DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 19, 2020
There's NOTHING Humane About The Wicomico Humane Society
While the above images are disturbing, things get a LOT worse. It used to be when a cat was brought in to the Humane Society it was kept for a good NINE days before they even considered euthanizing it. Then, under new management they recently dropped that down to SIX days. Well guess what, now they've decided to do so after THREE days. God forbid you are on vacation and someone let your cat out, it's now dead.
Well, if you think that's bad, get this! The Community Cat Coalition does an INCREDIBLE job volunteering by going around and professionally trapping feral cats. They even drive as far as Davidsonville Maryland, (just outside Annapolis) to have them spayed and neutered. So ALL of you know, once that process is done they clip the tip of one ear so that everyone knows they CANNOT reproduce and can be released back into the very area they were trapped in.
Now you have these Idiots, (above) trapping innocent cats that have been fixed and that includes the Humane Society. After all the work the Cat Coalition does the humane society in all their wisdom and stupidity kills and murders these cats.
Rather than these Facebook people reaching out to Jake Day asking for help when he can't keep his own house in order, go after the humane society and stop the killing. Stop donating food and money to these killers, murderers as these are NOT kind and gentle people. Their goal is to keep the cute ones and kill the not so cute ones.
Screw them, shut them down if they can't do this right. Send your donations, food and support to the Community Cat Coalition instead as they are the ones who are actually doing everything to clean up the cat population by spay and neutering thousands upon thousands of cats. Trust me, what they do is far more complicated and difficult, (expensive) then simply putting cats down because it's the easy thing to do.
I'll close with this. How dare the Humane Society KILL animals that have been fixed! This post better soar with anger because if you can't tell, I'M OUTRAGED and I will not stop until major changes happen.
There is lots of blame to be shared. Number one on the original cat owner and I cannot emphasize this enough. Secondly the City of Salisbury is trapping TNR (trapped spayed/neutered & vaccinated) and sending them to the Humane Society which then has to figure out what to do with them. Officers should be educated to look for ear tipping (removal of the ear tip which is the sign for a TNR cat) and release the cat as it is already a feral cat living in a colony that is being cared for by people that are getting nothing but the financial burden of caring for a cat problem that they didn’t create in the first place.
The Humane Society should refuse to take any ear tipped cats and stop destroying the progress that the non-funded cat groups are making. And cat owners need to step up to the plate and get their pets neutered through these groups so their cat doesn’t become part of the problem! If you want to help send donations to the cat heroes that have been correcting everyone’s problems for free. Contact the Community Cat Coalition and see how you can help! 443-909-8047
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This is horrible ,I thought it was a no kill shelter
How about dogs tied up in a cage and no one will help? All animals deserve so much better. A lot of people are heartless. I will pray for your organization. Thank you for letting people know about this.
The Community Cat Coalition has done more to help stem the cat population in this county as well as the surrounding ones. They should be getting financial support on a State and local level! These ladies are doing it all without funding or salaries. They are true animal advocates.
If someone killed my cat like this I would be pissed off & mad as He** too.
How about we have all their "facilities" inspected 9:06.
This is so disgusting I don't know how they sleep at night with what they do all day!! OMG I am outraged. What the h**l is Jake Day going to do when he can't even keep his own house in order or his drug addict wife from popping pills?
God Bless the Community Cat Coalition! Those folks are angels in plain site. The animals have no choice that they were born into their situations..WE DO!
The Director of the Humane Society called me immediately after this article went up. Her foul mouth, F this and F-ing that, all while screaming into the phone put me in the position of simply hanging up on her.
If you happen to call them and they CLAIM all of this is untrue, don't be a fool.
The start of the problem is the irresponsible cat owner. Punish them not the cat.
Community Cat Coalition is great, they came and fixed all 10 of our feral cats and brought them back and we still have them!!! Susan is a wonderful lady, very dedicated to her job!! She will do anything to help the cats!
Do any of the cats pictured have collars on?
How well did euthanizing all those geese downtown work for the city? They’re right back just like what will happen with the cats. You can’t euthanize your way out of this problem.
Do you have proof of this?
