These two videos are of the fight yesterday that led to several kids at Salisbury middle being pepper sprayed by a deputy. In the second video, you can see that puny little deputy come in and try to break up the fight. Apparently, after the video ends, she realizes that she was unable to break up this fight between these two teenage girls, so she felt the need to pull out her pepper spray and start - trying - to mace one of the girls fighting but ended up spraying most of the bystanders in the cafeteria, sending several kids to the nurses office and home. Today's insanity revolved around nine separate fights Occurring today alone – resulting in that school being shut down. Something needs to happen with the zoo. It's just crazy

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
Violence in Wicomico County Schools **Viewer Warning** (10-13-19)
These two videos are of the fight yesterday that led to several kids at Salisbury middle being pepper sprayed by a deputy. In the second video, you can see that puny little deputy come in and try to break up the fight. Apparently, after the video ends, she realizes that she was unable to break up this fight between these two teenage girls, so she felt the need to pull out her pepper spray and start - trying - to mace one of the girls fighting but ended up spraying most of the bystanders in the cafeteria, sending several kids to the nurses office and home. Today's insanity revolved around nine separate fights Occurring today alone – resulting in that school being shut down. Something needs to happen with the zoo. It's just crazy
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Call the National Guard into the Schools. I'm telling you let the Animals that don't know how to act mess up with them in place. Put National Guard in all of Wicomico County Schools. Let that go public and maybe start a trend of filtering out all these ghetto animals that do not want to be there for an education anyway!
Middle school?? They look like their highschool.
In the next few years there is going to be a mass exodus of teachers. They've had enough!
White trash.
Salisbury middle has always been like this and is getting worse.they let ghettobury hood rats control the school.
Unless you expel those animals from all county schools it will continue.
Cannot expel Obama thugs
I'm sure little Susie the assaulter will be labeled the victim and the admin and police will be blamed. This is what you get when you put inner city kids in one school. Pure hell!
No repercussions. No accountability. The kids will act like animals.
Kick them out... Make them their parents problem... then the parents will finally get involved... may be.
Need a rally today at the BOE office behind Lowe’s
See you there at Noon
Need to make them as uncomfortable as my child is at this $hithole school
7:03 - National Guard? Really? - these 'students' coordinate their fights on social media accounts that the school administration and police can't see. Then they launch into each other causing chaos. The school itself (admin) can't do a thing, especially if the students are special ed - the kids will all get 3 day suspensions and charges which will amount to a slap on the wrist, especially if they have not had a problem with LE prior to this. They will be assigned a case worker from juvenile justice that will monitor for six months - and they will all be back in school Wednesday after a parent conference with Mr. Dunn. The school staff is doing all they can - central office needs to start expulsions and back up school staff with actions and not empty words.
video won't play due to too many requests
To call the school a zoo is an insult to zoo animals. Animals are more civilized then this trash.
You guys are failing us!! The School system is broke..more money WILL NOT FIX IT. So i have a Blue collar solution.
What we need is:
To Throw off the chains of the FEDS dictates and state BOE Fat & BS..that should be first order of bussiness.
Second-set ridgid core standards,shove common core where it belongs
third-open reform schools back up.
fourth-the state funds reform schools
fifth-vouchers cover the schools that survive.
Sixth- hold parents more accountable for the problem kids. Shaming always worked. Maybe we should bring that back.. Certainly trying not to hurt anybody's feelings is not working.
A Vouchers system will direct TAX dollars to schools that produce results en force discipline and actually educate our children instead of indoctrinating them. Then some of the current indoc centers could be remodeled as reform schools which is basically what they are now anyway.
Vouchers could grow more local smaller functional education programs.
However I'm sure the powers to be will scream, cry, kick, resist any attempt by us to regain control of the education system. Maybe even grammer nazi my tirade...why? Because they are scared to lose control of the scam.
We can no longer stomach the staus quo. If it continues to be run by overpaid incompetent, PHD Tax sucking bureaucrats. Stealing dollars from the classrooms to pay fat useful idiots who dont realize their policies are not working.
