DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
WCBOE wants 800k more in 2020 (3-10-19)
Come out and support the Board of Education's request for an additional $800,000 in the FY 2020 county budget, towards these three priorities: 1) Increase number of students ready to enter Kindergarten, 2) Social, Emotional, Behavioral Support and English Language Learners Support, and 3) Recruit & Retain a High Performing Workforce. Information on each can be found in the latest budget work session packet here:https://goo.gl/f5ZScM and as part of the Superintendent's Imagine 2022 plan:https://goo.gl/YcNyJS
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How much money does WCBOE spend on legal fees? Ask the right questions.
More money for Illegals and problem kids.
If they cut some of their " perks " , they
won't have to have more County money.
cut the fat at the top first. #2 is a no go from the start. why is that needed? i ll take a guess, LGBT and illegals?
Their demands are not sustainable. The county needs to reduce their funding as they are failing the community with substandard results.
Are they in any way accountable for the money?
They waste to much now. They need to be held accountable for what they have now before they get any type of increase. They have no need for more money until they prove they deserve it and have been held accountable by a forensic audit. Their off ice rental agreement was / is a total waste of money. They could build an office complex that would contain their complete needs on the old Bennett JR site for less money. They need better maintenance Dept that would do preventative maintenance that would extend the life of their buildings until eternity. Quit draining the tax payer for their desires and improve what they have now.
Indoctrinate them as early as possible!
...and more money so we can have "teachers meetings" at our favorite bars and restaurants, remember, it's all for the children.
LOL, what high performing workforce do they speak of?
Why is a lot of this package only for low income families. Doesn't seem quite fair to me. Educate me on this topic
Waste of money. How about get rid of the 10% of troublemakers. And save the 90%. The school system doesn't have money problems it has weak unsupportive leadership issues.
Maybe they should work on using existing money to retrain their entire workforce in light of the recent high profile staff situations - further, to ask for more money is absurd - given that the majority of teachers far exceed the current median income of the shore business community, how can they be serious about asking for any money at all. As for readiness for K, that is a parent’s job- as a parent make sure your child can read basic text, count to 20, know all their shapes and colors and be able to get along socially with others - Sesame Street does a good job of this, as do other free programs on PBS. As for the social/emotional issues - I don’t know what the answer is.... so many children are just totally out of control, and by middle school they are almost totally, irrevocably lost - again, parents are the issue here. Simply two of the requested funding issues can be solved by informed and interested parenting, and costs nothing - as for teacher salaries - get real!
Such as? Easy to be say it without proof to back it up.
Again, where is the proof or are you living in the past? Dates, times, participants?
You do realize it is PUBLIC education, right? Get rid of the 10%? Hmmm.
Shows you know nothing. Kids are expected to know far more than colors, shapes and counting to 20 for kindergarten. And you say it’s the parents responsibility. It is not it’s not being done.
What an idiotic comment. Really? Social and emotion needs have nothing to do with LGBT and it doesn’t matter if ESOL kids are legal, they still have to be taught. And to be honest, most are legal and have a right to be taught.
Currently YOUR children are being Indoctrinated not Educated in this Failing Government/Public School System. They are using Agenda 21/Common Core to Dumb Down your children as this is the Goal of Agenda 21 brought to you by the U.N.
When will YOU finally understand this fact??? Take time to look at what they are being taught. Don't just sit on the sidelines and watch their only opportunity to get a decent Education fritter away. What's wrong with YOU Parents???
YES; the other issues mentioned here are Part of the problem as well, BUT the worst is what I just described and YOU don't seem to care. NEVER trust blindly...many of you have done this for far too many years. Don't you ever wonder why your children are NOT being taught American and World History, Geography, Civics and being taught the Truth in their school books? How about their Lack of Patriotism? Good grief; get off your butts and get involved, get your children out the the Indoctrination System NOW!!!
The federal government is who has failed all communities across this nation. The state government did not have back bone enough to buck the system. The school boards tremble in fear of law suits.
Jimmy and Ja'Mar and Ja'Neata and Jane disrupting the school system all day, every day because they are no longer punished. Ain't PC you know.
What fool came to the conclusion that letting a 16 year old quit school was not a good ideal. Now they are REQUIRED to stay in school until 18, no matter if they have made it through the 1st or 9th grade or all 12 grades.
Did you know There is a generation of idiots running around who cannot read or write in cursive. That was a really smart move. Are you aware our forefathers wrote the Constitution in cursive? I dare say those gentlemen who fought to make our country the greatest in the world never dreamt our nation would be run by the likes of democrats. I kid you not, the cost of getting school kids back on track will be far more costly than 800k.
Maryland is part of the problem, believing it is their PC duty to let the illegals in, feed them, cloth them, not bothering to teach them English. Our Governor can be credited with a lot of blame also.