We would like to correct the record we have been working closely with Wicomico Humane Society and Kim Nock the new director, to keep the ferals out of the shelter. They are doing their best to presuade people from bringing ferals in. We are trying to educate the public about feral cats and we offer a service to fix them and put them back thus keeping them out of the shelter. We have been working with them for the past few months to take the ferals out that are brought in. We must all work together to solve this problem.
Bill 96-17 was passed in Anne Arundel County we will be using the same language to present to the county and City commissioners of Salisbury to protect our community cats
That’s great news!
Yes we have called the authorities several times but nothing is done. We live in city limits.
I hope this can be a county wide law.
Print it Joe. You will get tons of comments from your cat lovers.
Absolutely the worst experience when I tried to adopt a dog!!
Sheriff Lewis has a CAT team. why arent they getting these cats. Mr.Sylvester
10:28 congrats, you need to call city police. They have animal control.
Joe the director feels she can get away with this type of behavior due to her close FRIENDSHIP humm with sheriff lewis
How is that true when they have trapped 4 of our cats and were told the new law is that cats arent free roaming and they have to stay indoors or if they go outside they have to stay on our property. It's hard to keep a cat in when they want to go out and are used to going outside .keeping a cat in just your yard, its not something that can be done. Cats do what they want . My poor cat is still there since like sept. In a cage . I know they put one down as well.
Our cat has been missing since 11/11/19 we are still praying to find him ,these people need charges filed on them. They are the ones that belong in cages. Please return Boots a male gray & white striped cat would be approx. 10 mos old now. He disappeared from Washington St. in Salisbury call 410-251-5788.
Sexism from someone who can’t spell subordinates, neat
The director is a rude, unprofessional, condescending, uppity know it all. She has zero people skills, and blocks, deletes and demeans anyone who disagrees with her. While touting her "transparency". Corruption breeds corruption, and that place has a bad record and shouldn't receive any community support, nor public funding. She has published this story on their FB page, and deleted my comment on her post and stopped me from commenting further on their posts. She should be removed as director, the facility bulldozed and the ground consecrated, then rebuild with none of the bad energy, or theft and bad attitudes that have prevailed for 20+ years.
So I commented earlier about her claim to love animals. What I asked was if she loves them why would she set them up for failure. What I was referring to was the post that was put up several weeks ago. The one where she lists two mini ponies, without asking for an adoption fee. I've seen ridiculous adoption fees listed for the dogs and cats, but nothing is asked for the minis. She said they are free and need to be gelded. Which brings up the next point. Why would you as a rescue not geld them yourself so that they don't continue to breed. There is nothing mentioned about a contract. So what future are you setting them up for. Someone who wants them but has no experience, isn't properly set up for them or doesn't have the financial means to support them. Kim Nock was doing quite a bit of commenting but never responded to mine. Then they deleted the post. So needless to say that is not love.
Let's face it. There's an overpopulation problem. There's an irresponsible pet owner problem. You've got people not spaying or neutering their cats, then advertising on Facebook animal sites for free kittens! So begins the brutal circle.
First: Oh look free kitties
Second: we don't need to take them to the vet
Third: he scratched my kid so outside he/she goes
Fourth: said now homeless cat begins to breed!
Thus, contributing the the overpopulation! The problem begins with the pet owners! Having an animal is a lifetime commitment and it costs money. If you can't afford a vet you don't need an animal.
Then you have these people trapping these cats just because they don't like cats. It doesn't matter the fact that a rescue organization has already had them fixed, Negative Nancy and and Horrible Harry wants these cats removed. They either have them killed on the spot by poisoning them or shooting them, they take them far away from the Colony and the caretakers, or they send them to the Humane Society who is already overran with cats because of the same type of idiots I already mentioned! It's sad they have to be euthanized but that's mainly for the ones who are too sick!
If everyone would be responsible and spay or neuter, step up and foster, adopt, and stop douches from trapping just because they don't like cats, some issues may get resolved! If you see someone giving free kittens away say something to them about being an irresponsible twat! Help solve the problem instead of complaining about it! It's solely the irresponsible pet owners fault and nobody else's!! Go after them.
As far as the Humane Society goes there's only so much they can do with the little bit of funding they get! Do I believe they should do some more monthly specials on adoption fees to help these babies get their forever home! I appreciate everyone's concern but please focus anger on the pet owners and illegal trappers, not the ones who want to help! Please feel free to walk through any animal rescue and take one home! You can make a difference!