Life just keeps getting better and better in the Da'Bury!
Salisbury is a democrat stronghold so what is to be expected. There isn't a democrat alive who is a good honest decent person. No good person would ever live in Sby. It is the Crotch of the Eastern Shore.
8:14 animals are more civilized. And animals raise their young better then the filth that spawned raised these wastes of air that are fighting. Trash nothing but trash and whoever can needs to identity this filth so maybe just maybe the trash parents may feel some shame.
If I had a child there, I guess I would have to get fined for not sending them to school, but no way would I put my child in harms way in a situation like this on a daily basis. What are they learning except how to be a hood rat like the trouble makers. NOT!!! Parents get to the BOE, as a group, hopefully a large group, and let them know you're not sending your kids into this mess any more.
What is the national guard going to do? You think these kids give a sh!t about your national guard? They dont care about the cops, why the national guard.
1in3 americans under the age of 25 have been arrested. 1in3 you understand that stat? Everyone is treated like a criminal in this country. What you expect them to act like? How you expect them to raise their children. 1in3 cant get a decent job cause they have a criminal record.
Went from 6% had a criminal record in 1960s to 34% today. Yet every body just keeps saying more police more more more bring in the national guard, send em all to jail.
Well you are sending them all to jail youve been sending them all to jail. This is what you get from it. How you like it?
I was shocked to see white girls acting like the thugs that are around them . If you think about it , the thugs are the influence that stimulates this behavior. " I want o be like a minority , I want act like a minority ."
Oh just calm down people , this is just part of the young "ME TOO movement", not a bowel movement.
October 11, 2019 at 7:03 AM:
Your stupidity is appalling. What a stupid comment. Call in the National Guard? Do you even know what a "State of Emergency" is? Armed military troops for a school fight. That takes the cake. There are some really stupid uneducated people on the shore, if they can suggest the national guard is the answer for school fights and tire squealing. How about you moving to a police state, like China or North Korea? Maybe they keep things under control like you like it.
That's why the private schools and religious schools are all packed. They don't accept thugs.
National Guard does not have to restrain like local PD has to, they will do what is necessary to straighten this mess out, they are not going to hold their hand or spray mace let me tell you! Let a couple of them get their teeth kicked in before being processed through them and some stupid a$$ kids might think twice. The BOE, the County, and the State has lost complete control of our school systems. That is what you do call them in to fix it and restore. You all just said nothing else is going to work! So instead of bashing this idea actually think about it for a minute! Remember People that Bash Ideas without offering a solution are just Whiners!!
9:03 you are the uneducated one, it is just one fight, it is several fights, riots, threatening the lives of teachers, and teachers unborn children, it is drugs, it is gangs, it is Rapes! You must be one of those Blind BOE people to think I would recommend National Guard for one or two fights! LOL Hysterical!
" Anonymous said...
I was shocked to see white girls acting like the thugs that are around them . If you think about it , the thugs are the influence that stimulates this behavior. " I want o be like a minority , I want act like a minority ."
October 11, 2019 at 9:01 AM"
It is called White Trash. It's generational. The parents are trash and it was trash who raised them and trash who raised them. For 100 yrs they were raised with no class no morals no decency. This is why their identity needs to be exposes so decent people can give the parents a much needed public slap down.
What’s your solution? Name calling? Oooooo! People like you who minimize the turmoil ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Maybe mobilizing the Guard (would that include Jakey?) is not the solution, but what is ? Help me here.
Wicomico county is a disgrace
Solution is as follows :
1.survival of the fittest
2.Let them fight
3.They will hurt or kill each other off
4.we don't need them on this planet
5.problem solved
This is a very simple solution , and it will work , cost us nothing .
Somebody ought to grab these disruptive brats by the hair and knock the crap out of them. Kick them out of school forever and put them in a school for the incorrigible. Back in my day the teacher had the authority to put their hands on the student when they broke the rules. Today the students rule, what a shame, brats!!!
