DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
A Viewer Writes: Weed farm on Nutters Crossing Road (9-29-19)
Did you know about the field of weed being grown on nutters crossing road between Snow Hill Rd. and Johnson Rd? And you might want to inquire why it seems Mike Lewis has his deputies running security for it? Not to mention the spike strips hidden in the grass directly off the road they intentionally put there surrounding the field(s). Its about 4-5 acres of weed, just drive by and it's all you can smell. Have no problem with it as long as it's a licensed legal grow, however the deputies guarding it on the taxpayers dime is a different story. Just thought you would like to know and hopefully can find something out. Thanks.
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It's a hemp field for cbd and all the benefits of products made from hemp fibers. There are no female plants to produce the THC flowers... Relax people..
It is hemp, not marijuana its regulated by the md department of ag
I think, (already) you people are missing the POINT to this persons message. WHY is the Sheriff's Office in uniform/vehicle protecting this location, so it seems.
They are guarding it because the sheriff’s department is as crooked as a snake.
Most likely being paid by the grower not by the county
It's also illegal to put concealed "traps" on your property.
Ask your boy Mike.
This business is not any different from any other business. Their are not police patrol vehicles on the property. Yes they may ride by but that is not any different than riding through the mall parking lot it any other businesses lots. The fields have video surveillance. It’s is industrial hemp no THC. The fields also have fences up that are electric. So before you write something know the whole story don’t spread lies. Police have been up to the property due to complaints and know what is being grown on the property. My question is how do you know that it is uniformed officers on the property and that our tax paying dollars are paying them. I live very near the area and drive right by the area several times a day and have never seen a police car or uniformed officer guarding the property day or night.
Good lord people not everyone is corrupt. If the sheriffs office or MSP receive complaints of trespassing they are going to go there. Whoever owns that land is a obviously a taxpayer, people have property checks done by the WCSO when they are on vacation. The same people trespassing are probably the same people who don't know the difference between hemp and marijuana. Please educate yourself on the matter before you post things like this.
Not sure why panties are in a was. It's a legit business. Police patrol many businesses. And traps are a good idea to keep people from raiding the fields and stealing so you won't have street pharmacists selling it. Keeps the product's prices down.
Nobody missing any “agenda” points....off duty officers have moonlighted as security and / or “bouncers” for years! Nosey people need to get a job and mind there own business!!! Did anyone call Sheriff Lewis? NO just let accusations fly.....LOL
Visit Lancaster and take the tour you will see the same.
How profitable is a crop that requires so much security ?
Now I know why I don't see wcso on the streets doing patrols, enforcement,speed enforcement.
I think most of these commentators should focus more on the proper use of “there”, their, and “they’re”. Believe it or not the import of your message is diminished if you don’t use proper spelling and grammar.
Where's the closest place nearby to buy papers?
Look it is time to realize that our Country is thoroughly corrupt from top to bottom. The locals are corrupted by the Feds who are answering to the globalists.
Everybody is on the take.
This is what happens to criminal governments just before collapse.
What is hemp used for ?
Try turning around near the property! You'll get a popped tire and a Sherriff coming to check out the situation!
Clothing,accessories such as bags & jewelry, footwear... aaaannndd much much more.
Can’t call him. He has been out of town all week. Again. As usual.
A friend of mine was driving down nutters and had to turn around, and as soon as they left the road the tire was flattened by a spike strip, and within 30 seconds there was a marked deputy cruiser behind them. Then that deputy had to leave, and called another one to stay until they changed the tire. Explain that! I have never seen that done before, and most likely won't again unless it's on that road by that field....
September 29, 2019 at 10:15 AM
The "import"?
Maybe you should heed your own advice and work on spell checking.
Hemp has been used to make rope, clothes, and fabrics. The seeds are extremely viscous and has tremendous value as a lubricant.
This crop shouldn’t need security. But there are stupid people out there that think they’re gonna steal a plant or two and get high off of it๐ Thus the security cameras and police patrol.
Many many things. Clothing , paper products, etc.
Can we grow some hemp without Mike or the other cronies bothering us?
10:15. Perhaps you should look up the meaning of and use of the word import in a dictionary. I’m sure you can figure it out.
Does hemp have any of the needed stuff to get a buzz? You say no female plants , however , we are a nation of trans sex . Will modern technology supply us with the needs for a buzz or is this the beginning of something good.
little matt and andy holloway grow hemp.
If it was just hemp it wouldnt need perimiter spikes and hired guns. Someone is feeding you a bunch of bs. Seems the most likely that it is someone politically connected.