Ur the problem.
Remember the geese??
Why do you people blame Jake Day (not a fan of his) for a County run operation? He has no control of the shelter.
That place is horrible. I was in the humane society last week looking at dogs. There were 2 people adopting dogs when I got there, the 1st lady was finishing up when I got there and left shortly after. An older couple had a dog in the lobby and were filling out paperwork to take him home and were also interested in taking a cat home, the man turned his paperwork in and the lady behind the desk very rudely asked if he filled all 6 pages out and I guess he forgot one and she told him he could not finish his paperwork to take the dog home, he said he was almost done and she said "yeah well we are about to close, go into a retail store 10 or 15 minutes before they close and see if they help you" the way this woman talked to these people was absolutely awful. You just posted a week ago that you have no more room and would not be taking any more animals until next month, yet you had someone that wanted to adopt TWO animals and you are too worried about going home on time. They need to learn how to speak to people, you could have very nicely explained to that man that you didn't realize how late it was when YOU handed him the paperwork and that you are closing soon, but that he could come back first thing in the morning to finish his paperwork and take his animals home, but you didn't, you talked to him like trash.
I also think it is awful that you are accepting cats that are supposed to be left alone and then killing them.....3 days? What happens if you are out of town and someone accidentally let's your cat outside????
80%+ of the dogs they have are pit bulls. Ban them in Wicomico county and this place would close.
These are ALL DEATH CAMPS Like Hitler had in WW2 !!!
ALL need to made to be NO-KILL ALL 50 States !!!! NOW
Go there yourself. They will give you a tour. Sign up to volunteer too!
If better funding was available they could hire people with better customer service! I've been trying to get in there for a long time!! I'd love to help them get their furever homes!!
That director is a smart ass as the rest of them in there are too.. Where in the hell do they come up with the people in there? They all must eat a heaping bowl of bitch flakes every morning. They forget that the people who come in there to adopt a pet are doing them a favor. They should all be fired and start all over again with workers who know how to deal with customers.
Every time we go there we witness how rude these people are to potential adopters. (It Doesn't matter what time of the day it is either)
Once and for all the time needs to come to break the contract and make this fully county run like many other county have done. I dont care what anyone says or acts to my manager of my business but if they ever cussed out anyone they would be terminated immediately. I dont always go by the saying the customer is always right but I do say one wrong does not equal another. The director is not professional and hides behind her fake transparency. While she has not cussed me, I have seen personally her unprofessional attitude both in and out of that facility. One employee confided in me she has no business being in charge and constantly has to depend on her husband.
Once and for all t t.che time needs to come to break the contract and make this fully county run like many other county have done. I dont care what anyone says or acts to my manager of my business but if they ever cussed out anyone they would be terminated immediately. I dont always go by the saying the customer is always right but I do say one wrong does not equal another. The director is not professional and hides behind her fake transparency. While she has not cussed me, I have seen personally her unprofessional attitude both in and out of that facility. One employee confided in me she has no business being in charge and constantly has to depend on her husband.
Kim Nock whats her experience wasn't she an assistant to her husband photography business and a bartender?
Th Wicomico Humane Society is not a county department.
Her qualification is..she is HOT.
You're blind!
The so called wicomico humane society has been a joke for over 4 decades people! It IS NOT run by the county or city as such but by a group of 'pat me on the back' appointed 'good ole' boys (girls) who have know idea of what being humane to animals is! They use to just kill the animals and dump the bodies in the far corner or the sludge pits at the sewage plant in the 70's. Saw that for myself, that's also where the zoo's large animal carcasses went as well. They should have and still need to be called Animal Control! They are a far cry from being in the category of humane society.
meanwhile thousands of babies are being killed and crickets from you idiots!
10:29 spot on!
Interesting that the taxpayer paid to have that bear brought here only to have it given to the San Diego zoo.
All hush hush on that one.
Death and dying money pit of an animal prison.
Nothing will change there until Charlotte Littleton and Bonnie Gordy are eliminated.
County money is dumped in their budget every year. The county gets no oversight of what goes on. It came up last year when money was stolen. The council and Bob need to ask for something when they budget this year.
You win the idiot award of the day.
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