9:03 just one fight? You are either a LIAR or are the stupid one. There are fights every other day in Sby pre detention centers. I refuse to call them schools and will call them what they are. The demographics of Sby in and of itself is pure ghetto and other trash types. These kind of degenerates can not be in groups. Their tribal tendencies surface come hell or high water even with the whites because they are white trash.
For those interested, you can email the news tip line at WTOP and provide links regarding this
I don't have children in the school system, but can tell you as a former teacher the only way to force the BOE to do something is to pressure them
Since when did WHITE people act like this, especially girls? They trying to show they cool like their brutta's and sista's? Ghetto trash everywhere you look. Our future looks very, very dim. Almost black.
The two girls fighting in the video are white.
Get rid of cell phone use during school hours (teachers too!) Need to call your parents? Need to speak with your kid? Office. Chat with your friends? Write notes. Use tech? Computer lab/laptops/Smart Board. Caught using your phone? Confiscated till year end - contract signed by parent/student - student not permitted to get schedule until signed. Inconvenient? Yes, but will cut down on the instantaneous effect of social media and disruption in the classrooms. Many generations did it before this one!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The two girls fighting in the video are white.
October 11, 2019 at 10:08 AM
I think we know that but thanks...
Northwest Woodsman : We all know the source of this violence but government indoctrination and politicians who enroll their children in private schools fear the solution like the plague. Programs they have been promoting for the last 60 years that I recall, have been utter failures. I am not an admirer of Abraham Lincoln, however, if one were to review the Lincoln Douglas debates, 18 September 1858 - 1859, you will see that things have not turned out as he and Thomas Jefferson had hoped.
October 11, 2019 at 7:03 AM:
Want to know how stupid your comment is? It's like me calling for a state of emergency, and deploying the troops because someone stole my parking place.
So glad my kids didn't go to that Sh!thole Salisbury Middle School and Bennett High School. Glad my kids graduated from that Indoctrination Camp ran by Donna Hanlin, Don Fitzgerald and Jake Day.
11:23 you are so blind of the situation its scary to think how many like you there actually are out there.
Wicomico county schools are flooded with nothing but gangs and disrespectful kids. I feel bad for the teachers that have to deal with them on a daily basis.
Without phones we wouldn’t know half of what goes on and the guidance counselor that was just convicted might have gotten away with it
There has always been fights in schools all over this country. I will say no knives or guns like today. You would meet on the football field or across the street. Social Media plays a small role in this behavior. The main culprit is liberal idiots not raising their children. Teachers are just what their title states. The job does not include raising your little bastards or teaching them manners. It is to educate PERIOD. If you want to point a finger at anyone it was the liberal left that started no child left behind. That is just plain and simply the dumbest bull shit I have ever heard muttered. How and why do we punish all children no matter what color that are there to learn. Time for the BOE to stop thinking like social workers and do the freaking job they get paid to do. Bring back corporal punishment. We tried this time out stuff and that is why these children behave this way. God Bless these teachers I can not imagine how they feel trying to do the job they were hired for and having to be belittled and assaulted by some entitled little turd. Just look at some recent students involved in a murder. When is enough? My children are grown and moved to a better life else where. You do not need the national guard. Let the teachers teach and the police in the schools do their jobs. In my honest opinion put those officers back on streets. Make Salisbury Police work the schools in the city limits. Babs can pad her crime stats all to hell with those numbers. Mike Lewis has used those numbers for years to inflate UCR numbers. One school to house these punks and if they screw up there one time they are expelled. Let our children learn in a setting conducive to learning. BOE you are an embarrassment to leadership. Have a Delmarvalous Day.
One kid flown to Baltimore with head injury yesterday. Salisbury EMS responded.
New schools SAME POS THUGS.
Why do we need to mention the ‘puny’ deputy? God forbid she does her job. Not her fault those kids have no respect for themselves of others.
