DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
A Viewer Writes.........Wicomico County Schools *11-18-19* (11-24-19)
Good morning Mr. Albero, I've been keeping up with the news on the continuous free for all that is Wicomico County Schools. There have been several references to Jake Day and the city of Salisbury's "close concerns" about the county School system. Wake up Salisbury/Wicomico county your school system has the state of Maryland and Jake Day's fingerprints all over it. Why do you think Jake Day and Mike Dunn have been like puppies following Franchot and now this idiot Kirwin they basically have kicked the door down flooding your schools with their progressive liberal BS. Dunn was blubbering all over himself about the upcoming after school program the city of Salisbury is starting I believe in 2020. Dunn stated that the program will effect close to 12,000 children from all surrounding counties and up into Sussex county Delaware. With all the ridiculous progressive liberal BS the likes of Day, Dunn, Cannon have supported what curriculum do you think they intend to continue to brainwash your children with? Your local government are all working together to extort as much money from the taxpayers they can to fulfill the onslaught of this progressive, liberal, socialist garbage they are so hell bent to instill. Wake up people their getting exactly what they want by infecting your children as soon as they start public school and you're paying for it all!! Where I'm from from the governor on down to these three stooges of Day, Dunn and Cannon all look at you as nothing but suckers and I have to agree!
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What are you talking about?!?
Jake Day's version of the Islamic state breeding grounds!! How long do you think it will be before he has his band of "merry ferry's" all dressed up in drag reading to all the kids from several surrounding counties?
Watch them encouraging trans among the children.
Dunn is a joke. I am surprised he has lasted as long as he has at Greater Salisbury.
Three words...
Seaside Christian Academy....
I pay a lot for my children to be there, and drive from Hebron each day to take them to and from school, however none of the nonsense that the public schools experience goes on there. The children are all well parented, respectful and God worshiping. I don't think there is any hope for the Wicomico County Schools. That is why my children attend SCA.
Wow...someone lost their tin foil hat.
You say we are suckers ok you seem to know everything, what exactly do you propose we do about it?
Jake Day has/is using salisbury as nothing more than a political stepping stone pipedream. It's sad but true that he has sold out EVERYONE, even the tasteless idea to manipulate children at such young ages to further his political beliefs. He has NO character or integrity to be holding such an influential position. Why is the city of Salisbury getting in the after school "business" for ALL lower shore counties and lower Delaware counties? This IS another turd in the punchbowl people and these kids don't deserve such aggressive manipulation
UNTIL 300 parents show up at the meeting CONTINUE BEING QUITE.
Hogan is in the middle of this, since he is in love with this Kirwin idiot. Hogan loves Kirwin so much because this communist plan Kirwin has come up with allows Hogan and the Counties to raise taxes under false pretense. These taxes and cost is for the teachers and administrators and not for the children. As a retiree I am attempting to persuade my Family to move out of MD ASAP. I cannot leave Bob Culver out since he has his noses up Hogan's ass as far as he can get it. By the way what is the percentage that the County has asked the MD Legislature to raise the piggy back Tax? Bet this tax is more than the 60% it started out to be and that was the cap not to exceed when this tax was initiated. They changed it to a decimal percentage so the people could not calculate it as 60%. So what is the actual percentage?
Most parents in this area can't afford private schools. I just saw on WBOC news about a Montessori school opening in Delaware that was taking applications and it is tuition free. I think there are grants paying for it. Why isn't there something like this in Maryland?
Anonymous said...
What are you talking about?!?
November 18, 2019 at 3:33 PM
Is that you John? Jake? or Mike?
Anonymous said...
Jake Day's version of the Islamic state breeding grounds!! How long do you think it will be before he has his band of "merry ferry's" all dressed up in drag reading to all the kids from several surrounding counties?
November 18, 2019 at 3:41 PM
He's been trying to get them on the agenda at the Wicomico County Library.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Three words...
Seaside Christian Academy....
I pay a lot for my children to be there, and drive from Hebron each day to take them to and from school, however none of the nonsense that the public schools experience goes on there. The children are all well parented, respectful and God worshiping. I don't think there is any hope for the Wicomico County Schools. That is why my children attend SCA.
November 18, 2019 at 3:45 PM
Where is Seaside Christian Academy? You are right, there is NO HOPE for Wicomico County Public Schools until The Board of Education elected members understand what Donna Hanlin, Jake Day, Mike Dunn and John Cannon are doing to our schools, our kids and our teachers. Wake up BOE members before you are voted out of office.
I notice you forgot to mention that idiot from the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Chambers, President and CEO.
Anonymous said...
Wow...someone lost their tin foil hat.
November 18, 2019 at 4:10 PM
I see you have nothing to do today at the GSC, Mike Dumb.