1) Increase number of students ready to enter Kindergarten. With all kids trained for kindergarten and enrollment down, what child has not been prepared?
2) Social, Emotional, Behavioral Support should come from the home At this point IMO public schools need to develop programs such as the private Christian schools.
not want jobs where the have to bow down to the kids to remain politically correct or worry about getting killed on a daily routine. The government has screwed all they run, costing us tax payer a boat load and it will cost 5 boatloads to turn it around.
Just saw an ad on television promoting parents to consider enrolling children in vocational program. WTF is board of education doing making commercials to entice parents to choose Hugh school curriculum
I can almost assure you that the money they want to “recruit and retain” will not go to current teaching staff. They will hire new hires fresh out of college at the lowest starting salary rate and the rest will go to admin and board members.
From personal experience I can tell you they spend a sh*t ton in legal fees to cover their wrong doing
Wicomico County had the second LOWEST per pupil finishing from its county government in the state last year Second LOWEST.
3:18 - I certainly know quite a bit - to that end, I will share that a taught for a decade, and then realized how much money was just wasted, how so many opportunities were squandered, and how each succeeding generation had fewer and fewer parents who invested time being a parent - additionally, I taught kindergarten , and know very well the readiness standards that are not met. Go ahead and ask any pre k or k teacher if they ever taught students whom they knew would be in trouble with the law. Then ask them (once they have named off several dozen) what the common denominator was in every situation, and they will surely tell you it was poor parenting, repeated poor choices by said parents, and a complete collapse of a nurturing environment. As for teacher pay to recruit and hire the best and brightest minds, know that most of those will either quit or gain some experience and go to another school system. Wicomico looses an astonishing high number of teachers in their first five years. Want to know why? Few will state salary is the number one reason, but rather, the fact that their students come less prepared every year. My last year of teaching k, their were 96 children in our school entering the fall. We were required to give exams to find the students’ level of readiness. That year, 73 of the 96 could not write their names, recognize the alphabet, count to 20, recognize the basic shapes and name the primary colors. That is 76% of the entering population! No amount of money even comes close to fixing that, with no end in sight - NONE!
If several sites on the internet are correct, in 2017, Worcester county already spent $17,791 PER STUDENT, the highest amount in Maryland. (My kids got a much better education for less than 1/4 of that.) They are already using enough of the taxpayers money.
And I agree with other posters... the parents/guardians should help the kids learn letters, numbers, colors, etc. should. They could even learn this is a good babysitter or daycare. It's not that complicated. However, it's not anyone else's job to raise everyone's children. Nor should you want them to. Be involved in your child's learning & what they are being taught. You will likely end up with much fewer regrets & problems.
Two years ago the County Council approved 200 thousand plus over MOE. This was supposed to be for whiteboards and various supplies, however they hired Paul Butler at $90.000 + a year. The quote from a board member in a BOE meeting was he was needed to show all the good they do. My hope is the Council will hold to the MOE.
Well one thing is for sure, they will never ask for less. The taxpayers are a deep pocket for them to fleece, every year. #3 is the real reason they always ask for more money. To put more of our money in the ineffective and unproductive teachers pockets.
I had to walk 2 miles to school every day regardless of the weather,uphill both ways.
Those of us who pay for private school should be exempt from paying taxes that support the failing public system!
We make sacrifices, work overtime - do whatever it takes - to pay for private school. It makes me sick to pay taxes that are currently wasted on public education. Until the community as a whole gets outraged over the lack of parenting, which in my opinion is the root cause of most of the public school problems, NOTHING will change.
there is no oversight on how the board spends the money. all creative accounting in their budget. Covers up the gift cards to victoria's secret and all the other bs that is going on. we are being ripped off and they (fitz hanlan fulton and co) aren't shy about it! maybe the citizens will wake up and actually get some people in there who give a crap about our schools! apologies, forgot I was talking about wicomico county!
Get rid of the kids that refuse to learn. Having a right doesn't mean we have to drag them through the system at the expense of others
Get control of the schools. Stricter standards, real learning, preparation for life, expel those that won't learn, won't respect the teachers and other students, then ask for more $$$
Let’s tie more money to moving up grade point averages.
Look, when I attended school here in Wicomico, when the BOE needed money they were encouraged to have annual, biannual, monthly bake sales. Whatever happened to that concept? Once the taxpayers are extorted from their hard earned monies, they'll continue the shenanigans.
Take the $ you waste on the FESTIVAL now for the 2nd year, the little blue things in the roads, the orange bicycles bought for the 1st FESTIVAL, the FIREBOAT NEVER USED. All the $ Fake Jake and the city waste yearly. Instead of $800K more for education spend some $ on the SPD Or teach them how to file grants so they can get some assistance.