Anonymous said...
National Guard does not have to restrain like local PD has to, they will do what is necessary to straighten this mess out, they are not going to hold their hand or spray mace let me tell you! Let a couple of them get their teeth kicked in before being processed through them and some stupid a$$ kids might think twice. The BOE, the County, and the State has lost complete control of our school systems. That is what you do call them in to fix it and restore. You all just said nothing else is going to work! So instead of bashing this idea actually think about it for a minute! Remember People that Bash Ideas without offering a solution are just Whiners!!
October 11, 2019 at 9:11 AM
"The BOE, the County, and the State has lost complete control of our school systems."
Before you run your mouth you should know the law. The County has NO control of schools, only the State and the BOE does. Anything else you want to say, Moron?
Anonymous said...
Salisbury middle has always been like this and is getting worse.they let ghettobury hood rats control the school.
October 11, 2019 at 7:39 AM
What thee hell are you ranting about? Have you ever heard of law and order, or consequences for your actions? That's what locking people up looks like. If you act like an animal in society, society will treat you like one.
If only Wicomico County could turn over schools to the city for their city residents and let the county run only schools for citizens in the County. It can be done, look at Baltimore City.
I’d flood the hallways, classrooms, and yes even the restrooms with CCTV and use the recordings as evidence in expelling these kids from school property. If the parents threaten to sue, go right ahead, the WCBOE will see you in court. Just look at the response these two cellphone recordings have ignited. Can you imagine the evidence from gathered from CCTV recordings?
No child left behind was signed into law by George Bush in 2002.
Whoever wrote the commentary is part of the problem. Casting shade on the deputy versus recognizing the true problem (the kids).
Stay salty my friend.
Your grammar reflects your intellectual level with that stupid *ss comment. Go cook some more meth and kiss your cousin
Maryland Criminal Law Code, Section 10-201: Disturbing the Public Peace and Disorderly Conduct. Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor that can be punished by up to 60 days in jail and fined up to $500.
Agreed. The ‘puny’ deputy who did her best to do her job does not need to be called out.
I'm some what amazed that very few on here have planted the blame squarely were it belongs. It's the parents of these misfits. How many of these kids live in a 2 parent home? How many of these kids have parents with a police record. How many of these kid's parents graduated from school. How many of these kid's parents set a good example for them. I've know a few teachers from WI Middle. They have all left employment there. Their biggest complaints were parents who don't/can't raise respectable kids. The other MAJOR complaint was a administration with the attitude...."ok kids will be kids". REALLY???
This footage was filmed at SMS, HOWEVER, it happened on October 8th.
The issue is all over this country police are being ridiculed for arrested these toads. Spray you make the news. Slam them you make the news. Cuff em you make the news and some liberal retard will want their job and sadly the retards twin AKA Chief or Sheriff whatever you get the point. As for the "puny" Deputy I never got to see the video but I have not seen any puny deputies. The one there a couple year ago looked like David Bowie and well walked like him also. She would have beat them man style Just saying. The mixed message by our current Libtard population is a trophy for every kid that tries OMFG what do you think you are creating you think for one minute that kids self esteem will rise when he knows he finished last and does not have to work to suceed in life and here we are. America is raising pu**ies by the boat load. My kid is not sure if he is she. WTF people just drop the drawers and take a quick peek. Its like magic. If they have a weenie it is a BOY. If it has anything other than that its most likly a girl. X or Y very simple. Somebody skipped that part in sex ed. Bruce Jenner ssorry back to the BOE they have become a breeding ground for idiots in leadership positions. Could you imagine these turds acting like this in a public place there would be consequences. At school go to your safe place and think about what you have done. Yup that is working out. Just like no thug left behind. To bad water boarding is outlawed. Trust it would work. The old pleasure vs. pain principal has far reaching lessons learned. These liberals breast the the kid until they are in the tenth grade.
