DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
WCSO Press Release 6-4-19 (Fleeing and Eluding Incident) Drowning (6-9-19)
Incident: Fleeing and Eluding Incident
Date of Incident: 4 June 2019
Location: 100 block of East Carroll Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jakeem K. Jackson, 19, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 4 June 2019 at 2:08 AM, a deputy on patrol in Salisbury attempted to stop a vehicle that would later be found to be operated by Jakeem Jackson, after the deputy observed that Jackson had failed to dim his hi-beam headlights for oncoming traffic. Jackson pulled into a parking lot in the 100 block of Carroll Street, but instead of staying with the vehicle he began running from the scene. The deputy began chasing Mr. Jackson who had already rounded the corner behind the La Quinta Hotel, and while out of the deputy’s view, jumped into the Wicomico River. Upon approaching the river and seeing Jackson attempting to swim across, the deputy began running parallel to the river to utilize a foot bridge to the east that would allow the deputy to wait for Jackson on the other side.
Upon reaching the other side of the river, the deputy observed that Jackson was struggling to remain afloat. Before the deputy was able to provide assistance, Jackson slipped beneath the water and the deputy was unable to see him anymore. Additional law Enforcement resources along with Fire and EMS responded to the scene but Jackson could no longer be located.
After approximately ninety minutes of actively searching the waters, a Fire Department dive team located Jackson’s body at 3:29 AM.
Sheriff Lewis has requested the assistance of the Talbot County Sheriff’s Office in conducting an independent death investigation.
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson
Date: 4 June 2019
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damn how deep is the sewer creek
Very sad indeed. It's a shame but everyone knows most black youth never learn how to swim. Jakeem Jackson RIP.
You mean there's not even a safety ring or anything available there to throw into the water????
wow stupid move for both parties concerned. did he have something he needed to elude police for? and was it worth it to stop him for diming headlights...officer?
Keep in mind this started because she didn't dim his headlights? Is that even an offense you can be pulled for? Really? Aside from that he had a reason to run and its unfortunate it ended up in the man losing his life.
He was arrested in January for fleeing a stop. He did not have a license.
So young to be making so many bad choices.
Just like the boat in the road incident, I'm sure this tragic death is also the fault of the police.
I wanna see the body cam.
In a near-repeat of his January car crash while eluding police while holding onto his drug stash, this slack-jawed wannabe hood provides his own demise.
Will family members sue the city for his drowning death, blaming his river adventure on the absence of protective railings? Only time will tell.
I have several comments because the offense for which he was stopped irritates the heck out of me. 1.I sympathize with Mr. Jackson's family. I am sorry for their loss. 2. Why did he run for Pete's sake? 3. The police officer was in the right for stopping someone with bright lights facing on-coming traffic. 4. Why the heck aren't police officers stopping drivers at other times? Why? When I learned to drive, I know it was a long time ago, I was taught that if you're on a country road and you have your high beams on, turn them off as soon as there is on-coming traffic. You should never have high beams on in the city. Has that law changed? I am serious. It has gotten to the point that I've told myself they must not teach that anymore. People go around Salisbury driving with high beams at you and those stupid new lights all the time!! It's blinding and it's ridiculous. I don't mean to take away the seriousness of this young man's life but I had to use this opportunity.
I bet because the river was still polluted after three years, this might end up being the cause of death.
A comment to my prior comment. Lest someone think me ignorant, I know why he ran and probably why he was stopped. Pushing aside my rant on the high beams, the kid may have been stopped because the police didn't have probable cause to stop him for what they really wanted him for. Mmm. "High beams facing traffic, so we can stop him." Then, the kid runs for fear of the "real crime." If he was innocent, though, why did he run?
Three pages on case search.Was supposed to go on trial 6/10/19 on 29 counts, a real pillar of the community!!!
Sounds like some Jeff Heath BS. Why would you stop someone for failing to dim headlights? The idiot Heath had the right of way at snow hill road and schumaker(by Ed supply) and literally sat in the intersection and wouldn't proceed waiting for me to come to the intersection and turn. He then followed me all the way over to ocean city road before turning off. I guess he ran my tag and watched my driving habits just looking for a reason to initiate contact
There you go! 6:36 said it. Prior offenses, so the high beams were what they could use to get him. He ran because he knew he was in trouble. 3 pages on case search?!