It's a different plant than marijuana; all the female plants in the world wouldn't make it so. CBD oil, some of the best ropes, clothing come from the HEMP plant. Dupont (paper, nylon) & drug companies have fought tooth & nail to keep both plants illegal for years. So glad to see farmers getting to grow something organically that they can actually turn a profit on. Now, due largely to this misinformed person giving out location, they will undoubtedly be more idiots trashing their fields. Sheriff's dept. employees do security elsewhere for extra income, so why is this any different, if this anonymous person even has that detail correct?
Most of these are privately owned by taxpayers who sell the product to for profit companies that,in turn, make large contributions to the county and/or state. Not to mention that a lot of officers work overtime for extra money. So, to answer your question, the police presence is being paid for in one way or another AND they are trying to prevent an increase in crime fro. The morons who don't know that hemp won't get you high. But now that you have taken it upon yourselves to give the idiots a map to the spot, prepare for an INCREASE in police presence. ����
Your dating yourself;-)
It makes the strongest tinsle strength rope, and George Washington grew it for that and other purposes.
Right. Here's an idea, why don't you busy bodies get a life. Or move to Baker street where you can see some real thugs and drugs.
They're "guarding" it because there have been numerous incidences of theft and crop destruction at the location by people who think it's weed. Areas with frequent criminal violations get more law enforcement surveillance as a matter of course.
My wife goes down Nutters Crossroad all the time. She said there is a skunky smell along there and I thought, just a dead skunk. I noticed these strange small bushes and decided to stop and ask what were they growing. They said industrial hemp and that everyone will be allowed to grow it next year. They said it had no THC and would not be used for CBD oil. Since it is a variety that is used for medicinal and CBD oil, I shook my head, wondering why the crop wouldn't be used for CBD oil. The only other alternative is its medicinal, but can't be anymore than .3 % or less THC, to be buyable for products.
I asked if I could have a bud, they gave me a puney little bud, after about six to ten bong hits, I got the munches, and realized I was high, but why tell me no THC when it does contain at least .3% if they are growing the variety for medicinal and CBD oil. If it contains more than .3% the buyer can't use it.
This is the variety that is being grown.
Cannabis indica has poor fibre quality and is used to make drugs for recreation and medicine. The plant is relatively short, conical and densely branched. Cannabis indica tend to have a higher ฮ9-THC and a lower Cannabidiol (CBD) content than C. sativa L. Marijuana, dependent on the strain, can have THC concentrations of 18% to 38%.
You don't know the true function of the sheriff's department, do you?
Hemp has very little THC, almost mil, Definitely not enough to get a high from.
The protection is to save the field from idiots who think it's cannabis with usable THC.
Plants for medical CBD have to be grown under strict guidelines. Most open fields for not qualify for medicinal. Most likely this hemp is being used for textiles.
September 29, 2019 at 5:08 PM
Then the "private" citizen growing it should pay for and provide themselves ample security.
My tax dollars don't need to be footing the bill because they are too lazy and cheap to properly protect their investment.
Take your lying bs elsewhere.
Invest in your own security, thats what a business person does. I dont need to be paying for your cheap stupidity.
Such a crock of crap.
If I run a bank and leave the vault open I can expect the taxpayers to foot the bill for full time police security because I am too stupid to protect my own asset?
Isn't that what this idiot is doing?
Typical self centered superior born here mentality of the pompous smallsbury elite.
Jerk deserves to be outed.
Let me start by saying that I own the field. We are growing Industrial Hemp as part of a research project with Salisbury University. I also personally cloned every plant in the field from an Industrial Hemp variety with No THC. We cloned them from the same mother plant so they all have the exact same genetics thus making it impossible to have an illegal plant with THC. If someone is claiming to have gotten “high” then it was a placebo effect or residue in their pipe because it would be impossible. Most Industrial Hemp varieties have zero to close to zero THC in them so someone would have to smoke about 10 acres to get a buzz. I don’t think anyone with common sense is foolish enough to think it’s marijuana or that it has THC however we have had about 15+ people so far come in and trash our fields. Next year it is anticipated that everyone will be able to grow the crop. To be very honest it’s not a very profitable crop to grow and we will be going back to organic corn next year. For those who have been supportive, Thank You!
Theft of personal property is a crime, as well as trespassing to do so, which makes it a more serious crime. They're stealing crops from farmers, for crying out loud!
12:58 PM - Baloney.
Good grief, I'm 72 and Know it's legal. What's the problem? Stop commenting without facts. We're not the only area where this is legal. GROW UP!!
9:13 you are a dumb@$$.