I resent that. I AM a good honest person and I live in this town. I work here and do the best I can. These damn parents need to start teaching their children morals and how to act. They need to lose their welfare and stop having kids to get more monthly money. They need to 3xpel these kids and open up reform schools. Get them away from the kids who are trying to actually learn. They need to revisit a lot of the IEPs out there because about a third of them are for a SS check not legit. The DOJ needs to keep their noses out of the schools and stop playing the racism card so schools can't hold the kids accountable for their actions. The parents need to start being held accountable for the children they are not raising but the assholes they are creating! Damn right teachers, the good ones, the ones who care are going to leave. We can't teach because of discipline problems. We can't discipline because then we're racist or prejudiced! They we can't do anything but their don't either except give excuses! A lot of these kids are spoiled brats and others don't know any better because it's their way of life. It's not a black/white's a lack of respect thing. No one respects anyone and are only out for themselves. NOT their paychecks, I mean kids, but themselves. These kids are our future folks...we're fucked!
Person please. This has been going on all week and school hasn't even been in 30 days! 6-8 fights a day. These brats are out of control. I say they need to put retired Vets or Police Officers in the halls and cafeteria and call it a "Police State" in this school! There are kids in K acting like this! It's not a school fight!
I know one of the girls in the video. She was being harassed and bullied she told her parents. Her parents call the school the morning of the incident and warned them that this other girl was threatening to beat her up. The girls were called into a private meeting and there was no further issue until the original bully made good on her threats. She went to the girls lunch table and started to bully her and to make good on her threat to beat her up!! The girl could only take so much of being bullied that she stood up for herself! Yes she was peppered sprayed in large amounts to the point where she was taken to the hospital by ambulance along with 10 other children!
So, a child goes to her parent and tells them she’s being bullied and threatened. A mother calls the school a half assed attempt is made... not even telling all the proper authorities to stop this and it still happened...And a girl gets peppered sprayed all over her body for taking up for self and fighting back on a bully! And now you know the rest of the story!
tasing would have been alot better just to see them jiggle around
yeah shut the BOE down nothing but worthless DEMOCRATS looking for only a pay check. there is nothing they do for the education system PERIOD
3:33, 4:15. Why the hell would they have one puny – female – deputy who Doesn’t even have the strength to even restrain a teenage girl? Why wouldn’t they have a larger, stronger deputythat can control these kids. If they did, the “puny “deputy wouldn’t of had to use Mace (!) , in a school, on an entire cafeteria full of kids. Over 30 kids went home that day because they mace in their face. So yes, the puny adjective was absolutely appropriate
3:33, 4:15. Why the hell would they have one puny – female – deputy who Doesn’t even have the strength to even restrain a teenage girl? Why wouldn’t they have a larger, stronger deputythat can control these kids. If they did, the “puny “deputy wouldn’t of had to use Mace (!) , in a school, on an entire cafeteria full of kids. Over 30 kids went home that day because they mace in their face. So yes, the puny adjective was absolutely appropriate
Look like a wrestler show
the M.C. sounded like a real wrestle announcer on his micro phone
Our state thinks that writing a check brings better education.
It is not the money, it is the quality of the student supported by quality parents who support dedicated teachers. Yes some teachers need to move on,
but it is family environment issue. Our teachers come to teach not raise others children.
political correctness will not solve the issue
I'm sure the large officers are used on the streets to control the adults/parents of these kids. I bet those 30 kids will not forget the experience of that spray. They won't run to cheer a fight the next time maybe. They will run the other way.
We are continually told that bully is not allowed or permitted in schools. Yet it happens all the time when reported and the school does nothing about it.
They should start Saturday School and LOTS of community service. Leaves will be falling soon. Give them a rake and make them rake the park near the zoo.
Maybe they should consider letting kids sit with their friends instead of assigned seating. Just a thought.