The Autopsy will disclose the reason for death
bet your drugs, it was more than drowning
Why do some of you have to blame the police? I guess the police told him to get out of the xar and run from police. Then police said jump in to the water so you can die. We will blame the fact that there was no fence to keep you safe. Sounds about right???? If it smells like a dumb ass and runs like an ass and jumos their ass in water knowing they cant swim....... then its an ass.
The law says you must dim high beams 500 feet when approaching from the front and 300 feet when approaching from the rear. That’s the law. He doesn’t have a license. Therefore, he never took drivers ed and never learned the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. He shouldn’t have been driving. He has no license. Do you know how many drunk drivers have been arrested for failing to dim high beams? Thousands. It is a legit stop. Don’t hate on the police for doing their job. Hate on the kid for driving without a license and then compounding the problem by fleeing from the police. Bad decisions result in bad outcomes. End of story. If you constantly live life on the edge, eventually, you are going to fall off.
Mot saying he was in a gang but having lights on hi, they wait for another car to blink lights to let them know their hig beams are on and then the gang bangers chase that car and do whT they want
Why do we have to hate?
Not blaming police for drowning, but why is WCSO "on patrol in Salisbury"? What's SPD doing?
Yes that is a stoppable offense. In fact can be an indication of an intoxicated or distracted driver..and at that hour, the likelihood of an intoxicated driver goes up. Good work, deputy. Hope you’re doing okay with everything.
I don't hate on the police. I'm glad for what this officer did. I just wish a lot of other people would get stopped for driving with the high beams right on other drivers.
Thanks for the info on the law though. The law didn't change!!
@824 why wont YOUR kind EVER LEARN?!
Self destruction, absolutely no sympathy from me
Riding dirty and too stupid to dim his headlights for an approaching vehicle. Three pages on case search, just a drain on society. One more thug gone before he killed someone.
8:24, Do you really think he had no hate ???
Yes, it's in the transportation articles.
High beams blind oncoming drivers and failing to dim them for oncoming vehicles is illegal and subject to initiate a traffic stop. Most of these kind of stops lead to bigger finds by police including but not limited to DUI, drug/weapon possession, wanted criminals, and suspended drivers. I wish they pulled every inconsiderste a-hole that fails to dim highbeams. You don't need them in town anyway with all the building and street lights.
This clown is 6ft tall. How TF can you drown in a 4ft branch of Poo River?
Anonymous said...
He was arrested in January for fleeing a stop. He did not have a license.
So young to be making so many bad choices.
June 4, 2019 at 5:24 PM
He has a rap sheet three pages long. He is a thug and I am glad he is off the streets.
Anonymous said...
I wanna see the body cam.
June 4, 2019 at 6:04 PM
Ummm, why? WTF are you?
Anonymous said...
Just like the boat in the road incident, I'm sure this tragic death is also the fault of the police.
June 4, 2019 at 5:35 PM
Yep, stupid Snowflakes can't own up to their own stupid mistakes.
Anonymous said...
Why do some of you have to blame the police? I guess the police told him to get out of the xar and run from police. Then police said jump in to the water so you can die. We will blame the fact that there was no fence to keep you safe. Sounds about right???? If it smells like a dumb ass and runs like an ass and jumos their ass in water knowing they cant swim....... then its an ass.
June 4, 2019 at 7:59 PM
Because they are Obama Voters and they took their marching orders from their idol.
Cop Haters lead to Cop Killers.
Anonymous said...
Why do we have to hate?
June 4, 2019 at 8:24 PM
You should have asked that to Jakeem before he won his stupid prize. He is the one hating cops or he wouldn't have ran.
Anonymous said...
Not blaming police for drowning, but why is WCSO "on patrol in Salisbury"? What's SPD doing?
June 4, 2019 at 8:46 PM
I'm not sure if you are intelligent enough to understand, but I'm going to try to explain it to you.
In case you didn't know it.... Da 'Bury is in Wicomico County.... DUH!!!
Thank you Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Deputies for patrolling the streets of Salisbury. Thank you Sheriff's Deputies for helping to reduce the crime in da 'Ghetto 'Bury.
We in Salisbury pay county taxes so we deserve to have our deputies patrolling in the streets so if someone doesn't like it, tough titty.
He ran because of fear. You would too if you had been beaten and had your ribs broken by the police.