300 parents show up ?
most of em are in jail...
you have to be kidding
Sad but true Salisbury. Think about what Day stands for and the ability he's going to have to pursuade so many young minds that will be voter eligible in just a few short years. It's not about after school iniatives but manipulation of the innocent. Salisbury has and is a big influence on your county schools and Day is doing his ALL to get his socialist garbage to as many of the young minds as possible
Anonymous said...
You say we are suckers ok you seem to know everything, what exactly do you propose we do about it?
November 18, 2019 at 4:11 PM
Sounds like you enjoy being a sucker.
Anonymous said...
Jake Day has/is using salisbury as nothing more than a political stepping stone pipedream. It's sad but true that he has sold out EVERYONE, even the tasteless idea to manipulate children at such young ages to further his political beliefs. He has NO character or integrity to be holding such an influential position. Why is the city of Salisbury getting in the after school "business" for ALL lower shore counties and lower Delaware counties? This IS another turd in the punchbowl people and these kids don't deserve such aggressive manipulation
November 18, 2019 at 4:21 PM
Jake Day is in our school system because Donna Hanlin invites him with open arms. Donna Hanlin was the principal at Bennett High School at one time and Jake Day was a student. Donna Hanlin transferred Jake Day's wife to Bennett High School. There is a family connection there if you didn't notice.
I looked at Jake Day's "victory party" pictures on FB the night of the election and guess who I saw there? No other than Donna Hanlin herself!!
Donna Hanlin is responsible for Jake Day being in the County Schools. Did anyone see Gene Malone at Jake Day's victory party?
Anonymous said...
UNTIL 300 parents show up at the meeting CONTINUE BEING QUITE.
November 18, 2019 at 5:53 PM
Yep, you are exactly right.
Anonymous said...
Hogan is in the middle of this, since he is in love with this Kirwin idiot. Hogan loves Kirwin so much because this communist plan Kirwin has come up with allows Hogan and the Counties to raise taxes under false pretense. These taxes and cost is for the teachers and administrators and not for the children. As a retiree I am attempting to persuade my Family to move out of MD ASAP. I cannot leave Bob Culver out since he has his noses up Hogan's ass as far as he can get it. By the way what is the percentage that the County has asked the MD Legislature to raise the piggy back Tax? Bet this tax is more than the 60% it started out to be and that was the cap not to exceed when this tax was initiated. They changed it to a decimal percentage so the people could not calculate it as 60%. So what is the actual percentage?
November 18, 2019 at 6:11 PM
You are partially correct.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Most parents in this area can't afford private schools. I just saw on WBOC news about a Montessori school opening in Delaware that was taking applications and it is tuition free. I think there are grants paying for it. Why isn't there something like this in Maryland?
November 18, 2019 at 6:42 PM
I just saw it on WMDT 47 ABC and the Montessori School is a charter school that got a grant from the Federal Government. It was only from K - 3.
Anonymous said...
Sad but true Salisbury. Think about what Day stands for and the ability he's going to have to pursuade so many young minds that will be voter eligible in just a few short years. It's not about after school iniatives but manipulation of the innocent. Salisbury has and is a big influence on your county schools and Day is doing his ALL to get his socialist garbage to as many of the young minds as possible
November 18, 2019 at 7:07 PM
Obviously Dr. Donna Hanlin and the esteemed President of the Wicomico County Council are Socialists as well since they endorsed this Socialist Douche Bag!!
That Montessori school will be all filled up with minorities. You know it, and I know it. Just watch and see.
Ok something doesn’t make sense. A Wicomico/city of Salisbury after school program that will impact students numbering 12000? And reaching up into Delaware? No way how on earth can that happen? Day could not even get anyone to bid for the Newton Street project! Is the city paying to staff this program? If so how? Will these after school programs be licensed? If so the staff needed for 120000 students would be 400 . Please tell me where you found this info. It’s truly unbelievable because if he is doing this then Hanlin needs to be fired. She is deliberately circumventing their funding source , meaning the county,while at the same time dismissing any accountability!! Right out of Days play book. If the city is doing it then let them find the schools entirely!
It's true people! Mike Dunn was ALL over social media and did an interview on pac14 boasting and bragging about the effect it will have on Salisbury and the surrounding areas.
Jake Day has no business in our county schools, especially when they have him as the "guest speaker" on "career days."
What career has Jake Day ever had? The clown has been unemployed for at least the last 4 or 5 years.
Mike Dunn = Justa Swinging!
Anonymous said...