They need more than pepper sprayed. What ever happened to expelling this type of pukes?
good point
but pepper spray is ineffective as are stun guns on CRAZY PEOPLE
that's why you see many still fighting after being subjected to both non lethal use of force
You are so right. What was she to do? Yall people can stop saying white trash to there is nothi g white trash about her. Bullys no wonder the kids are bullying look at the adults smh
I homeschool because of this
Not that it matters, but it wasn't a head injury, his heart stopped. Misinformation is a b1tch isn't it.
Maybe their parents’ welfare checks and medical assistance should be put on hold until they learn to control their children.
These are not spontaneous eruptions. These kids are playing everyone. Camera phones are on and recording before it even breaks out and it goes straight to social media. It's a big game. Just like the H2o events the big show is not local it's all for broadcast and HITS. Ban phones from the schools. Why does a child have a phone at school at all ? Adults feed right into it and these kids are running their own inside joke Kardashian shit show. Just like our news media and administration they all think it's a big SHOW.
There needs to be a new Holiday. Perhaps a week long media fast where we are not plagued by news fake or otherwise,political drama,economic scares and social media climbing farces. Maybe talk to each other face to face or sit down at one table and have a meal or take a pad of paper and pencil and write a letter to someone anyone your Grandmother or Santa Claus. We have lost our minds and civility.
What is that supposed to mean
You know nothing. The sit where they want with their class.
Great point
Separation of academics and politics
Can someone look into what I saw on the news about a student being flown to a hospital cause of an assault?? Where is the information from the Board of Ed on this? WBOC? TV47? What about all that $ for the public information department at the board that doesn't put out information? What is the board trying to hide? When did this happen and we are finding out about it from the Sheriff? The superintendent needs to resign.
I was bullied at WI SR HI in 1961 in the lunch line. After turning away for the 3rd time I knocked the dumb ass cold and I was never bullied again.Some times you just have to do what you have to do--SEND A MESSAGE!!!
Half of these comments totally disgust me. When did it become a skin color thing? A disruptive, disobedient, disrespectful child is just that, regardless of skin color. Calling children white trash isn't going to solve anything but create more drama than need be. And usually it's the people using those words are a big part of the problem! When you have grown ass people name calling and using racial slurs, it usually indicates the problematic parents who promote this. What everyone is failing to see is that the teachers are fed up. Should they decide to quit then where does that leave the kids who actually go to school to learn and not act a fool? Not only is the BOE not holding their end up but the parents aren't holding their children accountable when they get home after a long day of acting dumb! These children have no respect for anything,and they don't value an education. Take the ones who don't want to act right and fine the parents, and make those children sit in a jail cell with inmates who took the same path that they are on now. Let the inmates scare the hell out of them. Stop putting blame on skin color and political background! At the end of the day these kids are what's going to run our future and looking at it, we should all be scared!!
You can't be serious. Please tell me you aren't. That's one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. It's people like you that is the problem with children today. That goes for any race. Because of dumb remarks like this I'm terrified of what the future looks like for the kids that are biracial
Really?? Ignorance breeds ignorance.. smdh.
Response to 6:17... This is the problem. The bullying was reported, the bully girl continued to bully.. So sorry this happened. She is not a thug. her parents did exactly what they are supposed to do
The size of the officer at SMS is irrelevant. She is a damn good LEO and doesn’t deserve the criticism she is getting on this post. Criticize the kids, the parents, the administration and the WCBOE, bc it is a combination of all of them that cause this mayhem and/or allow it to continue. It is absurd that this happens at all, let alone almost daily! God bless the kids, families and staff that must cope with this uncontrolled violence in what is supposed to be a safe, learning environment. What a joke!
What you said was uncall for i don't care if you red white blue or black the race have nothing to do with it it start with the parents but since you want to put it a racist thing you got these white trailer park trash no good poor living starting fights too every race is accountable of how they raise their kids thats the problem now y'all white so call think you do no wrong acting like you better then the next race which you not get your little clown kids under control...sorry not sorry stop making it a race thing
That's how blind and racist people around here are. The deputy should have mace the shhh out of them. Should not been standing around watching it and encouraging it.
