officers who have been there for over 20 years who are constantly NOT promoted ( although deserving) because of Chief's PERSONAL OPINION... How messed up is this? How will the younger officers ever see a future here when all they see is the experienced long time officers getting screwed over and over ?? Bad Juice in there for sure!!
Sounds like a damn brothel there.
a Lieutenant has sex with a subordinate and it's only a reduction of rank..
a married Sergeant sleeps with another married SPD officer and it's only a reduction of rank. Same Cpl. now sleeps with a different subordinate who is married to a SPD officer..
It's disgusting! What is with the leadership in this department to think they are able to sleep with every female officer who walks through those doors. It is absolutely disgusting. They need some training on how to keep it in your pants. Nasty
Epstein didn't kill himself.
That's what they want... Total chaos .. and the DEMS R GOING TO GET IT.
Everyone at Spd wants Chief/Colonel/Major gone.. it’s been time for them to go for a while now. Mayor is scared to force them out making everyone else there suffer. Such a shame.. no wonder they can’t hire anyone
All you fools that voted for Jake's 2nd term do you understand the stupidity of your choice yet? We tried to tell you he was a looser him and Duncan you people made this error and you have ruined and disgraced this city, and all because you want another stupid money loosing festival. It's not dawned on you yet that he is a boy mayor who will never grow up and make good decisions. He and Duncan only live for press conferences where they control and twist everything. No number 1 crime in Salisbury, and this is the 2nd Inner Harbor and his wife is as innocent as fallen snow. WAKE UP IMPEACH THEM.
Can't stop the holster sniffers.
What total dumbass sleeps with the wife of a man who may one day be called upon to protect him in a gunfight or pull him from the line of fire after he is wounded???
And, after finding this out, does he just go out and beat the hell out of the first civilian he sees because his anger is so great??
Just asking......
Obviously Jake Day's drinking problem has affected the medications he is on and he needs to either resign or look into the Betty Ford Clinic,, or both.
The Sgt. and the Cpl. are the same person!
Like a Particular Person in Authority getting Someone Hired in a Position for Wicomico & Nothing the Person’s CoWorkers or Supervisors can do against him whether he actually works on the job or not. Not Fair to Anyone Working There or Anyone Looking for a Job in this field.
if evidence is missing/stolen sounds like an investigation by the feds should be on order!
Lack of effective leadership. Time for Chief to resign. Combine with Sheriff's office and save a lot of money and provide more protection.
Is it really like that?
Are you sure?
Is it fair for others who work there?
You are hilarious!
Not to mention all the officers that are sleeping with the female officers...or each of the female officers there that has slept with at least one male officer are most of the time numerous...oh wait seems to me common denominator is spd female officers opening their legs or is it only a male problem and the females officers aren’t willingly laying on their back. Takes two to tango and seems like each female been around the block with more than one officer
Female officers there have each been with multiple spd officers past or present. So who’s got the skankier average ?
He’s lost control of it wait he never had it cause he doesn’t give a crap about the officers
How many years worth of convictions will be overthrown?
0547. You don't want to combine anything with the sheriff office. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah at that office and has carried over to the humane Society to.Jeremiah 23:14
oh for CHITS SAKE,
cant we just put round abouts and bike lanes in and around SPD building to control these behaviors ???
Better yet, Have SPD hire only BINARY Persons ....
that would control sexual , nasty , perverse actions ( like sleeping with the opposite sex) to get promoted.
Good Grief Charlie Brown
If your readership only knew
If the glove dont fit you must aquit lol
Is evidence missing from the case involving Mrs Day?
The citizens should demand an audit of spd procedures about crime stats, internal cases and the property room. J.Dykes should be confronted about the issues and should issue a statement. You really dont know how bad things are.
SPD has been a waking disaster since Barb took over she had no clue what’s going on unless someone tweets about. It’s amazing that you can even get her off her phone for two seconds to hold a conversation. Kolb looks stressed and pregnant. Meienschein looks like it takes everything in him just to get out it bed and come to
Work, can’t say I blame him I’d be the same way if I had to listen to barb blab all day about useless Nothings as the Pd falls around her. All three of them should quit and go be Walmart greeters because apparently that’s all they can manage.
Everyone is standing around with their "D's" in their hand bc they are worried about the repercussions if they disagree with her...Thats a proud PD right there...sike...