Sad but true Salisbury. Think about what Day stands for and the ability he's going to have to pursuade so many young minds that will be voter eligible in just a few short years. It's not about after school iniatives but manipulation of the innocent. Salisbury has and is a big influence on your county schools and Day is doing his ALL to get his socialist garbage to as many of the young minds as possible
November 18, 2019 at 7:07 PM
This will continue until parents and citizens start complaining to the Board of Education, The County Executive and the County Council this will continue.
"Dunn was blubbering all over himself about the upcoming after school program the city of Salisbury is starting I believe in 2020."
Can you please elaborate on this? I'm not sure I have seen this yet?
Anonymous said...
Ok something doesn’t make sense. A Wicomico/city of Salisbury after school program that will impact students numbering 12000? And reaching up into Delaware? No way how on earth can that happen? Day could not even get anyone to bid for the Newton Street project! Is the city paying to staff this program? If so how? Will these after school programs be licensed? If so the staff needed for 120000 students would be 400 . Please tell me where you found this info. It’s truly unbelievable because if he is doing this then Hanlin needs to be fired. She is deliberately circumventing their funding source , meaning the county,while at the same time dismissing any accountability!! Right out of Days play book. If the city is doing it then let them find the schools entirely!
November 18, 2019 at 10:10 PM
"If the city is doing it then let them find the schools entirely!"
I'm not sure what you mean "...let them find the schools entirely?"
Uh, I think you mean fairies, not ferrys. And actually they're having a drag queen contest downtown at the Salisbury Pride Parade in June 2020. The winner will be picked by drag queens dressed as Reba McIntyre, Dolly Parton, and Janet Jackson. I'm not joking. This has been scheduled.
There is going to be a Salisbury gay pride parade and festival on June 7,2020. They are also having a drag queen contest downtown. It will be judged by four drag queens dressed as Reba McIntyre, Dolly Parton, Janet Jackson and Tina Turner. I'm dead serious. Look it up if you don't believe me.
SCA is located behind the White Marlin Mall in West Ocean City
My understanding is the Sheriffs Office just created another Sgt posistion which will remove another deputy from patrol. I would like to see Sheriff Lewis change his mind on this decision and place an extra deputy in schools. I think the Sheriffs Office can do without ANOTHER supervisor. Please consider this Sheriff.
To those who say Most cannot afford private schools...I say our family 'did without' for many years so our children could have private school. We didn't use an Expensive School, but a reasonably priced school that taught the classics and NO Indoctrination/Dumbing Down/Common Core, and NO Drugs, Violence, Knives, Rape, Assaults, Continuous Disruptions in the school and the classrooms, No guns, NO foul language, NO 'dress' problems, NO Gangs, No 'pushing the students' through to get them out of the system even though they were NOT ready, No discipline, NO bullying, NO teachers who really weren't prepared and didn't want to be there, many students having fear as they attend these failing schools and so much more.
Don't you think giving up some pleasures, conveniences of life is worth paying for private or home school education? Your child only gets ONE opportunity to get a TRUE education; so WHY would you continue to allow your child/children to remain in this H_ll Hole of a system... Take a good look at your current situation and make changes so you don't CHEAT your child and do it soon for their benefit, your benefit and our futures benefit.
834 What is the position for? Supervisor for Schools?
What ? Jake Day is married ??
@10:48 God bless you for what any truly concerned parent would do to allow their children a better learning experience. I worked six days a week, 10 hours a day for 25 years to make sure my child didn't have to deal with wicomico county schools and an even better start in college. Until people start showing up in masses pushing back again Salisbury/wicomico counties lunatic fringe it will continue to get worse. Enjoy Jake Day's socialist policies being implemented in every aspect of the city. I'm sure he'll have a drag queen pageant for his after school socialist cult program
It is time for Donna Hanlin to resign
What the heck is this person talking about? The schools in Wicomico County could barely teach basic math and grammar. Most of the teachers don’t even have capacity to even understand what the words liberal, socialism, etc means let alone teach it, whether it be during school or after school.
@11:06 you're a prime example of the mindset this area consist of. It's not so much the beliefs are taught they are instilled by constant exposure and acceptance. Just keep cheering and sitting back and thinking all is ok while your city and county government turn your area into a cesspool. Never thought I'd live to see the day Salisbury would host grown men dressing up like a female version of a clown in an actual contest and judges. As has been proven in other areas this type of behavior usually involves a strong dependence on drugs and alcohol
It's no longer about the children and ALL about using the schools, and now Jake Day's after school program to continue the indoctrination of the youth to believe and except left wing liberalism
Blue ribbon panel Kirwin just ripping taxpayers off sitting around partying on your money this is what elites do and feel entitled to it.
Until 200 parents show up to a meeting NOTHING will be done.