You sound dumb. What about the good kids being targeted or bullied. 1 of the girls may have had enough and fought back w/ all she had or just lost it after being repeatedly bullied.
The 2 white girls live in the hood?
It's just another Westside Story, Outsiders and Grease movement.
I say the same thing. But they are going to say she shouldn't fought back. Gtfoh. Hope she gave her a hell of a reason not to bother her again. I'm 40. When I went to school in wicomico. Who ever threw the first hit or started it caught the charge/ punishment. Now they treat the victim "responder" like they are wrong for defending themselves.
Funny you so color blind but you only referenced The white trash comments and said nothing about the ghetto and Obama comments whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
They are just showing off for their minority boyfriends.
Saw the video. Bet Blondie think twice next time she think to jump on red.
Y'all are talking bout the deputy, what about the weak male teacher right there who s a man, who apparently appears to left them fighting to get the "puny" deputy because he initially was between them. Smh .
And the decline had been steady and furious
Lol. She did more then the man male teacher who ran to get he
Exactly why we left wicomico county schools!
A couple of girls fighting over a boy no doubt.
Here is a thought...
email the Supt., and Cc Joe, and your choice of news services....
ask her for discipline stats, consequences, etc....
I don't have kids in the schools, so I have no horse in this race, but if you have issues and confront her, and back yourself up by Ccing Joe, I'd bet there would be a response...
We need leadership change in the Board of Ed to reflect, voice, and implement OUR principals. They are ignoring us and actually breaking Federal laws due to their greed and arrogance. This has resulted in having behaviorally unsafe schools and potentially hazardous environmental conditions. That said, the Board themselves are kept in the dark or even lied to by Administrators on some issues and whistleblowers with indisputable documentary proof receive retaliation.
Many of us can not afford to send our children to private schooling and thus depend on public schools to properly educate them. What we are seeing in Wicomico County Public Schools should not be considered "proper" by any of us.
The only way to make change is with action and holding the people we have given authority to run our schools accountable.
As we now have an elected School Board someone needs to run for BOE in the future to utilize all the authority in that position to correct and shine a light on many of these issues.
I am seriously considering doing just that...
This was a horrible situation. The exact story of a girl being bullied who had enough. Blondie's parents went to the school. The school administration had a meeting with them and it was suppose to be over. But reds just couldn't get it go. So Blondie finally stood up for herself before she got beat up. I think it's a very sad situation that could have been avoided, had administration took the proper steps to avoid this. Not to mention if you are going to pepper spray kids you at least need the antidote on hand!! Salisbury is getting so bad! That's why I home school my children.
Dear 9:05
You cite many allegations in your post. Please share with all of us your proof for:
1. Laws broken by administrators
2. Proof said administrators are hiding facts from their superiors
3. 'Whistleblowers' that have been retaliated upon
4. Who are 'our' administrators pray tell? How would you select them? popular vote?
I will look forward to your learned responses.
732 is not wrong
it all starts at home
homeschool is the only way to go around here
one or two fights... hourly
its geographical.
the mid atlantic is right in the middle of the armpit of the USA
829 probably
Well said.
100% agree.
Very true!
Name calling in general. Thank you very much. If you actually paid attention to what I said it's not a racial thing and slurs are not needed! Apparently your mindset is a part of the problem
A lot of gibberish but no real facts to support it.
Well if that was your intention you should have covered all races and not made a directed comment then your comment. wouldnt been misconstrued. Revisit your comment and ponder on it. Nah apparently your absent mindedness is the problem. Where was your non tolerance out side of kids being called white trash?
There is no discipline at school and most likely not at home. Children believe they are entitled but the real world needs to let them know that negative behaviour means negative consequences. Yes charge them with assault. Drag them and their parents into court. Maryland law states upto 10 rears for assault. Let them see what happens when they fight in school. It can be community service for first offense. But they must be taught right from wrong.
If that does not work then jail it is. This is their choice to make.
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