The only reason the mayor keeps her around is because she has the minority population in her hand...period. End of story...crime is DOWN? are you kidding? Easy to say when violent crimes are passed onto "state" agencies so it doesnt reflect on "city" stats....wake up people....
I was recently told this Salisbury Police Department Cluster Fk is going to make National News!
Anonymous said...
Jake Day doesn’t care. He’s too busy drinking at bar with co workers and downtown workers or monitoring his wife’s drug problem or relationships with students at her school
February 10, 2020 at 8:42 AM
Coworkers?? You have to have a job to have a coworker? Did Jake Day finally get a job?
Anonymous said...
Who in their right mind would want to be a law enforcement officer???
February 10, 2020 at 9:28 AM
The Salisbury Police Department is definitely the bottom of the barrel and they have been scraping it for a while. Ever since Webster and now the masculine female trying to be tough.
I was recently the victim of a crime in the City limits of Salisbury and the punk ass police officer treated me like a criminal. I hope he is one of the ones that will be losing his j.o.b.!
Anonymous said...
Not to mention all of the Officers who have been there for over 20 years who are constantly NOT promoted ( although deserving) because of Chief's PERSONAL OPINION... How messed up is this? How will the younger officers ever see a future here when all they see is the experienced long time officers getting screwed over and over ?? Bad Juice in there for sure!!
February 10, 2020 at 9:45 AM
I feel your pain. I had a$$ kissers leapfrogging me all the time because of the good ole boy system.
Anonymous said...
Sounds like a damn brothel there.
a Lieutenant has sex with a subordinate and it's only a reduction of rank..
a married Sergeant sleeps with another married SPD officer and it's only a reduction of rank. Same Cpl. now sleeps with a different subordinate who is married to a SPD officer..
It's disgusting! What is with the leadership in this department to think they are able to sleep with every female officer who walks through those doors. It is absolutely disgusting. They need some training on how to keep it in your pants. Nasty
February 10, 2020 at 11:11 AM
Keep what in your pants?
Anonymous said...
Sounds like a damn brothel there.
a Lieutenant has sex with a subordinate and it's only a reduction of rank..
a married Sergeant sleeps with another married SPD officer and it's only a reduction of rank. Same Cpl. now sleeps with a different subordinate who is married to a SPD officer..
It's disgusting! What is with the leadership in this department to think they are able to sleep with every female officer who walks through those doors. It is absolutely disgusting. They need some training on how to keep it in your pants. Nasty
February 10, 2020 at 11:11 AM
Name names! What the Hell are you afraid of? Let everyone know who is screwing who!
I am typically always pro police, but I can't wait to see some of these punks go to jail. Hopefully they will be taking Jake Gay with them.
but crime is down do they had to entertain themselves!!!!! Sickening! The amount of coruption in Salisbury is sad!
February 14, 2020
In the course of a recent internal audit of its property storage facility, the Salisbury Police Department discovered evidence of a series of potentially egregious breaches of internal policy by a civilian employee. Upon further review of the evidence, SPD command staff determined that there was cause to believe that the civilian employee may have committed one or more thefts while working in the property storage facility.
To better prepare for future recertification reviews by accrediting agency, CALEA (the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies), the Salisbury Police Department has recently undertaken an audit of its property storage processes and procedures. This internal audit was non-compulsory, and was initiated by the SPD to ensure adherence to best practices for property handling and storage. Upon discovering that internal policies may have been breached by the civilian employee, SPD contacted the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office, and informed them of the evidence that a crime—or crimes—may have been committed in the property storage facility at the Salisbury Police Department. Discussion between the two agencies led to the decision to seek the assistance of the Maryland State Police, who were asked to conduct a criminal investigation. That investigation is currently ongoing.
“The community needs to know that when they give you their trust, you’re going to do the right thing when they’re not looking” said Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan. “As a law enforcement agency, integrity is paramount for us, so this situation is disappointing. It’s frustrating. Right now, our focus is on ensuring the secure operation of our property facility, and assisting the MSP and the State’s Attorney’s Office to determine exactly what happened. Moving forward, SPD is committed to taking every possible step to ensure that the trust of our citizens is well-placed.”