Some people do not realize that school agendas are extremely important political tools. The elite of 200 years ago (and older) never believed in educating goyim. In modern times, it is recognized that education can be a front for mind control and ALL OF US are victims of it.
Modern political machinations are very complex mind control platforms like public education, media, and religion. The elite have financial control of all these platforms.
We were checkmated a long time ago.
Some of us are waking up to it now.
Most will ridicule any mention of our slavery.
That's y there is going to be a Man Bun CIVIL WAR TICK TOCK SNOWFLAKES.
This is what America is coming down too , Pick America and her being a republic OR A open boarder anti Christian pro Muslim Soros country . PICK 1.
Did anyone visit their children or grandchildren during American Education Week in Wicomico County? No, because it wasn’t allowed. Why?
Two reasons:
A: the school system has too many issues, it is not worth inviting scrutiny
B: inviting elements to the schools who have significant issue(s) places students and staff at serious risk
The dog and pony show that is AEW is an antiquated PR practice from a bygone era. While the school system shares that they have an open door policy, check the fine print. There are limits on visits, and should anyone start an expose, it would be shut down quickly. I agree with the poster suggesting private school. If there is a mass exodus, it would significantly affect funding. Alas, this all falls on deaf ears, and the machine keeps rolling. My children are out of school, but I saw this over a decade ago, pulled them out and went private and never regretted it.
You idiots bought into Jake Day's lies and deceit hook, line and sinker. He implemented all this garbage trying to impress Hogan and Franchot ONLY for a possible shot at a career move to Annapolis. It seems as though the cat is finally out of the bag. He told you two years ago he was planning a possible move to chestertown Maryland, his dream city to live in Maryland. You people didn't listen and bought all his lie and thievery. Good luck trying to survive in "little Baltimore" in the next couple of years. Salisbury is coming unraveled with it's drug problems, homelessness, and the ridding of family home ownership. Day sold you out and you paid for it ALL with your tax revenue. What a city full of morons
Not true. We had guests in our school. Just ones that were on our student’s emergency data form as the county shared.
Pemberton Elementary didn’t allow it.
Pittsville Middle didn’t allow visitors for American Education Week.
Oh tick tock my big toe.
If the City is going to invest all that money into an afterschool program for 12,000 kids then you know it is an indoctrination camp for future Socialist voters. Jake Day just needs a platform to spew his garbage and look important since he is basically unemployed.
How much is this brainwashing camp supposed to cost taxpayers?
1,000 percent correct !!!
Let's hope Sheriff Lewis does away with this Sgt posistion just created and places an extra deputy in schools. To many supervisors already at the sheriffs office. If you dont think so ask any deputy you know. This is a TOTAL waste of tax payers dollars. Let's hope he does the right thing. The schools are dying right before our leaders eyes.
1105 I can't wait to drag u out of mommy's basement by ur ManBun.
The city voters Are FOOLS not county voters.
I hope some people around here realize that plenty of the teachers in this county are conservatives who hate the system they work for just as much as many of the county residents. We do what we can to push back from within and explain to the kids that their lack of discipline and entitled attitudes are setting them up for failure in life. Eventually the people with their hands out will outnumber those of us working, and that's when it will implode. We see it too. We hate it too. We are sick of this politically correct, liberal BS too.
Anonymous said...
It's true people! Mike Dunn was ALL over social media and did an interview on pac14 boasting and bragging about the effect it will have on Salisbury and the surrounding areas.
November 19, 2019 at 2:25 AM
First of all, Mike Dunn has absolutely nothing to do with Wicomico County Schools and has no idea what the Hell he is talking about.
Mike Dunn should keep his nose out of our County schools.
What is Greg Bassett's love affair with Jake Day and Mike Dunn? Bassett must lead a boring life if he can't find anything better to report on.
At this point in my life, my children are off on their own, but as a former employee of the wcboe I will say the following:
30 years ago, I was asked my opinion of the school system by a supervisor. As it was a private conversation, I was blunt and firstly to the point.....
Needless to say, that was not well received, and that was 30 years ago..... the wcboe sr mgmt then rode me and I returned the favor, got big into the association, and gave it right back to them.... they finally gave up on that line, and I bailed on the association and kept on teaching
Now, when I look back, and see all of the garbage that was covered up and not addressed, all the private little meetings that kept all of the secrets in their all so little minds, I feel badly that not one think has changed. Not, one thing. Now, they mayors wife, and a long list of school personnel all accused of vile and disgusting things. It’s no wonder a Wicomico is the laughing stock of the counties at the state level. It’s a dump. I did my time, taught as well as I could and am proud of the work I did, but the most important thing was teaching my kids to run from this place and never look back.
Now, I’m going to go back to my beer, and being an old fat guy on the beach.... attainable goals....
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