The problem I see with growing this variety is even thou it has no THC, or very little, there will be unscrupulous people who may spray who knows what on it to achieve a high, and turn around and sell it to unsuspecting people. With it having the smell of weed and a chemical sprayed on it to get you high, you may not know the difference. Just say no
their hemp is pollinating my sinse!!!!
Thank you for your response but good luck trying to get the ignorant to understand facts.
Ummmm. Think it already has!
Its just a plant wheter it be hemp or the stuff that will get you stoned c'mon now!!! What are people gonna do when full legalazation is passed both on the state and federal level and us as private citizens are allowed to grow 3 or 4 plants for our own personal use of the greatest medicine known. And who cares if the WCSO patrols there,if you had a buisness wouldnt you want them to look out for what makes you money? I know for a fact i would!!! All of you worried about a little hemp growing at least its not a field of poppy plants that can be manufactured into heroin and other opioidic drugs thats the real problem in this county!
Hey poster, how do you know if it is on the tax payers dime or not, did your dumb ass even go look or do a FOIA request on these officers to see if the county, state or city or even the business people themselves are paying for this??? NO of course not, it is just easier to run your god damn mouth isn't it???? Why don't you sorry excuse for human beings, stay the hell out of other peoples businesses, especially when your to stupid to even research the subject matter and gather facts...
The cops guard all kids of crap, getting paid by tax dollars, but you don't seem to care about that???? Why????? You don't seem to care your taxed to death literally, and they waste that money on bullshit, why???????
You know as much about hemp plants as I do brain surgery, the flower has nothing to do with THC content. Both plants flower it's a matter of identifying female plants from Male and it is done by the flowers.
There is a field of it on North West road. They foot patrol it with weapons. It does smell good when you ride by though. Just folks trying to make a buck.
I find it funny that people will get this heated over a field of hemp. Hell it's not even the first time it has been grown in the area. This was done damn near 20 years ago on 61O in whallyvill . not one word was ever mentioned in the media.
Its not the only pot farm in the Salisbury area. I ride by one that is on the other side of the woods next to the road that REEKS of marijuana flowers. It is a potent grade being grown. I KNOW the smell. That's all I have to say. I would never bust the grower. It might be for local consumption. And I enjoy the aroma twice a day on my commute through the Salisbury area.
They have private security.
20 years ago you didn't have so many pansies hiding behind anonymous posting on social media.
The field of Hemp that was grown in Whaleyville 20 yrs ago also had problems with people stealing the plants - not knowing that it was for clothing and shoes. There were paths going into that field from the road that looked like herds of deer were going in. But you could sit and watch the cars stopping and people going in and returning with arms full of plants.
Oh noting to see here right that's bull n u know it there is more than meets the eye with this
Lies all lies
Then if it does not get you high, then why all the precautions to protect just plain hemp?
@September 30, 2019 at 9:50 AM, Hey fool, did someone pee in your cornflakes this morning? Plus you need to watch your dirty mouth and calm the heck down. You're too mad about this to not have something to do with it. Maybe the police are checking to see if there are maybe a few real marijuana plants hidden among that hemp. Maybe I will tell them that it's a possibility, that they need to go have a look. Maybe that's why you are so hyped up. That it's been brought to the public's eye. If it's yours, you better hope there is no marijuana in there.
Huh??? Hemp and marijuana look and smell exactly the same. There are no pot farms in Salisbury. Only hemp and this one is industrial.
no body here grows these plants and it's clear, I'm not gonna confirm or deny whether it's hemp or not but do your research people... they are grown completely different and by law they have to have cameras and security and a fence for industrial hemp farms so for those thinking the protection of the field means there's more to it is wrong, but like I said you can know what's really growing by simply researching how hemp and marijuana is grown
Has to be hemp. Illegal to grow Marijuana in the state of Maryland outdoor.
Cannabis hemp was legal tender (money) in most of the Americas from 1631 until the early 1800s. You could pay your taxes with cannabis hemp throughout America for over 200 years. ... Hemp was used for clothing, military uniforms, ship's rigging, shoes, parachute webbing, baggage, rope, paper and parchment, and much, much more.
The Sheriffs department has an obligation to citizens AND FARMERS you idiots. A bunch of morons think this is pot and are trying to steal the farmer blind. Darn right the Sheriffs dept. better be there protecting the farmer from crop loss and our community from thugs and theft.
October 4, 2019 at 12:26 AM - yes there are pot farms in salisbury. ask the farmer on little lane
Sheriff Dept gets it's Cut of the profits !!!! New Cars !!!
CBD cures everything !!! New snake oil for 2019 !!!!
Jake Day's Wife seen there at night !!! LOL LOL
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