DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
The Jake Day show (6-30-19)
Come one come all to the greatest show in town.
Where else would you spend 2.7 Million on a Bicycle Master Plan and 4.7 Million on an "Urban Greenway"!
Who knew we needed all this!!
Jake must be anticipating a lot of future poverty where no one can afford a car, especially with our "city" rents @ 1200+ for a 2 bedroom "luxury" apartment!
We already have the throw away pay for a bike ride program! Now all we need is to dedicate and reconfigure our narrow streets to accommodate the flood of all those rentabikes. Our new population of poor but healthy people!
Uber will be a thing of the past.
Get your rickshaw polished up and ready!
Dust off your walkin shoes.
Because all those new employers will be jumping at the chance to build here knowing we have a 4.7 million dollar urban greenway but barely passable potholed streets! What an attraction! Visitors will be flocking from near and far just to see it!
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And don't forget the bury has rainbow crosswalks
Ah the armpit that is Salisbury...
There is basically no money for paving and road repairs in this budget proposal--the roads are a disgrace--All the money is going to Downtown rehab.... the rest of Salisbury will disintegrate... Day is out of control!
This is just another dream in the sky projects by Boy Wonder who doesn't have a clue traffic is horrible anytime of day now and pot hole filled roads, and more green space and bike paths is the plan of lunatics. This Master Plan is a MASTER FAILURE TO HAPPEN. I wish he would move to his beloved Inner Harbor, Baltimore, New York City mentality, he definitely has come up with the worst ideas and plans of any mayor on the planet. Can't wait for the election so we can finally say goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the back side, just listen to the slam. You will never get a good recommendation for your future from this city, we will not forget your flim flam ideas.
This is what happens when you're a failure. Couldn't get a gig as an architect, couldn't get hired as an urban planner, ended up crawling back to Daddy for a paycheck at Perdue.
How many bicyclists do YOU see a day?
We are re-configuring our streets to accommodate a handful of people
I have yet to see a cyclist on Rt 50.
Too bad Jake doesn't cater to the lifestyle of the majority of the people that live here. Him and his crew are going to run out of niche lifestyles to cater to. Then what.
Rickshaw! Author is a hoot! I would rather have coffee with them than the Mayor any day.
It's a urban 'speriment.
Has anyone here been to Denver Colorado? Extensive bike ways and hiking ways all over the city, and all highly traveled. I think my be these are a good thing.
The bike rental, may be not so much... clearly the locals don't know how to keep nice things yet.
So.....I really hope Day's bike/vehicle breaks down in one of the many potholes on the streets of Salisbury. What a disgrace all the streets are, patching does not get it, only makes things worse. Idiot, complete idiot. We do not care about that damn downtown crap and all the stupid bike paths.
Which is ILLEGAL.
10:55am you are comparing a Denver to Salisbury? For real? They have a population comparable to B-more. I would expect with 700k people they would have more use for almost everything. B-more has plenty of trails as well. I lived there and I used lots of them. None of them are on York Rd or I-80. They all lead to secluded areas designed as peaceful public areas. Guess what? WE LIVE IN A GIANT SECLUDED AREA!!!! Everywhere I look is nature. We don't need Cap't D!p Sh!t doing this when anyone can enjoy nature, a whole lot of nature at that, within minutes of leaving town.
And don't think for a second that the people destroying the bikes are upstanding citizens. They are not your yuppies living close to the college or even the college students. Its the low socioeconomic groups. The city is throwing pearls at swine and wondering why they aren't making necklaces. The behavior displayed is exactly what I would expect when you give the entitled class access to nice things for a song. THEY DONT GIVE A CRAP! Duh. Who saw that coming besides everyone with a drop of common sense.
Furthermore the people on here complaining are the people in this town that are working. We are taking care of our business and we wish that the Capt D!p Sh!t would do his job and run the f-ing city. Not throw all his might into making the coolest drinking scene on the shore.
@ June 27, 2019 at 12:04 PM
So your complaint isn't with the project, your complaint is with the people here? You don't think they are mature enough to have or appreciate nice things?
You also don't see value in hiking or biking trails in the Salisbury to get around because people can go outside of the city to do that? The paths are put in the city of Denver to get around in the city. This is Colorado... you don't think they have hiking trails outside of Denver too?
I'm from Baltimore too. There is no place in this Salisbury that I would feel unsafe hiking or biking. May be that skews my perspective.
The mayor is DOING SOMETHING to make Salisbury better. What is YOUR idea? What are you doing other than banging on a keyboard?
Apparently the Woodchuck thinks proliferating pubs, bars, beer gardens, public houses, etc. will lead to a higher level of behavior by the cross section of the public that frequents them. Sounds like Wicomico deputies will need a sub-station in Jakebury.
Pretty spot on 12:04. Ole Jake is following the UN agenda 21 blueprint laid out for local municipalities. Very “Brave New World” meets “1982” ideologies in the document. Dangerous for a free country IMHO
This is what happens when you elect a liberal.