In 1987, to help foster a stronger relationship with the community, SPD first pursued accreditation by CALEA – the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. Widely recognized within the law enforcement profession as the gold standard benchmark for professional excellence, CALEA conducts periodic inspections to ensure that agencies are adhering to the rigorous standards set forth for certification. Since 1987, the Salisbury Police Department has undergone 16 process reviews under CALEA – each involving an inspection of the property storage facility. Not one inspection to date has revealed any evidence of either breaches in protocol, or illegal activity in the property storage facility, or anywhere else within the SPD.
Chief Duncan said, “We’re always looking for areas where we can improve how we work, tighten up our policies. The process by which you identify those areas of potential improvement calls for scrutiny and objectivity. That’s what led us here. No one ever wants to be in the position of questioning the integrity of someone you trust, but when you take that internal look within the organization, one of the reasons you do it is to determine if there’s anyone who’s not living your standards.”
The Maryland State Police investigation into this matter is ongoing, and may continue for a considerable time to come. The Salisbury Police Department will provide updates as they become available, however SPD will not offer any comment on the ongoing MSP investigation.
For up to date information follow us: Twitter@SalisburyPD and Facebook.com/SalisburysFinest
Captain Rich Kaiser
Whelp! If I've said it once, I've said it 1,000 times.
It's time to dissolve the Salisbury Police Department and allow all police duties to be absorbed by the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office or a newly formed Wicomico County Police Department.
I actually prefer the latter.
From Nextdoor
Mike Thomas, Salisbury
multiple gunshots fired
I heard prmc is on lockdown, multiple shots fired on the west side of Salisbury. Be careful, pull over to the side of the road when you see lights and sirens.
New13 hr ago ·
Funny how they are blaming this on a "Civilian" employee now.
Thanks to Joe Albero's blog the City of Salisbury sent out a press release and thanks to this blog the media finally picked up on it.
the entire city police force should be checked for STD'S
Well at least now not like back in the day when they were all related to each other....it's not incest too....oh never mind that was the Sheriffs dept.
We know
Sounds like my neighborhood.
I would like to hear from some of the morons who voted for Jake Day for four more years, how are you feeling about that decision now.? We all tried to warn you and tell the real truths at every turn he makes the wrong decisions and has made Salisbury the real laughing stock of Maryland. He has never put the city first and the people who have lived here all their lives, it is about attention for him, selfies, and foolish ideas. He has no one to thank for his failures but himself and the same with Barbara Duncan good thing her FBI husband isn't around to see how she has messed up the SPD. We said when she came here she had a record of no good in Baltimore and has spiraled even more out of control. People before you ever vote again read up on a candidate and their background dig a little.
Maybe I’m wrong but, I don’t think she came from Baltimore. Maybe YOU better check backgrounds before you post stupid crap. She came from New York you moron.
Babs is doing the same thing here that she did in West Chester NY, make an absolute mess of things to the point the feds will have to come in and slip out under cover of darkness to screw up yet another agency and let others deal with your last mess. Babs has no police experience. She spent her patrol years popping out kids to keep her off the road. She wants to run everyone out of there that she didn’t hire so it is “her” dept. she is mentally ill and has no business running a police department. Spd officers do not do any proactive police work anymore because that would generate crime stats. Look at the press releases, when was the last time you saw Spd do something proactive? It’s always sheriff or Msp. The states attorney general needs to look into the corruption at this agency.
In regards to the person stealing evidence it's a sad time when theft can occur for apperently years with no inventory controls. Of course if it's the people conducting the inventory that's stealing then there you go. Second theres cops that cheat and theres cops that dont cheat. I dont think its higher in the police profession on average then any other professio . What makes it concerning in law enforcement is that when a cop cheats on their spouse the cop has to lie by default. Realistically how can you trust a cop that lies with anything else. It's different than lying in a criminal case but the ethics are the same in a very serious sense. Cops that cheat by definition cannot be trusted and therefore their integrity is questionable as a truthful ans honest peace officer. You can't lie and be truthful at the same time, being selective about your lies. Either your ethics make you an honest person or a liar.
Interesting timeline if you consider overall corruption in Salisbury...the firing of Chief Dykes and Bob Eaton, the entry of Alan Webster onto the scene along with Barrie Tilghman and her little weasel attorney are the time not to mention Mike Dunn and Louise Smith... wondering whether and dots will finally be connected.
Drain Salisbury's swamp. OCPD don't even think about hiring anyone from Salisbury PD.
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