Funny you don't ask the Sheriff's Department to do bake sales, and their budget has almost doubled in the past decade.
Face it you idiots live in a liberal socialist city that supports any and free giveaways to the ghettos and illegals. Have to agree with a previous post WTF dies Paul Butler actually do?? Sounds like to me he realized he didn't have much of a pension yo fall back on from his broadcast days so some of his buddies created a position for him. This happens quite a bit in the city and county government of Salisbury/ wicomico county. Suck it up your screwed and you've allowed it. The fishing is fine down here in the Carolinas
Bake sales? Really! Today u would need a permit and then someone would sue over a bad cupcake. Never heard of raising money for a school system on a bake sale.
10:34...you were a teacher? That explains everything. Reread your comment. It should read “I taught for a decade”, not “a taught for a decade”. You then say “Wicomico LOOSES”. It’s “Wicomico LOSES”. Lastly, you state “my last year of teaching k, their were..”. It is “THERE were”. THEIR is possessive. A teacher SHOULD have bettter grammar, spelling and punctuation than what is displayed in your soliloquy. You are part of the problem. To come on here and author a post with so many errors, yet complain about parents not educating their children is both comical and hypocritical. Please don’t blame “auto correct”. Part of writing is proof reading your product. As a teacher, you should know this and hold students to that simple standard. SMDH
You can bet Socialists Bill McCain and Josh Hastings will be there.
Anonymous said...
Their demands are not sustainable. The county needs to reduce their funding as they are failing the community with substandard results.
March 6, 2019 at 10:14 AM
It ain't going to happen now. Thanks to the Kirwin Commission and the majority of Liberals who control our General Assembly. They just passed laws making counties responsible for funding teachers pay raises and fully funding PreK.
Still no word from Dr. Hanlin and the Board of Education on the rape of those kids at Bennett High School or the arrest of Amy Eskridge, Principal. She has bad children so we know how she raised them and her leadership proved that.
We have kids at Bennett High School who have been violated, abused and raped by teachers, guidance counselors and covered up by the principal, assistant principals and other counselors but Dr. Hanlin and the BOE want more money!!
I say NO!! Time to fight back for our children!
Anonymous said...
Funny you don't ask the Sheriff's Department to do bake sales, and their budget has almost doubled in the past decade.
March 10, 2019 at 10:49 AM
AWWW!! Are you a libtard from the BOE??
If you think the BOE is more important than our lives then you are too stupid to vote.
Joe, I clicked on the last link and saw the picture of the graduating students with the cap and gowns. One thing that struck me hard was both the boys and girls were wearing the same colors? What happened to boys wearing one color and girls wearing the other color? Oh, that's right, they don't want to offend the one or two mental cases that don't want to identify with their God-given DNA!! Why aren't you doing a story on that Mr. Albero? Did you know that was the new policy?
The local economy is not growing but you want more money,need to address why we're not growing like the high cost of developing property,access to capital when bank loans are non existent except to people who don't need the money.
3:37 spot on,the administrators set the criteria for education and most of it is toward social issues and not fundamentals.
Anonymous said...
What an idiotic comment. Really? Social and emotion needs have nothing to do with LGBT and it doesn’t matter if ESOL kids are legal, they still have to be taught. And to be honest, most are legal and have a right to be taught.
March 6, 2019 at 3:20 PM
"and to be honest, most are legal and have a right to be taught." Prove that most are legal. How the Hell do you know who is legal? At least you are admitting that we have illegals in this county and our school system.
Anonymous said...
Currently YOUR children are being Indoctrinated not Educated in this Failing Government/Public School System. They are using Agenda 21/Common Core to Dumb Down your children as this is the Goal of Agenda 21 brought to you by the U.N.
When will YOU finally understand this fact??? Take time to look at what they are being taught. Don't just sit on the sidelines and watch their only opportunity to get a decent Education fritter away. What's wrong with YOU Parents???
YES; the other issues mentioned here are Part of the problem as well, BUT the worst is what I just described and YOU don't seem to care. NEVER trust blindly...many of you have done this for far too many years. Don't you ever wonder why your children are NOT being taught American and World History, Geography, Civics and being taught the Truth in their school books? How about their Lack of Patriotism? Good grief; get off your butts and get involved, get your children out the the Indoctrination System NOW!!!
March 6, 2019 at 3:37 PM
You are 100% correct. Get rid of Donna Hanlin, NOW!
Anonymous said...
Wicomico County had the second LOWEST per pupil finishing from its county government in the state last year Second LOWEST.
March 6, 2019 at 7:59 PM
Big F'n Deal!! They are still getting funded, aren't they?? Did you realize that Wicomico County is one of the poorest counties in the nation? Do you realize that the funding per pupil from the state and the feds is still funded by local taxpayers?