You people need to get out and vote in November and make the change
June 27, 2019 at 2:09 PM
Lordy do your comments scream liberal - "the mayor is doing something......." = even though it is a waste of money and there are more important issues that need attending to, at least he is doing something.... lol.. smdh.
The roads are crap, but lets build a pretty little walking trail, at least he is doing something.
30+% of his population is in poverty but lets build a bike lane, because at least he is doing something.
Bet you dinner you don't even live here.
There are 14!!! SIGNS at a roundabout in the park. Can you say idiot?
How can one enjoy nature with Jake the Child's sign pollution campaign?
@2:09 you're a dumbass if you think it's safe to be hiking or cycling in or around the city park. Keep pushing your luck with the dope heads or the local thundercaps that live and frequent the area
Hi All
It is amazing how he prioritizes our money, but this is what you get when you have a liberal/progressive running our city. They are city destroyers. Look at them. San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, NY... All ran by the Dems. Well, this year you have an alternative. You have a Conservative Republican running against Jake. Please get out the vote and vote for me, Wayne King. I could use that bike money (and the like) to fight crime. Build the economy. Fix the roads. Run this place like a business. Once all these things are done and much, much, more... then you may go out and elect a butterfly to run things. It is all about priorities. Common sense stuff.
So let's do it!
Check out my website. Participate. Volunteer.
Also: Come to the free concert and rally on August 24th at the Amphitheater. It is free. Tell your friends. Loud Love is the band.
Wayne King
PS Two nights ago on the 6pm WBOC News, Jake said he can't wait to use the conference room on the top floor of the soon to be built high rise. He already thinks he won!
Why are they checking out the condition of your homes.
I just can't see Salisbury citizens riding bikes when there are so many beautiful pick-up trucks on the road. Really get real - Day!
Maintaining the pot holes. P.s. You are a fool if you think all streets in Salisbury are safe. I drove on a back street with my big 4 runner and thought I was in another place and time and I didn't feel safe.
I did for 10 years and moved. Got tired of giving my money to the Government to throw at stupid plans. 10 years I'll never get back. On the bright side, I am saving a fortune. My bank account never looked so good now that I don't pay for bad water, income tax, property tax etc. You should try it - move out if you don't like it.
Jake Day became Mayor
bc no one ran against him
Jake Day and
Little Biatch Mike Lewis
will loose their jobs on next election
He's never held down a job. He lived off his first wife's money until he found out she was having an affair...now daddy has created a job at Perdue just for him. At the same time, daddy laid off a bunch of people who were hardworking and did no wrong.
Better pit the cap back on that bottle! I pray that the citizens of Salisbury are smart enough to vote DAY out but Lewis isn't going anywhere until he's ready. I personally think both will try to make a run at a higher political position
Lewis could have a higher position at least he knows how to run a dept and protect this county. I hope we keep him until he is wanting to retire or move on we know his works. Don't ever put him in a class of "the boy wonder", Jake is a looser he can't walk and chew gum at the same time, only loves selfies of himself, has cost us tons of $ trying to make the "bury" Annapolis where we wish he would move to. While your at it ask Day about the 2nd floater since the first festival, no word on either one giving name and cause of death, but then we know he is responsible because he had the fence taken down to beautify the city. Remember the orange bikes, all the bike paths, main street bars no stores just bars, The festival no one went to except the Main Street drunks. Remember Jake's military service (the real record). No fence idea for the citizens of Salisbury (he stated it looked bad) road curb decorations but no roads The landscaping on rt 13 that isn't being taken care of, the grass along our road ways that never gets cut. All the boarded up and foreclosed homes in the "bury". The real crime is up but he paints such a pretty picture of false statements. And more and more and more .....
@ June 27, 2019 at 4:07 PM
The roads are crap... so what are YOU doing about it? Are you saying the mayor ISN'T doing anything about the roads?
Is it's in the cities purview to take care of roads? Or is it county or state? I know Wicomico County government site shows it has a roads division that is responsible for this, may be your beef is with them and not Salisbury Government?
OR, does it not matter and he's not republican so no matter what happens you'll turn your nose up at it.
I like the idea of bike ways and walking ways around the city. If it benefits everyone as a whole, it's worth the investment to the infrastructure.
BTW, I'm republican who voted for Trump. I care about the process and understand that the world isn't black and white... and that no one party or person is all good or all evil. This mentality of us vs them is childish.
Quit banging on a keyboard and get involved. Wayne King did. Maybe you should too.
EVERYONE wants lower crime. EVERYONE wants a better economy. These things sound like noise to me. What I want to hear is tangible "this is specifically what I will to do accomplish these things", And I don't want to hear "form committees" or "research", I want action.
Who knows? A city that has walk ways and bike ways, where consumers are out and about travelling, one that looks nice and has parks and music venues, and a public involve might just look attractive to prospective businesses that want to come to town or open? May be I'm totally wrong, but its SOMETHING.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@ June 27, 2019 at 4:07 PM - The roads are crap... so what are YOU doing about it? Are you saying the mayor ISN'T doing anything about the roads?