You idiots truly believe that riding with high beams on is breaking the law? This young man didn't have a license? Is that what you idiots in Salisbury consider to be a criminal or thug? You people go out of your way support all the immigrants in the area and tge majority of the hem are driving drunk without a license. But because they show up for work and do the shitty jobs that are available in the area you make exceptions.
Why is it that these perps feel they can evade? I too am sorry for the tragic outcome but losing one's life is a terrible price to pay for a poor life choice. Granted, this kid may not have a very bright future but with today's technology criminals are far and away going to come out on the short end of the stick. I watch the live programs and see how ignorant these people are and think arguing with law enforcement is going to help them out; no matter which ethnicity.
Lol poor little Innocent SNOWFLAKE
He ran because he was a fugitive, "three pages" on case search. And now you think he was a model citizen riding around Salisbury at 2:08 AM
Was he also driving without a license because of fear?
Looking on Maryland Case Search, not having a license was the least of his problems!
Young people these days what was this younging doing out on a weekday at 2am , coming from work ??????
Had he not ran from the police like a coward he would still be alive. Maybe he would be in jail, not at the bottom of a river. He made a poor decision and justice has been served.
If you are a targeted profile, any minor infraction will get you pulled over. How many have been stopped for a tag light being out, only to be arrested for another offense as a result of the "escalation" of the stop to a vehicle search? The cop has to have a reason to pull you over, after that, they can almost always find another reason to search the vehicle based on what they see, or smell. It's what they do. This young man was aware of the tactic, and would rather run than take the chance of being searched (he KNEW it was coming). Damn, he only had to swim 30 feet to get across. Probably had no idea that it was over his head. He thought he would just wade across. That narrow body of water is deceiving. If he got a do-over, he probably would have let the cop take him to jail and get a meal for the night.
Either way its very simple. If you cant swim then why in the world do you jump into water? Makes no sense.
It’s a little funny that any article about a black person has a million comments but y’all leave the articles about whites raping, robbing and killing with no comments.
What a pathetic remark. You enjoy complaining so much you couldn't even pick a side.
Cause of death is drowning you moron.
Another illogical rant in support of your previous dive into delusion. The truth is that he ran from police (bad decision). He jumped into the river (bad decision). He died. His death is the direct result of his bad decisions. You can gin up all these other idiotic statements but the truth is that he is dead because of his choices.
Simple...they're idiots and never learned any sense of personal accountability. They are convinced the world owes them. Another term for this is liberal.
Well said. Totally agree.
5:53am save your b.s. no one is buying it.
More b.s.
We don’t make excuses for white people , if they did the crime lock them up... we don’t make excuses because of skin color
If he didn’t have anything illegal, why would he be afraid of being searched? The police can stop and search me anytime they want. I’m not afraid. I don’t have anything illegal. I guess you are going to tell us that he had been to Virginia and had illegal fireworks in his car. SMDH
Northwest Woodsman: At that time in the morning, there are only three types of people on the road, drunks, burglars and cops.
7:28 Spot on! Couldn’t have said it better myself!
5:53 Good try but...BS!
Blacks r 13% of the population half are in prison and 65% Commit the crimes FACT
You should read the constitution again. As a law abiding citizen such as yourself, you should know your rights and not want to be searched whenever a cop feels like it.
And people who work overnight, or leaving a friends house, or out because it’s a free damn country, or at least I thought
obey the law and you wont half to worry about things like this ,,,Great work ,keep it up
@4:27 ahhh, there it is!
racecard! racecard!
First off I haven't read too many of the comments. The few I have read show utter ignorance to the laws. Let me educate. MD law states-
High beams must be dimmed when approaching traffic is within 500 feet.
High beams must also be dimmed when following within 300 feet of another vehicle.
The deputy had every right to stop him. This is NOT debatable and anyone who does dare to argue is nothing more then an ignoramus.
The best guess on why Jackson ran is because he was doing something else illegal. That is ALWAYS the case with these eluders. They are either wanted, have a weapon they are not legally allowed to have, they have drugs........the list is endless as to why they run. In Jackson's case he may have taken off because he didn't have a license and didn't learn any lessons from his previous legal troubles for driving without one. He acted stupidly and paid for it with his life. The blame lies only with him and its a shame he chose to act stupidly.
This was nothing more than a cop trying to generate more citation revenue.
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