This sounds like the same crap we keep hearing from Mike Dunn, Bill Chambers and Bill McCain. They are the same ones that want to remove the revenue cap to give the BOE more money just because they asked for it.
I'm not all that old, and I can also remember 'Bake Sales' were a very good way to generate additional educational revenues. When I was a student at Beaver Run, Mrs. Folk (Principal) encouraged bake sales.
Even spaghetti dinners are a good way to enhance educational revenues. And you want to know what is so practical about these ideas. That way the illegal alien parents - that are using and abusing our educational system - can actually deploy a way to help restore some of the lost taxpayers revenues.
Anonymous said...
I can almost assure you that the money they want to “recruit and retain” will not go to current teaching staff. They will hire new hires fresh out of college at the lowest starting salary rate and the rest will go to admin and board members.
March 6, 2019 at 7:27 PM
The Board members only get $3,700 per year so WTF are you talking about?? Educate yourselves before you make stupid comments like this.
The best thing I can tell you as taxpaying citizens is to go to the hearing and counter the lemmings. Tell the Executive not to fund everything those idiots ask for.
Where are the so-called Republicans on this? John Palmer, Mr. Voice, Ann Suthowski and that idiot RINO Gene Malone should be fighting for our hard earned tax dollars but they don't. Who elected those morons.
Anonymous said...
Bake sales? Really! Today u would need a permit and then someone would sue over a bad cupcake. Never heard of raising money for a school system on a bake sale.
March 10, 2019 at 11:40 AM
Then get a permit you lazy a$$. Last time I checked you don't need a permit to have a bake sale. Permits are only needed for raffles and alcohol sales.
If you never heard of a bake sale then you just proved that you are lazy and don't participate in the PTA. I have a feeling you don't even have a job!
Anonymous said...
Let’s tie more money to moving up grade point averages.
March 10, 2019 at 9:09 AM
Please explain how money can do that?
Another stupid comment.
Time to get rid of Donna Hanlin and Don Fitzgerald. The majority Republicans made Fitzgerald the President of the Board again. We need to quit electing these stupid RINO's!
I think you misunderstood 7:59 or maybe I did? Wicomico County spends more money on student than a lot of places yet they finish second to last in their grades.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that 6:38. With no skilled tradesmen or women, who's going to build housing and the data centers this country needs to function now.
In 12" of snow
How about we give the Sheriff's office the same amount you get for each student for every person in the county that they protect. Better yet lets give the BOE the same amount per student that the Sheriff's office gets per person in the county.
11:53 day what you want about the “grammar errors” but 10:34 is absolutely correct.
You can thank Michelle Obama for the lack of “bake sales” and other assorted traditional fundraising methods. There are restrictions now on what you can and can’t sell during school hours and school based events.
Eliminate Paul butler’s position and you are 1/8th of the way there
3:37- He's baaaaacccckkk!
Wrong u idiot. Have a good job for 26 years here. On PTA and held positions at daughters schools PTA for years. Did fundraisers for their schools to fund dances, etc. Start educating yourself before running your ignorant pie hole.
When I went to Wi Jr High...the had donkey basketball games for fund raisers!! True story.
4:22 - I remember them to. IMHO, if the BOE wants more money then our County Executive/County Council should make sure that the illegals are paying their fair share.
1. Maybe it is time for a special assessment charge to be imposed upon the illegal's anchoring parents.
2. Maybe impose a special assessment charge for having more than 1 child - like is currently being done in China for parents electing to have more than 1) a penalty fine for the couple, it seems that in Beijing it''s 24,725 yuan ($3,600) for urban residents and 10,747 yuan for rural residents
(cf. China Daily : http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/cdaudio/2009-03/26/content_7619751.htm) and the loss of all social benefits for both children!
3. In China - an unmarried women is not allowed to have a child at all. A similar law in Wicomico would spells really big troubles for Americans, particularly the minority.
Bottom line, if you can't feed them then you shouldn't breed them because it simply imposes undue hardship on those conscientious Americans that elect to opt out of having kids. I know, I know, I'll be accused of being a racist but at least it is in the language of Star Trek's Spoke - it is LOGICAL.
And we certainly could use some of this, particularly here in Wicomico.
Plenty of proof has been published. With dates, times, and names of participants who are still employed by boe. Not going to look it up for you.
fitz aint a rino, he's a typical democrat from the redneck, I mean redman club.
To all you liberal socialist PUS**** like Dunn, DAY, McCain etc no one that comes to this country or lives in this city or county is entitled to anything. What about all the people that fought in WWI and WWII?? WTF was their entitlement? They gave their lives to fight against the very things you idiots are trying desperately to give away today
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