Yea Genius, it is obvious he is not taking care of the roads, other than his pet projects. I pay my taxes. It is GOVERNMENTS responsibility to take care of the roads, I did my part. What would you like me to do? Pave them? What a ridiculous statement on your part.
You can't even form a logical and legitimate discussion, other than I like walking trails they are pretty. You must be related or work for Jake, because that's his take on it.
You just like to type gibberish so you can hear your keys click.
Another liberal all hyped up on spending other peoples money on worthless projects that cater to a few.
12:55 PM are you really THAT stupid. We already have parks, music venues and hiking trails.
So we are spending 5 million in hopes a business will notice our pretty little trail and not the pot holes?
Its something. 5 million dollars of wasted money but its something. High crime but pretty fences, but its something. Pretty trails and dilapidated buildings but its something.
Thanks for the laughs.
Maybe fake day can fill the holes with rainbow dust.
Ya'll realize that "government" isn't one entity? Federal, state, county, city, and all take on different roles? Anyone care to say which is responsible for the roads ya'll are so concerned about?
Wtf is y'all? The city is responsible for streets withing city zoning dip shit. These roads aren't only in downtown Salisbury or the streets behind the university
That is not true. Route 50 is in city limits but is a state road. Same goes for Snow Hill Road and others. Some are county roads that they maintain. Beaglin Park is part county and part city.
@7:56 I think your splitting hairs now. The CITY hasn't repaired or paved a road except those by the college or within Jake Day's fantasy world downtown
And then there’s Duncan.
Not splitting anything. Just stating the facts that not all the roads in city limits belong to the city. That's a good thing! Can you imagine if all the roads in Salisbury were left for the city to fix?
It is the governments responsibility to stay out of my life as much as possible but we have much the opposite. Dont let your grass get too tall. No you can't put that kind of fence up. You are too loud. Oh sorry your 3 minutes is up move along peasant.....
And the city part has a washout by royal farms that will ruin your car!
Splitting hairs plain and simple. If DAY had his priority on the actual city and not creating this dog and pony show taking tens of millions of dollars and just wasting it on creating a persona for himself ALL city roads could have been repaired whether city, county,state whomever the hell you want to point a finger at. Day has ONLY put emphasis on the roads behind SU, the park and downtown. Now another 15 million to revamp the trash waterfront giving away more millions to his development buddies and Cannon for tearing down his slums. When where does it ever end with this idiot?
I want to know how the hell Day ever got approval to do ANY kind of development on either side of Fitzwater Street? The whole riverfront side is/was condemned and found unfit for development due to toxic waste and runoff from the old tilghman fertilizer company. That mess just didn't just get up and walk away DAY nor did ALL the decades of filth pumped into the river by your wastewater flushing or Perdue's processing plant or cropper brothers creosote plant further up the River. That damn property is still sitting idle but I'm sure someone is about to get paid off to look the other way on that one. People don't buy into Day's nonsense it's all about making an image for himself on all your hard earned work/money.
If DAY had used his influence for the city as a whole all the infrastructure would be done. In saying that he probably would have gotten a better response and support for his other projects
at least we finally get jasmine drive - to take mall people to target at christmas, that will save a TON on traffic, seriously will
I see Cannon's brother has his waterfront home up for sale on the good old wicomico River. Curiosity is killing me here, does John know/see something coming down the road for the county residents and our real estate tax? Bob Cannon and Jake day have done a dirty dirty deed behind closed doors with this new waterfront redevelopment garbage and aren't going to stop there. Days ultimate goal is to get his hands on both the city and county tax revenue for his continued support building his fantasyland downtown. All you county residents don't think his lunacy effects you but it's just a matter of time before he'd got his hands in everyone's pockets. Give Wayne king a serious consideration people because Jake day is about to break it off in you!!
$0 dollars spent on river trash collector but we've got some kayaks we want you to get out in that river and paddle around in, LMFAO!! People you'd better use extreme caution getting in that river where you're coming in contact
Not ONE damn peep out of the boy Wonder or his minions about these posts this morning?? HHHHHMMMM must be some truth in the content
If you don’t like how Salisbury’s government wastes your tax dollars, change it. Joe posts these things constantly, yet you still let the idiot brigade continue to run unopposed. That’s your fault. Fix it. Make. It. Work.
50 comments and not one about 1.8 million for Culver Rd? Same Culver road that is just a back way to go to Pecan Square? W in The actual F are these morons doing?
Jakey boy needs to fix the crumbling streets instead of prancing around painting rainbows all over town. He has got to go!! Enough of that little light in the loafers fool.
Dumping "$15 million makeover of waterfront..." near Brew River LOL They might want to try cleaning up that NASTY Wicomico River FIRST.
Oh, let's not forget about S Mall Dr by The Centre that's been blocked off and closed to traffic now forever. Talk about causing a clusterf*ck with traffic...wait til holiday shopping kicks off.
Quit dragging your ass and starting "new projects" Day...fix existing problems!
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