Dear Ocean City Residents, Neighbors, Visitors and Friends,
Thank you for signing up for updates from the Town of Ocean City about the proposed wind farm and for your overwhelming show of support during the Save Our Sunrise Hearing that was held last Saturday, January 18th at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. The turnout and support from the community was remarkable.
During the hearing, we echoed the Town of Ocean City’s standing. We support clean renewable energy, the potential of new jobs and the economic benefit to Maryland, but ask that these projects are placed out of our viewshed. Both Virginia and the Carolina’s have taken measures to protect their natural shoreline by requiring wind farms to be further off the coasts. Why can’t Maryland do the same?
Further, since these projects have already been delayed by the developers, we have time for the Public Service Commission to open an evidentiary hearing based on the material changes.
If you want clean energy, but not at the cost of losing our unspoiled ocean views forever, please call or write the Maryland Public Service Commission and your State and Federal elected officials. We only have one chance to do this. We need to do it right.

All comments are due by January 31, 2020.
To submit your comments electronically, visit
or mail your comments to:
Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower
6 St. Paul St., 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202.
When submitting comments, reference case numbers:
9628: US Wind Maryland Lease Area Project & 9629: Skipjack Delaware Lease Area Project.
Rick Meehan,
from everything I've read, they aren't worth the cost of construction & maintainence.
That would look kinda $hitty out there.
I really don't think the sunrise is going anywhere. But let's ban the clouds and rain that ruined the sunrise this morning. Only a control freak would think they can own the sunrise.
We had a similar situation when we rented to a company that sold those really big satellite TV dishes.It seemed like they went from 10' or so in diameter to 2' or less in diameter in less than a month and every company that sold those great big dinosaur dishes were stuck holding tons of outdated inventory.All or most of you can remember those huge dishes sitting in peoples yards I assume.Wind turbines are no different.The push to move antiquated technology is due to an inventory surplus.In a few years they will look equally as ridiculous sitting out there as those monster dishes look NOW.Think about it.Someone must be getting a serious kickback.
"clean energy" brought to you by toxic elements and manufacturing processes and slave labor - but, really, it's the OPTICS THAT MATTER!
These will make a few very connected people rich at the expense of the electricity users.
I don't understand how it will affect the view that most people go to OC to see...the bottom of a bar glass lol
The wind blows, but the turbine power from it sucks.
Mmm interesting comment. But I think it's more about obstructing vision of the sunrise than controlling it. I tell you what wash your car, and then admire how clean, and pretty it looks. Then smear dog$hit all over. Is that trying to control how your car looks or obstructing the looks with dog$hit. Think now, I know it's hard, but you can do it.
Everyone should post this on Jake Day's FB page!
Bring 'em on. It's way too cloudy and hazy almost every day during the summer to even see them anyway. I think they look neat.
Clean energy is the future. They will not stop anyone from coming to ocean city. In fact, they will ensure that there will be an ocean city for future generations. People need to stop thinking about themselves all the time. Not one tourist is going to stop coming to ocean city because they put windturbines off shore!
Funny. One of the a$$es they brought to the meeting said it would ruin the sunset. Shows the mentality of YH dip sh/;s opposing something so far off shore it wouldn’t interfere with a flees a$$
Must not be money in it fir the OC father’s
The haze is chemtrails
Geoengineering efforts to mitigate global warming
January 25, 2020 at 11:08 AM:
Dumb ass analogy. Nobody owns the "vision" of the sunrise. Get it? It is really not that hard to understand. You can keep your dog crap. Why would anyone wash a car, and then put dog crap on it? Your thought processes are weird. Washing a car and wind turbines so far offshore that they either can't be seen, or they are merely specs on the horizon that require binoculars to see, are no comparison whatsoever. So if that would offend you, I suppose you wouldn't approve turbines so far out that a telescope would be required to see them. I guess that would "spoil" the sunrise that you think you own. Just knowing they were there, whether you can see them, or not, would spoil your "vision" of the sunrise in your head. Get over it. You have no claim to the sunrise, or any vision of it. Tell your neighbor, that owns the lot next to you, they can't build a house between you and the sunrise because it would block (obstruct) your vision of the sunrise. Now that's a real and valid analogy. Your neighbor will say "sue me" and you will lose because you have NO RIGHT to a vision of a sunrise. You don't own the ocean, the sunrise, or the vision of the sunrise.
January 25, 2020 at 9:25 AM:
Across the street and 10-20 miles away are two totally different things. Where do you people come up with these stupid analogies, that are not analogies, at all?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The haze is chemtrails
Geoengineering efforts to mitigate global warming
January 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM:
You have brain damage. Sorry, can't help you. You BELIEVE hoaxes. Must be a Democrat.
Thank you mister know it all. You truly are a Bullwinkle.
Exactly 1:20
yes chemtrails.....
that's how they got Trump in
controlling our minds with chemicals
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