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Sunday, January 26, 2020
President Trump Unveils Logo for the Space Force — and it Has Serious Star Trek Vibes
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Friday to unveil the long anticipated logo for the Space Force and it has serious Star Trek’s Starfleet Command vibes.
In a tweet including the new logo, President Trump wrote “after consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!”
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There is no space. It only exists in the imagination. 50 years after the discovery of flight there is global commercialization of the industry. 50 years after landing on the moon you have nothing but promises, rhetoric, and CGI images.
Danger is not an excuse as people die in the thousands per year in airliner crashes and the world tops out at about 500 people who have allegedly been to space.
Even the design of the rocket is retarded as if you live on a globe then all one would need is a airliner with a rocket engine on the back and to take off at roughly 45 degrees never pulling the nose down to enter orbit.
Instead you have this 90 degree straight up fight against "gravity" and rockets always going out over the ocean to prevent the average joe from happening upon the wreck and realizing it never went to space.
The shuttles are jets, they look like jets, they sound like jets.
Jet engines require the pressure from the atmosphere to push against the exhaust to create thrust. This is why engine have various ceilings they can attain as the air becomes so thin as to be incapable of sustaining thrust.
Space is allegedly a vacuum. A vacuum does not push against, it expands. This is further reinforced by the infinitely expanding universe we are told about.
The office of the presidency is very likely kept in the dark about all of this. Come to grips with the president being selected before he is elected and he only knows what he is told is true. Much like us.
"...Jet engines require the pressure from the atmosphere to push against the exhaust to create thrust. This is why engine have various ceilings they can attain as the air becomes so thin as to be incapable of sustaining thrust.
Space is allegedly a vacuum. A vacuum does not push against, it expands. This is further reinforced by the infinitely expanding universe we are told about...."
I direct you to Newton's 3rd law. It has survived scrutiny for about 300 years. I wonder if you could survive the scrutiny of an exam by the guys in white coats.
Very cool logo
It’s designed for military defense not commercial flights lol moron
There's a little guy in North Korea that needs your expertise.
11:51 Not sure what kind of drugs you took last night, but please, next time share.
Beam me up Mr. Scotty... I see no signs of intelligent lift down here.
The Logo Is Totally Awesome !!! Cool As The Fonz !!! Lol
11:51 - your whole rant made absolutely no sense
Bernie Sanders could use you...
I think your tinfoil hat fell off. Where do you people come up with such ridiculous thoughts?
Got shrooms?
Aliens are having a good chuckle.
I challenge either of you to find a 360 degree pan of our solar system on a spacewalk. Statistically it should have happened by accident. You won't find this just as you won't find footage of an astronaut going through an airlock because they are filmed underwater and because of the same reason you don't see the 4th wall in a sitcom television show, there is no fourth wall.
You lot can sit here and pretend to be knowledgeable when it's clear you haven't put more research into the subject than what you were brainwashed with since kindergarten in the indoctrination centers but it doesn't change objective reality.
You aren't going to space, mankind never went to the moon, and jet engines don't work in vacuums. Jet engines don't even work in thin air past a certain altitude. Newtons third law has no relevance to thrust lacking something to push back against it. If it weren't true aircraft engines would not have a ceiling where they simply do not work because they would always have the option of pushing against the aircraft. Ask aviators in WW2 how important having a higher ceiling than your adversary was.
You are a naive commenter
Most of Newton was propaganda and several of Einstein’s Theories have been proven wrong by Miles Mathis. Pi = 4 for instance, in 3 Dimensions (who exists in 2 Dimensions? Duh)
Educate yoursrlf
We have Saturn’s Ring, a popular reference to Satan (6th Planet named after Satan).
We have a large phallic symbol. Satanic again, got it.
Finally it pays homage to Sirius
Again, the Dog Star (GOD backwards).
Pretty clear Mr Trump had nothing to do with it. He just happens to be POTUS while they chose to reveal the program to us.
12:12 - all I can say is wow dude.... you need some serious help. Don’t you get it that nobody is even remotely taking you seriously
You’re brainwashed
Imagination is wonderful thing 11:51, you must have attended one of the liberal controlled universities
Go to Youtube and search "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" by Bart Sibrel, NASA accidently released the footage where they faked the moon landing.
Imagine thinking groupthink rhetoric works in 2020, online no less. This isn't 1983.
The End.
9:16 - Sibrel is a known loon and got rich after making up all his bizarre mess from people like you and the flake who wrote the missive on this post. What’s scary is that you don’t realize how far out in left field you are, but at least it is entertaining to the rest of us.
The space force was already in full operation.There is nothing new about it except acknowledgement of it.
Um, liquid oxygen plus fuel = ...
@7:35 keep on trying bud. The video comes from NASA and has all your lying POS astronaut heroes pulling off the scam. Please, continue embarrassing yourself. Keep stating that the video they released that shows them doing the scam is a Disney cartoon instead.
It's like a shoplifter being shown a video of them shoplifting and declaring that the image of them putting the item down their pants isn't shoplifting.
Will do! I am just too entertained by your drivel!
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